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我国的哈萨克族主要聚居在新疆北部,少数分布于甘肃、青海等地。本文通过对新疆哈萨克族妇女经济活动变迁进行概述,指出随着历史的发展哈萨克族妇女逐渐地从家庭中解放出来并走向社会,新中国成立68年来的发展,特别是改革开放39年来的成就,促进了哈萨克族妇女的发展进步。这为促进哈萨克族妇女广泛参与经济活动,实现社会性别公平、公正,共同构建和谐社会都具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

全国第一所妇女老年大学成立前不久,我国第一所妇女老年大学——北京东方妇女老年大学在北京成立。全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席顾秀莲任校长,并到会为大学揭牌、致词。顾秀莲说,北京东方妇女老年大学将以增长知识、丰富生活、陶冶情操、促进健康、服务社会为办学宗旨,  相似文献   

甘肃省成人教育协会是1988年成立起来的社会团体。10年来,成教协会不仅组织会员开展了学术研讨、经验交流等活动,而且协助行政管理部门开展了大量的、富有成效的工作,对促进甘肃省成人教育工作的改革和发展,做出了积极的贡献。值此成教协会成立10周年之际,笔...  相似文献   

一、妇女是创造人类文明和推动社会发展的一支伟大力量。妇女的发展水平,是社会发展的重要指标,也是衡量社会进步程度的尺度。促进我国妇女的进步和发展,是各级政府、各有关部门、各社会团体和全国人民的共同任务。为了进一步促进我国妇女的发展,特制定《中国妇女发展纲要(1995——2000年)》(以下简称《纲要》) 二、新中国成立46年来,我国妇女事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。目前,已经基本形成了以《中华  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发后,新疆成为全国抗战的大后方。戴彭荫等大批进步文艺知识分子来到新疆,开展抗战文化艺术活动。在当时成立的新疆文化组织反帝会和文化协会从事宣传工作,戴彭荫创作了大量抗战美术作品,为激励新疆各族人民投身抗战、推动新疆文艺的发展做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发后,新疆成为全国抗战的大后方。戴彭荫等大批进步文艺知识分子来到新疆,开展抗战文化艺术活动。在当时成立的新疆文化组织反帝会和文化协会从事宣传工作,戴彭荫创作了大量抗战美术作品,为激励新疆各族人民投身抗战、推动新疆文艺的发展做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

民间办学势头热 加强研究不可少 河南省社会力量办法协会成立 改革开放以来,河南省社会力量办学事业特别是民办学校蓬勃发展,为社会培养、培训了大批多种层次的人才,弥补了国家办学力量的不足。为加强对社会力量办学的研究,促进其健康发展,河南省社会力量办学协会于11月14日在郑州成立。 协会的主要任务是:宣传党和国家有关社会力量办学的方针、政策、意义、地位、作用和成绩,总结推广先进经验;制定科研计划,广泛、深入地开展社  相似文献   

在英国成人教育发展史中,妇女成人教育占有着重要的地位。在20世纪上半叶,英国妇女成人教育以“妇女讲习会”、“城镇妇女基尔特会”和“全国妇女俱乐部协会”的成立为其获得飞跃发展的标志,它们的发展推动了英国妇女成人教育的快速发展。本文简要阐述了英国妇女成人教育发展的概况与特征,提出了对我国妇女成人教育的启示性建议。  相似文献   

第一款:名称和目的1、该组织的名称为国际继续工程教育协会,缩写为IACEE,以下简称为“协会”。该协会为一个国际化、非盈利、非政府性组织,在美国法律约束下运行。2、协会目标为支持和增进全世界范围的终身技术学习和培训以及高级工程教育,包括支持发展中国家的特殊需求。为达到协会目标,协会将要求:(1)通过对继续教育过程的更好理解,促进国际技术交流(2)通过国际合作,提升对工程师和技术人员的教育培训质量,并提高技术信息的质量(3)发展并加强教育和工业的联系(4)促进继续教育中心的成立(5)通过继续教育支持妇女在工程界的平等(6)促进并…  相似文献   

1939年9月,江西省妇女生活改进会奉江西省政府命令,改组成立江西省妇女指导处,妇女工作纳入政府行政机构。作为新运妇指会中唯一纳入政府行政机构的组织,江西省妇女指导处的成立与江西省当时复杂的政治形势密切相关,为此,熊式辉将妇女工作置于江西省政府控制之下。随着江西省政府社会处及各县社会科陆续成立,江西省妇女指导处最终被裁撤,妇女工作并入社会处。  相似文献   

The relative age effect (RAE) suggests that athletes may be provided with greater opportunities for success depending on the position of their birthdate in a sport’s selection year. While the effect has been well established in men’s sports, less is known about women’s sports. This study examined the RAE in developmental girls’ hockey in Ontario. Relative age, player position, age division, and level of play were provided by the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association for 36,555 registrants. Older players were over-represented, and younger players under-represented across all age divisions and levels of play. This suggests that the RAE is present in developmental girls’ hockey, the magnitude of which varies with level of play and player position.  相似文献   

