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This article analyses the role of the cooperation with and the influence of the Nordic countries on the development of a democratic society in Lithuania through adult education since the reinstatement of its independence from Soviet regime in March 1990 to the present. The authors focus on three main areas: (1) the training of Lithuanian adult educators; (2) the establishment and development of NGOs; and (3) the implications for a Lithuanian policy of adult education. Within the framework of Nordic-Baltic cooperation established among five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8) in 1992, Lithuanian adult educators seized the opportunity to visit Scandinavian institutions and projects. Experiencing Nordic adult education ideas has resulted in a marked shift in Lithuanian adult educators’ values, methodology and careers; and in the establishment of a series of very influential umbrella associations as well as hundreds of NGOs in Lithuania which work with adults and support functioning democratic values in society. This shift is related to the civic responsibility and active participation growing out of the bottom-up approaches of group work, cooperation, discussions and learning circles which are so inherent in the Nordic tradition of adult education. The internalisation of new democratic values was more complicated than expected for many Lithuanian politicians, adult educators and NGO leaders in terms of how political decisions were perceived and implemented. Furthermore, the influence of the Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education may also be traced in adult education policy implications in Lithuania. Some changes in the policies of contemporary Lithuania have not been successful and even failed to promote a democratic society.  相似文献   

哈佛大学教育博士专业学位改革对世界各国教育博士培养具有引领和带动作用。在回应专业博士教育社会质疑、弥补哲学博士教育长期缺失双重需要推动下,哈佛大学对教育博士学位培养进行了大刀阔斧改革:撤销原教育博士学位(Ed.D.)、新设教育领导博士学位(Ed.L.D.)、创设教育哲学博士学位(Ph.D.),形成了两种博士学位并存共生新格局。从培养模式比较看,专业博士回归“实践”属性,教育哲学博士凸显“学术性”特点,且两者均高度重视跨学科教育和培养质量提升。我国培养教育博士起步较晚,具有较大发展空间,可借鉴哈佛大学经验教训,积极推动教育博士培养模式改革,更好地满足国家经济社会和教育事业发展需要。  相似文献   

Traditional structures and processes as well as norms and beliefs in the field of research training across Europe are challenged by four recent trends. They encompass the implications of the expansion and diversification of the student body in higher education, the changing functioning and role of research in the knowledge economy, the internationalization of the Ph.D. factory and the growing role of governmental supervision for doctoral training. Altogether, these trends foster internal diversity within higher education and research as well as external diversity in the contribution made to the economy and the growing variety of careers for those who have gone through doctoral training. The paper reviews these processes and respective responses in public intervention as well as in higher education to reorganize doctoral training. It is argued that a diversity of organizational and structural forms as well as different validation criteria and procedures will probably determine the future face of doctoral education across Europe.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of the research training systems in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with emphasis on the structure, organisation, time span of the degree, completion rates, labour market and internationalisation of postgraduate education. Even though the various national research training systems in the Nordic countries seem to be becoming more similar, there are still differences in their organisational models. In addition, the article compares the Nordic doctoral systems with those of the USA, the UK, Germany and France-the four countries which traditionally have been the most important recipients of Nordic students seeking research training abroad. The model of the US 'graduate school' has been the inspiration and basis for many European initiatives to improve doctoral degree education. In all these countries such schools have been introduced, but often in a modified form and to a limited extent. The main conclusion is that the trend is towards a common international PhD where the content, breadth, length and quality are equivalent.  相似文献   

Adult Education has many values, including experiences and co-operation among people, and the fact that adult education is full of stories from adult educators, which can help to understand trends in the past and developments in the present. Established in 1991 as part of a more general regional cooperation among five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8), Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education has been mutually enriching and has resulted in the growth of a professional network. The cooperation has led participants through a time of new sources of values, knowledge and contacts, socialisation and transformation, inspiration and challenges, which has influenced their experiences and professional identities. This paper is based on the results of a study entitled “Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education: Experience and stories” and focuses on the experiences and professional identities of two generations of Estonian adult educators. The empirical data for the study were collected using narrative-biographical interviews. The paper discusses two research questions: (1) What is the perception and influence of experiences for adult educators? and (2) How have their experiences influenced the professional identity of adult educators?  相似文献   

