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生成性教学形态体现在教学的方方面面,而这种动态的教学过程,不仅能够有效拓展教师的思想与灵活运用的空间,也有助于促进学生领悟能力、探索精神的开放与形成,对此,小学语文教师应给予足够重视。  相似文献   

要使语文教学真正实现拓展学生学习空间,促使师生关系和谐发展.促进学生主体精神发挥,培养创新精神.提高实践能力,教师就必须在教学过程中换位思考,转变教学观念,正确认识教学活动中教师的功能;认真审视教学,真正确立语文教学的新理念;努力提高自我。  相似文献   

召唤与期待:课程建设与教学相长的动态生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程的建设是在教学过程中进行的,教师、课程、学生三者是教学的基本要素,构成教学过程的基本结构。课程建设有自身运行和发展的逻辑阶段,直接指向课程存在的根本问题,既是课程建设的目标,也体现课程建设的过程。课程的建设过程是课程、教师、学生三边交叉运动、交互作用的过程;是课程、教师、学生三边结构重组、同时拓展的过程;也是课程、教师、学生三边共同超越的过程。教学的召唤结构、学生的期待效应、课程的动态生成,既同时发生,又相互联通,还重叠交融。  相似文献   

课堂教学不是机械地执行预设教案的线性过程,而是不断调整、动态生成的发展过程。教师在教学过程中应解读生成、尊重生成、引导生成、拓展生成,构建充满生命活力的课堂。  相似文献   

关注课堂生成 让教学在动态中进行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师在课堂教学中要珍视学生在学习过程中动态生成的信息,并把生成的信息转化为有效的教学资源。教学目标在真实学情中动态构建,教学内容以课本为扩散点动态拓展,教学在生成的话题情景中展开,通过反思把教学失误转化为二度教学的资源。  相似文献   

王蓉 《文教资料》2020,(2):219-221
提问是重要的课堂教学策略之一,英语教师在提问后能否有效拓展与学生的交流互动影响学生的语言输出及思维过程。本文从微观视角审视一位中学英语教师在四种大班英语课堂微语境中提问交流拓展的动态过程,讨论中国大班中学英语教学环境中的教师课堂提问交流拓展的三个互动特征,为中学英语教师理解课堂互动的本质和实施课堂交流拓展提供参照。  相似文献   

备课是教学过程中的一个十分重要的环节,也是教师教学生涯中的一项重点工作,无论是教学活动本身还是教师的业务成长,都是一种必然的要求。教学是一个有序的动态过程,着眼点是要在学生身上落实课程目标,虽然允许师生在课堂交互活动中有一定的生成拓展和共同发挥的空间,但教学目标主要是通过教材内容相对稳定的形式和课堂教学相对运动的形式在不同层次上来逐步落实,教材内容和课时目标的具体性和教学时空的有限性使得教学行为必须保持相对稳定的延续。虽然课堂教学不一定完全执行教案,但课前合理的预设无疑能够促进有效的生成。备课也好,写教…  相似文献   

问题行为是指发生在教育、教学或生活中的不符合教育规律要求的行为或程度较重的过错行为。发生在学生身上有恶作剧,偷懒,贪玩,对抗等;发生在教师身上有呵斥,藐视,漠不关心等。问题行为无论发生在学生身上,还是发生在教师身上,都应该引起人们的足够重视,引起对行为过程及其产生  相似文献   

课堂教学不是机械地执行预设教案的线性过程,而是不断调整、动态生成的发展过程。教师在教学过程中应解读生成、尊重生成、引导生成、拓展生成,构建充满生命活力的课堂。  相似文献   

许昌良 《文教资料》2009,(7):119-121
语文拓展性教学就是立足文本,教师进行补充引申和展开,把学生引向广阔丰实的知识与生活空间,是在教师的引领之下进行创造性、发散性的思维的教学环节与过程,是师生共同建构的综合性的知识系统.它具有参与建构性、非预见性、动态生成性、开放接纳性与交往互动性等特点.它可以通过文本同题拓展、作者拓展、事件拓展、内核拓展等多种教学策略进行教学拓展.  相似文献   

数学学习实质是数学符号的学习,教师在教学实践中要让学生理解数学符号意义.数学符号最显著的特征是形式的简单性、内涵的精确性、应用上的可操作性以及使用上的统一性.有效的数学教学必须在明白数学符号的学习价值的基础上进行教学.数学符号学习要符合学生的心理发展水平基础上组织课堂教学,根据数学符号的本真意义采取恰当的教学策略,帮助学生认知同化和顺应.  相似文献   

基于学习心理学的高职教学设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
课程内容要转化为教学内容必须基于分类知识观,学生学习主体地位的凸显必须基于分类学习观。职业教育课程的实施过程中,教师只有对教学内容进行分析,明确界定教学目标,进行周密而实用的教学设计,才能更好地组织教学。因此,教师必须深入研究学习和知识的类型,将其理论迁移到教学设计的各个环节,从而更有效地指导教学。  相似文献   

