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城市社区自治是基层治理成果的表现,这关乎居民生活水平的提高和基层民主的发展。社区自治组织在城市社区自治过程中扮演着重要的角色,这些组织包括居委会、业委会以及其他的社会组织。目前,我国的居民委员会自治中存在与政府关系错位、与居民关系缺位以及其自身自治能力不足等现实困境。要从改善社区自治的体制环境、完善居委会的组织结构以及构建多元参与共治模式三个方面考量,不断完善居委会自身的建设,以提高社区自治和社区发展的水平。  相似文献   

社区自治的不断扩大和政治国家的不断缩小是城市基层社会治理的必然趋势。但在现实实践中,受传统管理思想影响,基层行政无法科学定位自己的角色与职能,社区自治缺乏公民意识与组织建设,致使城市社区治理具有浓厚的行政色彩,自治性得不到充分发挥,基层行政与社区自治无法有效衔接。要解决这一问题,基层行政需理顺相关关系,明确角色定位,居民应提升自身修养,培育自治能力,通过共同体理念的培育、党组织的联结以及社区共治机制的建立,实现基层行政与社区自治无缝对接,从而,形成良性互动的城市基层社会管理格局。  相似文献   

作为当前民族法律制度核心部分的民族区域自治法兼有调整国家与自治地方民族关系和国家与自治地方关系两方面的内容。从宪政理论的视角而言,一方面,民族自治地方的宪政建设必须要与国家的宪政结构相匹配,受国家宪政体制的制约,不能逾越国家宪政体制设定的边际。另一方面,其宪政设计的根本目标应当是在尊重各民族合法权益的前提下,既能满足民族自治地方少数民族的发展需要,又要做到民族自治地方各民族的和谐共存.以此满足多民族国家统一建设的要求。  相似文献   

农村社区建设具有能切实解决农村社区的各种问题、缩小城乡差别、促进农村经济社会发展的功能,是构建农村和谐社会的有效途径。农村社区建设要从解决农民切身利益和迫切需要入手,处理好各方面的关系。为此提出深化村民自治、切实加强农村社区社会管理、推进农村社区服务、繁荣农村社区文化、加强农村社区基础设施建设等对策。  相似文献   

乡村自治是基层民主的实质性内容和基础环节。分析当前村民自治存在的困境,从破解"两委"关系、发展农村经济文化事业、发展社区自组织建设等方面着手,对于推进基层民主建设,建设现代化的民主国家有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

城乡一体化背景下的农村社区自治趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国基层社会治理模式经历了从农村村民自治到城市居民自治,再到社区自治的过程。借鉴城市社区治理经验治理农村,推动其由村民自治向社区自治转变,是当前新农村建设的一项重要内容和根本保障。  相似文献   

关于构建和谐社区的调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会各界要高度重视社区建设问题,把构建和谐社区作为构建和谐社会的基础工程来抓;要从实际出发,积极探索“济南特色”的社区建设模式;要进一步完善社区建设领导体制,构建新的社区建设组织体系;要进一步明确社区管理体制,切实减轻社区的行政负担,真正实现社区自治;要完善社区财政投入机制,确保资金到位;要加强社区管理队伍建设;要科学合理地整合社区资源。  相似文献   

城市社区自治与农村村民自治共同组成了当下中国基层社会的民主政治建设实践。城市社区自治的实践是在农村基层民主政治建设实践的外在影响和城市经济社会管理体制变革的内在推动下运行的。但相比于农村基层民主政治建设的蓬勃实践,城市基层民主自治的发展有着不同的运行基础。基于不同的内在机制与外在条件,城市社区民主自治的发展遵循着自身内在的逻辑。改革城市基层社会管理体制,培养良好的社区环境,发育和壮大自治组织,丰富社区公共生活是促进城市社区民主自治发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

社区文化虽然不能全部都成为正式的规范,但在很多情况下,它甚至要比正式的制度和规范更有力量。社区文化与基层党组织建设构成共生关系,社区文化制约着中国社会转型大趋势中执政党在农村社区治理格局中的能量。党的基层组织在民族直过区农村社区建设中应通过文化建设有效整合农村社区中的各种自治因素和自治资源,搭建党组织社会、整合社会、动员社会,巩固和发展新时期党的领导地位与执政基础,提升党对农村社区发展的掌控能力和执政水平。  相似文献   

针对城市社区自治与基层民主发展这一深层视点,深入探讨发达国家与中国广东城市社区建设与基层民主建设的基本特征,并对发达国家与中国广东城市社区自治的两种先进模式进行比较,正确认识民主和自治是城市基层社会管理的发展方向,有助于和谐社区的构建和发展。  相似文献   

高校体育场馆开放及运营的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育场馆设施向社会有偿开放是我国体育改革的一项重要措施,可以促进群众体育的发展、增加体育场馆设施的养护资金。高校体育场馆设施的开放与经营要根据自身特点和社会环境需求来进行,确立以客户为中心,采用合理、有效的经营方法,建立科学、合理、健全的规章制度是体育场馆良好运作的关键。  相似文献   

