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庞振华  林小洁  唐礼 《科教导刊》2023,(11):103-105
“口腔种植学”是一门研究如何采用生物材料制成的人工牙根、牙冠替代缺失牙,以获得长期稳定的咀嚼功能和外形美观的口腔临床医学,其学科知识的综合性及临床操作的专业性,决定了实验课教学是该课程教学的重要环节。广西医科大学口腔种植学教研室将PBL教学理念与自身学科特点相结合,通过模拟临床情境以及改良教学评价体系等教学手段,在本科口腔医学专业“口腔种植学”的实验课教学中取得了理想的教学效果。  相似文献   

张军朋 《物理教师》2011,32(5):1-3,6
目前我国物理教师教育已形成多层次、多规格、多形式的职前、职后教师教育的格局.针对物理教师教育课程普遍存在的问题,改革物理学科教育类的课程,建立职前职后一体化的学科教育类课程结构,加强系列化教材建设,建立网络教学环境和资源平台,开发教师教育课程资源,改革课程实施模式,突出实践能力的培养,建立多元化的评价体系,是提高物理教师培养和培训质量的根本措施和途径.  相似文献   

著名桥梁学家、工程教育家茅以升先生在长期的工程实践和教育实践中形成了一套完整的被称为“习而学”的工程教育思想,这种工程教育思想具有:重视实践能力的工程人才培养目标;强调培养学生工程实践能力的教学计划;以工程任务为中心,理论与实践相结合的课程设置和分阶段、多层次、重视工程实践能力的工程人才培养模式。而这些完全符合我国目前...  相似文献   

如何培养中小学生良好的信息素养 ,成为教育技术学研究和实践人员讨论的焦点之一。本文通过信息素养三维立体图描述了信息技术教育的理想目标区域 ,在探讨信息技术教育与学科课程关系的基础上 ,以多方式、多层次实现信息技术与课程的整合 ,最终达到中小学信息技术教育的目标  相似文献   

目前,生命教育课程的设计与开发在课程基础、课程定位、课程目标、课程内容与课程实施等方面存在诸多亟待解决的问题。改进中小学生命教育课程开发的基本思路与策略是:完善课程的理论与实践基础,确立明晰的课程定位和独立的课程设置,构建分阶段、层次化的课程目标与内容体系,注重课程实施中的活动体验。  相似文献   

我校结合本校实际,充分依托同济大学的专业支撑,经过多层次、多渠道的反复研讨论证后,逐渐把“科技与人文和谐发展”的教育视角逐步延伸至关系到整个人类生存发展的“地球学”上。我校力求在基础型课程的学科教学中对接“地球学”知识,整合拓展型课程中有关“地球学”的专题课程,开发、建设基于“地球学”的研究型课程,将科技与人文的教育和学校常规教学活动融为一体。  相似文献   

高校女性学课程建设应实现核心课程与其他学科交叉综合,推动女性学课程向多层次、开放式的发展,在此基础上,实现女性学课程的多元性推衍:女性学课程的本土文化性推衍、女性学课程的特定职业性推衍、女性学课程的人文审美性推衍及女性学课程的社会实践性推衍.  相似文献   

我校结合本校实际,充分依托同济大学的专业支撑,经过多层次、多渠道的反复研讨论证后,逐渐把科技与人文和谐发展的教育视角逐步延伸至关系到整个人类生存发展的地球学上。我校力求在基础型课程的学科教学中对接地球学知识,整合拓展型课程中有关地球学的专题课程,开发、建设基  相似文献   

初等教育学学科诉求是初等教育实践发展的历史推动,小学教师专业化建设的现实要求也反映了教育学学科自身既有综合又有分化的发展趋势。初等教育学学科诉求的任务,是建立形成初等教育学的理论范畴和学科体系,为儿童学习和成长创造一片崭新的天地。基于初等教育学学科建设,高师小学教育专业教育类课程应当重定课程的目标取向、重组课程的知识构成、重构课程的体系平台。  相似文献   

加拿大媒介素养教育代表了当今世界的先进水平,而安大略是加拿大媒介素养教育发展最早、最成熟的省份,其中学(7—12年级)媒介素养教育课程的特色是分阶段循环提升的课程目标、批判性思考与创新性制作并重的课程内容、多元平等灵活的课程组织方式以及着眼于细节的六级课程评估标准。我国在培养中学生媒介素养时可借鉴其课程建构的理念与方法。  相似文献   

针对目前英语口语教学在高职教育中的重要性,辽宁工程技术大学经济管理学院提出了"双向互动式"英语口语教学模式及其相应的评估体系。该模式是以口语技能训练为导向,以学生参与为中心,采用了师生互动的教学模式。通过对该模式的绩效研究,证明了该模式与传统的英语口语教学模式相比有着极大的优势。  相似文献   

Geriatrics education at the University of Valle Medical School uses many teaching strategies in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. These include improving communication with older patients, accepting one's own aging, teaching human values, providing experiences with well elderly, and participating in an interdisciplinary team. There are common curricular areas in geriatrics for health care disciplines which include medicine, dentistry, nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. However, each discipline also has specific curricular components. There is a curricular program for family medicine and internal medicine residents. A curriculum design was approved for a new geriatrics fellowship program which is in development. Finally, the progression of the curriculum is according to the learning needs of each level of education among medical students, residents and fellows.  相似文献   

