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刘燕 《江西教育》2004,(17):39-40
美国的教育正处在变动之中,传统的公立学校面临,着来自各方的压力。由于公立学校本身的不足.加之人们对教育越来越高的要求,在基础教育领域,特许学校、私立学校和家庭学校正成为越来越多家长和学生的选择,这些新的教育形式繁荣兴旺的同时.也刺激了公立学校的改革创新。下面将从历史、现状和前景等角度分别介绍各类学校。  相似文献   

在美国,有公立学校、私立学校或教会学校可供人们选择。但是由于这些学校自身特点的局限,不足以满足多元文化、多样价值观、多种不同层次需求的家长和学生需要,于是人们希望有更大的选择自由。目前在美国主要有三种自由择校的形式:特许学校、教育凭证制度和家庭学校。  相似文献   

美国“家庭学校教育”的复兴、现状及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国家庭学校教育复兴的原因可以从以下几点来分析:出于宗教的考虑、受教育理论的影响、对公立学校的不满以及家庭学校教育自身的优势。美国家庭学校教育现处于以下状况:规模增大的同时效果显著,获得法律的认可和保障,取得正规学校及相关教育组织的支持,广泛利用互联网等高科技手段。美国“家庭学校教育”的复兴和发展对我国教育发展有些许启示。  相似文献   

美国总统布什是公立学校教育的支持,他认为公立教育是美国的脊梁和希望。但2001年8月,据美国《时代》杂志的报道,在过去的十多年里,家庭学校(home schooling)剧增。根据最近的研究,美国一份新的联邦报告表明,1999年至少850,000名学生选择在家学习。一些专家认为实际是这个数字的两倍。至1994年,政府估计是345,000人,甚至最大的估算认为家庭学校的人数是K-12总人数的4%。并且在阿拉斯加,  相似文献   

美国是世界上教育普及率最高的国家之一。然而,基础教育阶段科学与数学教育质量在世界上排名靠后、公立学校活力不足等问题,促使美国在追求卓越的目标下,掀起了新一轮的公立学校改革,其中的一个重要举措就是通过引入特许学校、磁力学校等多种办学形式,增强公立学校的选择性。从改革的实践看,美国是从强化学校质量评价开始的,具体做法有:一是确立学校教育质量基准,如对三年级、九年级的阅读、科学、数学等学科的达标率进行考核,强调校园安全和学生的品格教育;  相似文献   

最近十多年来,在美国的教育改革大潮中,择校运动可谓是最迅猛的激流之一。教育界内外的很多人希望建立起学校间的竞争机制,给学生家长更多的教育选择权。与中国的“择校现象”不同的是,学生家长不仅不用向学校掏高额的择校费,相反还可以从政府或慈善机构那里得到择校“补贴”。教育券和特许学校长期以来,美国公共教育实行就近入学原则,全国中小学生除了十分之一就读私立学校外,绝大多数学生就读社区内的公立学校。家庭经济条件普遍不及白人的少数民族学生就读公立学校的比例更高。据美国教育数据中心公布的“全国教育进步评估(NAEP)”2003…  相似文献   

2018年,澳大利亚联邦政府启动“优质学校”计划,旨在通过教育资助制度的创新,推动基础教育公平与质量的改革。该计划加大了联邦政府对公立学校与非公立学校的教育投入,通过对学生家长、监护人收入水平的中位数直接评估学校的社会经济状况,据此为学校提供财政资助。“优质学校”计划在评估学生家庭“贡献力”与评估学生实际教育需求上有较大突破,在保障教育公平与质量方面发挥示范作用。  相似文献   

本文以加州为案例,综合美国学者的有关研究从公平、绩效、自由选择三个维度对特许学校进行价值分析,发现在提供特色教育服务、促进种族融合等方面,特许学校与传统公立学校差异不明显;但在拓展家庭选择、鼓励家长参与、补偿弱势群体、增进边缘学生的学习机会与经验等方面,加州特许学校基本达到预期的政策目标,并逐步显示出超越传统公立学校的绩效。  相似文献   

