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“年度影响力科学家”颁发给那些在各自领域取得突破性进展,对我国科技进步产生重大影响的科技工作者。他们是我国科技事业的中坚力量。本次“年度影响力科学家”由30位科技工作者构成。他们的研究覆盖了航空航天、人工智能、医学、农业、新能源等多个领域。  相似文献   

吴力群 《现代情报》2009,29(4):75-78
影响力是一事物对其他事物的无形作用力的总和。现代社会,突发事件层出不穷,人们需要及时判断某些事件对社会的干扰程度。组织或个人的影响力会对其他组织或个人的认知、决策产生重要作用。因此,对有关事物的影响力进行测度,有利于对形势及组织的地位、作用进行定量分析,这对开辟情报分析、研究、应用的新领域具有重要意义。利用当代社会信息化的特点,对影响力进行信息测度,既便捷,又有相当程度的可靠性。  相似文献   

正中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日印发了《关于领导干部带头在公共场所禁烟有关事项的通知》。《通知》要求:各级领导干部不得在学校、医院、体育场馆、公共文化场馆、公共交通工具等禁止吸烟的公共场所吸烟,在其他有禁止吸烟标识的公共场所要带头不吸烟。与其把中央的这个通知看成是利用行政手段来禁烟,不如将其看成是利用科学原理和手段来禁烟。  相似文献   

我国高影响力医药期刊的学术影响力动态分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以2008年版<中国科技期刊引证报告>核心版(CJCR)提供的医药卫生科技期刊引证指标数据为依据,选出22种高影响力医药期刊.以2004~2008年版CJCR为源数据,分析他们的总被引频次、影响因子、他引率、引用刊数、扩散因子、学科影响指标、学科扩散指标、来源文献量、基金论文比与国际论文比的动态变化情况,同时采用学术影响力动态评估模型分析期刊的影响力变化情况.结果显示,这些期刊的国内学术影响力均较高,其影响力变化呈现4种趋势:一直上升、先升后趋于稳定、呈"V"形或波动上升与高位震荡;这些高影响力期刊同样存在基金论文比低、国际影响力低、影响力受到期刊学科性质和期刊刊载论文数量与质量的影响等问题,其中国际论文比对期刊影响力的作用在减弱.  相似文献   

2003,世界经济进入一个新的十字路口,是继续衰落还是走出低谷,每个人根据自己的判断对新的一年做出规划。英特尔已经为未来做了与时俱进的宏伟战略,它准备投入100亿美元来进行一场新的战争。新的世纪有新的游戏规划,谁能成为规则的制定者谁就有可能主导游戏的结果。高科技的快速更新仍旧刺激着人们的消费欲望。电视已经和手机一样逐渐成为一种时尚文化的消费品,人们买电视已经和  相似文献   

影响力,用管理行为学的话说,它是指一个人在与他人交往中,影响和改变他人心理与行为的能力。政工干部的影响力,就其性质来分,可分为两个方面,即权力性影响力和非权力性影响力。  相似文献   

<正> 每一位领导者都希望自己在其职员中具有影响力,没有影响力的领导者就不可能对其工作实施卓有成效的领导和管理。 管理心理学认为,领导者的影响力可分为两部分:即权力性影响力和非权力性影响力。权力性影响力是有社会或组织赋予个人职务的权力、地位等构成的,具有规律性,在赋予同等权力的人身上是等值的。非权力性影响力则具有自然性,是由领导者本人的素质和行为造成的,其产生的基础要  相似文献   

Using standardized tests, the sensitivities of twenty compounds and two mixtures to frictional impact, impact, and heat have been studied and recorded. The results show that values obtained by one test are not paralleled by those of either of the other two tests, but that, on division into classes, averages indicating a general correlation are obtained.  相似文献   

