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学科带头人是学科发展的“领头羊”,他们带领着学科成员攀高峰,上水平,在高校的教学和科研工作中具有非常重要的作用,本文从学科建设的角度以及学科带头人目前的现状出发,认为当前研究选拔与培养学科带头人的问题具有重要的现实意义,文章系统地分析了作为学科带头人应具备的基本素质,提出了选拔和培养学科带头人的几点建议。  相似文献   

高等学校学科带头人的知名度,决定着所在学校的知名度和重点学科的建设,体现着学校的办学水平。边远师专选拔培养一批有特色、相对稳定的学科带头人和骨干教师,是实现其办学目标、促进学校发展的重要保证。选拔培养应突出“精选、培养、重用、厚待”,实行严格考核、动态管理,力争出名家,出效应  相似文献   

高等学校学科建设的实践探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学科建设是高等学校的一项基础性的建设。随着学科间交叉、融合的趋势的出现和发展,学科建设应遵循“突出重点、注重特色、采取立项、流动建设”的原则,加强学术带头人的选拔和培养,明确责任教授负责制,同时做好建设学科的评估和考核工作。  相似文献   

福建省教育厅从今年起实施“中小学名师培养工程”,在全省遴选、培养100名中小学教学名师、1000名中小学学科教学带头人。名师培养人选将采取教育行政部门推荐和学术团体推荐相结合的方式进行选拔;学科教学带头人培养对象将采取教育行政部门逐级推荐的方式进行选拔。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实《广州市贯彻(中国教育改革和发展纲要)实施方案》关于“要把培养中青年骨干教师和学科带头人作为提高教师整体素质的首要任务抓紧抓好”的要求,我们在区教育局领导的指导下,采取多种渠道、多种形式,着力提高我区小学中青年骨干教师,学科带头人的教育、教学理论素养和教学、教研及其管理能力,旨在更好地发挥他们在学校的骨干带头作用,并从中选拔一批学校教学管理的后备力量,为建设一支高素质的小学教育管理干部队伍准备人才资源.经过多年不懈的努力,这项工作终于显现成效,获得了广大教师,校长和局领导的认同和赞许。下面,从三个方面就如何培养中青年教学骨干力量谈谈我们的主要做法和粗浅体会: 一、评选“东教新星”,发现和选拔青年教学骨干 为了发现和选拔青年教学骨干力量,我们从1990学年度起,在全区小学开展两年一届的“东教新星”评选活动。评选范围包括小学、幼儿园所有学科的青年教师,分为三个层级进行评选:第一个层级是学校,分学科发动教师参与新星的课例教学活动,从中选出优秀课例代表学校参加上一级的评选;第二个层级是学片,分学科组织该片所属学校选出的代表举行优秀课例公开教学,经过评比小组的认真评议,推选出其中的优秀者参加区的评选活动;第三个层级是区,参选的教师除  相似文献   

职业学校培养学科带头人,应纳入学校长期规划,并列入学校日常教学工作之中。在组织实施工作中,要建立科学民主的选拔程序,搞好传、帮、带,建立考查制度和业务档案,主要应作到以下几点: 1、培养学科带头人必须以提高教师群体素质为主。有计划、有针对性地开展多种多样的  相似文献   

为了积极参与国家和省创新体系建设,培养造就具有知识创新和学术攻坚能力的学科带头人和优秀青年骨干教师队伍,构筑辽宁高校的人才高地,我省高校高层次创造性人才工程已经启动。 一、实施高层次创造性人才工程的实践 根据《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》和《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》中关于实施“高层次创造性人才工程”的总体要求,我省先期启动了辽宁省普通高校中青年学科带头人和优秀青年骨干教师选拔培养工程,已选拔出103名中青年学科带头人和487名优秀青年骨干教师。 (一)队伍结构 1.中…  相似文献   

