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National statistical system is an integral part of knowledge base of government in all developing countries. In India, statistical agencies, which function under the aegis of government, produce a great variety of statistical information on different socio-economic variables. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of socio-economic databases developed in India with special reference to initiatives taken by the data producing agencies for an user friendly dissemination programme.  相似文献   

In recent times, the various government intelligence agencies have come under heavy scrutiny and criticisms. Much of the ruckus started with the failure of the agencies to thwart the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. While the events of 9/11 were magnificent and brought to light shortcomings of the various U.S. intelligence agencies, it is not the first time that the intelligence community failed in its mission. In the recent past, the U.S. intelligence community failed to see signs of the impending collapse of the USSR, or the nuclear tests conducted by India, or the attacks on the USS Cole, or the 1993 attacks on the World Trade Centers. The credibility of a nation depends heavily on the information it presents to the world; much of this information, especially that of high value, arises out of the intelligence community. It is hence vital to a country, more so in the case of a superpower like the United States, to have an optimal intelligence community that is capable of achieving goals in an effective and efficient manner. My goal in this paper is to suggest some recommendations regarding how we might better restructure the intelligence community.  相似文献   

Government agencies are becoming more data-driven and need high-quality data to fulfill their roles in society. In the past, each agency organized its own data exchange system according to its own needs. Today, data is distributed over many organizations, and government agencies need to adopt an ecosystem approach for data exchange. Fundamental in the ecosystem approach is the dependence on other parties for the execution of stewardship strategies. Data-driven government agencies increasingly depend on other organizations for high-quality data and data stewardship across organizations is becoming more critical. While there is ample research on data stewardship within organizations, little is known about data stewardship in ecosystems. More specifically, it is unclear which data stewardship strategies government agencies can employ in ecosystems. The main goal of this explorative paper is to identify and compare data stewardship strategies used in empirical government-business ecosystems. Following an explorative case study approach, this paper reveals three different configurations of inter-organizational data stewardship: 1) the government-led ecosystem, 2) the government-business-led ecosystem, and 3) the regulation-led ecosystem. The case studies expose a wide array of data stewardship strategies across ecosystems. While the ecosystem approach provides advantages such as cost-sharing and innovation by private parties, government agencies become increasingly dependent on private parties to gain high-quality data and provide distributed infrastructure components. Maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks of the ecosystem approach requires government agencies to be cautious when selecting a specific ecosystem configuration.  相似文献   

When a disaster occurs, government agencies are responsible for managing the response and recovery efforts of the impacted communities and infrastructure. Crowdsourcing and social media are widely used in disaster response, yet their primary implementation and application are often via non-governmental agencies and private citizens. A review of the literature suggests that government emergency management agencies in Canada have made little documented progress in adopting crowdsourcing or social media for emergency management. Most of the literature around crowdsourcing and social media for emergency management focus on its use or role outside of Canada (e.g. the USA, Australia, etc.). In order for government agencies in Canada to progress, it is important to identify the Canada-specific barriers and constraints. This study offers a new perspective from Canadian government emergency management agencies to address this gap. Through a series of semi-structured interviews with 15 government officials from 14 agencies, this study identifies the primary challenges and constraints faced by Canadian agencies looking to adopt crisis crowdsourcing. Results indicate that organizational factors, policies, and federal legislation in Canada present barriers to crisis crowdsourcing (including crowdsourcing through social media) adoption within agencies at various levels of government. Based on these results, recommendations are made to support the adoption of crisis crowdsourcing amongst Canadian government agencies.  相似文献   

By the end of 2012, Chinese microblogging accounts had reached 309 million. Among them, over 176,000 accounts were opened and managed by Chinese government agencies, as new channels to disclose government information provide public services and interact with citizens. This study investigates the external drivers and challenges that Chinese government agencies are faced with and the internal capabilities of Chinese government agencies in using social media. The study further discusses the relationship and dynamics between the external environment and internal capabilities of Chinese government agencies in using social media. Based on the findings, the paper provides some recommendations to government agencies in China and other countries faced with similar challenges.  相似文献   

Social media has opened up unprecedented new possibilities of engaging the public in government work. In response to the Open Government Directive, U.S. federal agencies developed their open government plan and launched numerous social media-based public engagement initiatives. However, we find that many of these initiatives do not deliver the intended outcomes due to various organizational, technological, and financial challenges. We propose an Open Government Maturity Model based on our field studies with U.S. federal healthcare administration agencies. This model is specifically developed to assess and guide open government initiatives which focus on transparent, interactive, participatory, collaborative public engagement that are largely enabled by emerging technologies such as social media. The model consists of five maturity levels: initial conditions (Level 1), data transparency (Level 2), open participation (Level 3), open collaboration (Level 4), and ubiquitous engagement (Level 5). We argue that there is a logical sequence for increasing social media-based public engagement and agencies should focus on achieving one maturity level at a time. The Open Government Maturity Model helps government agencies implement their open government initiatives effectively by building organizational and technological capabilities in an orderly manner. We discuss challenges and best practices for each maturity level and conclude by presenting recommendations.  相似文献   

