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秦瑜明  谷训 《当代传播》2012,(4):107-108
本文将中央电视台新闻频道与全球最具影响力的电视新闻频道———英国广播公司世界新闻频道、美国有线电视新闻网国际频道进行比较,通过三者在同一时段播出内容的对比分析,探讨专业化的电视新闻频道整体编排的基本规律,为我国电视新闻频道改进编排提供参考。  相似文献   

节目的是电视台的一个基本因素,在电视媒体中,新闻则是一个最基本的特征。根据建设国际一流媒体的发展战略要求,中央电视台对新闻频道进行了大刀阔斧的改版,对许多主持人的岗位也进行了调整。本文主要针对央视新闻频道的内容进行分析,并观察期节目题材、传播符号和编排的方式等的特征进行分析,从而反映出央视新闻频道的核心价值取向。  相似文献   

新闻频道的影响力具体体现在强化新闻立台的理念和提升新闻的环境监视功能,以及树立国家形象等层面。尤其是央视新闻频道作为我国大型的频道,更需将自身打造成为集权威信息搜集的平台,向世界发声,提升我国的国际影响力。文章从央视新闻频道与电视新闻影响力的构建出发,探索如何构建电视新闻频道及电视新闻影响力,进而提升我国在国际舞台上的新闻影响力。  相似文献   

近年来,全球国际新闻频道勃兴,显示了各国政府参与国际信息传播和舆论竞争的意愿日益强烈。这些新闻频道的有效运转,打破了长期以来的英美在信息和舆论霸权中的垄断,初步形成了众多国际新闻频道良性竞争的新趋势。本文就以法兰西24小时电视台的成立为由头,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面剖析这一趋势。  相似文献   

央视新闻频道的推出,是中国电视界的一件大事,我们的新闻改进工作更加迫在眉睫,我们的新闻频道如何运行,实际上已经提前开始在实践了。 令人高兴的是,在新闻频道24小时的播出中,我们看到了中国电视新闻与国际电视新闻传播的接轨,看到了对电视新闻本质的回归和对电视语言认识的深化。  相似文献   

高晓晨 《声屏世界》2013,(10):27-28
从1999年5月23日我国首个电视新闻频道——福建电视台新闻频道开播以来.十余年间.我国的电视新闻频道从无到有,不断发展壮大,特别是当2003年5月中央电视台整合央视新闻资源成立新闻频道后,全国各省市新闻频道的创办和发展更是进入了一个高峰期。但是纵观全国电视新闻频道。在播出内容与运营上能名副其实的除了央视新闻频道之外,多数省级和市级电视新闻频道差强人意,有的甚至徒有其名。笔者对国内两个较为成熟的电视新闻频道——福建电视台新闻频道和广东电视台新闻频道进行分析,并将其与央视新闻频道的节目构架和编排进行对比后发现。去栏目化、实现大时段、大编排、大构架是设置电视新闻频道的第一步。  相似文献   

面对目前电视频道化、专业化高潮迭起的趋势,本提出开办国际新闻频道的设想,章从满足受众、媒体竞争、迎接全球化时代传播挑战等多方面的需求,论述了开办国际新闻频道的迫切性和重要性,同时还阐释了开办国际新闻频道的可行性,认为中央电视台是最佳候选对象。  相似文献   

新闻频道是信息化社会观众对资讯渴求的一种产物。自CNN出现之后,十多年来发达国家基本上都开播了新闻频道。而在我国,新闻频道至今仍是一个新鲜事物。1999年5月23日,福建电视台新闻频道开播。几年来,也有城  相似文献   

英语新闻是现如今我国对外传播文化知识的主要途径,在诸多宣传方式中占有重要地位。本文简述了我国英语新闻频道传播的现状,并就我国英语新闻频道对外传播的困境进行了分析,提出了几点提升英语新闻传播效果的发展途径。  相似文献   

太原电视台新闻频道直播体系近日正式启动,率先在全国城市电视台进行了全天候新闻直播。 太原电视台1999年12月全面改版,扩版后的新闻频道以《新闻快报》为主干,每天9时到14时直播国内、国际和当地新闻,加上《太原新闻》、《新闻快车》、《晚间新闻网》、《新闻周报》、《十分关注》等节目,日均节目产量达200分钟,日播出时间达16个小时、使太原电视台新闻频道成为真正意义上的新闻频道。太原电视台实现全天候新闻直播  相似文献   

In an integrated media environment where news networks seek synergistic opportunities for their parent companies, news content is increasingly susceptible to promotional influence. A comparative content analysis of new and traditional news spaces on U.S. cable television news networks Cable News Network, MSNBC, and Fox News Channel examined the video screen space and the news crawl, or “ticker,” space. Findings reveal that, proportionally, more promotional content occurs within the traditional video content space when compared to the ticker space. However, it was also shown that the ticker acts as a general branding agent for 2 of the 3 networks. Content dispersion also suggests a unique “content identity” for each news brand. The study found no evidence of “covert” promotion for synergistic gain—a positive result for news consumers.  相似文献   

