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本文测量了可移动扫描仪和平台式扫描仪的边界效应和细线条再现能力.测量结果表明,可移动扫描仪存在明显的边界效应,但细线条再现能力比平台式扫描仪强.  相似文献   

本文以符合ISO 12233标准的测试图和专业图像质量分析软件测量了可移动扫描仪的空间频率响应。与平台式扫描仪测量数据的比较表明,可移动扫描仪的综合性能占优。  相似文献   

怎样在你的打印机上打印照片?自1839年在巴黎首次展出银版照相以来,照相技术已经走过了一个半世纪,技术不断更新完善,发展到今天,新的数字技术已经为人们带来了更多的便利和更完美的性能,以至于利用先进经济的扫描仪、数字照相机和彩色打印机直接从打印机上获得...  相似文献   

本文讨论在图像质量分析软件的支持下以平板扫描仪测量实地和平网填充区域反射密度的可能性。实验结果表明,只要选择合理的测量方法,则密度计与扫描仪密度测量数据间存在很强的相关性,意味着扫描仪测量的密度数据经补偿处理后与密度计测量数据等价。  相似文献   

本文从平板扫描仪的结构和信息捕获特点分析灰色再现误差的原因。两种平板扫描仪的灰色再现测量数据表明,中性灰捕获后灰度等级按红、绿、蓝次序升高,总体上EpsonGTX970的灰色再现精度要高于SeanMaker3850Ⅲ扫描仪。  相似文献   

时间均匀性即色彩表现的稳定性,是衡量印刷设备工艺表现能力的重要指标之一。本文将引入统计学原理,以测量实地色块密度与色差值△E为参考标准,比较两台静电照相数字印刷机的时间均匀性,以此来判断数字印刷设备的彩色复制能力。  相似文献   

林诒洪 《电子出版》2000,(11):57-62
从摄影的角度来看, 扫描仪相当于相机加胶片和冲洗。传统的扫描仪测试方法难以将扫描仪的性能做横向比较, 另外对扫描仪的清晰度测试往往只限于对黑白线条的分辨能力。传统摄影有比较完善的测试方法, 如对镜头的 MTF 测试, 对胶片的宽容度和色彩还原测试等等。由于测试项目直接与成像质量相关, 且具有横向的可比性, 因此对人们选择设备很有帮助。 我们参照上述方法设计了扫描仪的 3 项测试指标: 拟 MTF 测试扫描仪光学系统成像的明锐度、用 ISO IT8 色卡测试扫描仪的曝光宽容度和色彩还原。我们分别来看它的原理。 拟 MTF 测试(明锐…  相似文献   

由于光照的非均匀性和传感器对不同空间位置响应的差异,几乎所有的平板扫描仪都存在边界效应问题,以水平边界效应更为明显。本文测量了ScanMaker4850m扫描仪对未印刷白色静电复印纸的响应值,证明确实存在边界效应。  相似文献   

一、纸张与档案字迹的反差。1测量纸张与档案字迹的反差所使用的仪器设备。(1)扫描仪。笔者使用的是清华紫光小天使A600平板式30位真彩色扫描仪(当然也可以使用其他型号的彩色扫描仪或256级灰度以上的黑白扫描仪)。(2)微机。微机起码是486型号以上...  相似文献   

扫描仪的原理及其使用方法随着计算机技术的发展,特别是彩色桌面系统的问世与发展,扫描仪已成为计算机不可缺少的输入设备之一,它能将图像转换成数字,供计算机显示、编辑、存储和输出。因此,扫描仪已广泛应用于计算机用户中。MICROTEK公司1984年推出了世...  相似文献   

This article explores the history of photography in Zuni and provides a context for the forthcoming request from Zuni religious leaders that they be allowed to exercise some control over sensitive images held by museums. This request is part of the debate over whether Native Americans should exercise some degree of control over historic photographs of their religious ceremonies. Some Zuni community members always considered photography of religious ceremonies to be inappropriate. How it happened sheds light on how Zunis incorporated the then-new technology into their traditional beliefs and social organization. Similarly, existing museum policy toward sensitive images is a result of the way photography has been incorporated into European and American legal and ethical thinking. In addition to lending weight to the contention that forthcoming requests from Native Americans are based on long-held beliefs rather than simply contemporary political expediency, history also suggests the parameters for an equitable solution to this issue.  相似文献   

