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曹晖 《成才之路》2014,(35):27-27
参加钢琴考级已成为琴童们学琴过程中一项重要内容,教师对琴童考级过程的辅导至关重要。正确认识考级与学琴之间的关系;对学生考级前进行心理辅导,提高学生的应试能力。  相似文献   

在把艺术教育作为普及素质教育方式之一的当下,学习钢琴也成为了一种时尚。许多适龄儿童在老师正确的教育以及家长的积极配合下,通过努力,短短的几年间就成为一个出色的琴童,佳话不断。但在实际的教学工作中,也出现了一些影响琴童正常学习的负面因素,其中不乏来自家长方面的,严重阻碍了琴童的健康发展,令人痛心。  相似文献   

面对着热衷于钢琴学习的琴童们,如何挖掘他们自身的潜质,如何启迪他们的音乐情趣,如何在钢琴集体课教学中充分调动他们的积极性和主动性,从而实现最佳的教学目的,是当前钢琴课教师应当关注的重点问题。本文作者结合自身多年的教学实践和体会,提出了在钢琴集体课教学中应注意和把握的几个问题和方法。  相似文献   

兴趣的培养与引导,在琴童的学习中是尤为重要的,本从儿童本身的心理特点,教师在培养琴童学琴兴趣中的决定性作用以及家长在琴童学习中的重要作用等三方面论述了应怎样以恰当,合理的方式,方法来教育,引导琴童,促使他们对学琴产生浓厚的兴趣。  相似文献   

研究了钢琴陪练这一职业的基本职责和要求,分析了钢琴陪练对与帮助琴童练习起到了什么样的作用,结合自身的经验谈论应该如何进行陪练,陪练过程中遇到问题又该怎样应对.作为陪练自身需要具备基本的职业道德,对待孩子应因材施教并一视同仁,但是一视同仁不是统一标准,在陪练中要有足够的耐心、爱心和责任心.陪练的存在就是为了更好地帮助琴童解决学琴路上的问题,更好地更快的掌握真正的练琴方法和钢琴技巧.  相似文献   

研究了钢琴陪练这一职业的基本基本职责和要求,分析了钢琴陪练对与帮助琴童练习起到了什么样的作用,结合自身的经验谈论应该如何进行陪练,陪练过程中遇到问题又该怎样应对。作为陪练自身需要具备基本的职业道德,对待孩子应因材施教并一视同仁,但是一视同仁不是统一标准,在陪练中要有足够的耐心、爱心和责任心。陪练的存在就是为了更好地帮助琴童解决学琴路上的问题,更好地更快的掌握真正的练琴方法和钢琴技巧。  相似文献   

正为了更深入地了解我市钢琴普及教育的现状,并从教师专业的角度找出影响琴童专业提高的具体因素。两年来,笔者除进行大量针对家长的问卷调查外,还走访了我市相关钢琴考级机构、部分钢琴培训机构,对相关负责人、部分钢琴教师、部分琴童及家长进行深度访谈。在访谈期间,笔者还多次现场观察了部分学琴困难学生的演奏。通过大量的实地调查,笔者发现以下几个问题尤其值得关注。  相似文献   

钢琴教育受到越来越多人的重视,学习钢琴的儿童也在不断增加,琴童年纪呈现幼龄化趋势日趋明显。"学琴热及幼龄化"现象的出现,既推动了钢琴教育的发展,又对钢琴教师提出了更高、更严格的要求。本文针对幼龄化琴童的钢琴启蒙教学提出建议,以期为钢琴教育改革提供对策。  相似文献   

张晓琳 《文教资料》2009,(2):99-100
学生和家长在学习钢琴的过程中产生了更多的功利心,而不是单纯地从音乐角度出发,这使得我们对琴童的教育陷入了一个误区.在此本文作者通过参考国内外先进的教育理念,谈谈对儿童钢琴教学的一些粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

现在,钢琴进入了越来越多的平民家庭,从中央和各地音协举办的钢琴考级活动和钢琴比赛活动中,能充分证明这一点。这是人们物质生活水平提高和精神生活需求的体现。钢琴的社会音乐教育蓬勃兴起。然而,限于钢琴自身的特点,钢琴音乐在中国音乐发展史上的地位,钢琴教育在我国音乐教育的现状以及诸多琴童家长的认识,使表面蓬勃的钢琴教育下面,存在一些应该引起我们重视的问题。  相似文献   