This study aims at understanding international news differences by studying the headlines of over 360,000 news stories posted on the Twitter pages of 12 Arabic and English news organizations. The most referenced countries as well as figures and political actors are examined in these headlines, and the results show that a number of news values elements provide insight into the nature of the news selection. While Arabic channels are mostly focused on the events taking place in the Middle East (proximity), some English-language channels show clear preference for the countries from which they are located, especially CNN and Sky News, as well as Arabic and English state-owned media outlets like France 24 and RT (agenda and ideology). The findings suggest that news content largely follows a number of news values criteria that can explain the news selection process.  相似文献   

跨国电视传播新格局及其“新式新闻”特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着信息技术的发展和国际社会的多元化 ,跨国电视传播格局也出现了新变化 ,形成了纵横交错的传播竞争架构。其主要传播特征之一的“新式新闻”传播 ,更趋于树立大新闻观和大信息观 ,体现了世界方位的新闻 (包括文化娱乐 )节目的着眼点。“新式新闻”传播使国际传播主体赢得更多的节目覆盖、话语空间或市场占有。  相似文献   

Bias vs. Bias     
When Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, released his encyclical on climate change in June 2015, the Fox News Channel, the most watched cable news network in the United States, faced a dilemma. Some of its news anchors and regular commentators are Catholics, and therefore have a positive bias for the Pope. But the network is also known for its bias against man-made climate change. Guided by cognitive dissonance theory, this study analyzed how Fox News’ anchors and commentators discussed Pope Francis’ stance on climate change. The analysis found a clear ambivalence in their discourse and identified four discursive strategies that they used to navigate discursive dissonance.  相似文献   

This study examines the coverage of Africa by the U.S. television networks over a 30-year period, to determine whether the evening news broadcasts pay equal attention to Africa compared to South America and Europe. Also assessed is whether incidents of wars, famine, and public health crises and the increasing importance of Africa's oil, gold, and diamonds on the international market, continue to dominate the U.S. television network evening news coverage of the continent. A content analysis of ABC World News, NBC News, and CBS Evening News shows that coverage of Africa has steadily decreased more than coverage of other regions. The majority of international stories were about Europe while coverage of Africa on all three networks was far less when compared to other regions. Also, conflicts and crises dominated Africa's coverage throughout the 3 decades and stories linked a considerable amount of the news events to a particular U.S. interest. More results and their implications are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether or not media coverage is biased by the political orientation of the journalists’ country, specifically illustrated by the 2011 bid for statehood by the Palestinian Authority in the United Nations. This bid represents a symbolic step toward international recognition of a Palestinian state, an important event in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A quantitative analysis was conducted on 1577 news reports from American, European, and Middle Eastern outlets to determine the differences in media coverage of the Palestinian bid for statehood among the channels. The findings suggest that Israeli channels broadcasted a relatively low number of items in which the Palestinian declaration itself was the main theme. The BBC broadcasted a relatively high rate of such items, and offered balanced coverage of both Israeli and Palestinian positions, while coverage by American FOX News channel reflected a pro-Israel bias. The findings also suggest that media outlets may be biased toward specific leaders. This work builds on a growing body of research on media framing of political conflicts and the effect of the political context of a country on its media outlets’ coverage.  相似文献   


Buoyed by its brand name, Google News has grown from its beta stage into a popular news site with a significant share of the Internet market for “Current Events and Global News.” The success of Google News raises questions about the nature of news and even the desirability of Google's presenting news. Where does Google News fit into the myriad news resources available on the Internet and in libraries? How does Google News work? Is Google News an effective source for news research? How will Google News stand up to its competition, in particular a new wave of community news sites?  相似文献   

This study takes a network approach to examining international communication. Building upon the world system theory and the preferential attachment network theorem, the structure of the international network created by news media is examined. The use of external hyperlinks in 6,298 foreign sries in 20 languages from 223 news Web sites in 73 countries was examined. Findings revealed that information continues to flow from a handful of countries to the rest of the world. News media preferred linking to established information sources, typically in core counties. This study concludes that news media use new technology to replicate old practices.  相似文献   

In an attempt to produce more news stories, faster and on different platforms, the national Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR, has introduced a new workflow. This new workflow is based on principles and practices known internally as “the news engine,” and it has brought with it changes in regards to both the news products, the news processes and the individual news producers. This article is based on newsroom observations, interviews with employees and content analyses, and it shows how the practice of journalism at DR News has been altered in several ways after the implementation of the news engine. The changes in DR News have become the inspiration for other television stations, and the study concludes by discussing how this particular workflow affects the profession of journalism. Rather than a proletarianization of the profession, this study points to a polarization where some journalists experience a deskilling and a decrease in autonomy, while others experience an increase in autonomy as part of a process of reskilling and multiskilling.  相似文献   

首先对RSS聚合门户的概念进行了界定,并结合实际案例对基于开放源码的RSS聚合门户建设进行了具体的分析研究,指出RSS聚合门户将是图书馆学科信息服务的一种有效形式。  相似文献   

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