期刊累积影响因子与年度影响因子的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 探讨期刊累积影响因子(cumulative impact factor,CIF)与年度影响因子(annual impact factor,AIF)应用于期刊评价的效果。【方法】 选择符合条件的14种眼科学SCI来源期刊,分别计算各期刊不同时间窗口的CIF。以期刊问卷调查评分(SQJ)作为期刊真实影响力的近似标准,比较CIF与AIF的期刊评价效果。【结果】 AIF与SQJ呈高度正相关(r=0.811,P=0.000),CIF与SQJ的相关度除了9年累积影响因子(9CIF)和10CIF低于影响因子外,其他时间窗口的CIF与SQJ的相关度均高于AIF,4CIF、3CIF与SQJ的相关度最高(r=0.930和0.916,P=0.000)。【结论】 在期刊评价中CIF优于AIF。对眼科学期刊来讲,4CIF和3CIF是最佳的评价指标。  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex relationship between scientific novelty and technological impact. We measure novel science as publications which make new combinations of prior knowledge, as reflected in new combinations of journals in their references, and trace links between science and technology by scientific references in patent applications. We draw on all the Web of Science SCIE journal articles published in 2001 and all the patents in PATSTAT (October 2013 edition). We find that the small proportion of scientific publications which score on novelty, particularly the 1% highly novel scientific publications in their field, are significantly and sizably more likely to have direct technological impact than comparable non-novel publications. In addition to this superior likelihood of direct impact, novel science also has a higher probability for indirect technological impact, being more likely to be cited by other scientific publications which have technological impact. Among the set of scientific publications cited at least once by patents, there are no additional significant differences in the speed or the intensity of the technological impact between novel and non-novel scientific prior art, but the technological impact from novel science is significantly broader and reaching new technology fields previously not impacted by its scientific discipline. Novel science is also more likely to lead to patents which are themselves novel.  相似文献   

严北战  周懿 《科技管理研究》2020,40(22):124-130
在劳动力价格逐渐上升,自主创新能力不足的背景下,中国制造业面临发展的瓶颈期,亟需借力“互联网+”来驱动制造业升级。论文基于供给侧、需求侧的视角,研究了“互联网+”对制造业升级影响的双向驱动作用,提炼了平台效应、聚集效应和柔性效应三个方面的影响机制,在对制造业重新分类的基础上,分析了“互联网+”影响制造业升级的双向驱动路径。并基于2006-2016年各省份细分行业数据,实证检验了“互联网+”影响制造业升级的驱动作用。研究表明:“互联网+”能促进制造业升级;对于不同类别制造业而言,“互联网+”对其驱动作用具有异质性,基于“互联网+”的消费品制造业升级效果较为显著,现阶段我国制造业“互联网+”需求侧对制造业升级影响较大,而“互联网+”供给侧的升级效果不明显。并在此基础上提出了可行的政策建议。  相似文献   

The experiments of several previous investigators were repeated in substance with apparatus designed to make it possible to distinguish between ionization and certain spurious factors which have made questionable much of the existing evidence relating to ionization by positive-ion impact. A great many current-potential measurements and curves were obtained at different gas pressures and with a variety of electrical arrangements. The data and curves thus obtained present direct evidence (a) that the previously so-called “ionization current” is due to a secondary electron emission from the platinum walls of the ionization chamber, (b) that this secondary electron emission is produced by the impact of the positive ions with these metal walls, (c) that either there is no ionization in hydrogen gas by the impact of the positive ions accelerated by potential differences up to 925 volts, or that if this phenomenon exists, as is indicated by visual and spectroscopic evidence, its effects are so small at relatively low pressures (.012 mm.) that it is completely masked by secondary phenomena which make its detection by the ordinary direct methods problematic, and (d) that it seems possible that at relatively high gas pressures (considerably above .012 mm.), ionization by positive ions might be an important factor with accelerating potential differences between the ends of their M.F.P. well within this same range of voltages.  相似文献   

【目的】 从期刊栏目设置与期刊影响力的关系入手,总结期刊的优秀办刊经验,探讨医学类高校学报的发展方向。【方法】 以中国知网为统计源,按照2016年的复合影响因子排序,选择复合影响因子排名前10和排名最后10位的期刊作为样本期刊,观察其栏目设置。【结果】 医学学报中临床、综述以及论著等栏目设置频率较高。为进一步探究同一栏目对不同期刊影响力的贡献,比较各个学报共同设置栏目的栏目影响因子,发现期刊影响因子较高的学报中临床、综述以及论著的栏目影响因子较高,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。【结论】 学报应当充分发挥所依托高校的学科优势,捕捉热门动态和新兴学科,设置和优化栏目,增加学报的被关注度和被利用度,全方位提升期刊学术影响力。  相似文献   

饮食对睡眠的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据世界卫生组织对14个国家15个基地2万名在基层医疗就诊的病人进行调查,发现27%的人有睡眠问题。据中国睡眠研究会2003年对全国4万份调查问卷统计结果显示:38.2%的中国城市居民存在着不同程度的失眠症状。  相似文献   

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