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In this simulation study, we explored the effect of introducing covariates to a growth mixture model when covariates were also generated by a mixture model. We varied the association between the latent classes underlying the growth trajectories and the covariates, the degree of separation between the latent classes underlying the covariates, the number of covariates included, and amount of missing data in the growth data. We found that adding covariates to the growth mixture model generally hurt class recovery except where the latent classes underlying the growth trajectories and the covariates were the same or very strongly associated, and there was a large degree of separation between the classes underlying the covariates. We found that when covariates were introduced, entropy might no longer be an accurate indicator of the distinctiveness of the growth trajectory classes.  相似文献   

Stage-sequential (or multiphase) growth mixture models are useful for delineating potentially different growth processes across multiple phases over time and for determining whether latent subgroups exist within a population. These models are increasingly important as social behavioral scientists are interested in better understanding change processes across distinctively different phases, such as before and after an intervention. One of the less understood issues related to the use of growth mixture models is how to decide on the optimal number of latent classes. The performance of several traditionally used information criteria for determining the number of classes is examined through a Monte Carlo simulation study in single- and multiphase growth mixture models. For thorough examination, the simulation was carried out in 2 perspectives: the models and the factors. The simulation in terms of the models was carried out to see the overall performance of the information criteria within and across the models, whereas the simulation in terms of the factors was carried out to see the effect of each simulation factor on the performance of the information criteria holding the other factors constant. The findings not only support that sample size adjusted Bayesian Information Criterion would be a good choice under more realistic conditions, such as low class separation, smaller sample size, or missing data, but also increase understanding of the performance of information criteria in single- and multiphase growth mixture models.  相似文献   

Growth mixture modeling (GMM) is a useful statistical method for longitudinal studies because it includes features of both latent growth modeling (LGM) and finite mixture modeling. This Monte Carlo simulation study explored the impact of ignoring 3 types of time series processes (i.e., AR(1), MA(1), and ARMA(1,1)) in GMM and manipulated the separation of the latent classes, the strength of the time series process, and whether the errors conformed to the time series process in 1 or 2 latent classes. The results showed that omitting time series processes resulted in more serious bias in parameter estimation as the distance between classes increased. However, when the class distances were small, ignoring time series processes contributed to the selection of the correct number of classes. When the GMM models correctly specified the time series process, only models with an AR(1) time series process produced unbiased parameter estimates in most conditions. It was also found that among design factors manipulated, the distance between classes prominently affected the identification of the number of classes and parameter estimation.  相似文献   

Current practices for growth mixture modeling emphasize the importance of the proper parameterization and number of classes, but the impact of these decisions on latent class composition and the substantive implications has not been thoroughly addressed. Using measures of behavior from 575 middle school students, we compared the results of several multilevel growth mixture models. Results indicated a dramatic shift in class assignment as the models allowed class-varying parameters, with different substantive interpretations and resulting typologies. This research suggests that using variability as a criterion for class differences in a behavior typology can dramatically impact latent class membership. This study describes decisions and results from testing for noninvariance, with particular emphasis on how decisions about the nature of within-person variance can affect resulting subgroups and model parameters.  相似文献   

In longitudinal design, investigating interindividual differences of intraindividual changes enables researchers to better understand the potential variety of development and growth. Although latent growth curve mixture models have been widely used, unstructured finite mixture models (uFMMs) are also useful as a preliminary tool and are expected to be more robust in identifying classes under the influence of possible model misspecifications, which are very common in actual practice. In this study, large-scale simulations were performed in which various normal uFMMs and nonnormal uFMMs were fit to evaluate their utility and the performance of each model selection procedure for estimating the number of classes in longitudinal designs. Results show that normal uFMMs assuming invariance of variance–covariance structures among classes perform better on average. Among model selection procedures, the Calinski–Harabasz statistic, which has a nonparametric nature, performed better on average than information criteria, including the Bayesian information criterion.  相似文献   

