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Large-scale educational reforms are difficult to realize and often fail. In the literature, the course of reform and problems associated with this are frequently discussed. The explanations and recommendations then provided are so diverse that it is difficult to gain a comprehensive overview of what factors are at play and how to take them into consideration. In this article, a model to provide a comprehensive framework for the analysis of educational reforms is presented. Education is conceptualized as a social system and educational reform thus as the manner in which this social system adapts to a changing context. The upper secondary education reforms undertaken in the 1990s in the Netherlands are adopted as a test case to evaluate the utility of the model. The results of the study paint a picture of educational reform as a loosely organized system of problems and solutions. The possibilities and potential limitations of the model are discussed in closing.  相似文献   

全国许多高校正在积极地尝试英语口语考试的改革,而基于交际语言测试理论的交际性口语测试代表了未来英语口语考试的发展方向。本文从交际语言测试理论的理论基础出发,探讨了大学英语口语考试中所采取的交际性口语测试模式的主要特征,进一步揭示了大学英语交际性口语测试的优点所在。最后,对于这一测试模式中存在的一些问题也提出了进一步的思考。  相似文献   

高等教育改革是一项系统工程。依据系统动力学理论分析高等教育改革的动力要素框架,将其分为政府、市场、社会和高校等诸多要素。目前,中国高等教育改革呈现出政府为主导、高校为主体、市场动力和社会公众参与不断增强的特征,但依然存在动力要素作用发挥力度不均衡、动力要素交互障碍和作用机制运行不畅等问题。为此,需要通过完善高等教育法治体系、完善高等教育改革动力传导机制、完善动力要素的协调机制等来破除改革的局限性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a critical review of the motivating factors, processes and outcomes pertaining to learning‐centred curriculum reform in higher education. A case study example is provided from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia. Although academic units on university campuses tend to present many unique contextual challenges, and are at different stages in curriculum re‐design, useful lessons can be learned across settings without “re‐inventing the wheel,” or falling into similar implementation problems. A flexible framework, guiding principles and strategic approach to developing and implementing learning‐centred curricula are provided to assist academic developers. Curricular reform has implications for learning communities, planning, assessment and programming in higher education.  相似文献   

计算机公共课是很多高校非计算机专业学生的公共必修课.现在很多高校仍然采用传统的讲授模式,这种模式难以满足学生个性化的学习要求,存在很多问题.信息技术的大发展,催生教育领域的理论及实践诸多创新,总体来看,使教育资源的利用效率极大提升,学生学习的个性化需求也更好得到满足.文章以计算机公共课教学模式改革为切入点,提出了基于个人能力模型的计算机公共课教学模式,设计了相应信息系统的框架,并结合我校的实际情况,主导开发了相应的无纸化考试系统.  相似文献   

近几十年,世界范围内教育改革研究关注的焦点,从教学与课程等局部层面的改革,转向关注学校整体的革新.在这个大背景下,专业学习共同体不仅仅被当作教师发展的一种途径,而且成为一种崭新的学校变革方式,它将教师发展、领导角色、学校改善统整为一体,形成以学生学习提高为中心的整体学校发展模式.走向专业学习共同体的学校变革历程是一场深刻的革命,制度与文化的完善是一个不断磨合的过程.  相似文献   

众多因素影响着新课程的实施,但教师阻抗是影响、制约新课程实施和推进的重要因素之一。目前新疆和田县农村中小学汉语教师对课程改革的阻抗,已成为影响当地汉语课程改革深入发展的症结所在。和田县农村中小学汉语教师阻抗新课改的内因是由于教师专业素质低、教育观念保守、缺乏课改信念,外因则是由于领导不够重视、教学资源匮乏、教师工作压力大。要从激发课改意识、提高培训效果、设计课程模式、改善条件等方面消除教师的阻抗。  相似文献   

