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教育政策价值分析的三维模式   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教育政策价值分析是教育政策分析的核心领域和方法。教育政策分析者可以从教育政策的价值选择、合法性、有效性等三个价值向度的视角 ,从教育政策实质价值、程序价值等两类价值内容的视角 ,从经验研究、规范研究和超伦理研究等三种具体方法的视角具体研究教育政策的价值关系和价值问题。三个视角及其关系构成了教育政策价值分析的三维模式。  相似文献   

对于任何一项教育政策,我们都可以从现象形态、本体形态和政策过程三个维度加以价值分析。把价值选择、合法性、有效性作为教育政策价值分析的三个基本向度,对宁波市构建服务型教育体系政策进行价值分析,发现该政策有效利用了教育资源,已经呈现出与经济联动发展的良好态势。  相似文献   

教育法制是教育民主化的发展相联系,按照依法治理的原则、方式来管理、规范和发展教育带来所形成的教育法律程序。教育法制是由五个环节构成的实践体系。教育法制的本质体现为教育利益的合理分配,其价值目标包括内容向度目标与过程向度目标。但是教育法制的价值不是万能的,是有局限性的。  相似文献   

教育评价具有三个向度,第Ⅰ向度是"关于教育的评价",追求价值判断的科学精准;第Ⅱ向度是"促进教育的评价",追求促成价值的目标实现;第Ⅲ向度是"作为教育的评价",追求价值创造的开放生产.运用教育评价向度分析方法对新一轮普通高等学校本科教育教学审核评估政策措施进行分析发现,在教育评价的第Ⅰ向度、第Ⅱ向度、第Ⅲ向度都设计了相应的政策及配套措施,只是第Ⅲ向度的政策多属倡导性质,措施力度也相对较弱.高等学校可有针对性地选择行动策略,因应"关于教育的评价",用好"促进教育的评价",落实"作为教育的评价".审核评估的生命力在于实践探索,实施新一轮审核评估,还需在审核评估意愿、能力、组织,尤其是第Ⅲ向度"创生价值"上下功夫,高等学校也要主动适应新变化,开展新探索,做到同频共振.  相似文献   

教育评价具有三个向度,第Ⅰ向度是"关于教育的评价",追求价值判断的科学精准;第Ⅱ向度是"促进教育的评价",追求促成价值的目标实现;第Ⅲ向度是"作为教育的评价",追求价值创造的开放生产.运用教育评价向度分析方法对新一轮普通高等学校本科教育教学审核评估政策措施进行分析发现,在教育评价的第Ⅰ向度、第Ⅱ向度、第Ⅲ向度都设计了相应的政策及配套措施,只是第Ⅲ向度的政策多属倡导性质,措施力度也相对较弱.高等学校可有针对性地选择行动策略,因应"关于教育的评价",用好"促进教育的评价",落实"作为教育的评价".审核评估的生命力在于实践探索,实施新一轮审核评估,还需在审核评估意愿、能力、组织,尤其是第Ⅲ向度"创生价值"上下功夫,高等学校也要主动适应新变化,开展新探索,做到同频共振.  相似文献   

价值范式及其对教育政策主体的价值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育政策价值问题是教育理论研究中的重要理论问题。对教育政策价值的分析不应忽视对教育政策主体的价值分析,教育政策从根本上体现并实现着政策主体的价值内容、价值追求与价值选择,教育政策价值与教育政策主体价值有着内在的不可分性。教育政策主体价值依次表现为元价值、隐价值和显价值三重形态。  相似文献   

教育政策的价值系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策是政策主体控制教育资源,追求教育利益的一种活动。教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。教育政策主体控制教育资源并追求教育利益时,产生和形成各种教育政策问题;教育政策试图解决这些问题的过程中,其价值要素之间构成了一系列基本的价值关系。  相似文献   