当代博士生培养质量评价是对当代博士生培养活动及其效果优劣程度进行综合评判,它集中体现于博士学位获得者原创性知识贡献评价、学术研究素养评价和对就业市场的适应性评价三个方面。以知识生产模式转型为背景来观照当代博士生培养质量评价,就是强调用知识生产模式转型中的知识创新思想、学术训练要求和博士生对就业市场的适应性标准来评价博士生培养质量,优化博士生培养质量评价模式与机制,使当代博士生培养质量评价的视角、内容、制度等与知识生产模式转型的要求相适应。  相似文献   

博士培养质量评价:概念、方法与视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
博士质量评价是博士教育研究中探讨得比较少的问题。本文首先区分了博士教育质量、博士点质量、博士质量这三个互相联系但又有所区别的概念,指出博士质量的内涵包括培养质量和发展质量。其次,文章讨论了从微观层次和宏观层次评价博士培养质量的主要方法——同行评价法和文献计量法。最后,文章从国内外的教育实践出发,分析了当前评价博士质量的两种视角——产品视角和质量视角及其问题。  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of the transformations in doctoral education in the arts, humanities and social sciences in the United Kingdom over the past decade. It focuses on the introduction of formal research training and codes of research practice and in the first longitudinal candidate cohort study examines their impact on doctoral outcomes, especially Ph.D. submission rates. Results from this quantitative study show that engagement with research training, completion of a project outline and plan and appointment of a supervisory team were statistically positively associated with submission of the thesis within four years. It is concluded that the professionalisation of doctoral education by research training and codes of research practice has had a positive impact on doctoral educational outcomes.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the recent evolutions of science and engineering doctoral and postdoctoral education in Europe. Indeed, Ph.Ds are crucial to the conduct of research and innovation in the national innovation systems, as they provide a large amount of input into creating the competitive advantage, notably through basic research. First, we show that Asia, and notably China, is producing more Ph.Ds than the United States and Europe. In many EU countries, the number of Ph.Ds has levelled off or even declined recently in many natural sciences and engineering fields. Second, we discuss the European situation in the international competition for talents. We study the European brain drain question, mainly at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. We find that there is an asymmetry in the flows of Ph.D students and postdoctorates between Europe and the United States, at the advantage of this latter country. These two points — production of Ph.Ds, international flows of doctorates and postdoctorates — lead us to be concerned about the future growth and innovation in Europe. In conclusion, we outline some European policy responses in the perspective of building the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area.  相似文献   

美国教育博士专业学位教育与教育哲学博士学位教育的趋同问题由来已久。关于教育博士研究生该不该像教育哲学博士研究生那样撰写传统博士论文,一直聚讼不休。目前越来越多的大学认为传统博士论文不适于或者至少不能充分展现教育专业人员应掌握的专业知识和技能,并尝试用专题博士论文、项目研究、顶岗实习等新型毕业环节取而代之,以便突显教育博士专业学位教育的特点。  相似文献   

How the experience of science‐based Ph.D. students working in or funded by Australian Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) compares with their peers in regular university science‐based departments is the key focus of this article. CRC doctoral programmes that integrate industry needs with professional development offer an alternative to traditional research training, emphasizing producing ‘industry‐ready’ graduates with a broader educational experience linked to the needs of research users. The overall experience of both groups, their attitudes to collaboration with industry and where their studies are leading them are analysed. Of particular interest is whether CRC‐related Ph.D. students have more positive attitudes towards their training, towards industry and research and development (R&D) partnerships with industry than those outside CRCs and to what extent both favour the idea of careers in industry. Findings, based on a survey of Ph.D. students in two Australian research‐intensive universities, indicate that the CRC research training experience has much to commend it. This suggests that in reforming doctoral education programmes, universities would do well to further examine the effectiveness of aspects of this alternative.  相似文献   

Writing groups for doctoral students are generally agreed to provide valuable learning spaces for Ph.D. candidates. Here an academic developer and the eight members of a writing group formed in a Discipline of Public Health provide an account of their experiences of collaborating in a multicultural, multidisciplinary thesis writing group. We consider the benefits of belonging to such a group for Ph.D. students who are operating in a research climate in which disciplinary boundaries are blurring and where an increasing number of doctoral projects are interdisciplinary in nature; in which both academic staff and students come from enormously diverse cultural and language backgrounds; and in which teamwork, networking and collaboration are prized but not always proactively facilitated. We argue that doctoral writing groups comprising students from diverse cultural and disciplinary backgrounds can be of significant value for postgraduates who wish to collaborate on their own academic development to improve their research writing and communication skills; at the same time, such collaborative work effectively builds an inclusive, dynamic research community.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,越来越多的工科博士生参与大学的学术创业活动,作为科研训练的一种重要方式,学术创业对工科博士教育产生了重要影响。基于对16名工科博士生深度访谈材料的扎根分析,本研究发现,参与学术创业,促进了工科博士生科研能力的提升,非学术技能的习得,广阔的学术观和多元职业观的形成。为回应学术创业对工科博士教育的影响,建议培养单位形成多元培养观,优选和拓展学术创业项目,提升工科博士生的科研能力和学术创业能力。  相似文献   

