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“起跳角疼”及半蹲疼,是指膝关节屈曲呈130°~150°发力起跳或在此角度半蹲时疼痛。常见的原因有:髌骨劳损、髌尖末端病、髌腱腱围类半月板损伤等。 髌骨劳损又称髌骨软骨病、髌骨软骨软化症。 髌骨在膝关节中具有重要的作用,它能保护股骨的髌面,传递股四头肌的力量,加强股四头肌的肌力和维持膝关节在半屈曲位时的稳定性。 生物力学证明,膝关节屈曲小于90°时,仅股四头肌的股直肌起主要伸膝作用,其肌力较弱;超过90°以后,其他三肌逐渐参与伸膝功能。当膝关节伸到130°~150°时,发力点集中,力量最强。此角度…  相似文献   

髌软骨软化症又称髌骨股骨软骨症或称髌骨劳损。我校体育系成立10年来,此病症发病率较高,症状轻重不一,接受体育疗法者23人,有92%经治疗效果良好。现将髌软骨软化症的发病、诊断和主要体育疗法总结如下,供同仁们参考。病理机制分析本症病变好发于髌骨关节面中...  相似文献   

髌骨软化症也叫髌骨劳损,是田径训练中常见的一种损伤,损伤后将不同程度地影响技术的发挥和成绩的提高。如果处理不当,还会给运动员带来终生痛苦。因此,有效地预防其发生和及时正确处理,对保证训练的正常进行、提高训练质量、促进健康、延长运动寿命大有裨益。 一、髌骨软化症的产生原因 髌骨为人体内最大籽骨,位于股四头肌肌健中,是略呈三角形的扁平骨,它参与组成膝关节。前面粗糙,而与股骨相接触的里面,除髌尖部被髌腱附着点占据一小部分外,其它面积被较厚的软骨层所覆盖。所以,无论膝关节做何运动,总有髌软骨与股骨关节面相接触的地方。当膝关节半蹲位起跳“发力”或屈伸扭转时,韧带松弛。关节的稳定作用完全靠股四头肌和髌骨来维持,髌骨负担较重,髌软骨和股  相似文献   

髌骨关节痛是运动医学临床上常见的疾病之一,并可致致残。髌股关节痛常与股骨滑车槽髌骨轨迹异常有关。髌骨轨迹异常可致髌股接触压力均加,这种机械性刺激可能是导致髌骨软骨退化的重要原因,在有些病例里,解剖异常和损伤作为导致髌骨轨迹异常的原因可被排除,而中枢神经系统控制和膝关节伸展肌群收缩潜能可能出现的紊乱更加明显。本文阐述了髌股关节结构的三个方面:髌股关节运动轨迹的测量方法;髌股接触压力;髌股关节运动的神经传导控制。目的是这个领域需要进一步基础和加强临床研究,并为这项研究工作提供一个出发点。  相似文献   

武术套路中髌骨劳损的发病机理及预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于武术运动员训练和比赛任务重,训练时间长,运动量比较大,膝关节承受的负荷大,加之武术运动中腾空动作多在半蹲姿势情况下爆发用力,极易造成“髌骨劳损”。阐述了膝关节的基本结构、结构特点和运动特征,及髌骨劳损的发病机理,从人体解剖学、生理学角度出发,结合武术运动的特点,提出了预防髌骨劳损的方法。  相似文献   

据有关资料报导:在排球运动损伤中,膝关节的损伤占第一位,其中尤以髌骨劳损见多。本文仅就排球运动中髌骨劳损的产生原因及预防措施谈点粗浅意见。症状早期或轻者表现在大运动量后或作半蹲动作时膝软或膝痛,休息后减轻或消失;如果发展下去可有上下楼梯痛,严重者走路和静坐时也痛,在运动中可出现因膝软使不上劲而坐下或跌倒的现象;让患者单足支撑并逐渐下蹲,会出现膝软和膝痛。病程长又严重的,检查时可触及髌骨边缘有增厚或条索感,髌尖延长,股四头肌萎缩;早期x线拍  相似文献   