Simulation studies involving mixture models inevitably aggregate parameter estimates and other output across numerous replications. A primary issue that arises in these methodological investigations is label switching. The current study compares several label switching corrections that are commonly used when dealing with mixture models. A growth mixture model is used in this simulation study, and the design crosses three manipulated variables—number of latent classes, latent class probabilities, and class separation, yielding a total of 18 conditions. Within each of these conditions, the accuracy of a priori identifiability constraints, a priori training of the algorithm, and four post hoc algorithms developed by Tueller et al.; Cho; Stephens; and Rodriguez and Walker are tested to determine their classification accuracy. Findings reveal that, of all a priori methods, training of the algorithm leads to the most accurate classification under all conditions. In a case where an a priori algorithm is not selected, Rodriguez and Walker’s algorithm is an excellent choice if interested specifically in aggregating class output without consideration as to whether the classes are accurately ordered. Using any of the post hoc algorithms tested yields improvement over baseline accuracy and is most effective under two-class models when class separation is high. This study found that if the class constraint algorithm was used a priori, it should be combined with a post hoc algorithm for accurate classification.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide guidance on a process for including latent class predictors in regression mixture models. We first examine the performance of current practice for using the 1-step and 3-step approaches where the direct covariate effect on the outcome is omitted. None of the approaches show adequate estimates of model parameters. Given that Step 1 of the 3-step approach shows adequate results in class enumeration, we suggest using an alternative approach: (a) decide the number of latent classes without predictors of latent classes, and (b) bring the latent class predictors into the model with the inclusion of hypothesized direct covariate effects. Our simulations show that this approach leads to good estimates for all model parameters. The proposed approach is demonstrated by using empirical data to examine the differential effects of family resources on students’ academic achievement outcome. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of multidimensionality on extraction of latent classes in mixture Rasch models. In this study, two‐dimensional data were generated under varying conditions. The two‐dimensional data sets were analyzed with one‐ to five‐class mixture Rasch models. Results of the simulation study indicate the mixture Rasch model tended to extract more latent classes than the number of dimensions simulated, particularly when the multidimensional structure of the data was more complex. In addition, the number of extracted latent classes decreased as the dimensions were more highly correlated regardless of multidimensional structure. An analysis of the empirical multidimensional data also shows that the number of latent classes extracted by the mixture Rasch model is larger than the number of dimensions measured by the test.  相似文献   

Mixture models capture heterogeneity in data by decomposing the population into latent subgroups, each of which is governed by its own subgroup-specific set of parameters. Despite the flexibility and widespread use of these models, most applications have focused solely on making inferences for whole or subpopulations, rather than individual cases. This article presents a general framework for computing marginal and conditional predicted values for individuals using mixture model results. These predicted values can be used to characterize covariate effects, examine the fit of the model for specific individuals, or forecast future observations from previous ones. Two empirical examples are provided to demonstrate the usefulness of individual predicted values in applications of mixture models. The first example examines the relative timing of initiation of substance use using a multiple event process survival mixture model, whereas the second example evaluates changes in depressive symptoms over adolescence using a growth mixture model.  相似文献   

Popular longitudinal models allow for prediction of growth trajectories in alternative ways. In latent class growth models (LCGMs), person-level covariates predict membership in discrete latent classes that each holistically define an entire trajectory of change (e.g., a high-stable class vs. late-onset class vs. moderate-desisting class). In random coefficient growth models (RCGMs, also known as latent curve models), however, person-level covariates separately predict continuously distributed latent growth factors (e.g., an intercept vs. slope factor). This article first explains how complex and nonlinear interactions between predictors and time are recovered in different ways via LCGM versus RCGM specifications. Then a simulation comparison illustrates that, aside from some modest efficiency differences, such predictor relationships can be recovered approximately equally well by either model—regardless of which model generated the data. Our results also provide an empirical rationale for integrating findings about prediction of individual change across LCGMs and RCGMs in practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how recent methodological developments in the analysis of individual growth can inform important problems in education policy. Specifically, this article focuses on a method referred to as growth mixture modeling. Growth mixture modeling is a relatively new procedure for the analysis of longitudinal data that relaxes many of the assumptions associated with conventional growth curve modeling. In particular, growth mixture modeling tests for the existence of unique growth trajectory classes through a combination of latent class analysis and standard growth curve modeling. Antecedent predictors of the latent classes can be incorporated as well as relations from the latent classes to specific outcomes. This article applies growth mixture modeling to data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten class of 1998-1999. The specific policy question posed in this article focuses on the estimation of latent growth trajectory classes in reading proficiency and the effects of full-day or part-day kindergarten programs on growth within reading trajectory classes. Results identify a 3-class solution corresponding to slow-developing, normal-developing, and fast-developing reading growth in children. The results further show that full-day kindergarten attendance benefits children in the slow-reading development class relative to the normal and fast-reading development class, but the effect is lessened when holding constant socioeconomic status and age of entry into kindergarten. The implications of the method for quantitative education policy analysis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent developments in finite mixture modeling allow for the identification of different developmental processes in distinct but unobserved subgroups within a population. The new approach, described within the general growth mixture modeling framework (Muthen, 2001, in press), extends conventional random coefficient growth models to incorporate a categorical latent trajectory variable representing latent classes or mixtures (i.e., the subgroups in the population whose membership must be inferred from the data). This article provides a didactic example of this new methodology with adolescent alcohol use data, which is shown to consist of a mixture of distinct subgroups, defined by unique growth trajectories and differing predictors and sequelae. The method is discussed as a useful tool for mapping hypotheses of development onto appropriate statistical models.  相似文献   

For some time, there have been differing recommendations about how and when to include covariates in the mixture model building process. Some have advocated the inclusion of covariates after enumeration, whereas others recommend including them early on in the modeling process. These conflicting recommendations have led to inconsistent practices and unease in trusting modeling results. In an attempt to resolve this discord, we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation to examine the impact of covariate exclusion and misspecification of covariate effects on the enumeration process. We considered population and analysis models with both direct and indirect paths from the covariates to the latent class indicators. As expected, misspecified covariate effects most commonly led to the overextraction of classes. Findings suggest that the number of classes could be reliably determined using the unconditional latent class model, thus our recommendation is that class enumeration be done prior to the inclusion of covariates.  相似文献   

