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This paper is based on a multidimensional study employing a heuristic methodology termed ‘creative narrative’ that combines arts‐based methods with narrative inquiry. Six female teachers’ narratives of identity are explored through artistic, visual images to illuminate if and how they story ‘unconscious’. The creative narratives, illuminated through a multi‐layered extract from one creative narrative, illustrate various ways in which the participants imputed meaning and power to tacit and non‐conscious influences which were emotionally potent but previously hidden from themselves and others and that continued to affect their professional identities. The paper argues that such unconscious or non‐conscious dimensions to teachers’ lives are crucial to the experience and exercise of professional identity and yet are largely absent from our understandings and outside the capture of narrative inquiry as it is presently conceptualized. Narrative inquiry should strive to extend its theoretical boundaries and incorporate non‐verbal arts‐based research methods in order to go beyond the limits of language and capture the meaning of lived experience in more holistic ways.  相似文献   

体验是课堂条件下学生学习与发展的重要机制,有效的课堂教学需要促进学生的深度体验,学生活动体验中得到的大量的是缄默知识,根植缄默知识促进学生深度体验,是当前课堂教学改革值得尝试的一条重要途径。其主要举措如:在学生缄默知识分析活动中更新教师教学观念;在缄默知识知晓活动中强化学生体验意识;在基于缄默知识的核心问题解决活动中丰富学生体验;在缄默知识显性化活动中深化学生体验。  相似文献   

人的知识系统包括显性知识和缄默知识。专家在其专长领域内具有更多的缄默知识。缄默知识主要表现为命题性缄默知识和程序性知识等,虽不可言传,但可通过对专家的观察与模仿以及个体的亲历实践获得。  相似文献   

Strategy effects on word searching in the Japanese letter fluency test were investigated using the Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). Participants were given a Japanese letter fluency test and they were classified into two types of strategy users, based on analysis of their recorded verbal responses. One group, AIUEO-order strategy users, employed sequential word searching based upon the imagery of the AIUEO-table which they mastered when young, and the other group, semantic strategy users, searched for the next word mainly based on semantic relations. The blood-flow volumes (OxyHb) measured of the AIUEO-order strategy users were greater than for the semantic strategy users in the frontal parts of the brain, and the blood-flow was more active in the right than in the left part of the brain. These different activation patterns suggest that the NIRS might be useful new brain imaging technique for examination of psychological process in verbal behavior.  相似文献   

知识可以分为"科学(理论)知识"与"实践(经验)知识",或称为"显性知识"与"隐性(默会)知识";职业技术学校主要是传授"做什么"和"怎么做"的知识与技能,职业教育学研究的出发点也必然是"实践(经验)性"知识;因此,职业教育学是研究职业教育与培训活动的一门"实践性"学科.  相似文献   

What makes it possible for artists to stay with the anxieties and uncertainties of the creative process? This aspect of an artist's development is rarely theorised or addressed despite it being an essential aspect of creative practice. It is a capacity, similar to tacit knowing, that is gradually acquired and learnt, and cultivated over time as part of the process of practising art and being an artist. The role of tacit knowledge as a key aspect of fine art education is well documented and is a learning experience that artists are familiar with. However, what tends to get focused on in discussions about tacit knowing are the practical, usually physical and technical, aspects of learning from experience to the exclusion of a range of mental or psychological capacities that are also a fundamental part of the tacit knowing process and vital to the learning necessary to be an artist. These mental capacities, which include being able to tolerate high levels of excitability, periods of nothingness, chaos, uncertainty and not‐knowing, are also, I suggest, passed between tutor and student as a form of tacit knowledge. This article draws on the experience of one artist, both as a learner and as an emergent practising artist, in developing this ability. The role played by art tutors in supporting student artists to develop a capacity to stay with the anxieties of the creative process is also explored.  相似文献   

While traditional forms of therapy focus heavily on a survivor's ability to tell his or her story, the very nature of traumatic memory can present a challenge since survivors of trauma often struggle to find the verbal language to describe the terrifying events that have occurred. In verbal therapies, survivors of childhood sexual abuse can be left in a state of re-experiencing the past as they face the overwhelming task of trying to find words for something that is often wordless. Researchers have identified the need to “bridge” the non-verbal and the verbal in trauma therapy. The purpose of this research is to examine the lived experience of using therapeutic enactment as a tool to address the fragmented and wordless memories of childhood sexual abuse. Using a case study research design, four women shared their stories of participating in a therapeutic enactment to address memories of their abuse. From these stories, four dominant themes emerged. These themes (re-connection to self and others, reclaiming voice, empowerment, and corrective re-experiencing) indicate an overall positive and reparative experience.  相似文献   