<正>髌骨劳损会严重影响机体健康,甚至对其工作、学习及日常生活造成不便。髌骨劳损也称髌骨软化或髌骨软骨病,是指髌骨软骨面及与其相对的股骨髌面的关节软骨进行性病变而产生的一系列症状,是膝关节部位常见的一种运动损伤。引起髌骨劳  相似文献   

赴美短跑留学回国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武兵 《中华武术》2005,(8):36-37
练习太极拳不当,很容易引发膝关节损伤,即髌骨劳损,又称髌骨软骨病、髌骨软骨软化症。生物力学证明,膝关节屈曲小于90°时,仅股四头肌的股直肌起主要伸膝作用,其肌力较弱;当膝关节伸到130°-150°时,发力点集中,力量最强。此角度不但发力大,而且灵活,有利于各种动作的完成,此时髌骨软骨面承受力量最大,关节面接触范围也最大。膝关节的稳定主要靠髌骨维持,这些解剖、生理特点都成为髌骨软骨在半蹲位受伤时的潜在因素。  相似文献   

髌骨劳损指髌骨的关节软骨面(包括股骨髌 面的关节软骨面)和髌骨周缘股四头肌张腱膜的附丽部分的慢性损伤,即髌骨软骨病(又称髌骨软骨软化症)和髌骨张腱末端病。 主要是由于膝关节局部长期负担过重或反复的微细损伤积累而成。一、症状 (一)膝软与膝痛 损伤初期是在大运动量训练后感到膝酸软无力,隐隐作痛。随着损伤程度的增加,膝痛逐渐加重。一般常在活动开以后减轻,运动结束后又加重。不少病例关节酸痛程度还与气候变化有关。 (二)做动作时疼痛加重 膝软或膝痛同动作有密切的关系,特别是半蹲时最为明显,凡是半蹲发力或扭转做…  相似文献   

<正> 一、髌尖末端病的手法治疗维持人体直立、行走、跑跳的主要肌肉之一股四头肌,在股前下行经髌骨延长为髌腱止于胫骨粗隆,股四头肌中只有股直肌的腱纤维在表层止于髌上极,其它腱纤维越过髌骨而延续形成髌腱。髌骨下的髌尖与髌腱在结构上曲绵域教授有所论述,他通过研究认为髌腱附的髌尖处其连接结构为骨组织(髌骨)—钙化软骨层—潮线—纤维软骨带—腱纤维,此种“末端装置”比较坚固。髌骨在膝关节的伸屈运动中有特殊作用,它通过加长四头肌力臂协助伸膝,还增加了髌腱与股骨髁承受压力的应力得以较好分布,髌腱才能承接四头肌强大拉力,来担起运动对膝关节需求的功能。然  相似文献   

郑宏伟  闫苍松 《体育与科学》2004,25(1):66-69,59
研究目的:以提高短跑的途中跑能力为目的,考察采用普通下蹲姿势、宽足间距下蹲姿势、髋关节伸展下蹲姿势三种不同下蹲姿势的力量训练,记录下肢主要运动肌的肌电图反应和地面反作用力所产生的影响,从生理和力学的角度进行分析。研究方法:采用表面双相诱导法的肌电图检测及应用录像轨迹系统对三种下蹲动作进行三次元解析。主要结果和结论:采用髋关节伸展下蹲动作的下肢力量训练对短跑选手提高途中跑能力起到一定的作用;采用初动负荷法中的超等长收缩的蹲起方法对提高短跑选手的肌肉爆发力是有效的。  相似文献   