公立学校转制是我国教育体制改革的一种新的探索和尝试,转制的出发点是对自身的扬弃,是为扭转我国传统公立学校日益暴露的投资渠道单一、经费不足、管理机械、特色暗淡等弊端,以增强我国公立学校的活力,加速薄弱校建设,保证义务教育的顺利完成.为了探究我国公立学校转制的经验和发展趋势,我们完全有必要从教育发展的国际视野中,重新审视一下21世纪末风靡美国的特许学校的发展轨迹,以期能对我国公立学校转制具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

美国家庭学校剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭学校近年来在美国迅速发展,已成为美国基础教育领域的一大亮点。家庭学校的兴起,既有学校本身的原因,也有学校之外的原因,总体来说主要出于以下三点:满足孩子的个性化需求、公立学校自身的不足以及宗教因素。从家庭学校的实施现状来看,家庭学校可以从多种渠道获取课程资源,灵活选择教学方式并利用远程学习媒体。美国家庭学校针对性的教学模式、相互联系的运行模式、优良的社会化环境以及较高的教学质量越来越得到家庭及社会的认可。家庭教育与学校教育不应该是相互隔离的,应该建立家庭与学校、家长与教师的伙伴关系,共同促进学生的发展。  相似文献   

Whither the Common Good? A Critique of Home Schooling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This analysis shows home schooling to be part of a general trend of elevating private goods over public goods. The discourse around home schooling centers on issues of individual rights and private benefits, rather than the public good. Yet, the public has an interest in education because there are unavoidable aspects of education that make it a public good. However, home schooling denies this public interest. It undermines the common good in two ways. First, it withdraws not only children but also social capital from public schools, to the detriment of the students remaining behind. Second, as an exit strategy, home schooling undermines the ability of public education to improve and become more responsive as a democratic institution. Thus, home schooling is not only a reaction to, but also a cause of, declining public schools. Therefore, it diminishes the potential of public education to serve the common good in a vibrant democracy.  相似文献   

Cyber and home school charter schools have silently become a prominent part of the charter school movement. These alternative school models differ from conventional schools by relying on parents and the Internet to deliver much of their curriculum and instruction while minimizing the use of personnel and physical facilities. This article examines how recent developments in California and Pennsylvania have resulted in public scrutiny of cyber and home school charters and led to considerable debate and demands for public accountability. Our findings outline the need to modify regulatory frameworks to accommodate cyber and home school charters, the consideration of the differing financial allocations for schools that operate with reduced personnel and facilities, and the division of financial responsibility between state and local educational agencies.  相似文献   

Throughout the modern homeschool movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, homeschooling families have clashed with public institutions. Early homeschoolers joined together to win favorable legislative and judicial outcomes that resulted in the legalization of homeschooling in all 50 states by the early 1990s. Homeschoolers continue to face opposition from professional educators and the organizations that advocate for them. But although some interactions between homeschoolers and public schools are confrontational, in other cases, public school districts offer a variety of resources and opportunities to home educators. Some homeschoolers accept public school offerings through charter or online schools that allow children to remain at home while completing public school curricula. Others have gained the right to access public school extracurricular programs including high school sports. Not all homeschoolers agree on the merit of participating in programs offered by public schools. It is likely that instances of both cooperation and confrontation will continue.  相似文献   

西方教育家约翰·杜威在他著名的讲演《学校与社会》里这样描述20世纪初西方的教育模式:“在教室里课桌按照几何图形紧密的排列在一起,几乎没有移动的空间,教师严肃的维持着课堂秩序,教材是现成统一的,在这样的教室里进行的唯一教育就是‘静听',孩子只能被动地吸收,并且被要求尽可能以最少的时间获取最多的资讯,他们是被当作一个整体对待,不能发挥自己的特点和个性。  相似文献   

The study investigates the mean difference in reading achievement between third‐graders in public and independent schools in Sweden. The data come from the Swedish participation in PIRLS 2001 conducted by IEA. Variables from the home questionnaire mainly indicating possession of cultural capital are used as independent variables. A total IRT score of reading achievement is used as outcome variable. It is shown that students in independent schools have on average better reading results and also a more advantageous socio‐economic background than have students in public schools. Social selection hence characterises independent schools. In addition, indicators of students' cultural capital account for the major part of the mean difference between school types.  相似文献   