榜样示范是高校辅导员专业发展的有效途径,科学应用缄默知识理论则是有效发挥榜样效能的关键之一,具体措施有:培养辅导员主动积累缄默知识的意识、引导辅导员开展教育叙事研究、加强辅导员对日常实践的反思以及组建辅导员缄默知识共享组织等。  相似文献   

教师专业发展中榜样示范存在着诸多误区,促进榜样教师的缄默知识向实践知识转化并获得共享是实现教师榜样的效能的重要途径,具体策略有:鼓励反思榜样教师自身的教育实践行为来唤醒重视榜样教师个人缄默知识的意识;通过引导榜样教师运用教育叙事策略来明晰自己的缄默知识;通过建立学习共同体以加强榜样教师缄默知识的挖掘。  相似文献   

The tacit knowledge of university faculty might take roots deep down in their own cognition system and influence their ways of thinking and reasoning. This study aims at (1) the exploration of the characteristics of university professors’ tacit knowledge in Taiwan and (2) the disentangling of the factors underlying its development. Drawn from the data collected by qualitative observations and analyses, this study concludes: (1) In general, Taiwanese professors are of strong motives for self-fulfillment to be social elites and to pursue excellence form the backbone of the academic career. (2) The inner factors relating to faculty’s tacit knowledge include a high level of intelligence and analysis ability, the consciousness of being elite, the strong motives of constant pursuit of accomplishments, and the self-adaptation to the campus culture. (3) Its outer factors contributing to the faculty’s tacit knowledge include the peer consensus and competition pressure on campus, and the expectations of being a professional and a role model stereotyped by the society. Finally, several suggestions are provided for the cultivation of wide and open tacit knowledge so that the university faculty’s profession can be upgraded and more social responsibility can be shouldered.  相似文献   

Companies are beginning to realize that simply storing data in warehouses and databases is not sufficient to ensure the usefulness of that data or information. As information is processed with a purpose ( Ackoff & Emery, 1972 ), it becomes knowledge. Knowledge exists on many planes; one is the tacit‐explicit plane described by Polanyi (1966) . Knowledge‐based applications are becoming a key factor in determining organizational value. For example, Activity‐Based Costing (ABC) and Knowledge Value Added (KVA) are two methodologies that organizations use to measure explicit knowledge. However, this interest in measuring and managing knowledge creates two important questions. First, do companies include tacit knowledge in their measurements of knowledge? Second, can educators demonstrate that they are helping increase tacit knowledge? This paper posits that companies may not be including the full range of knowledge in their endeavor to measure knowledge in their organizations. To help make a case for including tacit knowledge and implicit learning, an active learning exercise is created to demonstrate a method to quantify and test for changes in both types of knowledge. The results show that the activity created observable changes in explicit and tacit knowledge. Future research will need to concentrate further on understanding how the two types of knowledge interact. For now though, these results demonstrate one way to observe the two types of knowledge and more importantly, point out the need for organizations to find ways to value both implicit and explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

An action research project, managed by a graduate student, resulted in the development of an academic website as an effective internal and external communication tool. The main focus of the investigation was to uncover the tacit knowledge held by staff in the Department of Management Communication through a series of in-depth interviews, a focus group, and informal conversations to facilitate the development of a website which effectively captured this knowledge. The cyclical nature of the action research methodology provided the flexibility to ensure that issues could be addressed as they arose; although the relative unfamiliarity of staff with action research methodologies created other barriers to be overcome. The key outcome for the staff was that they became aware of the extent of the tacit knowledge and resources available in the department; they valued these, and they utilised them effectively. The research highlights the different learning outcomes experienced by the student researcher, supervisors and departmental colleagues.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic government and corporate‐services entities are plagued by an organizational inertia of complacency and mediocrity. The principal cause is a reversal of the Pygmalion effect in managers’ expectations of their employees: the giving off of facial, verbal, and nonverbal signals—or covert communication of tacit expectations—indicating that unexceptional employee performance is what they expect. A department‐level solution is proposed that converts managers’ expectations into a Pygmalion‐like resolution—namely, how to engage employees in adopting exceptional performance.  相似文献   

