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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied on colour measurements performed on outdoor bronze patinas and protective coating systems on bronze coupons in order to monitor natural weathering and cleaning effects. PCA chemometric technique is shown to be a powerful tool to analyse the large measurement data set which is needed to characterise these kinds of system. The results are compared with previous work where the CIELAB L*a*b space was used, in order to spot the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques and how they can complete each other in order to set up a workflow when dealing with large datasets of colour measurements. As previously stated, quicker colour variations in the early stage of natural weathering of bronze coupons are characterised, which is mainly due to lightness reduction. PCA analysis helps to visualise the different behaviour upon cleaning procedure of different monument patinas and colour difference reduction due to cleaning. It gives the advantage in a first screening phase to possibly highlight the presence of outliers, check the level of noise in the spectra, and select the variables which carry more information. Its integration in a workflow for colour measurement can help in speeding up the process of later analysing data with the well-established CIELAB system.  相似文献   

Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy was used to investigate the composition of a gun found in the Adriatic seabed and kept in the “S. Castromediano” Provincial Museum in Lecce (Italy). Optical emission spectra of the laser-induced plasma from the surface of the piece of ordnance were recorded before and after its restoration. The metal alloy of the gun was determined through the identification of characteristic atomic emissions and confirmed through microanalysis carried out by energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy. Experimental results evidenced that the gun is of bronze and revealed that elements composing the encrustation and noxious for the object conservation, such as calcium, were removed successfully during the cleaning operation. Performed elemental analyses confirmed that laser induced breakdown spectroscopy is a useful diagnostic tool to test the restoration degree of artworks.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first investigation on the remote sensing of stone monuments by fluorescence lidar. The advantages of this technique are manifold and can lead to a fast, extensive and inexpensive control of the stone cultural heritage. The experiments were carried out in both the laboratory and the field, and include the survey of stones coming from different quarries, of epilithic photosynthetic biodeteriogens and of a monument, the Parma Baptistery. The results constitute a first step towards a non-destructive spectral analysis of stone monument surfaces.  相似文献   

Various types of Late Neolithic decorated pottery excavated in Polyplatanos (Imathia, Greece) such as Crusted (C), Classical Dimini (CD), Black-on-Red (BoR), Cream-on-Red (CoR) and Graphite (G) were archaeometrically studied in order to investigate their provenance and to clarify specific technological features. The clay bodies, the paints and the slips were stereoscopically analyzed, while their elemental composition was determined, using non-destructive multi-elemental micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Furthermore, the analytical data were statistically treated using multivariate exploratory techniques (Principal Component Analysis, PCA). As a result, novel technological information was derived especially concerning the Crusted type ceramics, which have not been widely examined by archaeometric means up to now, while useful provenance associations were also derived from the statistical combination of the studied groups.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of the microclimate monitoring of the Arch of Augustus. This is a monument from the Roman era, situated in an urban area in the Western Alpine region of Aosta Valley, Italy. Measurements were carried out on different monument positions, corresponding to the four faces and below the vault. The measurements refer to air and surface temperature, air relative humidity, wind speed and direction. The environmental conditions are described in order to underline the differences among the four faces of the monument and to explain the nature of the decay observed on the monument. The damage risk, caused by the occurrence of phenomena like freezing-thawing cycles, thermal stress and water condensation, is estimated by relating microclimatic conditions to the stone damage processes. The results are compared to the decay map and the correlation between damage and microclimate are finally discussed.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistics is a well-known and invaluable tool in archaeological science but its use is limited in monument restoration. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the effectiveness of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the characterization, technology and weathering condition investigation of building materials from historical monuments.Towards this aim, three examples are given:The first one is a provenance and technology investigation of the Aghia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey) bricks, some of which had to be replaced due to weathering, during recent restoration works. It was proved by PCA that the original clay, used for the construction of the bricks, is not similar to the clay of other contemporary constructions in Istanbul but presents high similarity to the raw material of the bricks from a contemporary church in the island of Rhodes (Dodecanese, Greece). Additionally, the technology of the bricks was studied by mercury intrusion porosimetry, strength tests and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The use of PCA gives a very comprehensive way to present the difference in the technology of the dome bricks.The second presents a classification of mortars from medieval (Byzantine) monasteries, based on their microstructural characteristics (porosity, reverse hydraulicity ratio) and strength measurements. The PCA grouping gives an illustrative diagram depicting the correlation between mortar syntheses and resulting characteristics.The third case shows an example of the correlation between environmental pollution data and data from the weathering layers of marble surfaces (patina composition, orientation of the monument surface, etc.).  相似文献   

