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通过对<最蓝的眼睛>里迷失自我的少女佩科拉、<秀拉>中追求自我的青年女性秀拉和<所罗门之歌>中发现自我的成年女性彼拉多的分析,揭示了莫里森早期作品中黑人女性从迷失到反抗日益走向成熟的轨迹  相似文献   

通过对《最蓝的眼睛》里迷失自我的少女佩科拉、《秀拉》中追求自我的青年女性秀拉和《所罗门之歌》中发现自我的成年女性彼拉多的分析,揭示了莫里森早期作品中黑人女性从迷失到反抗日益走向成熟的轨迹  相似文献   

吴宪  墙晓容 《考试周刊》2013,(28):22-23
《秀拉》是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家托妮·莫里森的第二部作品。秀拉是一位性格叛逆,并不惜一切代价寻求自我的黑人女性。本文基于秀拉特立独行的生命旅程,探讨了其叛逆性格的成因,寻求自我的方式,以及寻求自我的成功与失败,揭示了黑人女性寻求自我的出路问题。  相似文献   

《秀拉》是美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森的作品。主人公秀拉是一个既疯狂又叛逆的黑人女性,该叛逆形象是美国黑人文学从未涉及到的,莫里森通过这个反传统的秀拉,表达出自己对白人霸权文化下白人和黑人男性占主导的社会的不满和愤恨,并且审视了黑人女性在双重的压迫下没有自我的生活和父权制社会强加给黑人女性的不平等的待遇。秀拉作为叛逆的黑人女性,她藐视世俗与传统,不顾及世俗的束缚,追求自我的发展,且在追求独立和自我的过程中遭到排挤与否定。就秀拉短暂的一生进行解读,揭示出在种族文化和性别歧视下,秀拉这朵玫瑰的凋零之路。  相似文献   

秀拉是一位敢于反抗传统社会,努力追寻自我价值的黑人女性,她以自己独特的方式向当时的社会勇敢地发起了挑战与反抗,展现了当时女性尤其是黑人女性所不具有的女性主义思想。本文将透过秀拉这个人物形象对神话原型的戏仿与置换,分析解读秀拉女性主义思想的觉醒过程,以便读者更好地理解秀拉的精神本质和作品的主题思想。  相似文献   

本我·自我·超我 --评托尼·莫里森的小说《秀拉》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
托尼·莫里森在小说<秀拉>中描写了三位典型的黑人女性形象,她们分别是秀拉、奈尔和夏娃.论文运用弗洛伊德的心理分析理论对小说<秀拉>中的女性人物形象进行了分析,提出她们分别是本我、自我、超我的象征,体现了黑人女性在种族歧视和性别压迫下内心的激烈冲突和扭曲.  相似文献   

《秀拉》是托尼·莫里森的第二部作品,小说围绕两个黑人女孩的成长经历和人生选择展开叙述,塑造了多位性格鲜明的黑人女性形象。其中,秀拉祖孙三代在社群中个性十分突出,尤其体现在对爱情和异性的态度上,成为莫里森笔下“新世界女性”的代表。分析伊娃、汉娜和秀拉代代传承并且不断发展的爱情心理,不仅能加深对作品中黑人女性形象的理解,对揭示女性反抗传统、追求自我发展的主题亦具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家托妮&#183;莫瑞森在20世纪70年代创作的三部小说中,分别塑造了少女佩科拉、青年女性秀拉和中年女性派拉特三位不同个性的黑人女性形象,由佩科拉式的自我否定到秀拉式的自我抗争,再到派拉特式的自我认同,分别代表了美国黑人女性对于本民族文化的不同认识,揭示了黑人文化理性发展的过程,也显示了黑人女性不断成长的历程。  相似文献   

托妮.莫里森在她的第二部小说《秀拉》中刻画了一个既疯狂又叛逆的黑人女性秀拉。这个形象是美国文学之前从来没有过的。正如19世纪的女性作家笔下的疯女人,秀拉也是黑人女性作家的非理性替身。通过这个反传统的秀拉,作者充分表达出自己对白人和男人占主导的社会的不满和愤恨,并审视了黑人女性在双重压迫下没有自我的生活和旧传统文化强加给黑人女性的令人窒息的性别角色,强有力地为黑人妇女的解放和独立而呐喊。事实上这也是男权社会的女性为了取得独立和平等所必然走的一条路。  相似文献   

通过对《秀拉》和《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》两部文学作品中的"玫瑰"秀拉和艾米莉的对比,展现出女性敢于挑战周遭的约束和世俗寻求自我的过程,同时也表现出两位主人公与当地的社区相互依存的状况:一方面她们坚持自我,勇于反抗世俗和传统,另一方面,她们又为社区所束缚和容忍。她们追求自我的精神引领新一代女性不断斗争。  相似文献   


Lesbian women's experiences of education frequently occurs within a contradictory public relationship: their identity ‘woman’ is usually ‘visible’ whilst their identity ‘lesbian’ remains generally ‘invisible’ ‐ both in educational settings and within wider educational discourses. By drawing upon examples of self‐understanding of lesbian identity this paper discusses the meanings and connections between these two identities from the perspectives of lesbian women themselves. The inclusion of self‐understanding of lesbian identity as a central feature in exploring the relationship of lesbian women and education permits a discussion of both lesbian oppression and lesbian agency. I will discuss this with reference to my recent study of lesbian women and education. The inclusion of self‐understanding of lesbian identity illuminates the complex relationships which exist between individual identity meanings and those which are socially constructed and maintained within an educational system based upon the ideology of heterosexism.  相似文献   

