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文章针对在线借阅图书这一问题,首先,建立0—1整数规划的数学模型,给出了在线借阅图书系统最优购置图书以及最优分配图书的具体方案;其次,在假定在线图书馆每一年借阅图书的比例保持不变的前提下预测出了图书借阅量;最后,根据调查数据,应用具体的算例对此模型进行了检验.  相似文献   

公共图书馆是人类精神文化的圣洁殿堂,是传播文化和普及知识的重要场所。少年儿童是公共图书馆的重要读者,他们既充满阅读的好奇心又缺少对文献的优劣辨别能力。如何利用图书馆自身的优势,做好少年儿童阅读的"引擎",帮助少年儿童在"书海"中科学"百度",健康"搜索",正确地引导他们阅读健康有益的图书,塑造少年儿童健康的灵魂,这不仅是公共图书馆社会职能的具体体现,更是公共图书馆员社会责任的自觉担当。  相似文献   

随着社会现代化程度的提高,网络化和电子文献的出现,人们可以足不出户就能获得自己想要的知识和信息,数字化阅读改变了人们的阅读习惯,传统的纸质文献受到了极大冲击,从而导致了纸质文献的利用率低。本文针对我馆的实际情况,面对纸质图书利用率逐年降低的现状,就如何能提高纸质图书的利用率,充分利用纸质文献资源,从几个方面进行思考。  相似文献   

本文分析了高校图书馆图书破损及修补现状、修补意义、图书破损的主客观原因。提出上级职能部门应当重视高校图书馆图书文献保护工作,加强指导,促使保护工作向科学化、规范化、标准化、及预防为主、修补为辅、"防、补"兼顾方向发展。高校图书馆领导应该从事前防范,事后补救多角度抓好图书破损防补工作,使图书保护工作贯穿于从文献资源建设到利用,从工作人员到读者的整个工作过程之中,才能使图书文献保护与利用协调发展。  相似文献   

<正>如何让班级图书"漂"起来,使得图书真正有"用武之地",成了摆在班主任面前的一项重要的工作。一、改变借阅方式,自主选择阅读传统的借阅方式虽然规范,但学生往往会感觉烦琐而放弃借阅。我们尝试做如下改革:每月一个小组到图书角借书,学生们可以自由在  相似文献   

互联网不仅创造了新的阅读方式,改变了传统的阅读习惯,它同时也对高等院校传统图书资料室的建设和管理产生了多层面的影响。如何看待和应对各种影响,并在网络环境下进一步增强系资料室文献采集和服务的时效性、专业性和研究性,是时代对高等院校系图书资料室建设和管理工作提出的迫切要求。  相似文献   

电视文化对传统阅读的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然电视文化对传统阅读的影响已引起许多有识之士的注意,但对这种影响的深层原因的讨论至今尚少见于文献。本文详细讨论了电视文化与图书文化的各自优势与不足,指出了电视文化对传统阅读的各种影响并就如何对待这种影响及发展传统阅读提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

网络时代对高校图书馆的传统文献借阅造成一定的影响,相当一部分图书变成流通率较低的"长尾",没有得到很好的利用。在实际工作中,传统的外借和阅览仍是高校图书馆最基本、最重要的服务项目,在校大学生由于学习环境、阅读习惯、经济条件等因素的制约,仍是纸质图书阅读的中坚力量,因此,如何提高高校图书馆纸质图书的利用率,使其更好地为广大师生服务,成为一个急需解决的问题。本文从导读工作、读者荐书和馆际联盟三方面论述了提高纸质图书利用率的方法。  相似文献   

作为一所小学,暨阳学校十分提倡不断丰富学生的阅历,开拓学生文化视野,锻炼阅读思维能力,培养良好的阅读学习习惯,为终身学习奠定坚实的基础。为了加强学生的阅读能力,学校采取了各项措施努力提升学生的综合阅读能力。其中最有力、有效的莫过于班级图书角了,它切实有效地培养和提高了学生课外阅读的能力。接下来我将就如何利用班级图书角提高学生课外阅读能力及其相关举措谈谈我的看法。  相似文献   

张敬 《考试周刊》2009,(23):226-227
图书馆是搜索、整理、保管、传播和利用文献信息为社会提供服务的文化事业机构,承担着保存大量文化遗产、进行社会教育、传递文献信息和开发智力资源的职能。图书资料员是图书馆的重要组成部分,肩负着组织、开发、传递知识的责任;关系着图书馆的壮大和兴旺。图书资料员的综合素质包括职业道德素质、专业素质、文化素质、身体心理素质诸方面。那么,作为一名图书资料员,怎样才能提高自身的综合素质呢?下面笔者从三方面进行论述。  相似文献   

孙朋  王蔚 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(10):25-28
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防控期间,高校图书馆利用最新的技术手段开展线上服务势在必行。采用文献分析与实证研究等方法,分析高校图书馆以新媒体、VPN、文献传递等方式进行线上服务的弊端,并探讨在新冠肺炎防控期间,高校图书馆利用AI技术开展智能咨询、智能推送、知识库及阅读增强等线上服务的方式。实践结果表明,利用AI技术可有效解决疫情防控期间各种文献资源难以获取的问题,提升了文献服务质量与效率。  相似文献   