随着现代数码摄影技术日益普及,现代数码摄影为高校图书馆文献的收集发挥了重大的作用,运用数码摄影这一种高效的现代技术手段,对濒临消失的地方文献进行抢救、收集。高校地方文献是高校文献资源的重要组成部分。文章重点论述了现代数码摄影与高校图书馆地方文献的真实性、完善性以及共建共享性。参考文献5。  相似文献   

This study examines the genres of visual communication utilized by the daily and illustrated weekly papers during the Civil War, when photography existed, but photographs could not yet be printed using the halftone process. I propose a typology of visual genres in use at that time, wherein each genre is differentiated by conventions that governed inclusion and interpretation. Though photography could not be reproduced in the news, an ideal of photorealism can be detected in many of these genres, as illustrations were made to approximate the mode of the photograph. This blending of photography and illustration, it is argued, contradicts the assumption of a metaphysical divide between photographic and illustrated representations, and elucidates the role of convention in visual communication.  相似文献   

沙飞,中国革命新闻摄影的先驱和奠基人,也是中国人民革命摄影艺术创作实践和摄影理论探索的引导者。他为革命摄影事业的创作和发展做出了卓越的贡献,为抗日战争和解放战争的光辉历程留下了丰富而宝贵的影像纪录,为革命摄影事业奋斗了一生。他用摄影作为武器,探索反映了当时的社会制度和社会生活中各种不平等现象,深入到社会各阶层各角落,反映社会底层的劳苦大众在社会底层挣扎、呼号的情景,以及边区抗战军民的英勇斗争事迹。研究沙飞同志摄影理论和摄影作品,对促进新时代摄影事业发展,有很高的历史价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

薛建龙 《大观周刊》2011,(36):93-93
从开始喜欢摄影到现在已经有两年多时间了,对摄影一直有一个比较模糊的认识,一直以为只是拿着相机,对着被拍摄物体接快门,很简单的一件事,慢慢的通过与许多专业人士的交往才发觉摄影原来不止是那么的简单,拍摄出来的作品好坏,与作品本身并无多大关系,关键的是作品有无内容,有无作者关于作品的感悟。  相似文献   

In this paper is considered the reproduction process of high-contrast objects in systems with limited dynamic range. There was proposed an algorithm of forming of high-contrast digital original, containing full information on color values of a shooting/photography subject. As well as an algorithm for dynamic range matching of a high-contrast original and reproduction system based on spatial selective tonal correction.    相似文献   

The incorporation of participant-generated photography in research can be a powerful means of studying participants' perspectives and experiences. Approaches such as photovoice and photo-elicitation that incorporate participant-generated photography are increasingly being used in library and information science to study topics such as information needs, information seeking, and use of library space. This article describes two recent studies that used mobile apps (PixStori and EthOS) to facilitate participant-generated photography and photo-elicitation processes in research exploring the information practices of children and young adults, including the affordances, challenges and practical considerations identified by the researchers. Affordances of these apps within a research context include recordability, immediacy, portability, visibility, and durability. Challenges and practical considerations in using these apps in research settings include data security and storage, device failures, app failures, user instruction, cost, and ethical considerations. Implications for future research in library and information science are also explored.  相似文献   

Lewis Wickes Hine exploited the powerful impact of the visual image to arouse the reforming spirit among the middle and upper classes and to inspire them to do something about the living and working conditions of thousands of America's poor. Hine was acquainted with many of the men and women who were involved in the Progressive social reform campaigns that were popular in the United States during the early twentieth century. A trained sociologist, he became interested in photography while teaching at the Ethical Culture School. Hine quickly realized that photographs could be powerful instruments of social reform and was able to effectively combine his interests in social welfare and photography. Hine believed that this efforts as a photographer should be guided by a social conscience and referred to his work as "social photography." His photographs of men, women and children enduring dangerous and inhuman working conditions were both sensitive and intense. As a result of his social conscience and artistic commitment Hine raised the cultural and social awareness of his contemporaries and made a significant contribution to social reform efforts in the United States.  相似文献   

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