The andragogical model has stood for many years as a central model of adult learning. The purpose of this article is to offer a fresh look at certain aspects of andragogy that are important for performance improvement professionals as well as other adult educators. More specifically, the objectives are to clarify the current state of the andragogical principles, address certain key issues in using andragogy in practice, and offer a clearer framework for adapting andragogy to different practice conditions. An expanded model, Andragogy in Practice, is offered that more explicitly accounts for factors that must be considered in shaping andragogy to fit the learning situation. An analysis framework called andragogical learner analysis is also offered to utilize the andragogy model in practice during needs assessment and curriculum development.  相似文献   

政府会计是财政管理的一个重要手段,对政府会计进行改革也是当前我国财政管理改革中的一个热点话题。对于我国的政府会计改革的时间、路径的确定都需要建立在对政府会计环境因素分析的基础之上,而应变模型为这种分析提供了工具。通过将这一模型应用到对我国政府会计改革这一具体问题上,可以实现对我国政府会计改革的环境因素进行综合分析,设计我国政府会计改革的现实路径。  相似文献   

工学结合人才培养模式的提出具有深厚的理论基础,高等职业院校在开展工学结合人才培养模式改革时应始终注意从学院整体发展的角度进行统筹规划,让工学结合的思想落实到人才培养模式的每一个环节上,其中主要包括专业设置、课程体系结构、教学实施、教学条件保障等要素。  相似文献   

高师院校《教育学》课程改革的实践与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对传统的《教育学》课程实施中存在的学科中心主义倾向和以单一的“传授—接受”模式为主,重知识传授,轻情感、能力培养等弊端,明确提出“激趣、定向;明理、互动”的课程改革设想和“明理”阶段“整体把握、板块构建;问题先行、行动研究”的课程实施策略,并就上述课程改革理念在《教育学》课程中的实践情况,进行了比较系统的描述与分析。  相似文献   

The international practice of transferring educational structures, curricula and best practice, shortly summarized under the term ??policies??, from Germany to many other countries has taken place since more than 40 years. In this article we will first explain the theoretical framework for the analysis of policy transfer. In the second part the model of work culture as a developmental approach and extended theoretical framework that can be used for the analysis of context factors in the policy transfer process will be introduced. This model is applied to the analysis of policy transfer in vocational education and training in China and Turkey and used to explain context, actors and goals as well as transfer attainments.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是1992年确立了社会主义市场经济体制框架后,我国高等教育资源配置方式开始向适应市场经济体制改革的方向转变,其显著特点表现为高等教育资源不断由中央集中计划配置转向受市场约束的分散性配置的方向过渡.学术治理作为高等教育资源配置的一部分也具有这个特点.从宏观角度来看,我国高等教育学术治理变迁始终受到传统制度安排和外部社会大背景的影响.因此,研究中国高等教育学术治理的变迁必须放在整个经济社会转型的格局之中进行考虑,既要考虑初始状况,也要从历史分析的角度考虑模型的起点格局和演变过程,及其为制度变迁设定的可能演变路径.  相似文献   

作为我国研究生教育制度的重大变革举措,研究生培养机制改革是涉及到诸多要素和环节的系统工程。奖助工作的改革与完善,是整个改革中的基础工作和主要抓手,既与招生、培养、德育等工作环节紧密配合、密不可分,又对各个环节发挥着重要的调控作用。随着改革的进一步深入,就必须正确理解培养机制改革与奖助工作改革的关系,充分认识奖助工作的基础地位和调控功能,以系统化、规范化、科学化、人性化的工作思路推进研究生培养机制改革的深入发展。北京大学奖助工作的实践为理解这一问题提供了很好的参考。  相似文献   

Where you find distressed neighborhoods, you will also find poorly performing public schools. Yet many contemporary school reform efforts ignore neighborhood-level factors that undeniably impact school performance. The purpose of this study is to use a case study approach with social institutional and urban school reform regime frameworks to demonstrate why school reform and the re-creation and redevelopment of distressed neighborhoods should occur simultaneously. At the same time, researchers will examine the role of higher education in catalyzing partnerships with so-called anchor institutions for the explicit purposes of simultaneously improving neighborhoods and reforming schools. By focusing on a federal Choice neighborhood initiative, the study will not only make the case for connecting school reform and neighborhood development but also present a model that demonstrates how this can happen. The study will also make a strong case for the university's unique role in fostering neo-collaborative structures fit to take on wicked problems of neighborhood distress and urban decline.  相似文献   