在陈染的文本中,女性之间亲密无间的关系得到了大量的书写,一些批评将此等同于"累斯宾"(lesbian,指女性同性恋)。但这种对女性的深刻认同实际上是出于女性自恋;是女性自我确定、独立自尊的心理需要;也是女性自我意识得以强烈表达的形式之一。它的存在表现了作家颠覆男权话语的文学想象。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the unique problems that face college-age lesbians as they try to individuate from their family of origin. The first set of obstacles involves the dual developmental tasks of "coming out" and escaping the suffocating fusion typical of many early lesbian relationships. The second set of difficulties concerns parental reactions to the lesbian relationship. The third set of problems (which are intimately intertwined with the first two) concerns how lovers are perceived and received as "in-laws." The paper concludes with five recommended psychotherapy strategies.  相似文献   

On June 8, 1991, the Political and Legal Commission of Wuwei County in Anhui Province received a strange letter of accusation. The writer of the letter, Lin Jiabao, denounced his eldest daughter, claiming that she was maintaining a lesbian relationship with Pan Yuzhen, employee at the Management Bureau of Baimao Township in Wusei County.  相似文献   

The article explores some assumptions and limitations of current research about lesbians in physical education. Research has explored the identity management strategies used by lesbian teachers (Griffin, 1992b; Sparkes, 1994; Woods, 1992), based upon liberal and radical feminist assumptions that a “lesbian identity” exists in some essential form (Jaggar, 1988). Materialist feminist theory refuses any “essential” lesbian identity, but acknowledges the social construction of particular lesbian identities within specific historical conditions, illustrated in the work of Cahn (1994). Poststructural theorists (Bryson & de Castell, 1993; Butler, 1990; Pronger, 1990, 1992) also reject the existence of essentialized identities, and argue instead that “effects” of sexualities are continually being performed at the surface of the body. I argue this poststructural assumption, that lesbian identities do not really exist, is compatible with a politics “as if” they existed (Riley, 1988). Finally, the paper calls for a shift in research focus away from individual lesbian identity toward how institutional discourses constrict and construct lesbian identities.  相似文献   

带有陈染自传性质的小说《私人生活》主人公在缺失父爱的致命情感残缺之下长大。本文将从主人公倪拗拗与T先生的关系,与母亲之间相依为命的情感,与禾寡妇带有同性恋色彩的女性情感几方面,来分析倪拗拗在这种残缺情感模式下的情感填补。  相似文献   

In a broader study of students' rights at school, high school students in New Zealand were asked about whether gay/lesbian/bisexual students would feel safe at their school. Data are reported from a nationwide survey of 107 high schools involving 821 students (aged 15-16 years) and 438 staff who responded to a questionnaire. The article focuses on how students and staff describe attitudes to lesbian/gay/bisexual students, and identifies the most prevalent discourses, including a counter-discourse of acceptance. Although attention to a discourse of acceptance risks the effect of undermining the implications of extreme violence against lesbian/gay/bisexual students, it also challenges the pervasive construction of lesbian/gay/bisexual students as victims. The authors argue that attention to discourses of acceptance might open up further discursive and material strategies for working towards the safety of all school students, including lesbian/gay/bisexual students.  相似文献   

"同妻"与"同夫"作为社会边缘群体,在与同性恋者组成的婚姻家庭中是弱者,对于婚姻的维持以及解体都经受着与常人不同的艰辛和困扰。从虚拟人类学的角度考察,无论是婚姻的维持、解体或是再婚,"同夫""同妻"群体都是受害者,然而他们所遭受的困扰与磨难却是有差别的,"同妻"相比于"同夫"有着更为弱势的地位,这与社会性别不平等是分不开的。同情这两大弱势群体的同时也要反思为何已婚同志家庭会不断产生、如何避免此类错误再发生,才能从根本上帮助减少"同夫""同妻"群体的再生;同时更要将男性与女性置于更合理的位置上,减少因性别差异导致的性别不平等与性别歧视,才能帮助"同夫""同妻"群体在已婚同志家庭中受到的伤害尽可能减少。  相似文献   

Relationships between girls and women have typically been explored through the lexicon of ‘friendship’ or, where there is a presence of sexual desire, ‘lesbian’. This article suggests the complexity and impact of female (same-sex) sociality, and its relationship to heteronormativity and power dynamics between girls and women runs deeper than the terms ‘friendship’ or ‘lesbian’ give rise to. Exploring social and power dynamics amongst girls and women, this article explores how gender is policed and negotiated within a framework of homosociality. Drawing on empirical research within a women's Australian Rules football team, I explore the complexity of female same-sex bonds, the negotiation of gender embodiment and performance within female homosocial spaces, and the emergence of women's own lexicons in making sense of their relationships with other women in this particular social sphere, further considering how this might be applied to other female homosocial spaces, including same-sex educational and sporting sites.  相似文献   

This article deals with the everyday working life of a lesbian teacher working in a secondary school. It compares her experiences and the problems she faces with those of other lesbian and gay teachers.  相似文献   

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