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调查单纯性先天上睑下垂一家系5代20例.通过系谱分析,认定该病为常染色体显性遗传.因基因突变而引起提上睑肌功能不全所致,需通过整形手术而矫正。  相似文献   

目的:探讨改良的额肌瓣悬吊术治疗重度先天性上睑下垂的临床疗效及影响疗效的因素。方法:对80例(114眼)确诊为重度先天性上睑下垂的患者实施改良的额肌瓣悬吊术,记录并分析其临床资料,进行疗效评估。结果:114眼中矫正满意者106眼(93%),欠矫者5眼(4.4%),过矫者3眼(2.6%),回退者7眼(6.1%)。结论:改良的额肌瓣悬吊术治疗重度先天性上睑下垂疗效肯定,是目前治疗重度先天性上睑下垂的首选术式。  相似文献   

heyuwei@sina.com问:我的儿子2岁4个月大,总爱抬着眼皮看东西,医生说这是先天性上睑下垂。请问,现在可以通过手术治疗吗?如果不可以的话,什么时候手术最好呢?胡天鹏大夫答:先天性上睑下垂是由提  相似文献   

<正> 上睑下垂系上睑不能上举或力量不足的一种异常状态。由于外伤或手术损伤提上睑肌所致之上睑下垂、属于外伤性。现报告病例如下:  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高 ,中老年人要求重整形象的呼声越来越高 ,而眉梢外侧皮肤松驰引起的上睑外侧部皮肤呈“兜”状改变与眉梢下垂则是面部皮肤老化的早期表现 ,也是患者就诊的主要原因之一。以往的眉上入路辅以部分皮肤切除 ,虽简便有效 ,但由于该群体的人大多眉毛稀疏 ,对术后可能形成的疤痕顾虑重重 ,使手术的普及受到了限制。1 资料与方法1 1 临床资料 本组 35例 ,年龄 4 5~ 6 5岁 (年轻时均为双眼皮者 ) ,站立时均伴有不同程度的眉梢向外下低垂 ,上睑饱满 ,上睑钩变平或上睑覆盖全部重睑线呈现明显的 (三角眼 )。1 2 手术方法1 2 1…  相似文献   

满某,男,5岁,1985年7月无明显诱因右眼上睑下垂,20d后自然缓解,1986年1月疲劳后双眼上睑下垂加重,于同年10月10日到我院初诊。体检未见异常。双眼视力1.0,眼球运动无受限,双眼底正常。双上睑下垂遮盖角膜3mm。疲劳试验阳性;Cogan眼睑颤动呈阳性。肌注新斯的明后10min,双眼上睑下垂恢复,睑裂恢复正常大小。注射后1  相似文献   

重症肌无力有多种类型,而眼肌型无力较常见。近年来,应用大剂量强地松治疗效果满意。国内仅有王、苏两氏报道。我院眼肌组收入院治疗14例,获得一定效果,现报告如下: 临床资料 一般资料:本组14例,男性8例,女性6例,年龄最小8个月,最大24岁。病程最长3年,最短10天。单纯上睑下垂3例,上睑下垂台并眼球运动受限11例。  相似文献   

在解析几何中,有一类题涉及到角平分线的问题,这类题型往往与平面向量、圆锥曲线等相结合,通过稍加改变而成创新题.这类问题若通过联立方程等手段破解.则往往事倍功半.甚至无功而返.而若能巧用相似三角形的性质则可轻松破解这类创新题.下面就“已知角平分线求顶点”和“已知顶点证角平分线”二类问题进行举例分析.  相似文献   

梁青 《山东教育》2013,(11):37-38
一、变抽象为直观。认识模型图。理解一位小数的意义教学片段一师:课前我们通过吟诵和交流《三字经》.知道了”一而十.十而百.百而千.千而万”这几句话告诉我们一些道理:从小要认数.认数要一点一点地积累,从1到10.从少到多,满10进1.  相似文献   

黄某、女、32岁、于1985年4月22日因左眼被人用铁义扎伤,眼球脱出23小时而入院。检查全身无外伤改变。眼部检查:视力右0.3、左黑蒙,左眼上睑外侧距睑缘5mm处有一长约1Cm之横行皮肤破口,眼球向前脱出于眼眶外,眼睑反被眼球压住,球结膜上方有1cm之破口且淤血,结膜及角膜干燥、混浊,瞳孔散大约4mm,直  相似文献   

地方高师院校音乐教师职业倦怠探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业倦怠是影响地方高师音乐教师职业素质、心理健康的不利因素,其身体的衰竭、认知的扭曲和行为的异常,影响着地方高师院校音乐教师素质的全面发挥。文章主要从社会因素、学校因素、工作因素以及个人因素四个角度具体分析地方高师院校音乐教师产生职业倦怠的原因,并寻求解决策略。  相似文献   