Much of the development community has advocated decentralization of basic education, and many countries have implemented some form of decentralization policy. This paper explores one important facet of the reform process: the relationship between the creation of official legislation, on the one hand, and the actual implementation of changes in governance, on the other. Most countries have, like Mexico, followed a strategy of legislation first and actual reform second. Nicaragua pursued a very different strategy, implementing significant changes in governance with little legal framework. Each strategy had benefits and pitfalls, but the comparison of the two experiences illustrates that prioritizing the creation of a legislative framework, as most countries have done, is no golden rule. Reforming governments have important lessons to learn from considering the attributes of both strategies to allow enough flexibility to facilitate learning by doing and to minimize wasted administrative effort and political capital, without jeopardizing the reform because of uncertainty and a lack of transparency.  相似文献   

This conceptual framework proposes a multi-level, multi-dimensional course alignment model to implement a contextualised constructive alignment of rubric design that authentically evidences and assesses learning outcomes. By embedding quality control mechanisms at each level for each dimension, this model facilitates the development of an aligned curriculum. The use of rubrics is a crucial theme for many higher education institutions owing to the binding requirement by universities to provide evidence to quality assurance agencies. The success of evidencing learning outcomes through rubrics, however, is only one piece of the puzzle. The other is the contextualised constructive alignment of intertwined factors. Despite the significance of embedding these factors, there has been little, if any, systematic framework in this area. The two key instrumental forces underpinning the conception of this model are: seeking external accreditation and the implementation of programme enhancement thus realising the strategic agenda for an Australian university.  相似文献   

新课程教育体系改革下,动手操作教学模式在激发学生学习兴趣、培养学生抽象思维等方面有着不可替代的价值,因此近年来被广大教育工作者应用于教学过程中。但由于受到多方不可控因素的影响,其应用质量与应用效益之间始终存在一定的差距。鉴于此,本文主要基于小学数学课程,针对动手操作实践应用困境提出了相应的优化策略,以此在实现预期教学目标的基础上,为学生的全面发展创造良好条件。  相似文献   

What accounts for well-meaning teachers' lack of implementation of subject-matter reforms, such as making one's classroom centered on problem solving, even when they positively value the reform and believe they are implementing it in their classrooms? Teachers' subject-matter beliefs may constrain them from adopting practices that conflict with those beliefs. The purpose of this article is to propose a theoretical model, the Cognitive–Affective Model of Conceptual Change, that integrates key findings from overly cognitive models of belief change with motivational and affective factors found in social psychology theory and research. This model explains why teachers' beliefs about instruction are resistant to reforms that challenge their existing beliefs, and it provides a conceptual framework within which to devise a better means of advancing teachers' beliefs and supporting them in the process of implementation.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the implementation of a school reform policy for educating young children in one south eastern state in the US, a reform known as the non-graded primary program. The reform is examined through the lens of Sabatier and Mazmanian's [(1981). The implementation of public policy: A framework for analysis. In D.A. Mazmanian, & P.A. Sabatier (Eds.), Effective policy implementation (pp. 3–36). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books] framework for policy implementation and Hashweh's [(2003). Teacher accommodative change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19, 421–434] model of accommodative change which proposes to explain how individual teachers change their practices. The article features four related studies of teacher change and the attitudes of teachers, administrators, and community members. The community, politics, and media had an impact on the sustainability of the change, and subsequently, after 10 years, many teachers had reverted to old practices. Teachers who made the most progressive changes were those whose beliefs were philosophically aligned with the theory of the policy, had excellent and continued professional development, and had supportive leadership.  相似文献   

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