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2000年以来欧盟终身学习政策述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2000年以来,欧盟出台了一系列终身学习政策。这些政策的形成与欧洲严重的失业问题、人口老龄化与移民问题及知识经济的挑战是密切相关的。欧盟为解决这些问题,把终身教育政策的重点放在了敦促成员国确立终身学习战略、提倡加强终身指导、呼吁重视老年人和移民教育、推动对非正规与非正式学习的评价与认证等几个方面。由于欧盟终身学习政策本身的约束力还不够强等原因,目前各成员国实现这些政策理念的成效还有待继续观察,但欧盟所发出的推动终身学习的信号是非常明显的。  相似文献   

较之于欧盟,欧盟伙伴国职业教育和培训领域的发展现状与之差距甚远。在欧洲睦邻政策框架下。欧盟职业教育和培训政策及信息对这些国家在谊领域的改革产生了较大影响,并取得了一定成就。欧洲培训基金的经验表明,这些国家的改革成功与否主要取决于这些国家各相关机构和团体的态度以及是否能够正确理解欧盟的信息。  相似文献   

在新冠肺炎疫情危机与新技术革命交织的复杂变局背景下,推进数字能力与职业教育的深度融合,成为赋能欧洲社会数字化转型改革的有效手段。2020年以来,欧盟通过出台系列政策,积极将数字化进程与利用新技术的职业教育和培训相联系,加速职业教育数字化转型,以加强职业教育在后疫情时代的响应力、适应性和弹性度。整体来看,欧盟数字能力融入职业教育的行动逻辑与改革路向主要体现在加速推进数字能力目标规划、推动数字基础设施提质扩容、大力提升职业院校师生数字能力、健全职业教育数字能力评估标准四个方面。从政策工具视角来看,环境型政策对欧盟职业教育数字化转型发挥原始驱动作用,供给型政策和需求型政策具有“推—拉”作用,形成三种政策工具的稳定架构,实现欧盟数字能力融入职业教育的政策效力,推动数字赋能职业教育创新发展。  相似文献   

欧盟增强职业教育与培训吸引力的政策措施探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增强吸引力一直是致力于走向合作与一体化的欧盟职业教育与培训发展的一个重要目标。在欧盟总体政策和目标框架的引领下,欧盟各国普遍采取了诸如拓展灵活、个性化的职业教育路径,实现教育与培训体系不同部分间的转换,增加职业教育学生进入高等教育的机会,实现对职业教育体系的有效管理等措施。这些措施对于我国具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧盟职业教育和培训质量保障政策经过多年发展渐趋成熟。在职业教育和培训质量保障参考框架下,欧盟采取了构建职业教育和培训质量保障网、加强职业教育与高等教育合作、增强欧洲工具之间的协同效应以及明确职业教育和培训质量评估方法等措施。面对经济社会发展新需要,欧盟职业教育和培训质量保障政策呈现出政策目标多元性、利益主体多样性、政策措施可行性以及政策内容适切性等新的特点。  相似文献   

欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障过程中,形成了欧盟、成员国、职业教育与培训系统、职业教育与培训机构、企业等多元主体共同参与的质量保障机制。在该过程中,各主体存在着一种互动关系,在欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策产生的各个阶段,存在着多元主体的博弈;在政策的实施阶段,多元主体注重相互合作;欧盟职业教育与培训质量保障政策的目标着眼于职业教育与培训的中长期发展。  相似文献   

21世纪欧盟职业教育与培训政策的新特点马立红、罗尧在《职业技术教育》2011年第34期中,撰文指出欧盟的职业教育与培训政策引领欧洲职业教育,走在世界前列。进入21世纪后,欧盟的职业教育与培训政策呈现出更加突出欧洲维度,注重增强职业教育吸引力,强调终身学习的实践层面,加强弱势群体职业教育,重视技能水平的提升  相似文献   

欧洲职业教育的发展一直处于世界的前沿,欧盟的职业教育与培训的政策对其发展起到了重要的指导作用.文章梳理了欧盟职业教育与培训政策的发展历史,并分析了欧盟职业教育政策的特色,即具有和谐稳定的合作关系、以计划与项目的形式推进职业教育的发展、完善的职业资格制度、关注职业教育公平和重视新技术的运用.  相似文献   

欧盟的职业教育与培训政策引导欧洲职业教育,走在了世界的前列。进入21世纪后,欧盟的职业教育与培训政策呈现出更加突出欧洲维度、注重增强职业教育吸引力、强调终身学习的实践层面、加强弱势群体职业教育、重视技能水平的提升和非专业能力培养等新特点。  相似文献   

欧洲的职业教育在欧盟职业教育政策的指导下,走在了世界的前列,为许多国家职业教育的发展提供了借鉴与参考.梳理了欧盟职业教育政策的发展历程,分析了欧洲职业教育政策的优势和特点,结合我国职业教育政策的发展,提出了对我国高等职业教育政策的几点启示.  相似文献   


This article reports on Continuing Vocational Education (CVE) in higher education in England. The findings described here were collected from interviews, documentary evidence and observations of activity. The evidence suggests the importance of a 'supply-side' model to chart the development of CVE. First, HEIs must audit and then use the resources they have to best effect. Second, HEIs must have effective managerial systems in place. Third, the organisation of the HEI will determine the development of CVE. Complementary to these stages is the capacity and willingness of HEIs to undertake economic evaluation of their provision. Internal and external efficiency must be considered. This model is, we argue, particularly important when set within the current policy context for HE.  相似文献   