目前,我国乡镇企业的法律人才短缺,应针对这种状况,利用乡镇企业成人中等专业学校加大培养力度。本文是从乡镇企业法律人才培养的必要性、培养形式和如何教学、如何对法律人才的知识更新等几方面加以探讨,目的是促进我国乡镇企业的健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

The transformation of higher education systems under the pressure of new needs required by the “society of knowledge” in France and Italy has had a deep effect on the relationship between state and university, and therefore a direct impact on university governance. This article sums up the main results of a research carried out on university Présidents in France and Rettori in Italy, with the aim of understanding their views about the changing process in higher education systems and the related impact on their leading role. There emerges a picture of systems transiting from a traditional centralised Napoleonic structure to a new one where the growing autonomy requires a different kind of governance not previously experienced, and thus not easy to implement mostly because of the resistance coming from universities themselves. The majority of Presidents and Rectors seem aware of the changing process and the related problems even if they do not all agree upon feasible trends to follow. Such a disagreement appears to be an understandable consequence of the unstable and unpredictable direction of the changing situation in the two systems.  相似文献   

The study uses data from a census survey, augmented by school enrolment statistics, to analyse factors related to inequality in participation in schooling in Indonesia. It is argued that the census-type survey provides a very useful means by which participation can be monitored in developing countries and it also provides a particularly valuable basis on which to examine relationships between socio-economic and, to a lesser extent, educational variables and participation. The results obtained indicate that while some socio-economic characteristics of families are the source of expected significant inequalities, other characteristics, such as sex differences and the distinction between farm and non-farm families, do not relate to participation for certain levels of schooling and in urban areas.  相似文献   

文章就山东兖州兴隆塔地宫出土遗物中的“安葬舍利碑”、鎏金银棺和石函上的图像进行了研究后,指出碑文中所说的于阗法藏法师可能是于闽王族;其赴“西天”取“世尊金顶骨真身舍利”,云游峨眉、五台,并因“恋皇帝化风.不归本处”的时代正值喀喇汗王朝进攻于阗的战争中,碑文中的“西天”可能是指于阗或疏勒等新疆地区。鎏金银棺上的“华严三圣”和阿修罗图像反映了中古于阗佛教的信仰,是受法藏的影响。鎏金银棺、石函上的涅柴经变图和龟兹石窟壁画不完全相同,是依据大乘经典錾刻的,但图像中的“魔王众”值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper aims to research practices of resistance as an important part of agency in primary school classrooms. By combining a post-structural theoretical frame with a critical ethnographic research approach, it understands children’s resistance as an ordinary practice, as a necessary response to structures and practices of the classroom setting. It argues that agency needs to be resistant to some extent, because otherwise it would be merely submission or adaptation. How agency can emerge depends on the social position of the student, which influences the way in which she or he is able to anticipate (more or less implicitly) spaces for resistant agency and also how he or she is addressed in the classroom and beyond. An ethnographic case study of German lessons in a third-grade primary class in a German school shows how resistant agency manifests and how it might be restricted when it comes to racialised subject-positions in the classroom.  相似文献   

OTO作为一种新的电商模式在各大城市出现,对零售业产生了很大影响。文章对国内外OTO研究进行了梳理:国外对电商的研究比较深入、系统,也较为广泛,在技术应用方面也更加成熟和市场化;国内关于电商的研究更多的是产业模式的创新、实践创新或产业纵深拓展等应用型研究,但对数据挖掘和技术创新的研究落后于实际技术的应用。零售业走电子商务的道路是必然选择,但网络技术与理念落后、市场供需分散、专业人才匮乏等问题的存在表明对中小城市发展OTO模式还是一个挑战。  相似文献   

英汉翻译最终是要追求两种语言对同一认识内容在内在本质上相通、相合的表达,这固然需要语言外在形式上的契合,然而由于两种语言自然构成和文化系统上的差别,达到其内在本质上相符的"神合"境界,必须以一定程度上语言外在形式的背离为条件.以"貌离"的方式达到"神合",是英汉翻译中不可避免的现象.  相似文献   

School improvement is a complex undertaking for any school but for schools in challenging or difficult circumstances it presents extra problems. Not only do schools in challenging circumstances often face acute levels of socio-economic deprivation, but also, improvement or change efforts can be extremely fragile in these volatile school contexts. This article focuses upon the process of leading change in a group of schools in challenging circumstances in England. It draws upon empirical data and focuses particularly on the process of leading change in schools in difficulty by exploring three leadership themes. The article concludes by arguing that while the quality of leadership is undoubtedly important in these school contexts it is simply not sufficient to combat the stubborn relationship between social disadvantage and underachievement. This relationship is more likely to be broken through structural change and localised and community-based action rather than through the forces of standardization or accountability.  相似文献   

Learning difficulties in numeracy in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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