Knowledge of the structural behaviour of existing masonry requires a multi-level approach, with the proper application of diagnostic and assessment methodologies. The structural performance of masonry wall structures can be understood provided that the history of their construction, their geometry, the characteristics of their masonry texture, and the characteristics of the masonry as a composite material are known. In order to obtain all these data, an effective on-site testing program, which can involve the application of different test methodologies as a combination of destructive tests (DT), minor destructive tests (MDT) and non-destructive tests (NDT), needs to be performed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of applied methodologies for the assessment of historical masonry structures strongly depends on the type of investigated structure, as well as on the appropriate numerical model for the analysis. However, the unclear aspects of any testing programme remain the same – how efficient is a particular testing technique, and how can it be assessed? Following the results of recently carried out EU and national research projects, a comprehensive set of data regarding the effectiveness of different testing methods, depending on the type of problem, have been collected and analyzed. Within this framework, several masonry heritage structures from Slovenia, which differ both from the historical and structural point of view (Pi?ece Castle, the Carthusian Monastery at ?i?e, and a typical stone-masonry house from the So?a Valley region), have been investigated by means of different techniques, and numerically analyzed. For this purpose, two different models were used: a push-over model based, on the structural element method, and FEM analysis. It was concluded that the effectiveness of any particular diagnostic technique for the investigation of masonry structures, and for the planning of their restoration, depends on numerous factors. An attempt to determine which of the techniques could be appropriate, depending on the problem, was made. No single test is self-sufficient for the solving of a particular problem, so a combination of different NDT, MDT and DT should be performed. Summarizing all the results, it can be said that, in the process of assessing the state of a structure, even a simple investigation technique is better than none. The effort will always be repaid - if not already in the planning stage of the restoration and retrofitting actions, then certainly in the execution stage of the revitalization works, on site.  相似文献   

At the instigation of the Musée du Louvre's Department of Egyptian Antiquities, an intensive programme to study black bronze has been carried out at the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France. Systematic research has been undertaken on the museum's collection to identify objects that might have an intentional black patina.The same experimental protocol has been applied to all the objects, alllowing this study to be one of the most important coherent investigation on this type of bronze decoration. It involves the use of non-invasive analytical methods in order to obtain the maximum amount of information possible about the chemical nature and structure of the surface layer. The protocol makes it possible to compare objects and to propose an interpretation of how this decorative technique evolved during the Egyptian period.Based on previous stylistic investigations (by J. Cooney, 1966) and personal observation, sixteen objects dating from the Middle Kingdom to the Late Period were selected. Thanks to elemental analyses, twelve of them were identified as being intentionally patinated. Only ten of these could be described as hmty-km, because the base patinated alloy contains small amounts of gold and/or silver and the black patina is made up mainly of cuprous oxide Cu2O (cuprite). Among the four other objects, one patina is very close to the black bronze patina, but contains neither gold nor silver. Three other pieces have an unusual patina. A lack of other comparable examples makes it very difficult to determine whether the patinas are of ancient origin.  相似文献   