当前我国学生的阅读方式发生了变革,在线阅读取代传统阅读成为主流,英语阅读教学改革势在必行。新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,在线教学走到前台,如何有效地利用“互联网+教育”线上资源上好阅读课是目前教育界亟须解决的现实课题。在线“文学圈”英语阅读教学模式可以充分发挥线上优势,有助于创新实践落地生根,提高学生阅读兴趣和素养。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between Chinese higher education students' epistemic beliefs and their judgmental standards of searching for literature online. Data were collected from 449 higher education students (152 college students and 297 graduate students) in Beijing via two self-reported questionnaires: one was the Epistemic Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ), including four scales (Innate/Fixed Ability, Learning Effort/Process, Authority/Expert Knowledge, and Certainty of Knowledge); the other was the Online Judgmental Standards of Searching for Literature Questionnaire (OJSSLQ), consisting of six scales (Multiple sources, Authority, Content, Quantitative Indicators, Clarity, and Ease of Access). Through exploratory factor analyses, this study confirmed the reliability and validity of the EBQ and OJSSLQ. Further analyses indicated that there were significant differences between college and graduate students for the Content and Ease of Access judgmental standards of searching for literature online whereby graduate students had higher standards for these two factors, but there were no differences for the other factors. Correlation analysis between the EBQ and OJSSLQ was conducted for the college and graduate students. An interplay between the students' epistemic beliefs and their evaluative standards of searching for literature online was found. For example, the results indicated that both college and graduate students with the epistemic belief that learning requires great efforts and processes (Learning Effort/Process) had the tendency to judge the academic information by the standards of Authority and Content (i.e. checking the authority of literature or carefully reading the content). This study also found that epistemic beliefs might increasingly play a role in the students' judgmental standards of searching for literature online as they progressed into advanced study.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Critics of large digitization projects say that the quality of information available to students is being lost in a rush to increase its quantity. But in reality the larger amounts of material mean that it is more likely students can find appropriate and relevant documents. What is happening is that people react to the large quantities of material on the Web and the power of the search engines by seeking the right places to read, rather than being limited to a few items by scarcity …  相似文献   

近代江苏藏书是历史上江苏藏书的延续,但其藏书观念更为通达,藏书更讲求实用,藏书家之间的联系也更为密切,这是私人藏书封闭性走向开放性的翻来重要标志。近代江苏藏书家注重地方文献的收藏,积极维护图书主权,并以自己丰富的藏书经验为控江苏图书馆的创建、管理作出了贡献。随着社会环境、文化环境的改变,江苏私人藏书最终走向了衰落。  相似文献   

科技进步和网络技术的日益发展和成熟在改变生活方式的同时也在改变英汉翻译的形式和内容。对于翻译工作的从业者而言,使用网络工具和网络信息势必有直观,便捷,信息量大等优势。然而,面对网络翻译工具提供的大量信息,甄别其内容真实与否,严谨与否等也对翻译工作提出了新要求。面对日渐普及的网络翻译工具,译者需从三个角度出发,在科学辨析网络翻译信息的学术性和严谨性的基础上,采取审慎批判的眼光,不断提高自身的语言文化素质,积累使用方法,达到正确高效使用网络翻译的目的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore preschool teachers’ evaluation standards and searching strategies during their online searching process, focusing on the difference between pre-service and in-service teachers. A total of 408 pre-service and in-service preschool teachers in Taiwan participated in the survey research. The validity and reliability of the instruments were confirmed through factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed that the in-service teachers adopted Deep Strategiesand all four kinds of evaluation standards (Multiple, Authority, Content, and Technical) more often than the pre-service teachers did.The results also showed that Internet experience may affect both pre-service and in-service teachers’ use of searching strategies. The findings of this study suggest that more education on online searching strategies as well as evaluation standards should be provided for both in-service and pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study investigated 4 Korean elementary level English language learners' (ELLs) cultural identities when they read online texts at home and school. The participants were fourth- or fifth-grade students. The data consisted of observations, interviews, field notes, reflective journals, and the ELLs' verbal reports at home and school between the spring and the fall of 2010. The author's purpose was to identify the influences of reading online texts at home and school in Korean elementary level ELLs' cultural identities. Findings revealed that the online text readings helped the ELLs form, maintain, and shift their cultural identities. The author discusses Korean ELLs' languages, cultures, and technologies in the contexts of electronic literacies and suggests educational implications to facilitate their reading online texts.  相似文献   

后殖民主又是20世纪70年代以来影响深远的一种西方当代文化思潮。“寻根”文学自其产生之日起,就注定有无法克服的“悖谬”窘境。一方面,它对中国文化的“被迫现代化”表现出的明显的反叛情绪,显示了其后殖民主义的批判性;而另一方面,它对中国古老文化表现出的过分的迷恋和沉醉,又使它陷入了无法自拔的文化上的本土主义。  相似文献   

Online learning, now a popular method of education at the tertiary level, creates new challenges for students and educators. Faculty members may know little about how to assist students in succeeding in this new learning environment, and students may be ill prepared to tackle the new demands put upon them. This research sought to identify dimensions of successful online learners by examining primary screening documents and mapping them to the literature base, and then invited experienced online educators to review the dimensions and provide strategies they use to ensure student success. Seven dimensions were identified and confirmed as significant, each dimension with slightly different importance, including access to tools; technology experience; learning preferences; study habits and skills; goals or purposes; lifestyle factors; and personal traits and characteristics. The experienced educators provided several online teaching strategies including students' posting biographies; frequent interaction; collaboration; required participation; question-asking forums; topical flexibility; and minimizing technology requirements.  相似文献   

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