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随着教育技术的不断进步,学习空间的打造具备了多种可能性。智慧型学习空间是在全球云资源可共享的条件下,实现课堂教学、研究和实践一体化的学习模式。智慧型学习空间适应了当今研究生培养的多种需求。文章以现实案例与图示设计为基础,从满足理论学习与实践应用的双重需求及满足以职业或学术为导向等多元化的培养需求阐述研究生智慧型学习空间对研究生教育的重要意义,从课堂教学、研究与实践一体化打造个性化、翻转课堂的学习空间探讨其独特功能。中国研究生智慧空间建设可以从有效整合资源和依托各项新技术,打造多功能的、个性化的学习空间等方面推进。  相似文献   

基于教育问题的“实践性学习”强调教育实践在教师教育过程中的作用,是培养师范生教育胜任力的一种新型模式。在教育理念上,“实践性学习“强调“知行合一”,侧重“做中学”,认为职前教师教育仅仅传授教育知识是远远不够的,还必须提供教育实践机会,在“实践场景”下让他们尽早进入专业领域,参与教育实践活动,才能掌握了教育的程序和方法,获得教育胜任力。  相似文献   


Advanced by powerful venture philanthropies, educational technology companies, and the US Department of Education, a growing movement to apply ‘big data’ through ‘learning analytics’ to create ‘personalized learning’ is currently underway in K-12 education in the United States. While scholars have offered various critiques of the corporate school reform agenda, the role of personalized learning technology in the corporatization of public education has not been extensively examined. Through a content analysis of US Department of Education reports, personalized learning advocacy white papers, and published research monographs, this paper details how big data and adaptive learning systems are functioning to redefine educational policy, teaching, and learning in ways that transfer educational decisions from public school classrooms and teachers to private corporate spaces and authorities. The analysis shows that all three types of documents position education within a reductive set of economic rationalities that emphasize human capital development, the expansion of data-driven instruction and decision-making, and a narrow conception of learning as the acquisition of discrete skills and behavior modification detached from broader social contexts and culturally relevant forms of knowledge and inquiry. The paper concludes by drawing out the contradictions inherent to personalized learning technology and corporatization of schooling. It argues that these contradictions necessitate a broad rethinking of the value and purpose of new educational technology.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study to determine the strategies used by teachers to include students with special educational needs in regular classrooms, primarily using Cooperative Learning strategies. It aims to identify the factors of inclusive learning in order to enhance the participation and learning of all students in the classroom and in their cooperative teams. A qualitative case study was carried out in the context of the teachers participating in a postgraduate course ‘expert in cooperative learning’ offered by the University of Alcalá (Spain), over a period of six years (2011–2017), involving the participation of 176 professional teachers. All the participants attended an annual university continuous training course on cooperative learning. Document analysis, in-depth interviews and a questionnaire designed ad hoc were used. The conclusions include the importance of cooperative work in facilitating inclusive education, with a variety of different strategies used to respond to all students' needs, and those with special educational needs in particular, and the coordination required between teachers and special educational needs specialists to implement those strategies.  相似文献   

"泛在学习"逐渐成为人们生活的一部分,教师培训工作者如何使受训教师们更好地习得在"泛在学习"背景下开展教育、教学的相应能力,成为教育技术人共同面临并尝试解决的问题。微信支持下的混合式学习,立足微信的及时通信,支持语音短信、视频、图片、文字,支持多人群聊等功能,并利用微信公众平台面向受众系统传播、多元定制的功能,从教学到学习的开展都极好地实现了"泛在",很大程度上改善与提高职前教师教育技术能力培养工作能效,有效地促进了职前教师对教育技术能力的深入掌握。  相似文献   


Some educators take the view that instructional technology may be an end in itself rather than a means to a greater conception of education. However, like any other educational practice, the use of instructional technology will be most effective when it is placed within a theoretical context. This article examines the use of instructional technology within the framework of anthropologist Gregory Bateson's theory of learning, which views learning as a function of expectation and engagement of the student within the context of the learning experience.  相似文献   

大数据、移动互联网和云计算等技术发展,传统的教育方法已经不能满足学生的需要。"互联网+"教育是教育技术的改革,是对教学、学习和组织模式的变革,"互联网+"混合教学模式是将信息技术与教育有机结合,体现了新时代需求,高效的教学模式成为学生学习的新手段,混合式教学模式极大的提高了学生学习能动性。  相似文献   

教育改革在于创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育创新是理论创新、制度创新、科技创新的知识和人才基础。“教育创新是时代的要求”,是科教兴国战略的需要,也是教育发展和改革的需要。教育创新,首先要求解放思想。教育观念的转变是先导,教育制度是保证。教育制度创新包括教育投入制度、教育管理制度、教育教学制度等的创新。我们要根据十六大报告提出的战略目标,到21世纪初,建成终身学习的教育体系和学习型社会的教育体系。  相似文献   