The international literature contains few formal analyses of the state of Colombian higher education and its most critical issues. This article systematically and comparatively analyzes the emergence of Colombian doctoral programmes within a national and international context. It shows that, while Colombia has experienced a significant growth in the number of Ph.D. graduates per million people over the last decade, it continues to lag behind other Latin American countries. Further, it is critical for Colombia to increase funding for doctoral training, both by increasing the number of scholarships for graduate studies and by improving the mobility of researchers and strengthening the infrastructure of doctoral programmes. Increasing its numbers of Ph.D. holders is vital if Colombia is to succeed in entering the knowledge-based economy.  相似文献   

The form and function(s) of doctoral education continue to be a subject of much debate by stakeholders internal and external to the university. Notable concerns driving this debate derive from a seemingly discursive array of factors including increasing student numbers, increased understanding of the economic value of doctoral graduates, capitalisation of the academic market and a focus on allocating funding using ostensibly narrow, arbitrary measures of ‘program success’ such as completion rates/time to completion, all framed by a wider debate regarding precisely what constitutes valid knowledge in contemporary society. Within the university, the biomedical sciences are one area of scholarship undergoing rapid change in this respect. One of the salient outcomes of these internal and external dialogues is the apparent transition of biomedical doctoral education towards a ‘training model’ that places increasing emphasis on rapid completion and the generation of ‘industry ready graduates’; a transition that is, potentially, occurring at the expense of the edifying and transformative aspects of biomedical doctoral education. Focusing on the effects of academic capitalisation, this paper draws on data from Australia and Europe to examine the drivers and potential effect(s) of this shift on contemporary doctoral education in the biomedical sciences. This paper acknowledges the potential benefit of contemporary developments whilst simultaneously concluding that by progressing too far towards a quantitatively assessed, industry-driven training model we risk eliminating the intellectual and societal transforming aspects of biomedical doctoral education that make graduates increasingly valuable to our economy and, just as importantly, to our society as a whole.  相似文献   

This article argues that despite an absence of distinctions in implementation, there are perceived and actual differences between the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in education. Failure to make the distinctions in administering the degrees has caused confusion among faculty in other fields and within graduate schools. The article suggests that all doctoral degrees in education be changed to the Ph.D. with two tracks-one for scholars of practice and one for scholarly practitioners.In addition to his professional interests in administration and program development, he teaches and conducts research in educational gerontology and instructional methods. This article describes the dilemma of having two doctoral degrees in the field of education. The Ph.D. degree with two tracks is suggested as the solution.  相似文献   

Editorial comment and summaries


Drs Kjöllerström and Lybeck present here a brief report of their European survey of master's and doctoral dissertations in science education, undertaken subsequently to a workshop on Research in Science Education in Europe held at Malente, FR Germany in 1976. The full report of their survey has recently been published by the Institute for Science Education (IPN), Kiel, FR Germany.

The article published here reports on the distribution, size and organization of science education research groups, their areas of research interest and higher degree programmes. It also surveys the main areas of science education research at master's and doctoral level undertaken during the period 1971‐1976, and the employment taken up by master's and doctoral students upon completion of their studies.  相似文献   

法、美、德、俄在高等教育发展的历程中,致力于将工程教育和工程技术人才的培养视为国家持续发展的潜力所在和提升国家竞争力的有力保证,并以其“卓越”的教育质量享誉全球.其“卓越”缘由在于:分工明确的高等工程教育系统确保其功能的有效发挥;适切性、综合性、实践性的培养过程设计使工程本质得以充分体现;制度化、前瞻性认证基准及政策报告规约和引领高等工程教育改革.  相似文献   

博士生导师身份特征对博士培养质量的评价存在显著影响,博士生导师国外学习(工作)的时间越长,对博士培养质量现状和变化趋势的总体评价越低;博士生导师年龄越大,对博士培养质量现状和变化趋势的总体评价越高。  相似文献   

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