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科学有效的职业技能评价是技术技能人才培养质量的重要保障,也是职教高考制度成功的关键。借助职业技能评价方法有效性框架,采用图尔敏论证模式,对职业技能等级证书考核评价方法的有效性进行元评价。结果显示,所选技能评价方法的整体有效性无明显差异,但在测试分数和测试分数解释有效性方面存在差异。分析评价结果发现:多数技能证书的评价方法设计缺乏评价理论基础,职业技能标准设计缺乏足够的方法基础,测试试题设计缺乏情境性,结果导向的评分方式无法全面评价职业认知技能。为提高职业技能评价质量,建议引进科学的职业技能评价质量理念,建立标准化的职业技能评价技术规范,将职教高考中的技能评价部分融入教育教学改革过程,开发基于多模态学习分析的职教高考技能测评方法。  相似文献   

工作单是国际科学教育界大规模评价科学过程技能的重要工具,可分为开放性、结构性和引导性三种。工作单具有的兼顾性、原始记录性和低成本性,使其非常适合于评价学生的科学过程技能。运用工作单评价学生科学过程技能的主要步骤为设计工作单、制订评价规则和实施评价。  相似文献   

目前,在顶岗实习的目标、功能上存在一定的模糊认知,顶岗实习的评价缺乏系统性、过程性、多元性、指标性,难以对学生实习情况做出客观公正的评价。针对存在的问题,给出了构建一套科学完善、操作性强的考核评价体系及提升顶岗实习质量的建议。在评价过程中,校企共同参与,开展全程跟踪评价,科学开展职业能力评估,达到通过顶岗实习提高学生技能及综合素质目的。  相似文献   

科学探究过程技能是科学素养的重要组成部分,是科学探究最根本的基础和主要构成要素,培养学生过程技能是科学教育的目标与任务。教学中,探究过程技能的培养应与学生的年龄段相适应,并与科学知识紧密结合进行。评价工具可帮助诊断学生的过程技能水平,为教学提供反馈信息。  相似文献   

杜秀芳  李假 《教育科学》2013,29(3):65-70
以1452名初中生为被试,以Burns等编制的综合过程技能测验(TIPS)和Hasan的科学教师的影响问卷,科学教科书的影响问卷,以及学生科学学习的自我效能感问卷为工具,考察初中学生的综合过程技能水平及其特点。结果表明,初中生的平均技能水平较高,但还不能达到满意水平,同时存在性别、年级和城乡的显著差异,表现为:随着年级的递增,初中生的TIPS成绩也递增;城市学校的学生成绩显著高于农村学校;在控制和操作变量技能上,男生得分显著低于女生;教师、教材、自我效能与综合过程技能显著相关,其中教材对综合过程技能的影响最大。  相似文献   

建设技能型社会,是推动新时期我国经济社会高质量发展的重要举措。技能型社会的建设不仅是一个未来愿景,而且是一个系统工程,需要行业企业等不同主体在其中发挥关键作用。围绕技能型社会建设这一问题域,形成四大核心问题,即技能积累问题、技能更新问题、技能保护问题和技能评价问题。行业、企业在解决上述核心问题过程中扮演着重要角色,行业企业的用人之道关乎技能型社会建设的成效。分析美国、德国、中国等几个代表性国家行业企业的用人之道,可以发现,各国在解决技能积累、技能更新、技能保护、技能评价问题上存在重要差异,对于明确新时期我国技能型社会建设方向具有重要启示。为帮助我国更快地建成技能型社会,面向未来,需要重构行业企业的用人之道。在技能积累方面,服务国家高水平科技自立自强战略,开展有组织的技能创新活动。在技能更新方面,制定技能型人才阶段式培养计划,充分开发行业企业技能培训功能。在技能保护方面,处理好技术进步与技能发展之间的关系,发挥相互之间的互补作用。在技能评价方面,完善科学可操作的技能等级评价制度,加强技能评价结果的应用。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,国际科学教育界已经摸索出了评价探究能力的多种方式.用科学探究表现性评价研究其对城乡学生的公平性,看出城乡学生不仅在总体探究能力上存在差异,而且在除假设之外的其它过程要素上均存在差异.了解城乡学生在表现性评价中的这种表现,其教学和评价意义都是明显的.  相似文献   

《普通高中物理课程标准》提出,物理教学需要进一步提高学生的科学素养,从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个目标来培养学生.可见,要提高学生的科学素养,进行科学的评价非常有必要.但长期以来,现行评价体系存在很多  相似文献   

受到高考压力的影响,大部分高中生在金工技能学习过程的积极性和主动性较低,且学习效率严重不足。同时,高中学生的个性习惯、学习能力、智力水平、动手能力各有差异,导致在金工技能学习过程中也会存在较大个体差异。加之金工技能学习属于新项目和新内容,引导高中生科学有效学习金工技能,提高学习质量就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

师范生教师技能评价制度是促进教师进行自我反思、自我调整以及自我改进的重要举措。教师技能评价制度体系作为教师技能质量评价的重要方式,对师范生教师技能的提高具有十分重要的意义。本文从横向与纵向两个方面,重点针对过程质量评价以及考核体系建设,来探讨有关师范生教师技能的综合评价体系的构建。明确师范生教师技能评价制度体系内容,构建科学的教师技能评价制度体系将是一个非常有价值的研究课题。  相似文献   