Statistical reference questions are among the most problematic a government information specialist faces. Answering such queries is a subjective process and librarians must be sensitive to the context of both the query and the data. The first issue is to recognize the potential lack of consistency in definition or methods among agencies or governments. This paper provides a few illustrative examples that reinforce this point and demonstrates how a general knowledge of statistical measures can lead to better informed reference service.  相似文献   

This second part of a two-part series is a survey of U.S. government web resources on human trafficking in the United States, particularly of the online publications and data included on agencies’ websites. Overall, the goal is to provide an introduction, an overview, and a guide on this topic for library staff to use in their research and instruction services, as well as to benefit new researchers, students, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), social service providers, and others exploring this topic.  相似文献   

India is one of the oldest civilizations with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved multi-faccted socio-economic progress during the last 47 years of its independence. This article reports on a survey of the usage of modern technologies (e.g. photocopiers, microfilming, computers, facsimile transmission, audio-visual, online searching and CD-ROMs) in Indian libraries. These libraries include university, engineering, scientific, medical, government and public libraries. The study used a questionnaire, personal visits to many libraries and interviews. The paper examines the impact of modern technologies on these libraries. It concludes with a summary of the problems faced by the librarians in adopting the modern technologies and suggests measures for implementation of modern technologies.  相似文献   


India is one of the oldest civilizations with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved multi-faccted socio-economic progress during the last 47 years of its independence. This article reports on a survey of the usage of modern technologies (e.g. photocopiers, microfilming, computers, facsimile transmission, audio-visual, online searching and CD-ROMs) in Indian libraries. These libraries include university, engineering, scientific, medical, government and public libraries. The study used a questionnaire, personal visits to many libraries and interviews. The paper examines the impact of modern technologies on these libraries. It concludes with a summary of the problems faced by the librarians in adopting the modern technologies and suggests measures for implementation of modern technologies.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

Transforming Business-to-Government (B2G) information exchange is a next frontier for reducing government spending while improving performance. This paper examines two different B2G information exchange architectures that reflect continuing transformations that empower some government agencies to do better compliance monitoring tasks with fewer resources. The win for the reporting companies is the lower cost of compliance. Instead of focusing on collecting compliance information from individual companies, the government agencies in this study focus on collecting information on the supply chain level, allowing for automated data reconciliation. Our findings reveal that pushing controls (automated checks) upstream (in company software and data sources) results in more efficiency, higher information quality and reduces redundant controls. The examined architectures exhibit high levels of compliance by design, meaning that many control objectives are by default encompassed in the design. This requires a well-aligned combination of data standardization (using shared syntax and semantics) and automated information processing (using an intelligent gateway between businesses and government agencies). However, achieving such an alignment is a difficult challenge; especially when taking into account that such transformations require solid governance, trust and high initial investments — prerequisites that are rare in many public-private partnerships.  相似文献   

Social media is being adopted at a rapid pace by governments around world and across different levels of government. In Canada, federal, provincial and municipal governments created social media accounts in 2000s and are now using them to interact with the public. Studies to date, however, focus primarily on social media strategies and practices of government agencies while government social media users' behaviors and perspectives remain understudied. This study analyzes experiences of government social media users and how they interact on Twitter and Facebook accounts maintained by a Canadian federal government agency – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It also explores why users chose to interact on social media as well as their perspectives. The findings suggest that Canadian immigration agencies are using social media as a customer services tool, and migrant social media users are turning to government social media to hear directly from the government agencies and are expecting personalized answers.  相似文献   

Research is a planned and scientific method of increasing knowledge that is typically funded by a country's government or funding agencies. Research activity produces valuable data. Research Data Services (RDS) or Research Data Management (RDM) services are considered vital services provided by an academic library and are focused on the management, archiving, processing, and reuse of critical research data. This study evaluates the current status of the adaptation of RDS or RDM services in Indian academic libraries (which includes a total of 186 institutions, including all of India's Central Universities (54) and Institutes of National Importance (132)). A method triangulation approach was used for the data collection, including a literature survey, library website study, online survey, and telephonic interview with LIS professionals from Indian academic libraries. Academic libraries in India are yet to keep up with those in developed countries in adopting RDM services owing to a lack of RDM policy, institutional support, and technological challenges, according to the data. The study also presents suggestions to decision-makers, higher authorities of academic institutions, and the government to develop a strong RDM policy at both the institutional and national levels defining the role and duties of the libraries in RDM.  相似文献   

