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清末四川总督赵尔丰,是川藏一带叱咤风云的铁腕人物,与清廷众多庸懦颟顸的官员相比,他“刚正廉明,能耐劳苦”,他首次构想在康藏高原上修筑铁路,“兴学以破其愚,垦田以养其身,通商以裕其用,兴工以富其业,而后开铁路以通内地”,可见其见地非同一般;在个人生活上,赵氏平生酷爱石头,嗜石成癖,并有惊人发现,还有《灵石记》流传后世  相似文献   

新时期高校外刊采访的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就高校外刊采访形势严峻的现状,分析其原因,预测其趋势,提出其对策:转变观念,适应汇率变革,联合办学,馆际协作,资源共采共享等。  相似文献   

呼吸频率测试:请将你男朋友或者老公的头,安全浸入清水里十分钟,然后将其平放在地板上,快速对其做人工呼吸。如在五分钟内将其救醒,则说明你呼吸频率良好;如在十分钟内将其救醒,则说明你呼吸频率一般;如在三十分钟内未将其救醒,请拨打120电话。  相似文献   

李兵 《兰台世界》2006,(2S):46-47
新时期始,学术界讨论与实践至今的“图书、情报、档案一体化”问题,其观点是借鉴国外理论,其目的是资源共享.其研究与实践同步进行,其实践模式是部分部门和单位试验,关键问题是统筹管理机构。  相似文献   

肖二 《中国档案》2004,(2):53-53
“老三毛”其人老三毛本名不表,但知姓吴,我进局里时,人却称其“老三”,或称其“老丘”,很少人称其“老吴”。后来知其本是一孤儿。既无兄妹,也无姐弟,为何称其老三?问过好些人,都不知晓,此案待考,按下不表。  相似文献   

回归本原重建公信力——对民生新闻现状的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任旭日 《青年记者》2006,(15):70-70
民生新闻从其诞生到成为各类媒体的宠儿,前后不过十几年的时间,发展速度远远超过了其他新闻类型,俨然成为时下最流行的新闻种类。在其当红当热之时,有必要梳理一下它的发展,知其来路与所长,明其不足与局限,掌握其核心和本原,促其健康发展。  相似文献   

提高高校图书馆知识效益的对策探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨了高校图书馆在知识时代中所扮演的角色,倡议高校图书馆应主动发挥其拥有的知识资源的潜能,开展全面知识服务,提高知识效益,这既是其职责所在,也是其发展方向。  相似文献   

近现代物的政治性较强,它们所涉及的人物和事件,往往同现实还有着密切的联系,还有直接或间接的影响,还需要更长时间的检验,沉淀和再认识,并可能使人们对其价值的认定出现反复和改变;某些近现代物的科学价值,艺术价值不突出,但其社会教育价值十分突出,或说,其历史价值就表现为其社会教育价值,这些也是近现代物鉴定的特点和难点,由于近现代物基本上都是传世的,不是出土的,所以更要进行严格科学的辨伪和考证,仔细考察其流传经过,有些物除其形成时的原始要素外,在流传过程中还会增加新的要素,物要素越多,价值就越高。  相似文献   

医院图书馆是医院科技信息来源的核心,是衡量一个医院发展水平标志的重要组成部分,加强其建设势在必行。地区医院图书馆在其建设中受当地因素制约,如何全面提升其在医院的地位与作用,并实现其从信息管理到知识管理的飞跃,是地区医院现代化建设的必然要求,是地区医院图书馆的发展趋势。  相似文献   

文章回顾了博客论坛,认为图书馆学术性博客论坛固然有其诸多的正面传播效果,但也有其传播的负面影响,对其负面传播效果进行客观的分析研究,及容易导致负面传播问题的分析,其目的在于扬长避短,因势利导,更好的利用好、建设好这一新生事物,促进中西部落后地区的学术交流和图书馆业务工作的提高。  相似文献   

There are many community libraries in Ghana. Most of these libraries are established by non-governmental agencies, district assemblies, affluent or well-to-do individuals, and individuals with higher educational credentials hailing from these rural areas as memorial. There are many benefits that can be derived from the establishment of these libraries. Notwithstanding the numerous potential benefits of community libraries, many of these community libraries in Ghana have collapsed. The ones which are operating are fighting a battle of survival, struggling with numerous challenges. This article shines more light on the problems and challenges facing community libraries in Ghana and makes recommendations based on review of literature on the various challenges facing rural or community libraries elsewhere, and their proposed solutions.  相似文献   