随着党的群众路线教育活动的进一步深入,妇女干部院校在新时期的改革与发展中的问题愈加突出。在这种形势下,对兄弟妇女干部院校做出调研,分析新疆妇女干部学校发展的优劣之处,对新时期新疆妇女干部学校的科学发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the importance of higher education to international women’s organisations such as the International Federation of University Women, the International Council of Women, the International Alliance of Women and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and asks how studying abroad contributed to the international cooperation and understanding promoted by these organisations in the interwar period. In particular, it assesses how the movement of ‘Eastern’ women, especially East Asian, to the West for educational purposes at the beginning of the twentieth century benefited the expansion of these organisations beyond Europe, North America and white settler countries such as Australia and New Zealand between the world wars, and to what extent the experiences of international students in the ‘West’ influenced their political activities back home and their involvement in international women’s organisations.  相似文献   

This article will examine Asian women’s experiences of financial support in higher education. The article is based on 30 in-depth interviews with Asian women who were studying at a ‘new’ (post-1992) university in the South East of England. Women identified themselves as Muslim, Hindu and Sikh. The findings reveal that women’s religious and cultural background affects their attitudes towards financial support whilst at university. Through their participation in higher education, women are able to use their social and ethnic capital to enable them to receive financial and other kinds of support necessary for their success in higher education.  相似文献   

Prior to the First World War many obstacles stood in the way of French Women who wished to pursue studies in technical fields. Largely due to the shortage of suitable male candidates, a considerable number of higher technological institutes opened their doors to women students during or after the First World War. However, women engineers working in France before the 1930's were a very small pioneering band. Between the two World Wars the number of women engineers grew slowly, but it was only after 1945 that opportunities opened up more swiftly. By the early 1970's even the most prestigious of the Grandes Ecoles were beginning to take in women students

As a result of these changes the number of qualified women engineers grew from around 3000 in 1960 to more than 20,000 in 1985. The article discusses the changes in the school level education system which aided this development. Also discussed are the career prospects and achievements of French Women Engineers with special reference to the establishment of a study circle of women engineers in 1958 and its development through the 1960's and 1970's. The Association of French Women Engineers was founded in 1982 and symbolises the secure position of women engineers in France in the 1980's. The work of the Association is outlined with special reference to its educational role and the development of a slide-based information package about women in engineering aimed at school girls.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、数理统计法、比较分析法,对2011年女排世界杯中国队的总体表现进行综合分析并指出:中国女排队伍年轻,缺乏大赛经验和稳定的心理素质;中国女排身高、网上高度在世界排名前列;中国女排在进攻能力和防守能力上与世界强队仍有一定差距;伦敦奥运会上,中国女排夺取奖牌任务艰巨,国人应有足够的耐心,给予女排鼓励和关心。  相似文献   

五四运动后,新思潮不断涌现,民主、科学、平等、自由等新观念广泛传播促进了天津女子教育发展,造就了天津妇女社团的蓬勃之势。女星社是由一批具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子组织发起的主要从事妇女运动的社团,该社团以推进天津女子教育的发展为切入点,为唤醒女子独立精神、促进妇女解放运动进行了一系列首创性实践活动。女星社在推动天津乃至全国女子教育事业发展中体现出的革命精神和积极探索意识,为我国妇女事业发展提供了宝贵的精神财富。  相似文献   

This article focuses on how citizenship education was built into the organisational practices as well as the formal instructional programmes of women’s organisations in Britain in the pre‐ and post‐Second World War period. It compares the efforts of two such organisations, the National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) and the British Federation of Business and Professional Women (BFBPW), to train women in the skills of citizenship. Despite their differences in constituency and structure, these two organisations had remarkably similar views on citizenship education and shared similar educational approaches until the end of the 1950s. This article argues that the NFWI and BFBPW’s understanding of political engagement and their efforts to educate the woman citizen are important historical examples of how women have negotiated issues of involved versus informed citizenry. The educational model they used is relevant today given the renewed interest in the strengthening of civic society as a key mechanism for political engagement.  相似文献   

明治维新时期推行的"文明开化"使得日本女子教育获得合法性。女子接受中等教育,女子师范学校、教会女子学校、女子专门学校相继开办以及女子留学教育的开始,为日本女子教育提供了发展契机,它普及了女子教育思想、确立了女子教育制度、奠定了日本女子教育的发展模式,也为儒家文化圈其他国家效仿。  相似文献   

Women attained leadership roles within the American Physical Education Association much earlier than in organizations like the American Medical Association and the American Physiological Society. Women also were members of the American Academy of Physical Education before its official founding in 1930. Archival records and responses by current members suggest that, for most part, they believe that their experiences have been positive. Since 1941, 18 women have been elected AAKPE president. Between 1951, when the publishing of papers/responses at annual meetings began, and 1979, contributions by women ranged from about 33-44%. Since 1980, the percentage has declined as has the number of women elected to Academy membership. This paper presents a brief history of women within the AAKPE and suggests possible reasons for the recent decline.  相似文献   

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