Countering violent extremism (CVE) continues to be a topic of national and international concern as well as media interest. In the field of CVE, educational institutions have an important role to play, but precisely how educators and policymakers should best respond to extremism within schools remains unclear. This article draws on interviews with multiple stakeholders implementing a small-scale nationally funded grant in Australian schools to guard against behaviours leading to violent extremism through developing restorative justice (RJ) practices. In foregrounding their accounts, we draw attention to the complexity of negotiating the CVE space by resisting dominant narratives that could be considered ‘exaggerations’ regarding both the manifestations of and motivations behind violent or extreme student behaviour. To conclude, we highlight how—in important ways—the money and resourcing allocated for CVE in local settings simply recycles what are already established to be best practices for fostering belonging and connection in schools, particularly in socio-economically disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

基于中国英语变体功能的分析模式,着重探究人们如何刻意地选择中国英语变体作为一种交际策略,从而有效地实现原汁原味地指称中国事物,表达情感、构建身份、建立人际关系和体现意识形态等多种交际目的,揭示了巧妙选择和使用这种变体是一种重要的交际策略,具有一定理论意义。  相似文献   

Childhood violence exposure (CVE) in formative developmental years may have potent effects on severity and complexity of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in adulthood, yet little research has examined the role of age of first exposure in the context of polyvictimization or gone beyond an examination of direct effects. The current study examines the specific associations between age of first exposure, total CVE, and posttraumatic stress symptoms in adulthood. Further, the conditional and indirect effects of age of first exposure on posttraumatic stress symptoms were examined. We hypothesized that age of first exposure to violence would be associated with higher total violence exposure across childhood, thereby predicting current posttraumatic stress symptom severity (i.e., indirect effect). We also postulated that age of first exposure would affect the relationship between total violence exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms such that earlier exposure would exacerbate the effects of violence exposure (i.e., conditional effect). Participants included 269 violence-exposed adults recruited through MTurk; the mean age of first CVE was 6 years (SD = 3.29). Conditional process models indicated that age of first exposure was significantly associated with higher total childhood violence exposure, which in turn, was significantly associated with current posttraumatic stress symptoms in all domains. Further, a conditional effect of age of first exposure was present such that the relationship between total exposure to violence and symptoms of hyperarousal was stronger for those first exposed at earlier ages. Findings provide support suggesting the particular potency of early trauma on regulatory response systems.  相似文献   

In 1990 a research and development project set out to identify and promote good practice in continuing vocational education (CVE) in the British universities. This paper explains the origins and approach of this project. It explains the centrality of organisational arrangements to the health and prospects of continuing vocational education, and the different models and assumptions which are commonly encountered, to do with its ‘mainstreaming’ and its supposedly self‐financing nature. Some particular concerns are addressed: the role of specialised units; the evolution of the British extramural tradition into new forms; the relationship with industrial liaison officers; and the supervision of university CVE operations. Desirable elements in the organisation of university continuing education are presented.  相似文献   

协同虚拟环境应用于远程学习,将提高远程学习的真实感。本文提出了协同虚拟学习环境(CVLE)的环境构建,考虑采用网格技术划分协同工作小组,根据感知强度处理通信数据,利用合理的网络系统构架解决数据计算问题,提高网络资源的利用率。  相似文献   

Australian youth income support and educational policies have focused on increasing participation and retention in schools. The assumptions and rationales underpinning these policies assert a positive relationship between educational engagement, employment and social inclusion. This paper examines these assumptions and rationales and, drawing upon Australian and international research (particularly the UK) over the past decade, questions the efficacy of these policies in achieving their stated goals. Furthermore, the paper argues that the neo‐liberal philosophical underpinnings of these policies, particularly the emphasis on responsibilisation, can undermine disadvantaged young people’s engagement with school and does little to create positive pathways to employment. Moreover, it is clear that disadvantaged young people are not assisted by these policies to make empowered social transitions.  相似文献   

世界银行职业教育政策的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界银行是对教育项目资助最多的国际组织,几十年来世界银行的职业教育政策经历了几个阶段性的演变,对世界各国的职业教育政策产生了重要影响.本文梳理了世界银行的职业教育贷款政策演变进程,并对其政策进行了评价.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship of the policies and practices employed by 3 high school reform models – Early College High Schools, Redesigned High Schools, and High Schools That Work – with student success in college preparatory mathematics courses by the end of the 10th grade. Data on policies and practices collected through a survey of school principals in North Carolina are combined with administrative data on student course-taking and performance. The examined policies include course-taking requirements, rigorous instruction, academic support, personalization, and relevance. Results show that implementation of these policies varies across models and that higher levels of implementation of combinations of these policies are associated with improved outcomes.  相似文献   

欧美日企业并购政策法规差异的比较及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
欧美日国家(地区) 的并购政策法规虽然比较完善, 但这些并购政策法规之间存在较大的差异。差异的主要表现有八大方面, 其中包括: 对合并概念的界定及制定合并政策法规的理论基础; 对合并政策法规的立法和实施过程; 对非价格垂直限制的处理方法以及协调并购政策与产业政策的立场等。对这些政策法规的差异性作出比较, 并在此基础上得出结论及其一些重要的启示。  相似文献   

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