心理健康教育无疑具有重要的人本价值。从历史发展看,心理健康教育就是沿着以人为本的方向演进;人作为心理健康教育价值的承载者,其心理的复杂性是心理健康教育的人本向度;心理健康教育的人本价值则在从个体全面发展到民族素质的综合体现上;只有树立起以人为苓的心理健康教育观,方能真正实现其人本价值。  相似文献   

在学校教育和学校变革的“话语实践”中,教育价值与多元主体及其对教育的需求相适应。本文认为,学校变革与作为教育价值主体的学校向度常常具有高度一致性:学校变革发生在学校向度上,学校主体的教育价值变化必然引起学校层面的变革运动,在学校变革实践中生成的教育价值系统,逐渐发展成熟壮大后,就会成为触发新一轮学校变革和转型的主要动因。  相似文献   

在政策研究过程中,价值问题是一个不可回避的重要领域。文章运用社会公共政策学、管理学和价值分析的研究路径,阐明教育政策在教育研究中的特殊性;提出价值分析是教育政策分析的起点,是进行教育政策制定和实施的前提,在教育活动中具有澄清价值、价值预测、普及政策和相互借鉴的作用;并通过经验性探索、规范性探索和超伦理研究来阐明教育政策过程中的价值冲突和主要价值问题。  相似文献   

"五唯"是教育评价改革的根本问题。全面梳理、分析教育评价政策的现状和问题是破"五唯"的前提条件。研究基于2010年-2018年《教育部公报》中有关教育评价政策的文本数据,运用SPSS16.0对其进行编码和统计分析。研究发现:教育评价改革的力度不断增强,形成了比较清晰的改革逻辑链条。通过文本与实践"对话",研究揭示了教育评价改革中一些关键环节"硬约束"不强,政策工具使用不平衡、不充分,教育评价相关主体缺位等问题。研究建议聚焦破"五唯"主题,加强政策有效供给和专项督导;深入推进"管办评"分离改革,解决好学校内外部评价主体"缺位"问题;把学校教育评价制度建设作为现代学校制度建设的基础工程加以推进。  相似文献   

厘清权力关系、廓清权力边界是管办评有效分离的核心要义。学者们已经关注到“权力边界的模糊、不清晰”所造成的“错位、越位、缺位”等教育治理困境,并从不同角度为厘清权力边界做出了卓有成效的努力。从不完全契约理论出发进行权力厘定,发现管办评三方的确定性权力边界可以厘清,但剩余权力的边界却是无法廓清的;因剩余权力的存在而导致的边界模糊地带始终存在,且无法消除;只有通过剩余权力的规制才能有效突围因剩余权力边界模糊带来的治理困境。基于此提出了“规制剩余权力与厘清确定性权力边界”并重的观点,以及两手共同协力才能破解教育治理困境的政策建议。  相似文献   

教育财政投入是教育事业发展的物质基础,为持续办好“更加公平更高质量”的基础教育事业提供了经费支持。伴随着我国“要办重点中学”和“择校费”等普通高中办学政策的实施,县域与城区普通高中在师资、办学条件与经费投入等方面的异质性特征进一步加剧。基于2009—2020年江苏省内12个市本级与41个县域的面板数据,选取普通高中生均公用经费作为代理指标,采用断点回归模型,围绕普通高中阶段实施的“择校费”政策改革对市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异的影响展开实证分析。实证结果表明,取消“择校费”能够显著缩小市县间普通高中教育财政投入差异,在县中振兴行动计划的推进过程中,可以围绕供需两侧进一步深化有效市场和有为政府相结合理念在教育投入中的应用。  相似文献   