高校网站是公众了解学校的重要途径。从用户体验角度,对国内外六所高校网站主页进行比较分析,建议国内高校网站主页在用户定位、版式设计、内容等几个方面加以改进。  相似文献   


In the United States and a number of nations, one of the most powerful dynamics of educational 'reform' involves the movement toward home schooling. The national media have spoken glowingly about it and the number of children being schooled at home is growing rapidly. In large part, this is stimulated by the circulation of anti-statist discourses and by the continuation and expansion of claims about school failure. In these accounts, the sources of educational problems are multiple: teacher education institutions produce teachers who are unprepared academically and unskilled in teaching the 'basics'; state funded (public, in the US sense of the word) schools have been taken over by 'progressive' models of teaching that are unworkable; these same schools do not teach 'traditional' cultural and religious knowledge, beliefs, and values; and public schools do not listen to conservative parents and are much too bureaucratic. Supporters of home schooling are usually religious fundamentalists who have increasing power in the USA and elsewhere. They have formed a national coalition and have joined in a tense rightist hegemonic alliance with neo-liberals and neo-conservatives, an alliance that seeks to reconstruct our common-sense about education and about all things social. The article shows how the movement toward home schooling has become more extensive and more dangerous than has usually been thought. In the process, home schooling is situated within the larger conservative and authoritarian populist ideological, religious, and social movements that provide much of its impetus. Connections are suggested with other protectionist impulses and connections are made to the history of and concerns about the growth of activist government. Finally, the article points to how it may actually hurt many other students who are not home schooled.  相似文献   

Trends suggest that homeschooling continues to increase among black families. Yet, research on contemporary Black homeschooling remains scarce. Given black educational history, the phenomena of Black families choosing homeschooling over public and private schools in the post-Desegregation era is worthy of investigation. Further, documenting the ways in which black homeschool families engage their children in learning will inform the needs of black education in conventional schools, public and private. The phenomenon of increasing black home education represents a radical transformative act of self-determination, the likes of which have not been witnessed since the 1960s and ‘70s. This work highlights the primacy of agency among black homeschooling families. Thus, contrary to the negative depictions of black families as disengaged from the educational pursuits of their children, we evoke hooks's (1990) notion of homeplace to argue that black home education represents a vehicle of resistance to institutionalized racism and ideological mismatches between black families and their children's educational needs.  相似文献   

江苏在宋元时期虽然建立了较为完备的官学制度,尤其地方官学、官学化书院空前发展,但私学教育始终占有重要的地位,并在这一时期仍然获得了充分的发展,其形式主要有乡校、游学、家学或自学等几种。  相似文献   

In many industrialized societies it is suggested that school quality has less than the anticipated impact on student achievement once the influence of the family has been considered. Since schools are more easily amenable to government intervention, the ambiguous showing of schools has not augered well for a public philosophy which portrays schools as agents of social change.This report re-examines the relationships among home, school and achievement performance in the Egyptian context by assaying the relative impact of families and schools on student test performance. This re-examination is undertaken, in part, because in LDCs one of the strongest associations with level of per capita income is the proportion of school age population enrolled in primary classes. This link between primary school attendence and national development places importance on the need to improve the quality of numeracy/literacy skills in order to further increase the efficiency of the Egyptian economy.Similar to findings in other third world primary school systems, the impact of school quality on achievement performance explains more variance than does the influence of the home. Apparently, Egyptian primary schools do provide a learning milieu independent of home resources which affects pupil test performance on basic literacy skills.Given the impact of separate home and school inputs to achievement performance mentioned above, the last question raised in the paper asks whether school quality in Egypt affects the learning of socially disadvantaged children more than others. This can be checked by examining the interactive term between home and school when a regression is performed on student achievement. Findings reveal that indeed the incremental effects of school quality on the poor are greater than those found for children of advantaged backgrounds. Apparently, Egypt's longstanding egalitarian ideology espousing educational opportunity has paid some dividents to those children of the poor who have remained in school.  相似文献   

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