和谐社区与和谐社会关系探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建和谐社会,必须从社区做起,大力推进和谐社区建设。建设和谐社区,实现和谐社会是适应我国社会转型的战略举措,是和谐社会建设的重要基础。建设和谐社区必须推进社会管理体制创新,建立以政府为主导,以社区为支点,以居民自治为核心的一体化管理体系。  相似文献   

当前地方高校在社会服务方面存在着观念滞后、有些专业设置陈旧、研发能力相对薄弱、与当地社会联系不够紧密等问题,为了促进高校的健康发展,应该与时俱进转变观念,构建服务机制,以服务求支持、贡献促发展,实现区域社会与地方高校的共同发展。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the logic of neoliberal choice policy is typically blind to considerations of space and place, but inevitably impacts on rural and remote locations in the way that middle-class professionals view the opportunities available in their local educational markets. The paper considers the value of middle-class professionals’ educational capitals in regional communities and their problematic distribution, given that class fraction’s particular investment in choice strategies to ensure their children’s future. It then profiles the educational market in six communities along a transect between a major regional centre and a remote ‘outback’ town, using publicly available data from the Australian Government’s My School website. Comparison of the local markets shows how educational outcomes are distributed across the local markets and how dimensions of ‘choice’ thin out over the transect. Interview data offer insights into how professional families in these localities engage selectively with these local educational markets or plan to transcend them. The discussion reflects on the growing importance of educational choices as a marker of place in the competition between localities to attract and retain professionals to staff vital human services in their communities.  相似文献   

Many contemporary sociologists suggest that a feature of modern life is that the practices and identities associated with ‘place’ are eroded. The local no longer matters in everyday life as it once did. Some national governments are persuaded of the possibility of an urban dystopia of Orwellian dimensions, and have found a response in theories and rhetorics of social capital, citizenship and communitarianism. They have instituted strategies to address an imaginary of harmonious local communities. In this paper I examine one such government intervention and show how four schools in Tasmania, Australia, took up the invitation to strengthen ties with their local communities. The projects reveal that the local still exists and matters, but they also hint at other possibilities. I argue that by working with a ‘place‐based’ curriculum to assist young people in building local networks and engaging productively with their local neighbourhoods, schools might provide important resources for identity‐building and learning.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often viewed as a threat to cultural and linguistic diversity and therefore is a central concern of educational practices and policy. The present study challenges this common view by demonstrating that local communities can use global means to support and enhance their specific practices and policies. An historical exploration of education policy in Mexico reveals that there has been a continuing struggle by indigenous peoples to maintain locally relevant modes of teaching. Indigenous peoples have increasingly used technology to maintain their languages and local cultural practices. Such accentuation of the local in a global context is exemplified by the people of Chiapas: They live in subsistence-type communities, yet their recent education movements and appeals to international solidarity (such as in the Zapatista rebellion) have employed computer-aided technologies.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often viewed as a threat to cultural and linguistic diversity and therefore is a central concern of educational practices and policy. The present study challenges this common view by demonstrating that local communities can use global means to support and enhance their specific practices and policies. An historical exploration of education policy in Mexico reveals that there has been a continuing struggle by indigenous peoples to maintain locally relevant modes of teaching. Indigenous peoples have increasingly used technology to maintain their languages and local cultural practices. Such accentuation of the local in a global context is exemplified by the people of Chiapas: They live in subsistence-type communities, yet their recent education movements and appeals to international solidarity (such as in the Zapatista rebellion) have employed computer-aided technologies.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, the body of literature surrounding the subject of social capital has witnessed steady growth. While sociologists have extensively discussed how social capital can be created and sustained within local communities and national contexts, there is little evidence of the social capital discourse within the outdoor education sector. Hallmarked by trust, reciprocity and voluntary associations within social networks, social capital may offer outdoor educators a helpful framework from which to conceptualise the impacts of their practice. This paper outlines the principal themes of social capital and explores outdoor education's role in building social capital within the local communities where they often operate. The notion of bridging, as articulated within the social capital concept, offers a way of exploring the recursive relationship that exists between outdoor education programmes and host communities.  相似文献   

New ways of participating in rural communities and in community development have evolved as the structure of rural communities has changed. In some communities, the impetus to redefine and reenergize is strong while, in others, ways to move forward have yet to be identified (Pomeroy 1997). Rural schools serve a vital role in recreating communities in a highly mobile, industrialized society. According to Lyson (2005, 26), “It is important for policy makers, educational administrators, and local citizens to understand that schools are vital to rural communities.”

This article, which is a follow-up to the author's case study involving a small New Zealand rural school (published in The Educational Forum 2003), examines the vital role schools play in recharging small communities.  相似文献   

调查发现,高校体育资源较为充裕,但都没有实行对社区的开放,当前社区体育在组织形式及体系结构方面存在着不利于社区体育发展的弊端。文章阐述了"联网"的必要性和可行性,设计并构建了高校与社区体育联网工程体系的结构。为了更好地将高校体育资源与社区体育共享,提出了加强"联网"与"资源共享"的宣传力度,建立"联网"与"资源共享"的规范和制度,组建"联网"与"资源共享"协调会的建议。  相似文献   

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