Discourse has featured in studies of educational policy as an analytic and methodological tool, theoretical frame, realm of implication, and even a foundational definition of educational policy itself (e.g.) Despite the centrality of discourse as a frame for exploring educational policy and its implications, the ways that discourse is defined or operationalized in educational policy research are often left implicit which can lead to murky relations to larger onto-epistemological questions of how we construct findings from data as well as the nature of policy. In this interpretive analysis, we synthesize a corpus of 37 peer-reviewed journal articles that bring together educational policy and analyses of discourse from varying theoretical and methodological perspectives in order to better understand the breadth and scope of how discourse is defined and operationalized in studies of educational policy, including in ways that are sometimes incommensurate with authors' stated theoretical and methodological positions. After first laying the theoretical groundwork for analyses of discourse in the field of educational policy, we then illustrate how discourse analysis is used differently, and sometimes inconsistently, within contested paradigmatic landscapes. We conclude with an argument for discussions across theoretical frameworks and methodological paradigms about how the concept of discourse lends itself to different epistemological vantage points on educational policy.  相似文献   

Although many academic disciplines are now experiencing a process of “greening” as scholars seek to cultivate an ecocritical awareness within disciplinary scholarship, Neil Selwyn notes that such ecocritical concerns rarely feature in the field of educational technology. In this paper, I bring Selwyn's call for ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology into conversation with emerging scholarly discussions in the fields of ecojustice ethics, ecojustice education, and information and communications technology sustainability. In so doing, I expand the existing conversation about the environmental impact of educational technology consumption to argue that the process of cultivating an ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology requires refining the discipline's focus to include the full lifespan of educational technology devices and the global inequities that feature during the production and disposal of these devices.

Practitioner Notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Despite substantive scholarship recognizing the environmental impact of the globalized digital technology supply chain, the field of educational technology has minimally considered the ecojustice implications of the material nature of educational technology devices when examining the environmental impact of these devices.
What this paper adds
  • In this paper, I argue that the reason why the field of educational technology has overlooked the environmental impact of device production and disposal is because of its almost exclusive focus on device use. I argue that cultivating an ecocritical awareness in the field of educational technology requires the discipline to expand its focus beyond device use in two ways: (a) to include device production and disposal and (b) to consider the global injustices that occur in these parts of the digital technology life cycle. As such, I build upon Selwyn and others to argue for the cultivation of ecojustice concerns in emerging conversations about ethics in the field of educational technology.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • The process of cultivating ecocritical awareness within the field of educational technology requires expanding the scope and focus of the discipline beyond device use to include device production and disposal. The planned obsolescence behind these devices maximizes the environmental harm at these stages and the global injustices associated with them. Educators and educational leaders seeking to employ educational technology in ethical and environmentally sustainable ways must consider these implications from the global digital technology supply chain.

Current educational policies rely on educational assessments. However, the technical aspects of assessments are often unknown to policy makers, which is dangerous because sound assessment policy requires knowledge of the strengths and limitations of educational tests. In this article, we discuss the importance of informing policy makers of important psychometric issues that should be considered whenever tests are proposed for specific purposes. We discuss the types of information that are important to communicate to policy makers, how to best convey this information in a manner in which it can be understood, and how to be seen as a valuable source of information to education policy makers. We end with some specific steps organizations such as NCME can take to inform policy makers and advocate for valid educational assessment policies.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we assess whether website rating systems are useful for selecting educational apps for preschool age children. We selected the 10 highest scoring and 10 lowest scoring apps for 2–4-year-olds from two widely used websites (Good App Guide; Common Sense Media). Apps rated highly by the two websites had a higher educational potential as assessed by a validated questionnaire for evaluating the educational potential of apps and were more likely to include a learning goal and feedback compared to low scoring apps. However, high scoring apps scored on average just 9/20 for indicators of educational potential, and both high and low scoring apps had poor language quality as determined by psycholinguistic and construction type analyses. We argue that website rating systems should also include quality of feedback, adjustable content, social interactions, storyline and a more fine-grained analysis of language in their assessments.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Appropriately designed apps for preschool age children have the potential to teach early school readiness skills.
  • Selecting high quality educational apps for preschool age children is challenging.
  • The children's app marketplace is currently unregulated.
What this paper adds
  • We assess whether two leading app rating websites are useful for selecting educational apps for preschool age children.
  • Children's apps rated highly by two app website rating systems had a higher educational potential than low rated apps as measured by a research informed app evaluation tool.
  • In-depth analysis of the language in apps shows that highly rated children's apps on app rating websites may not enrich a child's early language environment.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Children's app rating website assessments should include potential for feedback, language, adjustable content, storyline and social interactions.
  • Policy should be implemented for app ratings in the app stores or on website app rating systems.