The funeral monument of Maarten Tromp, in the Old Church of Delft (the Netherlands), is partially built with Tournai stone, a grey-blackish limestone from the Wallonia region (Belgium). This stone is suffering a severe delamination and scaling, which has, in the course of the centuries, led to a considerable material loss from the surface of some of the stone elements. In order to identify the damage process and define a sound basis for the conservation of the monument, a research plan was set-up including, next to the tests and analyses on the stone, a 1-year monitoring of the microclimate in the church and the investigation of the structure of the monument as well as its connections to the adjacent walls. First of all, the stone type was identified by macroscopic features and by thin section microscopy. The moisture distribution in the monument and in the adjacent walls was gravimetrically determined on samples taken at different height and depths. The content and type of salt in the Tournai stone from the monument were determined by X-ray diffraction and ion chromatography, and the results compared to those obtained for the fresh stone. The analyses showed the presence of considerable amount of gypsum, together with a low content of soluble salts (chlorides and nitrates). The SEM-EDS observations showed that gypsum is mainly crystallizing in cracks between the layers of the material. The damage mechanism and the influence of salt on the decay were further investigated by combining hygroscopic moisture uptake, hygric dilation (RH cycles between 50% and 95% RH) measurements and SEM-EDS observations; all measurements were performed both on stone sampled from the monument and, as comparison, on fresh stone specimens. The results show that gypsum is the main salt present, but its role in the damage is not significant. The naturally thin laminated structure of the stone together with the considerable hygric dilation seem to be the main causes of the delamination observed in this stone.  相似文献   

In the framework of the preservation project of the Porta del Paradiso, carried on by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence, we investigated a cleaning methodology based on integrated chemical and laser techniques. This novel approach, which will replace the previous chemical protocol, was aimed at cleaning a number of gilded sculptural elements of the door frieze, without their being dismounted from the bronze framework. To such an end, optimised chemical and laser cleaning techniques were first singly investigated, and then integrated treatments were tested. The critical evaluation of each procedure was achieved through various diagnostic means to characterise the cleaned surfaces from chemical and physical points of view. The analysis demonstrated the various advantages of a laser-based treatment followed by light sodium potassium tartrate poultice application.  相似文献   

This paper describes GPR (ground penetrating radar) surveys performed inside the crypt of the San Miguel de los Reyes Monastery (1546–1835) in order to detect the exact location of its founders' remains, the Dukes of Calabria (16th century). This Monastery was erected to house their family mausoleum and the bodies of the founders were buried near the high altar of the church (1645). However, in the 18th century, the tombs were exhumed to provide them with a worthier burial site: the crypt below the high altar. There is no documentation specifying the exact location of the tombs inside the crypt. Therefore, in order to reveal the exact location of the tombs the GPR survey was conducted inside the crypt.In our specific study, the available historical documentation led us to suppose that the Dukes of Calabria's remains were inside their mausoleums. However, after having performed the GPR analysis, we discovered that the mausoleums were solid and not hollow. The project required data collection on four areas in the crypt: the altar crypt, the Fernando de Aragón mausoleum, the Germana de Foix mausoleum and the floor between the two mausoleums and the altar.In this study, we have processed the GPR records in three different ways: the radargrams were processed in a standard manner, a detailed spectral analysis of all anomalous areas was carried out, and finally a 3D representation was generated. After this complete analysis we concluded that the bodies were not located inside their mausoleums, because they were shown to be solid. Besides, a burial site was located in the crypt subsurface near the Germana de Foix mausoleum, in which four different elements could be identified. Two of them may well be the tombs of the Dukes of Calabria and the other two the tombs of the Germana de Foix sisters.The results obtained in this survey are a good example of GPR application as an efficient and respectful tool for use in Cultural Heritage restoration studies, providing it with a very useful technique for similar projects such as those carried out in the restoration of historical buildings and those in which the elements to be examined are beneath a shallow coating of material.  相似文献   