Summary It is essential that any system of assessment or evaluation arise from what we are trying to do, what we value, what we think to be important. In informal education, we value growth and development, we value interest and involvement, and this must be reflected in the records we keep. We know that young children are at the beginning of the educational process, they are finding out about school, what's in education for them personally; they are learning about learning, building up learning styles and strategies. It is a critical period where learning power can be built or shifted, where learning can be exciting and personal, or dull and irrelevant. On no account can we allow irrelevant evaluation tools to get in the way of learning.The notions put forward here are that assessment and forward planning are interdependent. Continuous assessment is an essential feature of informal education and it is the basis of day-to-day planning. Additionally, there needs to be a profile, or cumulative record, of all aspects of children's growth throughout their school life.Examples of children's work kept in a folder over a long period of time provide the fullest example of the variety and range of a child's work and his growing ability to represent it, in writing and through the use of creative materials. They provide a basis for reporting to parents that gives them real information about their own child's learning.It is important that informal class teachers should develop some framework against which to measure children's work. The Piagetian tests provide measures of children's growth in mathematical, logical and moral spheres. There are instruments developed for measuring developing complexity in written and spoken language. Reading can be assessed and a diagnosis made using a simple inventory and the miscue analysis. These approaches have real relevance to informal education and once teachers become familiar with them, they can be used without fuss, without creating artificial conditions, without designating failures, in the everyday interaction of teacher and child.A teacher who finds a child failing, having particular difficulties, should have available skilled help for expert diagnosis. The school health service and the psychological service offer this kind of help. Particularly, a child who shows no sign of beginning to learn to read should not go beyond 7 years without careful screening to ascertain any real physipal or psychological problem. His late start may be due to immaturity or lack of experience or low intelligence. It may be due to poor teaching, or changing schools. A skilled psychologist and a medical examination will eliminate or confirm the likelihood of any other problem.One of the most damaging misconceptions about informal education is that it is woolly and vague. We can counteract this accusation only if we can show a high degree:of professionalism, and evidence or real knowledge about what and how children are learning, and demonstrate our competence in assessing this learning as a basis for future planning. Moira McKenzie is warden of the Ebury Center for Language in Primary Education in London. Wendla Kernig is headmistress of a London primary school. This article is taken from their forthcoming bookThe Challenge of Informal Education,to be published this fall by Agathon Press.  相似文献   

儿童学习钢琴可以开发智能,陶冶情操,提高记忆力和创造思维的能力。针对儿童学琴的特点,教师要注意激发他们学琴的兴趣,选择适合其生理心理特点的教材,并营造良好的学琴环境。与此同时,教师和家长应当注意不要过分强调孩子自身的学琴条件,孩子学琴的年龄不是越早越好,不要一味地追求考级,教学方法切忌简单化。  相似文献   

随着音乐素质教育的普及,学习钢琴的儿童与日俱增,家长责无旁贷地充当了陪练的角色,在给孩子聘请专业钢琴教师的前提下,家长对学琴的正确认识是儿童学习钢琴的重要心理基础。在辅导孩子练琴方面,家长所起到的作用往往比教师还重要,因此树立正确的陪练观念,掌握良好的陪练方法,是家长帮助孩子快乐高效学琴的重要保证。  相似文献   

通过基于网络的语文教育跨越式创新试验,发现小学低年级学生的思维与语言能力通过正确的教育和网络的支持,有可能得到大幅度提高。皮亚杰的“儿童认知发展阶段论”存在一些缺陷。作者提出的儿童思维发展新论认为,儿童思维发展应分为:动物思维阶段、初级思维阶段、中级思维阶段、高级思维阶段;儿童从出生到具有熟练口语能力大致经过四个时期。儿童思维发展新论对语文教育的跨越发展可提供三个方面的理论支持:6岁的儿童已具有了较强的学习母语的基础;以语言运用为中心是儿童快速学习语言的根本途径和方法;应将语言能力的培养和思维能力的培养结合起来。  相似文献   

In 1999, Mary Brennan wrote "By recognising the child as, in effect, a 'little linguist' we are also recognising the power and effectiveness of the child's linguistic capacity" (Brennan, 1999). The recognition of the power and effectiveness of deaf children's linguistic capacity needs to be taken a step further. Focus should be on the conditions in the children's environments necessary to develop their linguistic capacity to its fullest potential and to enhance the use of this capacity in academic and social learning. This leads to the issue of the identification of the right language and instructional mix for deaf children, the topic that is addressed in this article. Essential in this process of identification are the educational objectives parents of deaf children have and the choices they make. This is related to a second issue, that of professional advice. Both issues are characterized by several dilemmas. These dilemmas are illustrated and directions are put forward that will enable educators to negotiate these dilemmas.  相似文献   