Self-assessment and peer-assessment are strategies employed to encourage students to take more responsibility for the learning process. Although the advantages are not obvious, the process has the potential to empower learning and to assist the development of assessment skills, which are so important for future teachers. The research aimed to identify student-teachers' attitudes concerning the contribution of self-assessment and anonymous peer-assessment to the quality of their assignments and improvement of their assessment skills, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The sample included 300 students studying for bachelor’s or master’s degrees. Texts that were analysed included: responses to a questionnaire, self and peer-assessments, word comments on the assignments and written blog content relating to students’ activities and their performance of peer evaluations. The students noted that they significantly benefitted from the process, learned various methods of assignment and assessment performance and it positioned them in relation to others, noticing how others evaluated them. Anonymous evaluation allowed students to overcome inhibitions in evaluating peers' works and improved their assessment skills.  相似文献   

There has been recent interest in social skills assessment and treatment among researchers and practitioners. The research bases in these areas are expanding rapidly, and the identification of valid assessment methods and effective intervention strategies is promising. However, few researchers have identified ways m which social skills assessment and intervention can be linked in a practical manner. Likewise, the process by which services are delivered is rarely addressed. The purpose of this article is to present a model by which the interaction between social skills assessment and intervention can be enhanced, with a focus on the problem-solving process. One effective and efficient manner of providing services to socially unskilled children is through an indirect model of service delivery; that of behavioral consultation. Behavioral consultation is a four-stage problem-solving model that involves the cooperative efforts of two or more persons to clarify a student's needs and develop and implement appropriate strategies for intervention. This article presents the objectives and procedures of each stage of behavioral consultation as a process to facilitate accurate problem identification and effective problem resolution, with the goal of linking social skills assessment directly to treatment.  相似文献   

Science process skills are inseparable in practice from the conceptual understanding that is involved in learning and applying science. Nevertheless, it is useful to identify and discuss the skills which can apply to different subject-matter because of their central role in learning with understanding, whether in formal education or throughout life. That role is also the reason for the importance of assessing the development of science process skills. This paper argues that it is a content-dominated view of science education rather than the technical difficulties that has inhibited the development of effective procedures for assessing process skills to date. The discussion focuses on approaches to process skill assessment for three purposes, formative, summative and national and international monitoring. In all cases the assessment of skills is influenced not only by the ability to use the skill but also by knowledge of and familiarity with the subject-matter with which the skills are used. Thus what is assessed in any particular situation is a combination of skills and knowledge and various steps have to be taken if these are to be separated.  相似文献   

从学生的语言现状、《教师口语》课程评价及考核等几个方面,探索教师口语技能形成过程中存在的问题,分析问题存在的原因。并从教学过程中,采取多种形式及形成合理的形成性评价与终结性评价体系入手,提出教师口语技能形成的对策与思考。  相似文献   

This study is a systematic review of literature that investigates the advantages of implementing authentic assessment for improving two major categories that are relevant to academic and professional success of higher education students: learning experience and employability skills. Authentic assessment involves students in challenging tasks that closely resemble those of the workplace settings. 26 papers from 2010 to 2019 that were relevant to the topic of this paper were selected for the review process. Findings of this review indicate that authentic assessment can play a role in improving the learning experience of higher education students through enhancing their engagement in learning and improving their satisfaction as well as positively influencing their efforts to achieve educational goals. We also discuss the benefits of authentic assessment for equipping students with essential skills for their future professional life, such as communication skills, collaboration skills, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, self-awareness, and self-confidence.  相似文献   

系统表在SQL Server技能测评中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有SQL Server技能测评系统缺乏的现状,提出了技能测评方案。分析了涉及方案实现的两个关键技术:基于系统表的数据库操作信息获取和数据库技能操作的自动阅卷,重点分析了通过系统表实现数据库信息获取的流程和实现方法,同时探讨了三种不同数据库操作如何实现操作自动评判。  相似文献   

近年来在大学英语教学领域,对教学效果的考评,已经从传统的纸笔测试方式,转变为科学的、优异的表现性评价。这种评价方式,从静态上说它全面地涉及受业者的理论、知识、技能的各个层面;从动态上说它具体地展示了受业者结合实战、运用策略、解决问题、掌握理论知识,形成技能的状态。实践表明,表现性评价是科学的优异的测评方式。  相似文献   

文秘专业办公自动化应用能力考核模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试是对学生能力和技能的测试,是课程建设与教学改革的有机环节,也是人才培养目标实现程度检验的重要标准。在对传统考核方式弊端分析的基础上,旨在探索一套重过程、重技能、开放式的办公自动化考核模式,从考试细则、考核方式、题库建立等多个方面展开了论述,同时还提出了实施过程中的注意事项。通过该考核模式的建立,以期达到以考促教、以考促学、提高学生职业能力的目的。  相似文献   

Developing the ability to read is a complex process involving a variety of skills, including both basic language skills and language comprehension skills. Although a balanced reading program would include the development of basic language and comprehension skills, comprehension has often been overlooked in early reading instruction. In this article, we examine recent research findings on how comprehension skills develop in young children and discuss the implications of those findings for comprehension assessment and interventions.  相似文献   

在铁路机车司机技能培训中,铁路技术管理规程课程的重要性不言而喻,无论长短期培训,该课程在各种培训班中一直沿用单一终结式考核方式,一卷定终身,利少弊多。将单一终结式考核方式改为多元化考核方式,将过程性考核与终结性考核相结合,考核涵盖培训学习过程的各个环节,可调动培训学员学习积极性,提高培训学员实际应用能力。  相似文献   

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