Part of the promise of electronic government (e-government) is its ability to transform the delivery of information services and products from government to users. E-government allows federal agencies to supplement and even supplant private sector roles intermediating between government agencies and users, creating unintended consequences in terms of policy, theory, and practice. The problem is called “channel conflict” in the marketing literature, and the typical response is called distribution channel management (DCM). After reviewing the literatures of e-government, information policy, and DCM, the paper explores differing DCM philosophies of two federal agencies: the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. An examination of these two DCM programs provides insights on how federal agencies may be able to manage their various channels for e-government offerings despite tensions in the current legal and policy context. The paper concludes by using DCM literature to help frame options for dealing with these tensions.  相似文献   

To determine how critical data assets are conceptualized and managed in the public sector, we conducted a large-scale empirical study at 15 government agencies. We use the Data Management Maturity (DMM) reference model framework to conduct a systematic multi-level analysis (inter-agency, intra-agency, and cross-case analysis). To aid the comparative assessment of multiple independent agencies, we propose and test the DMM Index. The study not only examines the maturity of data management practices in government agencies, but also provides guidance on how an enterprise-wide, systematic assessment may be conducted. The approach presented in the paper can be replicated at other large government entities and private conglomerates. Public and private sector agencies may apply the approach to develop custom roadmaps for data management improvements that align with the organization's business goals.  相似文献   

Information communication technology (ICT) in government agencies as well as educational and research institutions facilitates an efficient, speedy and transparent dissemination of information to the public and other agencies for performance of government administration activities. The importance of ICT in governance has been recognized the world over. E-governance highlights several elements of good governance such as transparency, accountability, participation, social integration, public financial management reform and development. This study is based on research and personal interviews of selected representatives of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. The findings of this study highlight the role of Internet, particularly the World Wide Web (WWW), which has made it easier for citizens to locate and download official information and to conduct transactions. Information management agencies such as libraries and knowledge centres play a vital role in supporting transparent and accountable governance in this digital era. E-government needs to be integrated into the broader public management framework so as to make a substantial change in the government to citizen (G2C) relationship.  相似文献   

This paper explores how information is shared across the vertical and horizontal boundaries of government agencies. Different types of information sharing are identified and discussed in terms of their strengths and encountered challenges. Centralized types of information sharing are found as a primary strategy adopted to facilitate interagency information sharing in the two dimensions. Particularly, influential determinants from type comparisons and government agencies are identified and discussed regarding what agencies may take into considerations when selecting certain types of information sharing. While there is no single type of information sharing that can satisfy all the needs and concerns of government agencies, most agencies still simultaneously employ several types of information sharing in different circumstances. A competition-and-cooperation relationship exists among the different types of information sharing in both dimensions. The paper suggests that a balance between centralized and decentralized types of information sharing should be achieved to obtain advantages and diminish disadvantages. The similarities and differences between the types in the two dimensions are also compared and discussed. Lastly, the conclusion outlines the contribution and limitation of the current research and suggests future studies of the current work.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):109-149

Increasingly, the global business community is viewing Sub-Saharan Africa as a continent of rich business, trade, and investment opportunities. A major challenge to political and business leaders is access to accurate and time-critical information on business, economic, political, and social developments in the Sub-Saharan African countries. This resource guide will provide an organized collection of major African business and economic information resources available via the Internet. Additionally, it includes an appended selection of information sources available in print format. The information originates from multiple Internet-based sources, including African commercial and government agencies, U.S. commercial and government agencies, and international organizations engaging in economic, business, and trade issues in the Sub-Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

The business sector has already recognized the importance of information flow for good management, with many businesses adopting new technology in data mining and data warehousing for intelligent operation based on free flow of information. Free flow of information in government agencies is just as important. For example, in child welfare, entities that fund social services programs have increasingly demanded improved outcomes for clients in return for continued financial support. To this end, most child welfare agencies are paying more attention to the outcomes of children in their care. In North Carolina, many county departments of social services have successfully adopted the self-evaluation model to monitor the effects of their programs on the outcomes of children. Such efforts in self-evaluation require good information flow from state division of social services to county departments of social services. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data mining) information system that could upgrade information flow in government agencies. We present the key elements of the information system and demonstrate how such a system could be successfully implemented via a case study in North Carolina. The next generation infrastructure in digital government must incorporate such information system to enable effective information flow in government agencies without compromising individual privacy.  相似文献   

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