Existing research notes that Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are bastions of Black culture where Black students often feel supported (e.g., Harris in The Urban Review, 44(3), 332–357, 2012). What is less well-known are the specific practices campus stakeholders enact to create culturally-affirming environments. This study addresses this gap in the literature by examining pedagogy and educational practices employed by HBCU administrators and faculty members that build upon the lived experiences of Black communities to help to promote Black students’ success. In doing so, we seek to better understand the strategies these individuals utilize to center Blackness via culturally-informed practices and culturally engaging environments that affirm Black students’ racial identities. Our findings highlight the following ways that HBCU administrators and faculty members embrace Black cultural affirmation: their emphasis on culturally relevant knowledge and culturally-informed pedagogy that centers Black experiences; and their commitment to Black cultural validation via connecting with Black communities and Black students’ backgrounds. This research extends current scholarship on educational practices and environments with a focus on Black students’ racial identity. The authors provide implications for culturally-affirming pedagogy and campus climates that can benefit institutions seeking to create inclusive educational spaces where students from various backgrounds do not have to feel divorced from key aspects of their cultural heritage. Recommendations for practice, research and policy are also discussed.


While interactive touchscreens are currently entering into educational practice, little is known about what this means for learning in early childhood and, in particular, how touchscreens shape action and communication. In this paper, we examine the interactions of 2-year-olds and their teachers in a multilingual preschool in Sweden. We analyse the communicative environment between the children, teachers and shared touchscreens and books in the context of reading. A mixed-methods analysis was used, taking a concept of action that includes both verbal, non-verbal utterances and digital touch. The analysis shows a reconfiguration to the interactional dynamic where children perform comparable amounts of actions in sessions with the touchscreen and book reading but less talk during the touchscreen sessions. However, while talking less, children display other types of communicative actions. We analyse the changing interactional dynamic that follows, its implications to learning and early childhood pedagogical practice and how interaction can be reconceptualised as cycles of communication and action in which educational scaffolding unfolds.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Touchscreens are a significant part of children's lives and educational curricula.
  • There is considerable uncertainty on how touchscreens can be incorporated into early childhood education.
  • Little is known about how educational social interaction changes with touchscreens such as iPads.
What this paper adds
  • A mixed methods multimodal analysis of the changing actions and dynamics of iPads as compared with bookreading.
  • Children's patterns of communication change towards less talk and more bodily communication, while teachers’ actions remain somewhat similar.
  • Touch actions change the dynamics of interaction, can alter the pedagogical situation and bring a reconceptualisation towards a cyclical and embodied view of interaction.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • New patterns of action may require a recalibration of educational practices.
  • Teachers need to attend to new sets of touch actions that children use to communicate and act with as displays of knowledge.
  • The use of touch screens should be seen as complementary to established practices of language and literacy training (such as book reading) rather than replacing them.

Abstract. In Moderating the Debate: Rationality and the Promise of American Education, Michael Feuer argues that insights from cognitive science and the theory of bounded rationality can help us understand why educational policy makers overreach in seeking optimal solutions to educational problems. In this essay, Emily Robertson argues that cognitive science is of limited help for two reasons. First, since the findings of the theory of bounded rationality are supposed to describe how we actually do make decisions under conditions of uncertainty, it is unclear how those findings can help us explain why educational policy makers have apparently used different decision‐making strategies. Second, the idea that educational reform can be set right by being made the province of more fully rational policy makers neglects the public, value dimension of education, and thus obscures some of the true sources of overpromising.  相似文献   

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