Since 1999, MIT has undertaken an extensive effort in creating and implementing educational technology. Broadly speaking, there have been two kinds of efforts: developing web-based services for higher education and creating educational technology applications for use in the classroom. This article reviews a group of projects that produced educational technology applications for use in the classroom or for classroom-based activities and were assessed by educational researchers in the Teaching and Learning Laboratory (TLL). From those in depth studies, as well as less extensive involvement with a half dozen more initiatives, we draw three major findings on the role and impact of educational technologies as they were developed and used at MIT over 6 years: (1) the most successful educational technologies meet a specific instructional need that has been unmet or poorly met by traditional media; (2) too much technology or technology that does not work well can be detrimental; and (3) there are important relationships between the technologies and the learning environments in which they operate.
Lori BreslowEmail:

The project reported in this paper addresses the issue of trainee teacher learning with regard to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) during the school placement element of one-year postgraduate teacher training programmes in England. Through a focus on the university/school partnership, school organisational and classroom pedagogic processes, the project aimed to improve knowledge and understanding about teacher education relevant to the special educational needs and inclusive education fields. Specifically, the project examined and compared the school-based learning and outcomes of postgraduate teacher trainees in primary and secondary programmes that used different approaches to preparing teachers for the special needs aspects of their future teaching. Three kinds of school-based approaches are examined: one that involved a practical teaching task; a second which involved a pupil-focused task (but not practical teaching); and a third where there was no specific pupil-focused SEND task other than class teaching practice.

The paper reports on what and how trainees learned about teaching pupils with SEND and on differences related to the use of SEND tasks. Findings indicate that what trainees learn about teaching pupils with SEND is strongly interlinked with what they learn about teaching in general. The pedagogic knowledge learned from undertaking planned pupil-focused SEND tasks, however, centres on pupils’ personal learning needs, something that was less likely to be learned from only whole-class teaching experience. Implications for schools, initial teacher education (ITE) providers, national and international policy are presented as evidence-informed questions with possible options.  相似文献   

优质教育资源分布不均衡、中西部农村地区教育相对落后是制约我国实现教育现代化和教育公平的主要瓶颈.作为促进优质教育资源均衡化分布的重要载体,大型公益在线学习平台提供丰富的优质教育资源,具备学生自主学习、教育教学质量监控与保障、优秀教师公开课示范和在线答疑等功能.当前,良好的软硬件设施、迅猛发展的开放式网络课程及在线教育平台,为大型公益在线学习平台建设提供了现实条件.而大型公益在线学习平台的准公共物品属性,决定了其建设、运营和维护等需要政府大力支持.因此,从助推教育公平视角,政府应大力支持和资助大型公益在线学习平台建设.  相似文献   

智能时代教育生态体系正在不断变革中发生重构,教育基本理论被赋予新的内涵,智能时代的教育公平从群体教育机会转向个体学习机会,教育过程均等转向学习路径适合需要,追求个体自觉下的多元教育结果。资历框架是智能时代教育公平的制度保障,为不同群体生命历程中成长成才提供基础,为各级各类教育衔接和学分互认提供标准,为面向未来完全学分制教育改革提供支撑。智能时代教育公平需要教育管理者、教育研究者及教育实践者多方协同共同努力实现。  相似文献   

Study of Malaysian adoption of mobile learning (m-learning) is still in the early stages. However, there are numerous researchers in the country exploring the potential and application of m-learning in the Malaysian education system, including special education. A key question is whether teachers are prepared to incorporate mobile technology as part of their teaching tools or do teachers perceive mobile technology only as personal communication gadgets. This paper investigates teachers' perception of m-learning applications in special education classes. Interviews were conducted to collect related information on teachers' perceptions of m-learning in the selected schools. The teachers expressed that there are limited resources to cater to the attention of special needs learners and they believed edutainment technologies such as augmented reality, game-based educational software and animation projects could be the answer. The benefits and challenges of implementing blended learning for special education are also discussed. The paper concludes by summarising the current environment of m-learning in Malaysian special needs education, together with recommendations for future use of the technology.  相似文献   

Warnock advocated that all young people with learning difficulties should be entitled to an appropriate education beyond the compulsory age of 16. The purpose of the study was to investigate attitudes to post‐16 educational provision for students with special educational needs. What are the strengths and weaknesses of current provision and is it deemed adequate from the perspective of the student? The study reveals that despite many of Warnock's visions becoming a reality, many have not. For students with moderate learning difficulties the doors have, by and large, been opened to access mainstream further education provision at least to some extent. However, for those students with more severe difficulties, including autistic spectrum condition and profound and multiple learning difficulties, provision appears to be either inadequate or simply unavailable.  相似文献   