This report provides an overview of neuroscience research that is applicable for science educators. It first offers a brief analysis of empirical studies in educational neuroscience literature, followed by six science concept learning constructs based on the whole brain theory: gaining an understanding of brain function; pattern recognition and consciousness; mind maps, mnemonics and other learning devices; concrete multisensory experience; higher-order creative reasoning via a multimedia-infused environment and positive emotion in educational settings. It is vital to the future of results-based education that discoveries regarding the cognitive learning process are taken into consideration when designing instruction. This research offers science educators neuroscience-backed information as a foundation to develop results-oriented curricula and teaching methods. Future research could further extend an empirically driven education system.  相似文献   

默会知识是一种只可意会、无法言传的知识.它具有非公共性、非批判性和鲜明的层次性等特点.教师的认知过程在本质上不仅是一个默然的认识过程,或者说是一个默会知识的生成过程,而且是一个延拓教师开放的心灵,恢复教师认知的敏锐,扩展教师的实践能力的智慧生成过程.促进教师智慧的生成,需要尊重默会知识,唤醒沉睡的教育热情;体验默会知识,坚守人类理性的价值;实践默会知识,实现两种知识的融通.  相似文献   

按照传统心理学的观点,只有人类才有思维和意识活动,因为思维是意识的核心,而意识必须以语言为中介。认知神经科学对失语症患者的研究发现,意识和思维并不完全依赖于语言,语言缺失只对扩展的意识产生影响,而对核心意识未造成损害。即使没有语言的参与,失语症患者仍然能够产生某种有表象的、非言语的意识活动。认知神经科学的研究向传统的心理学观点提出挑战:意识活动既统一又相对独立,并非只有人类才有意识,意识并非仅以语言为基础,并非脑的所有活动都与意识有关,很多脑活动都是无意识的。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对四川省某三个市区范围内的部分初等教育教师脑科学素养水平进行了调查与分析。结果表明,被调查教师对脑基本结构与功能知识掌握程度不够;对目前脑科学研究所采用的主要技术手段和主要成果了解甚少;对基于脑的教育原理的认识主要受大众传媒的影响;缺乏对基于脑的教学原理运用于教育实践的行为意识和能力水平。最后,针对初等教育教师脑科学素养水平总体比较低下的状况,从以下三方面提出了相应的对策与建议:①重视初等教育教师脑科学素养的职前和在职培训;②采取必要的激励措施,充分调动初等教育教师学习脑科学的积极性;③通过教育理论工作者与初等教育教师的有效沟通,共同探索基于脑的教育研究工作。  相似文献   

The collective consciousness of effective groups of researchers is characterized by shared understandings of their research object or territory. In this study, we adopted a phenomenographic approach to investigate information technology (IT) research, and its objects and territories, as they are constituted in the experience of IT researchers. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with researchers representing different sub‐disciplines. Analysis revealed the variation in meaning associated with the idea of IT research; and the awareness structures through which participants experience variation in ways of seeing the object and territories of IT research. Eight ways of seeing IT research were found. The outcomes of our project appear to make visible the changes and developments that are an essential part of the character and experience of contemporary IT research.  相似文献   

创新靠人才,培养创新人才是当今教育的一项重要任务,增强学生的创新意识是新课程改革的核心内容之一。科学知识的生产包含了大量个体默会知识的参与。科学的创新根源于默会的力量。教育要想培养学生的创新意识和创新能力,只向他们传授已有的显性知识、成果和方法是不够的,还必须使他们掌握大量默会的认识、信念、概念、框架、方法与技巧等等。默会知识对创新教育产生深刻的影响。  相似文献   

研究生团队隐性知识共享机制的形成,可以促进研究生的成长与研究能力的提升。有研究表明,影响知识共享的四个因素即知识特性、组织特性、个体特性和技术手段。N大学W研究所研究生团队隐性知识共享的多年实践经验表明,要从研究生团队个体层面、团队层面和信息技术层面形成隐性知识共享的相应策略。  相似文献   

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