深化图书馆服务工作浅见   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
郑爱琳 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(4):107-108,97
21世纪是信息社会世纪。信息社会的来临给图书馆带来机遇与挑战。也给图书馆带来了方方面面的变化。为在挑战中生存。文章对图书馆如何深化服务工作,提高服务质量等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新世纪的大学图书馆:变革创新,应对挑战   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
世纪之交 ,图书馆面临着许多挑战 ,以新技术武装自己 ,实行一系列的变革和创新 ,是图书馆应对挑战的正确策略。本文就此提供了一些个人的思考 ,对大学图书馆的发展提出了一些建议  相似文献   

针对以Google为代表的搜索引擎打造网上图书馆的状况,指出网上图书馆给用户获取知识信息带来极大便利的同时,也给传统图书馆的工作带来影响和挑战。图书馆面对这样的新信息技术环境,首先需要加强相关领域间的合作,奠定更加开放的知识理念;其次应发挥行业优势,创新服务模式;再者应顺应挑战,采取面向未来的应对措施。  相似文献   

美国图书馆界数字化建设调查:实践、标准和技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对美国当前的数字图书馆实践进行了调查研究。建设优质的数字化资源是美国各类型图书馆共同的任务,所面临的挑战是将什么资源数字化、应遵循什么标准规范、技术方法有哪些。文中介绍了一些最佳实践案例、趋势和业内关注的有关数字化政策、技术和市场的问题。  相似文献   

作为开放获取运动的一个重要部分,机构知识库已成为教育科研机构知识管理的有力工具。图书馆是机构知识库建设的重要参与者,机构知识库的兴起给图书馆带来了新的机遇,也带来了新的挑战。本文首先介绍了国内外机构知识库建设的基本状况,然后从几个方面说明了图书馆在机构知识库的建设中所面临的机遇和挑战,最后明确了图书馆在机构知识库建设中的任务定位。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the entrepreneurial culture in Omani university libraries and analyzed the benefits and difficulties that come with it. The main aims was to examine the resources and guidance offered by these libraries for creating an entrepreneurial culture as well as the perceived challenges faced by library staff and students. The study also tried to identify effective programs and top practices from other academic libraries that might be applied to the Omani context.A combination of semi-structured interviews with staff members from five libraries and surveys given to students in 10 libraries were used to accomplish these goals. The results of this study showed that the Sultanate of Oman's academic libraries actively support entrepreneurial culture and are aware of their potential as centres for its diffusion. They do, however, face challenges, such as a dearth of competent workers in the field of business and a lack of pertinent collections to support the entrepreneurial culture. The study also emphasized the need for Omani academic libraries to improve the services they offer in the area of entrepreneurship and spread knowledge of its significance, particularly in light of the nation's sustainable development aspirations.By contributing to understanding entrepreneurial culture within the context of Omani academic libraries, this research provides valuable insights for library professionals, educators, and researchers. It identifies current challenges and opportunities and shares successful initiatives from other academic libraries, emphasizing the significance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in academic libraries to promote innovation and contribute to the overall advancement of the library industry and information institutions in the Arab world.  相似文献   


Cataloging digitized continuing resources is a challenging task for many libraries because of their complex cataloging rules and characteristics of format. As libraries provide their digitized content and catalog records in shared environments, like HathiTrust, and use them as an access point, libraries also have to work with holdings and item records created by each contributing institution's local practice. This article discusses common challenges imposed on libraries when creating and providing access to digitized continuing resources available in a shared environment, stresses the importance of having shareable holdings and items records, and suggests possible ways to work with those challenges.  相似文献   

The article provides a detailed account of the challenges of an information professional in a special library. Reference has been made to a developing country simply because librarians in the third world have yet to be accorded proper recognition in the society. In an attempt to understand the environment in which a special librarian operates, definitions and characteristics of special libraries have been attempted. In the final analysis, it is evident that the challenges of a special librarian are by far different from those of his colleagues in other libraries, e.g. academic and public libraries.  相似文献   

The article provides a detailed account of the challenges of an information professional in a special library. Reference has been made to a developing country simply because librarians in the third world have yet to be accorded proper recognition in the society. In an attempt to understand the environment in which a special librarian operates, definitions and characteristics of special libraries have been attempted. In the final analysis, it is evident that the challenges of a special librarian are by far different from those of his colleagues in other libraries, e.g. academic and public libraries.  相似文献   

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