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This article compares and contrasts the nature of student employment experience in Amsterdam and Strasbourg among descendants of Turkish migrants. The analysis relies on in-depth qualitative interviews revealing the experience of student employment and the impact of working while studying on the educational careers and future labour market transitions. The comparative design of the study uncovered the role of distinct institutional structures in education systems and labour markets, which proved more strenuous for combining work and study in Strasbourg compared to Amsterdam. Parental support and high educational aspirations of the students turned out crucial to counterbalance the potential negative impact of working on students’ school careers, while working in their area of study facilitated beneficial consequences for students’ future labour market careers. The article highlights the interaction between institutional structures and social class background as well as gender dynamics.  相似文献   

The author describes the Ph.D. programme in economics and econometrics offered by the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Although basically set up in the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics of that university, the research component of a given Ph.D. programme may take place within a specialized institute, the Tinbergen Institute, that is a co‐operative venture not only of the University of Amsterdam but also of the Free University of Amsterdam, the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Leyden. The process by which one is admitted to Ph.D. study in the Netherlands is briefly described, and then a normal Ph.D. program in economics at the Tinbergen Institute is presented. An evaluation is given of this type of study and of the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics of the University of Amsterdam.


《阿姆斯特丹条约》在一定范围内首次赋予了欧共体采取协调或统一各成员国国际私法的措施的权力,这是欧洲国际私法统一化进程中从未实现的一个重大突破。基于欧盟基础条约解释上的实践经验,考虑到国际私法领域在欧盟法律统一化整体进程中的滞后状态,应以积极、开放的态度理解这些新增的规定。  相似文献   

试图从认知语言学中概念整合和框架转移理论探析小说《阿姆斯特丹》中缺席的女主角莫莉和在场的女主角罗斯在小说中的隐性力量,指出因"对莫莉的记忆"这个类属空间,连通了克莱夫和弗农这两个输入空间的矛盾,二者矛盾的整合最终催生了新的意义:死亡。所以,莫莉是小说中两位男主人公克莱夫和弗农之间故事展开的中心和悲剧的根源;而另一在场女主角罗斯则用其曼妙的语言赢得其丈夫与弗农之间的争斗,加速了弗农和克莱夫死亡悲剧的发生。这些让读者们意识到小说中女性人物的隐性力量。  相似文献   

To improve identification of child maltreatment, a new policy (‘Hague protocol’) was implemented in hospitals in The Netherlands, stating that adults attending the hospital emergency department after intimate partner violence, substance abuse or a suicide attempt should be asked whether they care for children. If so, these children are referred to the Reporting Center for Child Abuse and Neglect (RCCAN), for assessment and referrals to support services. An adapted, hospital-based version of this protocol (‘Amsterdam protocol’) was implemented in another region. Children are identified in the same manner, but, instead of a RCCAN referral, they are referred to the pediatric outpatient department for an assessment, including a physical examination, and referrals to services. We compared results of both protocols to assess how differences between the protocols affect the outcomes on implementation, detection of child maltreatment and referrals to services. Furthermore, we assessed social validity and results of a screening physical examination. We included 212 families from the Amsterdam protocol (cohort study with reports by pediatric staff and parents) and 565 families from the Hague protocol (study of RCCAN records and telephone interviews with parents). We found that the RCCAN identified more maltreatment than pediatric staff (98% versus at least 51%), but referrals to services were similar (82% versus 80% of the total sample) and parents were positive about both interventions. Physical examination revealed signs of maltreatment in 5%. We conclude that, despite the differences, both procedures can serve as suitable methods to identify and refer children at risk for maltreatment.  相似文献   

This article addresses the difficulty of local-level qualitative educational research in Amsterdam in light of changes related to contemporary political discourse on decades of immigration, especially from the 1970s onward, and increasingly critical assessments of Dutch education in the literature. It considers recent developments in the Netherlands while taking into account similar processes elsewhere in the European Union, with the aim of understanding taboos and problems associated with research on immigration, racism, and discrimination. Specifically, we utilize one researcher’s efforts to gain access to educationally based field sites to focus attention on the links between contextual political discourses and policies excluding immigrants with efforts to sociologically examine the experiences of immigrants. We conclude with a discussion of broader challenges faced by social scientists, including the benefits and disadvantages of having outsider status, attempting to utilize ethnographic methodology abroad when scrutinizing politically sensitive topics.  相似文献   