高校学科带头人选拔、培养和考核评价机制的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
加强学科带头人队伍建设是高校提高师资队伍整体素质和建设一流学科专业的本质要求。为此,高校应当从选拔目标、选拔标准、选拔程序和选拔对象四个方面构建学科带头人的选拔机制;从做好培养规划、以科研为载体加强培养、以人才输入和输出并举的途径加速培养、加大中青年教师培养力度等四个方面构建学科带头人的培养机制;从制定全面的考核评价标准、实行多层次的考核评价办法和考核评价要做到因人而异等三个方面构建学科带头人的考核评价机制。  相似文献   

学科带头人应具备高尚的学术道德、顶尖的学术水平和出色的领导能力.学科带头人的选拔要因校制宜,优化结构;德才兼备,以德为先;公开招聘,择优支持.学科带头人的培养要制订培养规划,坚持教学与科研并重,营造和谐的学术氛围,改革传统考核评价方法,加大中青年学科带头人的培养力度.  相似文献   

<正>【主持人语】清代龚自珍的"不拘一格降人才"脍炙人口,而现行的名师培养机制注重层级选拔。各地都设有骨干教师层级培养机制,分教学新秀、教学能手、学科带头人、名教师、特级教师、教育家培养对象等,每个层级都需要教师经过若干年的努力,也需要满足越来越苛刻的条件,甚至于残酷的考核。这样的程序化设定是  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine and describe educational leaders’ mindset types related to schooling of students with ADHD in five municipalities with ADHD special education classes and in five pair-matched municipalities without such classes. Selection of the ten municipalities was based on the results from a nationwide survey (response rate 76%) aimed at investigating how Swedish municipalities organise schooling for ADHD students. Interview data was analysed with the use of a theoretical framework presented as a typology table describing mindsets more or less in line with either the neuropsychiatric paradigm or inclusion. The perceived neuropsychiatric influence on ADHD students’ schooling seemed to affect educational leaders’ decision making, leading to different schooling for ADHD students in different municipalities. The findings, presented as municipality profiles, are discussed in relation to the notion of inclusive education and alternative educational paths leading either towards inclusion or exclusion.  相似文献   

The aim of this action research study was to enhance the instructional leadership capacity of aspiring school leaders, through a practical learning experience. The participants observed classes, collected classroom-based data, prepared and delivered written constructive feedback to teachers. Findings suggest that aspiring school leaders need to develop a knowledge foundation related to quality instruction, teachers respond in a positive way and appreciate the feedback offered, constructive feedback has potential to guide teachers’ professional development, aspiring instructional leaders must be professional as they deliver feedback, and schools need to set up system for the effective delivery of constructive feedback to teachers so that teaching and learning excellence can be achieved.  相似文献   

There has been little critical scrutiny of the extent to which the members of different social classes support current public educational institutions. This paper explores the attitudes toward education of class groups in relation to the declared agendas of class leaders, using public opinion surveys conducted regularly in Canada's economic heartland of Ontario between 1978 and 1996.

An analysis of class leaders’ public discourse indicates that corporate leaders stress the waste and inefficiencies of the current school system, the need for market‐driven initiatives to overcome these problems, and a general belief that such reforms coupled with cost reductions and lower government deficits can lead to economic growth and job creation. Some labour union and other leaders associate declining school quality with spending cuts, defend equal access to education, and promote measures such as a reduced normal workweek to address the education‐jobs gap rather than continuing deficit reduction and more reliance on private and individual initiative.

Corporate executives are shown to hold much more strongly consensual, fiscally restrictive views on education than other class groups. Other classes hold less consensual but equally coherent and fiscally responsible attitudes on education spending. Professional and managerial class groups, whom some analysts predict to be most disaffected, have only decreased their degree of support for increased education spending and taxes. Support for education funding among working‐class groups has increased since the early 1980s. There is also now at least plurality support for a shorter workweek in all class groups except corporate executives. Corporate business attempts to resettle the social contract with a downsized state education system are so far failing in the realm of public opinion.