The scientific approach to the restoration and monitoring of mural paintings, at S. Girolamo Chapel – SS. Annunziata Church in Florence, is reported as a fruitful example of the synergic collaboration between restorers and scientists in the planning and development of conservative interventions. Before restoration, the painting technique and the state of preservation of the pictorial cycle have been investigated firstly by close examination of the painted surfaces and then by optical and/or SEM-EDS microscopy and μFT-IR spectroscopy on appropriately selected samples. In particular, the original constituent materials and those belonging to subsequent restorations were characterized together with those originating from decay processes. In this mural painting cycle, a peculiar “fresco” technique has been used although an auxiliary binder for pigment distemper has been also employed. The use of this technique, sometimes in an improper way together with uncorrected restoration interventions, are the main responsible of the unsatisfactory state of conservation of many painted areas. Preliminary conservation trials and scientific studies were carried out to design the most convenient restoration intervention and to verify the correctness and non-invasive of the necessary operations. Special attention was devoted to cleaning procedures, continuously monitored by a physico-chemical methodology, mainly based on microinvasive, microscopic and spectroscopic investigations, to evaluate the efficiency, advantages and drawbacks of the proposed cleaning procedures and define the most appropriate ones. Finally, specific decay markers have been recognized, by a comparison of the results obtained from the detached samples with those deriving from artificially aged models, to be used for a correct future monitoring and maintenance of the wall paintings.  相似文献   

Between April and September 2003, 1500 visitors of the Catacomb of St. Callistus participated to a scientific research by filling in a questionnaire to express their opinion about a new illumination system experimentally set up in the Ocean’s Cubiculum. Their answers were statistically evaluated and represented the first public opinions on this archaeological site, including their knowledge of conservation problems and their positive attitude towards the use of new strategies for the preservation of this monument.  相似文献   

The painting Il ritratto della figliastra (Portrait of the Stepdaughter) by Giovanni Fattori (1889, Gallery of Modern Art, Pitti Palace, Florence) was investigated using non-invasive fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy (FORS). The use of compact and transportable instrumentation made it possible to easily record spectra of the polychrome surface at the restorer’s atelier during the restoration work. The results of colour analysis before and after the cleaning procedure of the painting are reported and discussed, together with an attempt at pigment identification.  相似文献   

The Minerva of Arezzo is an ancient bronze statue located at the Museo Archeologico in Florence and currently under repair at the Restoration Centre of the Soprintendenza Archeologica of the Tuscany Region. We assembled a complete three-dimensional (3D) digital model of the Minerva before the restoration started. More 3D models will be produced to keep track of the variations that occurred during the restoration process, up to the final acquisition of the form of the restored artwork. The modelling of the Minerva will be the focal point of an ambitious “Minerva Project” that involves the integration of data from other sources in a 3D digital model of the object. Besides this, the project is aimed at showing how 3D techniques can be used to design useful and easily manageable new tools for the diagnostics of archaeological objects. 3D measurements have been realized by means of a high-resolution laser scanner developed at National Institute for Applied Optics (INOA). The instrument is composed of commercial low-cost components in order to be competitive with the very expensive commercial devices. Besides this, our scanner is supported by an efficient and flexible software developed by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) that supports all the post-processing phases of a 3D scanning session (range data alignment, merge and simplification).  相似文献   

淘气包 梁思成年轻时是学建筑专业的,但他在音乐和绘画方面都有很好的修养。他在美国宾夕法尼亚大学留学时,宾大要求学生自己设计作品,他的第一件作品便是给林徽因做了面仿古铜镜。那是用一个现代的圆玻璃镜面,镶嵌在仿古铜镜里合成的。铜镜正中刻着两个云冈石窟中的飞天浮雕,飞天的外围是一圈卷草花纹,花环与飞天组合成完美的圆形图案,图案中间刻着:徽因自鉴之用,思成自镌并铸喻其晶莹不珏也。  相似文献   