In our study, we describe a situation where students take ownership of their learning and, on their own initiative, use digital tools actively in their learning activities. In our research we were interested in students who used weblogs and in the dynamic relationship between students and the weblogs they create. In particular, we were interested in how self-regulated learning was facilitated both by the technology that enables the creation of the weblogs, and in the content, or open writings, that are posted on the weblog.
The article begins with an introduction to weblogs. We then present the results of the analysis of the affordances of weblogs to facilitate self-regulated learning. We used a category system developed by experts from the universities of Aalborg, Amsterdam and Bergen to structure our study of the weblogs which we received from Bergen students. One of our most interesting findings was that students' reflection on both their own learning and access to other's reflections on their learning was a powerful tool to collectively develop a conceptual understanding of a topic. We could call this collective self-regulation.  相似文献   

Students who were required to write three short essays for a university level course on photochemistry at the Open university of the Netherlands received either audio-cassette or written feedback on their essays. The students receiving the audio feedback described their experience as personal, enjoyable, complete and clear. Those receiving written feedback described their experience as adequate. The amount of time spent by instructors supplying the feedback differed minimally (Xaudio=53 minutes per student; Xwritten=49 minutes) with the major difference lying in the amount of time spent in preparation. This difference, possibly attributable to novelty with audio as a mode for feedback, was not significant. The amount communicated to the students with audio feedback (per instructor) was significantly greater than the amount communicated with written feedback. There was no difference in the final grades for the two groups of students.Paul A. Kirschner received his Masters in Educational Psychology from the State University of Amsterdam. He has worked as educational technologist at the Open university of the Netherlands since 1983, primarily with the faculties of Natural Sciences and Engineering. Henk van den Brink received his Masters in Educational Psychology from the State University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He has worked at the Open university of the Netherlands since 1984 as an educational technologist, primarily with the Faculty of Economics. Marthie Meester received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the State University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has worked since 1983 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Open university of the Netherlands as course team chair for a number of undergraduate and graduate level chemistry courses.  相似文献   

The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate differences in interests, personality, and cognitive abilities between students majoring in the six specialties of psychology at the University of Amsterdam. Results show that students at Social Psychology and Work and Organizational Psychology were on average more extraverted than students of other specializations, that students of Psychological Methods and Psychonomics were relatively more open to experience, and that students at Clinical Psychology were on average more neurotic. Differences in cognitive ability were small, but significant, with the highest scores among students of the more research-oriented specialties. With discriminant analyses on the basis of nine interest scales, 53% of the students were correctly categorized in the specialization chosen two or years after interests were measured. Interest profiles of the specialties follow differences in interest in helping people, abstract vs. concrete topics, and technical issues. Person-specialization congruence failed to predict academic performance.  相似文献   

战争戛然而止,抓到希特勒之后押解到了阿姆斯特丹。军事法庭判了他死刑。但怎样处死他呢?枪毙他或绞死他,都未免让他死得太快,太便宜他了。后来有人说出了大家的心声:这个恶魔带来的灾难灭绝人寰,烧死他才行。  相似文献   

In a diverse and unjust world, teachers experience difficulties to achieve inclusive education. In parts of the western world, including the Netherlands, the very possibility of a combination of ethnic and cultural diversity and common citizenship has come into question. Meanwhile some youngsters are in the process of radicalisation. We illustrate the problem definitions of teachers and teacher trainers with a case study of a professional learning activity in Amsterdam. This is followed by a critical discussion based on a pedagogical view on education.  相似文献   

纽约的建城史可以追溯到1609年,当时受雇于荷兰人的英国探险家亨利.哈德森,为找出一条到达东方的捷径而发现了曼哈顿岛。十五年以后,荷兰殖民者来到此地,开始建立殖民地——新阿姆斯特丹。这块殖民地迎来了世界各地愿意到此工作的人。在十七世纪四十年代,纽约城里说着十八种不同的语言。  相似文献   