元宇宙是一种整合多种新技术的互联网未来新形态,其与教育领域相结合具有巨大的潜力。文章首先指出元宇宙是一个不断发展、演变的概念,而教育元宇宙具有交互性、沉浸性、多元性三个核心特征,并介绍了教育元宇宙的六大底层支撑技术及应用场景。然后,文章从学科教育、非正式学习、职业培训等领域的案例入手,介绍了以VR/AR学习环境为代表的教育元宇宙当前的发展状况。最后,文章分析了教育元宇宙面临的问题与挑战,并针对教育元宇宙初期的发展从机制、技术、教学三个方面提出建议。教育元宇宙为研究教育系统的复杂性和教育的发生发展规律打开了另一扇大门,而研究其应用、挑战与展望为教育元宇宙的发展指明了方向,注入了动力。  相似文献   

Developments in international inclusive education policy, including in prominent UN documents, often refer to the aim of a quality education for all. Yet, it remains unclear: What exactly is meant by quality education? And, under what conditions are quality educational experiences possible for all learners? In this essay, Diana Murdoch, Andrea English, Allison Hintz, and Kersti Tyson bring together research on inclusive education with philosophy of transformative learning, in particular John Dewey and phenomenology, to further the discussion on these two questions. The authors argue that teacher–learner relationships, of a particular kind, are necessary for fostering environments wherein all learners have access to quality educational experiences associated with productive struggle as an indispensable aspect of transformative learning processes. They define such relationships as “educational relationships that support students to feel heard.” In developing their argument, the authors first analyze the concept of productive struggle, an aspect of learning increasingly recognized in research and policy as an indicator of quality education. Second, they discuss three necessary, though not sufficient, conditions for the teacher to cultivate educational relationships that support students to feel heard. Third, they draw out connections between environments that support feeling heard and those that support productive struggle, and they discuss teachers' challenges and risk-taking in creating such environments. The authors close with a discussion of implications for international policy, practice, and research.  相似文献   

全纳教育通过为有障碍和无障碍学生建立学习型社区,使所有学生在适龄的普通教育场景接受相同的教育。全纳教育代表所有学生的利益,提倡教师要为差异而教。学习障碍学生是美国中小学接受特殊教育的最大群体。全纳教育对美国学习障碍学生的教育安置、学业进步和社会性发展均产生一定影响。研究全纳教育对学习障碍学生的教育影响有助于提高全纳教育的效能并对评估和推进全纳教育起到指导作用。  相似文献   

Curriculum development initiatives, especially those involving educational technologies, provide a rich learning space for university teachers. In-depth interviews with teaching staff (n = 11) were qualitatively analysed to gain insight into the variety of individual learning paths and to identify potential relationships between learning paths, motivation, and conceptions of teaching and learning through educational technology. Three distinct learning paths relating to teachers’ learning preferences and activities were identified: learning by performing daily teaching activities; deliberately experimenting with new teaching approaches; and reflecting on teaching experiences. The relationships between learning paths and relevant factors are described and implications for professional development practices are discussed.  相似文献   

In our article, we explore the possibility of formulating theses about teaching as one way to use research as a basis for educational action. The theses are formulated from current educational research on teaching and learning in higher education. We also explore the potential for action and the consequences derived from the theses. With our theses, we criticise less complex ways of using research for educational purposes. Through theses we can suggest directions for action without prescribing certain methods or procedures and provide answers without reducing the teachers' possibilities for choice or diminishing their responsibility for their actions. Our exploration is an invitation to a collaborative exploration of theses on teaching and learning in order to broaden and deepen our shared basis for educational action.  相似文献   

This article, by Anthony Maher of the University of Central Lancashire, explores, from the perspective of SENCos and learning support assistants (LSAs) in north‐west England, the perceived adequacy of Statements of special educational needs as they relate to physical education (PE). The findings, generated via online surveys, suggest that most SENCos and some LSAs believe that Statements are appropriate for all curricular subjects, with PE being no different. Thus, two groups who play an integral role in facilitating the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream secondary schools in England do not differentiate between classroom based and more physically orientated subjects such as PE, which could have a negative impact on the experiences of pupils with special educational needs in PE because of the contextual and dynamic nature of special educational needs. Indeed, because most Statements do not provide PE‐specific information or learning targets, teachers and LSAs are often unable to collaboratively plan and deliver inclusive lessons or monitor and evaluate the progress made by Statemented pupils in PE.  相似文献   

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