Mixture modeling is a widely applied data analysis technique used to identify unobserved heterogeneity in a population. Despite mixture models' usefulness in practice, one unresolved issue in the application of mixture models is that there is not one commonly accepted statistical indicator for deciding on the number of classes in a study population. This article presents the results of a simulation study that examines the performance of likelihood-based tests and the traditionally used Information Criterion (ICs) used for determining the number of classes in mixture modeling. We look at the performance of these tests and indexes for 3 types of mixture models: latent class analysis (LCA), a factor mixture model (FMA), and a growth mixture models (GMM). We evaluate the ability of the tests and indexes to correctly identify the number of classes at three different sample sizes (n = 200, 500, 1,000). Whereas the Bayesian Information Criterion performed the best of the ICs, the bootstrap likelihood ratio test proved to be a very consistent indicator of classes across all of the models considered.  相似文献   

When conducting longitudinal research, the investigation of between-individual differences in patterns of within-individual change can provide important insights. In this article, we use simulation methods to investigate the performance of a model-based exploratory data mining technique—structural equation model trees (SEM trees; Brandmaier, Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013)—as a tool for detecting population heterogeneity. We use a latent-change score model as a data generation model and manipulate the precision of the information provided by a covariate about the true latent profile as well as other factors, including sample size, under the possible influences of model misspecifications. Simulation results show that, compared with latent growth curve mixture models, SEM trees might be very sensitive to model misspecification in estimating the number of classes. This can be attributed to the lower statistical power in identifying classes, resulting from smaller differences of parameters prescribed by the template model between classes.  相似文献   

Latent class analysis is an analytic technique often used in educational and psychological research to identify meaningful groups of individuals within a larger heterogeneous population based on a set of variables. This technique is flexible, encompassing not only a static set of variables but also longitudinal data in the form of growth mixture modeling, as well as the application to complex multilevel sampling designs. The goal of this study was to investigate—through a Monte Carlo simulation study—the performance of several methods for parameterizing multilevel latent class analysis. Of particular interest was the comparison of several such models to adequately fit Level 1 (individual) data, given a correct specification of the number of latent classes at both levels (Level 1 and Level 2). Results include the parameter estimation accuracy as well as the quality of classification at Level 1.  相似文献   

Mixture Rasch models have been used to study a number of psychometric issues such as goodness of fit, response strategy differences, strategy shifts, and multidimensionality. Although these models offer the potential for improving understanding of the latent variables being measured, under some conditions overextraction of latent classes may occur, potentially leading to misinterpretation of results. In this study, a mixture Rasch model was applied to data from a statewide test that was initially calibrated to conform to a 3‐parameter logistic (3PL) model. Results suggested how latent classes could be explained and also suggested that these latent classes might be due to applying a mixture Rasch model to 3PL data. To support this latter conjecture, a simulation study was presented to demonstrate how data generated to fit a one‐class 2‐parameter logistic (2PL) model required more than one class when fit with a mixture Rasch model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this ITEMS module is to provide an introduction to differential item functioning (DIF) analysis using mixture item response models. The mixture item response models for DIF analysis involve comparing item profiles across latent groups, instead of manifest groups. First, an overview of DIF analysis based on latent groups, called latent DIF analysis, is provided and its applications in the literature are surveyed. Then, the methodological issues pertaining to latent DIF analysis are described, including mixture item response models, parameter estimation, and latent DIF detection methods. Finally, recommended steps for latent DIF analysis are illustrated using empirical data.  相似文献   

Change over time often takes on a nonlinear form. Furthermore, change patterns can be characterized by heterogeneity due to unobserved subpopulations. Nonlinear mixed-effects mixture models provide one way of addressing both of these issues. This study attempts to extend these models to accommodate time-unstructured data. We develop methods to fit these models in both the structural equation modeling framework as well as the Bayesian framework and evaluate their performance. Simulations show that the success of these methods is driven by the separation between latent classes. When classes are well separated, a sample of 200 is sufficient. Otherwise, a sample of 1,000 or more is required before parameters can be accurately recovered. Ignoring individually varying measurement occasions can also lead to substantial bias, particularly in the random-effects parameters. Finally, we demonstrate the application of these techniques to a data set involving the development of reading ability in children.  相似文献   

Applications of growth mixture modeling have become widespread in the fields of medicine, public health, and the social sciences for modeling linear and nonlinear patterns of change in longitudinal data with presumed heterogeneity with respect to latent group membership. However, in contrast to linear approaches, there has been relatively less focus on methods for modeling nonlinear change. We introduce a nonlinear mixture modeling approach for estimating change trajectories that rely on the use of fractional polynomials within a growth mixture modeling framework. Fractional polynomials allow for more parsimonious and flexible models in comparison to conventional polynomial models. The procedures are illustrated through the use of math ability scores obtained from 499 children over a period of 3 years, with 4 measurement occasions. Techniques for identifying the best empirically derived growth mixture model solution are also described and illustrated by way of substantive example and a simulation.  相似文献   

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