The expectations of parents of disabled children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Following the diagnosis of a child's disability, parents have to develop new expectations concerning the child, their role as parents and the support services that are designed to meet their needs. Research shows, however, that these needs frequently remain unmet. In this article, Fran Russell, who writes as a parent of a son with a learning disability and as a professional with experience of practice in early years support services, explores parents' perspectives from a different direction. She argues that an investigation into parents' expectations could lead to a greater understanding of how parents of disabled children respond to their new-found situation. Fran Russell's own research, undertaken as part of her Education Doctorate programme at Leeds University, reveals that little is currently known about parents' expectations and indicates a pressing need for parents to be better informed, at an early stage in their experience of parenthood, in order to interact more effectively with professionals at a range of levels.  相似文献   

School quality, child wellbeing and parents’ satisfaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child wellbeing at school and enjoyment of the learning environment are important economic outcomes, in particular because a growing body of research shows they are strongly linked to later educational attainments and labour market success. However, the standard working assumption in the economics of education is that parents choose schools on the basis of test-score performance, and concerns about child happiness are largely ignored. In this paper, we address this omission and investigate to what extent parents’ and children's views of their school are linked to test-score based performance, and to what extent parents’ judgements of school quality are linked to their child's happiness. To do so, we use information on stated attitudes from the Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England (LSYPE) matched to administrative records on pupil achievements in England. Our results suggest that test-score based measures of school quality tend to dominate parental satisfaction with the learning environment. However, school quality along this dimension is not strongly associated with pupil happiness and wellbeing at school.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in research with abused children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses sensitive ethical issues encountered in conducting research with abused children and the potential consequences of various methods of handling these dilemmas. Important ethical questions arise at three stages of the research: (1) obtaining consent for participation in the research; (2) conducting interviews with or administering tests to the subjects; and (3) providing information about test results to parents or others outside the research team. Concern with children's rights has been extended to the question of who can give consent for children to participate in research. In the case of abused children, the consent issue is complicated by the potential adversarial relationship between abusing parent and abused child. Procedures for interviewing or testing abused children must include provisions for three special situations: (1) when a child is distressed by the interviewing or testing; (2) when a child's answers or test results indicate emotional problems; and (3) when a child's answers or comments indicate that the child is being abused. Decisions concerning whether to inform parents or others about an individual child's answers must balance the parents' right to know against the child's right to privacy. All these circumstances require serious deliberation concerning the role and responsibility of the research investigator.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined parental perceptions of the information sources parents use when wanting or needing information about their three-year-old child's motor, social, and cognitive development. Specifically, this study compared parental perceptions of the use of internal information sources (i.e., parents' own intuitions about development, religious beliefs/teachings, and childhood experiences) to perceptions of the use of external information sources (i.e., books, magazines, counselors, etc.). Further, this study examined differences in parental perceptions of use of internal information sources by parent and child gender, and by developmental domain (i.e., information about a child's motor, social, and cognitive development). Sixty mothers and 60 fathers of a three-year-old child completed an information use structured interview. Findings revealed that almost half of the parents reported referring to their own intuitions, religious beliefs/teachings, and/or childhood experiences as sources of information about their child's development. Parents perceived the internal information sources as being used significantly more frequently and as significantly more useful for information about their child's social development than for information about their child's motor and cognitive development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: First to acquire knowledge about measures which Jewish immigrant parents from the Former Soviet Union may apply when facing misbehavior of children, and second to develop a methodology which would overcome barriers to talking about their child rearing practices. METHOD: Interviews with 273 immigrant parents were conducted in Israel. An adaptation and modifications were made to an instrument developed by Gardner, Scarr, and Schwartz to assess parents' approach to disciplinary methods titled "The Parental Discipline Techniques Instrument." Parents were presented with situations which describe misbehavior of children and they were asked in each situation to assess the child's behavior and for three alternative measures. RESULTS: Talking to the child (in a unidirectional manner) was the most common method suggested by the respondents as a first option. When they were asked for alternatives, the most common disciplinary method suggested was setting "restrictions" for the child. "Isolating" the child and "ignoring" the child were also suggested to a certain extent. There were methods, mostly indirect methods (e.g., the use of formal and informal networks), which were suggested in response to one type of misbehavior and did not appear in responses to other misbehavior. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology utilized in the study was found to be adequate in overcoming impediments which may hinder learning about the participants' views of how to respond to children's misbehavior. Such information could contribute to assessment and intervention in situations of maltreatment by enabling professionals to place the parent's behavior within the range of responses common within the specific cultural context of the immigrants.  相似文献   

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