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在中国小说发展史上,魏晋南北朝时期的志怪志人小说,除了形态上开始独立成篇,创作理念上走向自觉的虚构以外,还以其对现实人生的关注,片断式的表现形态,限知叙述视角的广泛运用和戏谑化的艺术效果,展示了微篇小说基本成熟时期的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

90年代小说创作异彩纷呈。在体上的实验或说创新成为小说创作形态与艺术发展的又一重要特征,都市新历史、新体验、女性写作等新的体接连出现,使中国小说在艺术形式上呈现出争芒斗艳的态势,体样式上的多元化构成了十年小说一道亮丽的学风景线。  相似文献   

小说心理学是李渔首创的,小说心理学在创作中的广泛运用是李渔小说的一大特点。李渔小说从作到读进行全面的艺术心理关照,这就便得他的小说不仅能满足作自身的创作目的和愿望,而且也满足了读的心理愿望,特别是李渔对读心理的三个“发现”,是符合中华民族的欣赏习惯,带有极强的民族性特征。李渔对小说心理不宾发现是他小说创作获得成功的重要因素,也是李渔对小说艺术的贡献。  相似文献   

鲁迅堪称巧妙处理小说艺术节奏的典范,但这点却鲜有人论及。车文就鲁迅现实题材的小说归纳了其艺术节奏的几种外在“型式”;剖析了其艺术节奏的内在“灵魂”,即一种情绪的律动;评价了其艺术节奏的特点和艺术价值。这些意见为鲁迅作品的阅读和欣赏提供了较新的视野。  相似文献   

冷眼冷笔、冷嘲冷讽是张爱玲小说的一大特点。张爱玲小说辛辣地讽刺了半封建半殖民地社会旧上海冷漠虚伪的家庭人际关系,讽刺了人的种种愚昧、虚荣、冷漠和自私。也讽刺了其他种种可笑的事物。鲁迅的讽刺艺术、曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中的讽刺艺术属于“有我之境”的讽刺艺术,而张爱玲小说的讽刺艺术是“无我之境”的冷眼旁观、冷言冷语,然而,在冷静的剖析与无情的讽刺背后隐藏的却是悲天悯人的情怀。张爱玲对芸芸众生有着一副菩萨般慈悲的心肠。  相似文献   

通过文本细读,不难发现《收藏家》也是一部成长小说,讲述了科学怪人和青年艺术家的成长故事。虽被克莱格囚禁,颇具艺术潜质的米兰达却在艺术与道德方面,经历了成长,并走向了自我更新。虽然米兰的最终香消玉殒,但其艺术精神永存。虽然,克莱格对米兰生杀予夺,但他却滑向了精神、道德空虚的深渊,成为名副其实的杀人恶魔。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期的现代主义小说,在融合西方现代主义学思潮的过程中,创作主体的社会意识介入,影响了其“艺术的假定性”原则的运用、艺术感知方式转化和创作本的哲学性超越,表现出新奇怪诞的艺术内容缺少西方现代主义那种深刻独特的哲学意识作依托的现象。  相似文献   

新感觉派小说作为中国最完整的一支现代派小说,它以创作主体对怪、新、弄的现代性审美倾向的追求,以其鲜明的审丑意识,内向性审美视角,现代的艺术美感,实现了小说的现代性品格。新感觉派小说审美追求的现代性倾向为中国小说的现代化和现代艺术的中国化做了成功的试验。  相似文献   

电影作为现代都市化新的构成,它改变着人们体认现实生活和其它学艺术的方式。张爱玲的视觉感受力、电影修养综合她对语言字的敏感,形成小说中电影手法。具体表现为多种镜头运用、蒙太奇手法、可视意象和小说叙事方式的电影化位移。张爱玲创造了电影艺术影响之下成熟的现代小说范型。  相似文献   

沈从文是中国现代著名作家。他的作品再现了我国二、三十年代形形色色的人生面影和生活方式,在创作方法、艺术风格及文体形式等诸方面,都有其独特的艺术个性,开拓了我国现代小说的创作领域。通过对作家的人生经历心理透视以及小说的意境、语言、文体等方面的分析,阐述了沈从文小说的艺术特征。沈从文的作品研究和他的湘西世界,无疑是件有意义的事情。沈从文及其文学创作在世界文学史上应有一席之地。  相似文献   

以J.L.Austin的言语行为理论为出发点,以英国著名作家Austen的代表作之一《傲慢与偏见》为文本,从宏观上和微观上分析了其中最典型的语言特色——反讽的使用,旨在说明在进行文学研究时应用言语行为理论,有助于加深对文本主题及人物性格的认识。  相似文献   

A web-based questionnaire was sent to all elementary and middle school teachers in Iceland. The population list, with e-mail addresses, was obtained from the teaching union. The teachers were asked to indicate their major, as well as their experience in teaching Icelandic as classroom teachers or subject teachers. They then rated their competence in teaching Icelandic on a scale from 1–10. Responses were received from 1033 elementary and middle school teachers. Of all teachers, 83.9% had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers and 37.3% had taught Icelandic as subject teachers. All teachers rated their competence as high. Statistically, Icelandic majors and older teachers were significantly more efficacious than others in teaching Icelandic. Those with the lowest competence ratings in teaching Icelandic were sports and home studies majors. However, teachers from all majors had taught Icelandic as classroom teachers, and a significant number of them had taught Icelandic as a subject.  相似文献   