使用复方中药的离子导入液经完整皮肤给药的理疗方法,广泛用于治疗多种闭合性急慢性软组织损伤病症,如膝关节滑囊炎、颈腰椎椎间盘突出与膨出、髌骨劳损、踝关节扭伤等病症,且疗效显著。文章采用的含量用火焰分光光度计测定法、原子吸收光谱仪测定法、氯离子选择性电极测定法、比浊法、对我国传统跌打损复方中药典方新伤一号和新伤二号中K、Na、Mg、Ca、Zn、Mn、Cl、S元素含量进行测定与研究。研究发现:中药复方新伤一号和新伤二号(郑怀贤方)中,富含钙、镁、钠、锌、锰、氯、硫等治疗闭合性急慢性软组织损伤病症的药物离子成分,可用于中药离子导入的经皮给药治疗。中药复方新伤一号和新伤二号中钙、镁、钠、锌、钾、氯、硫的含量均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。若选用新伤一号和新伤二号作为治疗多种闭合性急性和慢性人体软组织损伤的复方中药离子导入液,还需要对两方中所选单味中草药的剂量和味数进行必要的实验论证和调整。  相似文献   

文章通过对高校体育教师膝关节损伤情况的调查研究,发现体育教师是膝关节损伤的高发人群,且以髌骨劳损居多,分析原因并提出康复治疗的手段方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad x s(-1) on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found between mean (+/- s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255 +/- 434 W; isokinetic knee extension: 771 +/- 81 W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad?·?s?1 on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P <?0.05) were found between mean (?± s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255?±?434W; isokinetic knee extension: 771?±?81W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39-0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   


An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39–0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r 2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   

An analytical biomechanical model was developed to establish the relevant properties of the Smith squat exercise, and the main differences from the free barbell squat. The Smith squat may be largely patterned to modulate the distributions of muscle activities and joint loadings. For a given value of the included knee angle (θ(knee)), bending the trunk forward, moving the feet forward in front of the knees, and displacing the weight distribution towards the forefoot emphasizes hip and lumbosacral torques, while also reducing knee torque and compressive tibiofemoral and patellofemoral forces (and vice versa). The tibiofemoral shear force φ(t) displays more complex trends that strongly depend on θ(knee). Notably, for 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 130°, φ(t) and cruciate ligament strain forces can be suppressed by selecting proper pairs of ankle and hip angles. Loading of the posterior cruciate ligament increases (decreases) in the range 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 150° (θ(knee) ≤ 130°) with knee extension, bending the trunk forward, and moving the feet forward in front of the knees. In the range 150° > θ(knee) > 130°, the behaviour changes depending on the foot weight distribution. The conditions for the development of anterior cruciate ligament strain forces are explained. This work enables careful use of the Smith squat in strengthening and rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   

速滑运动员髌骨劳损的原因和防治措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
膝关节髌骨劳损在速滑专业运动员群体中是最常见的运动损伤之一,这与该项目在运动过程中,膝关节多在半蹲位内收或外展发力有关,如预防和治疗不正确、不及时,不仅会严重速滑影响运动员的运动寿命,甚至还会影响今后的日常生活。从多方面分析和总结了速滑运动员髌骨劳损的原因,阐述了膝关节急性损伤的处理等治疗措施,指出从运动员选材,注重股四头肌肌肉力量的训练,加强柔韧性、协调性和本体感受性的训练,保持肌肉平衡及关节稳定性等方面对速滑运动员的髌骨劳损进行预防,以期帮助运动员科学训练并积极配合医务人员,有效地避免和减少髌骨劳损的发生及其带来的不良影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of varying knee angle (120 degrees and 90 degrees) on the external validity of an isometric leg press test with reference to vertical jump performance. Isometric peak force (PF120 and PF90), rate of force development (RFD120 and RFD90), and maximum height reached with a squat jump and counter-movement jump were measured in 14 males. Although RFD120 was significantly correlated with squat jump and counter-movement jump performance (r = 0.71 and 0.69), and the correlations with PF120 approached statistical significance (r = 0.53 and 0.50), neither PF90 nor RFD90 was significantly related to vertical jump performance. Furthermore, although both RFD120 and PF120 were significantly different between the best five and the worst five jumpers, RFD90 and PF90 did not differentiate between individuals' vertical jump performance. We conclude that the choice of joint angle affects the external validity of isometric strength testing. Based on our results, we recommend accurate control of biomechanical specificity and assessment at different angles to find the position at which isometric strength testing is most comfortable.  相似文献   

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