It is a question of whether we can grasp the real nature of our society, or whether we persist in social and educational patterns based on a limited ruling class, a middle professional class, a large operative class, cemented by forces that cannot be challenged and will not be changed. The privileges and barriers, of an inherited kind, will in any case go down. It is only a question of whether we replace them by the free play of the market, or by a public education designed to express and create the values of an educated democracy and a common culture (Williams 1961: 155)  相似文献   

领袖崇拜体现的是世俗社会中民众的政治信仰,耶稣崇拜则是基督教信徒的精神皈依。二者的相似点在于,都认为宇宙存在一个绝对的、无限的、至高无上的创世者。在文革期间的崇拜现象中,美的程度以及丑的形成不是如同上述基督教所说的距上帝这一本体之光的远近而定。而是根据敌我双方的阶级立场而划分为彼此对抗性的真善美与假丑恶。样板戏革命主题的宗教内涵体现为救赎——牺牲——圣化这一逻辑相关的三个方面。  相似文献   

第一次国共合作掀起了留苏高潮。莫斯科东方大学中国班招收了不少留学生,这里培养了一批杰出的早期共产党的领导骨干。从1925年到1930年,中山大学培养了约1000多名毕业生,其中有很多人成为中国共产党的重要干部。这批特殊的留学生,绝大多数都成了中国革命和建设的重要领导力量。  相似文献   

公平是一个历史的范畴.马克思主义认为社会保障的公平性在于维护和延续社会有机体的生命力.通过国民收入再分配实现收入转移,对低收入者或无收入者提供必要的帮助,减少社会成员的风险,起到社会稳定器和安全网的作用.毛泽东、邓小平和新一代中央领导集体,把马克思主义理论与中国革命实践相结合,在坚持马克思主义社会保障公平思想的同时强调了中国的社会保障制度建设必须立足中国的现实国情,不断促进社会公平,构建社会主义和谐社会.  相似文献   

This article challenges policymakers, school leaders, and teachers to implement wide-scale and systematic teaching of character education in every classroom. In support of the idea that student character development should be a priority in all classes, I explain that youth need “decision-filters” to negotiate life's challenges. Further, the article illustrates how character education can be taught through various courses. Several state-level academic standards are analyzed to (1) identify cognitive instructional emphases and (2) determine relevant affective teachings for character instruction. As I explain, the teaching of character education can be integrated naturally with and taught alongside any state's standards-based curriculum. Rather than adding a new course to an already overloaded school curriculum, character education should be integrated with other subject areas and routinely taught through all classes and by all teachers.  相似文献   

统一战线是我国革命和建设取得胜利的法宝,党的历代领导集体都十分重视统一战线的建设。通过分析领导集体的阶级阶层观,揭示他们的阶级阶层观对于壮大社会主义建设的同盟、扩大统一战线的范围起到了积极的作用,从而为中国革命的胜利和中华民族的伟大复兴增添新力量。  相似文献   

随班就读是全球融合教育在中国的具体实践,随班就读教师究竟需要怎样的“支持”才能满足残疾儿童在普通班级中的特殊教育需要?基于信效度较好的随班就读教师课堂支持问卷调查与分析结果表明,随班就读教师在社会性支持上的得分显著高于在技术性支持上的得分;在社会性支持中,教师在融合教育氛围上得分显著高于在学校领导支持上的得分,而在学校领导支持上的得分又显著高于在同事支持上的得分;在技术性支持中,教师在物理环境调整上的得分显著高于在教辅教具配置上的得分;而在教辅教具配置上的得分又显著高于在专业人员指导上的得分。基于研究结果,建议加强随班就读教师所需支持研究,规范开展随班就读工作的教室建设,提升特殊教育学校教师专业化水平。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化背景下学生干部培养的模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:学生干部是大学活动和学生管理的主要参与者与组织者,是德育教育及班级、校园建设的主力军。学生干部能减轻辅导员、班主任工作的负担和压力,既是辅导员、班主任的好助手,又是学生中的领头军。努力培养一批高素质、高水平、高层次、高能力的高校学生干部队伍,是高校学生管理工作的首要目标,也是确保向国家源源不断输送高等学历人才的必要条件。  相似文献   

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