University entrants from different social backgrounds tend to specialize in different subjects at university. Self-recruitment operates to a large extent in the ancient professions of medicine, dentistry and law, and few working class students enter these faculties. Self-recruitment of male students to engineering, business, farming and to a lesser extent teaching, is also evident. Working class university entrants frequently specialize in education or engineering. Comparisons with data from earlier years show little change since the 1930s in occupational recruitment patterns at Scottish universities.  相似文献   

In dental education, the anatomical sciences, which include gross anatomy, histology, embryology, and neuroanatomy, encompass an important component of the basic science curriculum. At Creighton University School of Dentistry, strength in anatomic science education has been coupled with a solid applicant pool to develop a novel Master of Science in Oral Biology, Anatomic Sciences track degree program. The program provides a heavy emphasis on developing teaching skills in predoctoral students as well as exposure to research processes to encourage the cohort to pursuing a career in academic dentistry. The individuals considered for this program are applicants for admission to the School of Dentistry that have not been accepted into the entering dental class for that year. The students undertake a two year curriculum, studying anatomic sciences with a special emphasis on teaching. The students also must complete a research project that requires a thesis. The students in the program are guaranteed acceptance to dental school upon successful completion of the program. After six years, the first ten students have received their Master of Science degrees and continued in dental school. The program is favorably viewed by the faculty and participating students. It is also considered successful by metrics. Nine of the ten graduates have said they would like to participate in academic dentistry in some capacity during their careers. Anat Sci Educ 10: 607–612. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在中国教育领域中研究生教育非常重要,研究生们应努力吸收国外优秀文化与科研成果并将本族文化与科研成果传播出去。目前的研究生英语口语教学是否能够满足这种需要已经引起学者们的关注。本文通过对广西师范大学外国语学院2009级英语专业的研究生进行抽样调查,旨在探讨对英语专业的研究生设置英语口语课的必要性及如何设置口语课。  相似文献   


Exploring classroom teaching reform centered on student development is a fundamental requirement for deepening education and teaching reform in undergraduate education worldwide. Shanxi Normal University places the reform of classroom teaching reform at the center of their efforts to raise the quality of undergraduate education. The implementation of the classroom teaching reforms at Shanxi Normal University has been focused on finding solutions to practical teaching problems. The new approaches to teaching and learning satisfy the requirements of both student development and societal development while addressing key problems in university education and teaching reform. In this article, the authors explain the rationale for focusing on classroom teaching reform, and describe how the classroom teaching reforms were promoted at Shanxi Normal University as well as how the quality of student training has been improved. Our goal in implementing reforms to classroom teaching has been to not only improve education and teaching vitality at Shanxi Normal University, but also provide lessons and experience to stimulate classroom teaching reform at other universities.  相似文献   

詹霞 《成人教育》2014,(4):87-89
信息技术与开放教育相融合对提升电大教学质量,促进电大向开放大学顺利转型,具有重要意义。西方经济学是一门理论与实践较难结合的课程,根据该门课程教学的难点和教学中存在的主要问题,提出信息技术与开放教育相融合的实践教学思路,以期对电大教学改革有所裨益。  相似文献   

Student complaints to legislators led to 20 states mandating higher educational institutions develop policy on oral English language proficiency of instructors. These mandates directed public institutions to certify oral English language proficiency of international teaching assistants. Universities responded to these mandates by developing policy requiring formal evaluation of international teaching assistants and provision for remediation of those whose skills were deficient. Demographic factors which led to these mandates are number of non-resident aliens and number of students in higher education institutions in the state. Institutional factors leading to policy were graduate enrollment and degree granting status of institutions.Clayton F. Thomas obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He is a Professor of Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University and is affiliated with the Center for Higher Education. Patricia K. Monoson obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. She is an Associate Professor of Speech Pathology at Illinois State University and is affiliated with the Center for Higher Education.  相似文献   

A学院作为一所典型的西部新建地方本科高校,在双语教学的实践和研究方面才刚刚起步,在师资力量、学生素质、教材选用、教学理念、管理机制等方面存在诸多制约因素,需要从实际出发,不断研究和实践,探索出符合自身特点的双语教学模式。  相似文献   

曲艺音乐是由民间口头文学和歌唱艺术经过长期发展演变形成的一种独特的艺术形式,但新世纪以来,地方曲艺音乐的发展和传承受到极大冲击,将其引入地方高校音乐教学对弘扬地方特色文化有积极意义。青田鼓词是丽水民间曲艺中较为独特的一种说唱艺术,将青田鼓词引入当地高校音乐教学,可以凸显高校音乐教育的地方特色,有助于完善民族音乐的教学,充实和丰富音乐教学的内容,拓宽学生的视野。在教学实践过程中,应选择合适的教学内容,并结合本土民间音乐的特色,探索出更好的教学实践形式。  相似文献   

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