Given the globalization of science education and the different cultures between China and Germany, we tried to compare and explain the differences on teacher questions and real life instances in biology lessons between the two countries from a culture-related perspective. 22 biology teachers from China and 21 biology teachers from Germany participated in this study. Each teacher was videotaped for one lesson on the unit blood and circulatory system. Before the teaching unit, students’ prior knowledge was tested with a pretest. After the teaching unit, students’ content knowledge was tested with a posttest. The aim of the knowledge tests here was for the better selection of the four samples for qualitative comparison in the two countries. The quantitative analysis showed that more lower-order teacher questions and more real life instances that were introduced after learning relevant concepts were in Chinese lessons than in German lessons. There were no significant differences in the frequency of higher-order questions or real life instances that were introduced before learning concepts. Qualitative analysis showed that both German teachers guided students to analyze the reasoning process of Landsteiner experiment, but nor Chinese teachers did that. The findings reflected the subtle influence of culture on classroom teaching. Relatively, Chinese biology teachers focused more on learning content and the application of the content in real life; German biology teachers emphasized more on invoking students’ reasoning and divergent thinking.  相似文献   

国外元认知教学的特点及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元认知教学以学生的自我调节的学习能力培养为目标,在教学中建立元认知性环境,进行元认知示范和训练,使学生了解自己的学习特点、学习目标、学习进程、学习效果,以达到对学习进行自我调节的目的。国外元认知教学方法多元,既注重学科学习又注重社会行为养成,既培养一般性元认知又关注特殊性元认知的发展。元认知教学对教师和学生产生了深远影响,在教师知识结构、教学环境营造和学生学习结果评价中元认知成为重要内容。元认知教学的发展为学生自主学习能力的培养找到了现实可行的途径,有助于实现"教是为了不教"的教育理想。  相似文献   

近几年,我国越来越重视小学语文教学质量,在教学过程中,教师已经广泛地将问题情境教学法运用在教学中,并取得了良好的教学效果。小学语文问题情境教学不仅能增加教师与学生之间的交流与沟通,使课堂学习氛围更加活跃,还能使学生在问题的探索过程中加深对知识内容的记忆,对知识的掌握也更为扎实。  相似文献   

在小学数学几何图形教学中,几何图形作为小学数学教材中重要的学习内容之一,对学生来说是有一定的学习难度的。教师要在实际教学中,针对小学生的个性化发展以及性格特征,合理地制定教学方案,并促使学生掌握正确的学习方式,使学生对几何图形有所认知。因此,本文对试论小学数学几何图形概念教学的策略进行分析研究,以期能够提升教师的教学质量,帮助小学生掌握更多的几何图形知识。  相似文献   

论述了综合式教学法的定义;分析了其理论依据;结合笔者多年的教学经验尝试了具体操作,取得了较好的效果。指出教师应该在教学中采用恰当的教学法,使学生更有意识地去参与学习,更主动地去接受知识,把学生置于一种多元化的学习环境中,给他们提供更广阔的学习空间,使他们在自主学习、自主研究中获得一种新的学习经验。  相似文献   

In order to understand how prospective teachers develop knowledge for teaching, researchers must identify the types of knowledge that are integral to effective science teaching. This case study investigated how 4 prospective secondary biology teachers’ science teaching orientations, knowledge of science learners, and knowledge of instructional sequence, developed during a post-baccalaureate teacher education program. Data sources included a lesson planning task and two interview-observation cycles during the participants’ year-long internship. Over the course of a year, the participants’ science teaching orientations were based primarily on their K-16 learning experiences, and were robust and highly resistant to change. The prospective teachers became more aware of student learning difficulties, and therefore, developed more elaborated knowledge of the requirements of learning. They consistently sequenced instruction in ways that gave priority to transmitting information to students. Prospective teachers’ development of knowledge of student understanding of science and instructional sequence were congruent with their science teaching orientations. Implications are given for teacher education and future research.  相似文献   

在肾内科实习带教过程中,眼科影像系统PACS的引入,提供了大量的原始图片资料,为教师建立详细的病例数据库提供了更好的途径,改进了教师的实习教学方法,更利于学生在临床实习过程中教师与学生之间的互动和交流,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生自主学习的能力,使学生对疾病有了更深入、系统地认识与理解,更好地将理论知识与临床实践相结...  相似文献   

It is a common view that developing teachers’ competence to restructure or reframe their knowledge and beliefs is inevitably a complex challenge. This paper reports on a research project with the aim to develop science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) through their participation in a learning study. A learning study is a collegial process in which teachers work together with a researcher to explore their own teaching activities in order to identify what is critical for their students’ learning. During one semester, three secondary science teachers worked in a learning study together with a researcher in a cyclical process in order to create prerequisites and further identify conditions for students’ learning. During the learning study, data were collected from video-recorded lessons and stimulated recall sessions in which the teachers and the researcher reflected on the lessons to analyze their development of PCK, their students’ learning and the impact of that knowledge on their own teaching. The results provide an insight into how the teachers developed their self-understanding in which they questioned their own epistemological beliefs, aims and objectives of teaching and taken-for-granted assumptions about science teaching and learning. As such, the study provides an understanding of teacher professional learning through a careful investigation of how teachers’ PCK is enhanced through their participation in the learning study, and further, how students’ learning might be developed as a consequence.  相似文献   

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