北宋词人苏轼真正把词从花前月下的“艳科”中解放出来,创造性地以诗为词,同时又改变了词“俗媚”的境界,开创了抒写豪情壮志、具有英雄本色的豪放词风.为宋词发展带来了第一次巨变。本文主要介绍了苏轼豪放词的形成、发展及其特点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Our understanding of the causes of a developmental disorder like dyslexia has received recent input from both neuroscience and genetics. The discovery of 4 candidate genes for dyslexia and the identification of neuronal networks engaged when children read and spell are the basis for introducing this knowledge into education. However, the input from educational practitioners as well as empirical knowledge from research on learning also contribute significantly to our understanding of how children acquire the basic skills for learning to read and spell. It is imperative to merge the knowledge acquired from research in the fields of neuroscience, genetics, and empirical education, as well as to understand how the learning brain and instruction interact. Doing so can be seen as a major step in attaining an optimal approach for teaching, reading, and spelling and for finding the best suited and most effective treatment concepts for dyslexic children and adolescents.  相似文献   

私人交往与公共交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类思想发展的历史上,亚里士多德最早是在与私人交往相区别的意义上使用了公民交往的概念。在20世纪的哲学家中,哈贝马斯深入洞察了发生于近代劳动与交换领域的交往又与之相互疏离的市民的公共领域。这种交往可以被概括为公共交往,并在理论的思考上区别于私人交往。公共交往与私人交往的相互疏离,是近代以来的社会历史发展的结果。私人交往关系在基本性质上是特殊主义的,人们用于支持朋友和伙伴间的友爱的基础也是共同交往所产生的感情关系。在公共生活中,交往关系是“普遍主义的”,这种关系上的相互有效性要求所诉诸的是人们对陌生人或“一般人”的法律的相互关系,以及基于这种关系的尊重与平等相待的态度。  相似文献   


With more investigation into the reception of evolution in non-Christian majority cultures, and the increased awareness that anti-evolution sentiment is a global phenomenon, new educational resources are being developed to meet newly understood needs. This article explores the situation in Israel regarding conceptions of the compatibility of evolution and religion, as well as the educational initiatives being developed to advance dialogue. Included in the article are data from a study in a Jewish, Muslim and Christian school regarding stakeholders’ views on evolution, as well as insights from the first professional development course for Israeli teachers on “Evolution and Faith.”  相似文献   

Intedanguage,which functions as a relatively systematic transition from initial knowledge of a language to native proficiency during the process of language acquisition,is always regarded as an unstable set of language characteristics produced by learners. Its fossilization is a universal phenomenon in SLA and it derives from multiple factors. Through the research into interlanguage and its fossilization,we should hold a totally different view from traditional one on the nature and function of teacher's training, teaching materials and the handling of the learners' errors, etc.  相似文献   

蛙(蟾蜍)与女娲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原始人类视蛙为图腾,把蛙看成是氏族祖先的标志,人祖女娲就是由蛙崇拜演变而来.分析蛙(蟾蜍)与女娲的关系,主要可以从生物学角度、从二者的音义、从蛙(蟾蜍)的功能三个方面展开.  相似文献   

The authors of the present article are engaged in a research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. In this project the language policies of Tanzania and South Africa, as well as the practices of these policies in the classroom are analyzed. The article gives some preliminary results from the project. While the language policies of Tanzania are described as confusing, contradictory, and ambiguous, the language policies of South Africa seem clearer and more progressive. In Tanzania, Kiswahili is seen as the national language, while both Kiswahili and English are official languages. The issue of language has, however, disappeared from the constitution in Tanzania. In the constitution of South Africa, 11 languages are official and seen as equal. But when it comes to practice in the classroom in both countries, the majority of the learners struggle to learn academic content because of the foreign medium that is used as the language of instruction from secondary school onwards in Tanzania and already from the fourth grade in primary school in South Africa. The research reported here shows that whatever the official policies may be the teachers in the classrooms will use whatever language they and their students feel most comfortable with. Examples are given here of the coping strategies teachers and learners use in both countries like translations, code-mixing and code-switching. At the end of the day the learners have to write their exams in English however. The language in education policy in most African countries lead many African pupils to fall even further behind. What seems to be a learning problem or a matter of bad grade, drop out and repetition is really a language problem.  相似文献   

Large numbers of children and young people spend their weekends and holidays engaged in the activities of over 300 surf clubs across Australia each summer. Long term membership in these clubs, beginning from as young as five years of age, forms a significant part of children's and young people's development yet surf clubs have yet to receive recognition from researchers in either the education or physical education fields as significant learning sites. Within the context of growing recognition of learning as an ongoing, multidimensional and life-long process this represents an oversight in the literature that this paper sets out to redress. Employing the concepts of communities of practice and situated learning (Lave & Wenger 1991, Wenger 1998) it examines four young people's experiences as members of a Victorian surf club as a community of practice. It also compares the experiences of these young people in the surf club with those arising from membership in their schools and sports clubs.  相似文献   

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