One important aim of citizenship education is learning to deal with cultural diversity. To this end, schools organise exchange projects to bring students into contact with different social and cultural groups. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of intergroup contact in educational settings and to understand what the most favourable conditions are. The paper discusses a case study on an exchange between 10th‐grade students of Surinamese and Dutch‐Antillean backgrounds from an Amsterdam suburb with native Dutch students from rural Netherlands. The study included interviews with teachers and students and pre‐ and post‐tests of intergroup attitudes. The results indicate that students become more aware of their own preconceived ideas. The results show that interaction on the individual level is important. Getting students to work together on common goals is an effective way of stimulating interaction.  相似文献   

We use admission lotteries to study how enrollment in a single-track academic school instead of a comprehensive school affects achievement of students in Amsterdam. The two types of schools score differently on measures of school quality and enrollment in a single-track school instead of a comprehensive school implies exposure to better and richer peers. Yet, school resources and the school curriculum are very similar. Different groups of students are differentially affected by this treatment. Girls from lower-income neighborhoods benefit whereas boys from these neighborhoods are harmed. For students from higher-income neighborhoods, it does not matter which type of school they attend.  相似文献   

Study skill training has a long history. Recently new perspectives have been proposed. In this article the approach of the COWO study skill group at the University of Amsterdam is discussed. The core concept is the bottleneck concept. This daily life concept has a scientific counterpart in the characteristic demand concept. Study skills, by the COWO group, are conceived as answers to characteristic demands of study tasks. Accordingly, training is a way to help students to provide more adequate answers. The article explains how this perspective steers both the research and practical activities of the COWO group members.  相似文献   

伊恩·麦克尤恩从艺术科学、道德理性出发,探讨人生价值和人性理想,表达其人文主义信念。通过分析《阿姆斯特丹》,审视主人公艺术创作的理想与失败、道德抉择的失误与胜利幻觉,揭示文中人文主义的缺憾与理想。  相似文献   

语料库研究显示,概念隐喻中只有4.36%被交际者真正用作隐喻。为了解释这一现象,学者提出了刻意性隐喻理论,在语言维度和概念维度的基础上引入隐喻的交际维度,并提出了隐喻的刻意性机制,是隐喻研究值得关注的新动向。该理论在刻意性隐喻的界定、刻意性的识别、隐喻心理加工和研究方法等方面还面临很多问题,本文尝试集中对四方面的问题和挑战进行梳理分析,并对将来发展趋势做出展望,旨在促进交际维度刻意性隐喻研究的融合与深入。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of a study of faculty and university staff at two major universities in the Netherlands: the University of Amsterdam and the Free University of Amsterdam. I sought to understand how faculty viewed the role of the university in relationship to national and European goals promoting social cohesion and the integration of Islamic minorities in Dutch society. To a person, my informants were convinced that European universities did not, and should not, play a major role in promoting social cohesion. Some faculty members were merely indifferent to the problem and the university’s role; others were actively hostile to the idea that the university should address what was clearly, in their minds, a state political problem. The paper discusses the governance implications of promoting social cohesion within these challenging institutional contexts, by building social networks among students and reinterpreting traditional policies of pillarization.
Michael N. BastedoEmail:

In the attempt to improve mathematical thinking for safeguarding our future societal needs, there is a worldwide tendency in schools to start training mathematical and arithmetical operations at an earlier age in children’s development. Recent theoretical developments and empirical research have pointed to alternative ways of approaching early mathematical thinking. In these latter approaches, mathematical development in the early developmental stages is seen as an emerging process in the context of children’s own activities that contributes to meaningful learning and stimulation of children’s cultural identity (Bildung approach). The discussion between the training approach versus the ‘Bildung’ approach is still intemperately going on. In this article, some outcomes of a research programme (based at the Free University Amsterdam) are discussed that present empirical studies and their theoretical background (cultural–historical theory, elaborated in an educational concept called ‘Developmental Education’) that demonstrates the promising potentials of promoting mathematical thinking through supporting young children’s appropriation of schematic representations and notations in the context of play.  相似文献   

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