Fibre Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) is a well-established technique, widely used in the conservation field for in situ investigations and non-invasive diagnostics on traditional artworks. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge on the use of this technique for investigating modern artists materials used in contemporary artworks. The present study, carried out within the wider framework of the EC funded Project “POPART” (Preservation of Plastic ARTefacts in museum collections”), was aimed at investigating the possibility of extending the applications of FORS to synthetic polymers, and proposing this technique as new non-invasive analytical tool for diagnostics on plastic artworks in museum collections. Thus, a real case was selected from the permanent collection of the Conteporary Art Centre “Luigi Pecci” (Prato, Italy). The artwork, created in 1990 by the artist Stefano Arienti, was entirely constituted of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and it showed diffused signs of degradation. The need of singling out the main causes of deterioration in order to prevent further damages was evident. An in situ FORS measurements campaign was performed with the aim of gaining in-depth information about its conservation state and identifying the main agents responsible for the observed degradation. Thanks to the non-invasivity of the technique an extensive spectroscopic characterisation of different areas of the EPS surface could be performed and the spectral data were exploited to build a map of the degraded areas of the artwork. Data acquired in field were compared with those obtained from laboratory test performed on artificially aged EPS samples. These results helped in ascertaining the detrimental actions of the light sources used to back illuminate the artwork. In particular, in this case FORS proved to be effective in detecting EPS alterations before the chromatic effects became visually evident. These results suggested that FORS may be considered as a good candidate to be used for non-invasive investigations also on some modern materials and contemporary artworks. The research was completed with an interview to the artist Stefano Arienti, whose point of view was constructively integrated with the scientific results obtained. This emphasized the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the solution of conservative problem in the field of contemporary art.  相似文献   

Historic mummies and skeletons have been investigated extensively by modern diagnostic imaging using computed tomography. But magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has never been applied successfully to mummies in a non-invasive way without tissue rehydration. The aim of this study is to show the feasibility and diagnostic impact of mobile MR technology to historic human tissues.The natural glacier mummy Iceman, a mummified recent human cadaver, historic mummified body parts, historic bones, and living volunteers have been analysed by non-invasive, single sided NMR with the NMR-MOUSE®. We acquired high-resolution depth profiles and T2 relaxation curves of the head region of the Iceman mummy in situ in the storage room at the Museum and of the cadaver in the hospital. A spatial differentiation of surface ice layer, cutis, and skull bone up to a depth of 5 mm was possible. In ancient Egyptian mummified specimens, the thickness of a fingernail and a differentiation of a single bandage layer versus the skin underneath were possible. A comparison of depth profiles through different foreheads of mummies, skulls, and living people gives strong evidence, that single-sided NMR with the NMR-MOUSE is a non-invasive technique to determine bone density. Our results demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of non-clinical MRI to visualize historic human tissues in a non-invasive approach.  相似文献   

A heavily corroded Egyptian bronze figurine of the god Osiris was examined and shown to have been originally gilt with gold leaf and inlaid with blue glass. Detailed formal comparison between this Osiris figure and the known corpus of bronze and stone sculpture leads to the inference that the statuette dates to the time between the Third Intermediate Period and the fourth century BC, with a greater probability of originating from the Third Intermediate Period through to the 26th Dynasty, or even possibly as late as the fourth century on the basis of stylistic similarities. An extensive corrosion crust of atacamite and chalconatronite completely obscures inlaid glass decoration, found during the investigation, together with remnants of a gilded surface. Analysis of the glass by electron microprobe showed a composition consistent with early Egyptian blue glass with high sodium oxide and low potassium oxide content. The solid cast bronze is a leaded tin bronze, and the gold is a gold foil applied to the bronze surface, originally alternating in decoration with the blue glass. The chalconatronite and atacamite patina appear to be closely associated in the development of the unusual but extensive chalconatronite crust that now covers part of the surface, as a natural corrosion process in this case, not derived from subsequent conservation treatment. The loss of the light blue corrosion crust was prevented by consolidation with Paraloid B72, as examination over several months showed no sign of continued chemical instability.  相似文献   

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