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彭丽华 《考试周刊》2014,(70):169-170
<正>言语听觉是人的听觉在与人接触时对人所说的话的一种辨别和理解能力。它的要求不仅在于听见,更在于听懂。它与言语水平、智力水平有密切联系,是听觉的最高功能。言语听觉是言语的输入通道,它所获得的言语信息称为接受性语言,或理解性语言。因此,对听力障碍儿童的语言听觉训练与语言训练相辅相成,甚至可以融为一体。语言具有可预知性,这里所说的语言的预知性并不是通常所说的言下之意。语言的可预知性表现在:听了说出的一  相似文献   

儿童汉英双语语音意识:跨语言一致性、差异与迁移   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
语音意识是指个体对言语的声音片断(包括音节、首尾音和音位等)进行分析和操作的能力。采用语音辨别和语音删除两种任务对汉语儿童的母语和第二语言(英语)语音意识的结构特点、跨语言的普遍性、特异性与语言间的迁移进行了考察发现,验证性因素分析支持了语音意识结构的多成分观点;进一步分析表明儿童的汉语语音意识是预测其英语语音意识的有效因素;同时儿童汉语语音加工经验明显影响了对英语的语音操作,反映了母语语言经验对新学习语言加工过程的制约作用。  相似文献   

儿向言语是指儿童的主要照顾者(一般为母亲)对儿童所使用的简化的语域,它是儿童语言习得初期最重要的输入形式。儿向言语在语音、词汇、句法等方面具有与成人间话语不同的特征;儿向言语还随着儿童语言和认知的发展调整复杂程度;成人文化水平及社会经济地位的差异导致他们的儿向言语产生差异进而影响儿童的语言发展。掌握儿向言语这些特征并能在课堂中灵活运用儿向言语对于提高英语教学质量起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

言语发展是儿童发展的重要内容。由于文化环境与教育条件等方面的不同,城乡儿童在言语习惯上表现出显著的差异,这种差异又促成了城乡儿童言语能力的差别。研究通过对河北保定405名3—12岁儿童的访谈与结果分析,发现城市、县城、平原农村和山区农村儿童在言语能力与习惯上呈现出显著差异。表达愿望、语言面貌、综合效果等方面的显著差异需要引起特别重视。儿童语言教育中,家庭、学校和社会需要采取相应的策略改善城乡儿童的言语习惯。  相似文献   

本研究借鉴美国哈佛大学的语用研究框架,对一例具有自闭倾向4岁半儿童的言语行为包括言语倾向、言语行动、言语变通三种类型进行了统计分析,以了解自闭倾向儿童在自然情境下语言运用的总体特点。结果表明:该自闭倾向儿童的整体语言运用能力低于正常同龄儿童。其平均使用言语倾向类型略高于正常同龄儿童,言语行动类型和言语变通类型则明显低于正常同龄儿童。  相似文献   

非听觉性言语障碍是以语言信息传出的运动系统障碍引起的。表现为以可听不可言或言语发育不全、口齿不清、构音缺陷为特征的言语障碍。此类儿童多伴有肢体运动功能障碍及左利手比例高等特征。国外献报道。每100个3岁儿童中。可能有31人有某种程度语言失调。其中23人属严重损害。即他们的语言功能还达不到年龄只及他们2/3的儿童的水平。  相似文献   

儿童对语言文字的敏感度日益退化,导致其先天的语言灵性被扼杀,语言智慧被戕害。语文教学唯有从儿童出发,让儿童在语言的溪流中自由地嬉戏、自如地奔跑、自然地生长,才是正途。顺应儿童的语言天性,呵护儿童的语言灵性,培植儿童的语言智性,释放儿童的语言之美,才能让儿童拥有属于自己的言语个性和浪漫情怀,尽情地放飞诗意的想象,享受言语生命的快乐勃发,开创自己芬芳的言语人生。  相似文献   

言语康复就是对言语障碍学生的呼吸、发声、共鸣、构音以及语音的功能进行评估和训练的治疗过程。言语康复的对象为培智学校和聋校中具有言语功能障碍的智力残疾学生和听障儿童。言语功能障碍主要指由智力发育迟缓、脑性瘫痪、自闭症、语言发育迟缓等原因所导致的言语发育迟缓或言语障碍。  相似文献   

儿向言语是儿童的主要照顾者(一般为成人)与儿童交谈时所运用的一种特殊语域或语言风格.是一种儿童易于理解的简化的语言形式.也是儿童语言习得初期最重要的输入形式之一。儿向言语在语音、词汇、语义等方面有着不同于成人间话语的独特特征.对吸引儿童的注意力和提高儿童语言发展水平起着重要作用。作为帮助低年级学生学习英语的重要形式,英文儿歌可参照儿向言语的特征来进行选择或编写。  相似文献   

用耳朵阅读,是儿童阅读一种必不可少的补充,有助于儿童具备多元化的读书方式。用耳朵阅读,帮助儿童从疏远语言到亲近语言,给童年阅读以丰饶给养。言说,存养儿童的言语天性,满足其言语生命独特的感悟与需求;写作,释放儿童语言活力,使其言语生命得以鼓荡与激扬。  相似文献   

The aim of the current study is to determine what language activities Norwegian preschool children took part in, and to examine whether these language activities predict children’s language comprehension. We tested children (n?=?134) with language measures at age 4/5 and age 5/6 and interviewed their teachers (n?=?71) about the kinds of language activities the children engaged in during that school year. Teachers reported a variety of classroom language activities, ranging from informal language stimulation of everyday situations to more explicit language activities such as book reading, language games, vocabulary training and school preparation groups. Book reading every day significantly predicted children’s language comprehension.  相似文献   

Beside parents, teachers in early childhood education and care have the greatest potential to foster language acquisition in children. This is especially important for children with language delays, language disorders or bi-/multilingual children. However, they present teachers with a particular challenge in language support. Therefore, integrated language facilitation programmes are needed to promote language acquisition in the daily routine of daycare facilities and kindergartens. In this article, the Heidelberg Interaction Training for Language Promotion in Early Childhood Settings (HIT) is presented as a systematic approach to improve daily interactions between preschool teachers and children. This group training comprises six half-day sessions over a period of six months. The objective is to expand teachers’ knowledge about language development in general and more specifically regarding children with language problems or bi-/multilingual children. Furthermore, teachers learn a responsive interaction style and various strategies of language modelling by means of video supervision and feedback. Teachers’ satisfaction with the training has been evaluated and its efficacy in terms of changes in their behaviour and children's language performance has been proven in several intervention studies and meta-analytic reviews. Lastly, implementation considerations for lasting effects following the HIT are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated language development in deaf Italian preschoolers with hearing parents, taking into account the duration of formal language experience (i.e., the time elapsed since wearing a hearing aid and beginning language education) and different methods of language education. Twenty deaf children were matched with 20 hearing children for age and with another 20 hearing children for duration of experience. Deaf children showed a significant delay in both vocabulary and grammar when compared to same-age hearing children yet a similar development compared to hearing children matched for duration of formal language experience. The delay in linguistic development could be attributable to shorter formal language experience and not to deafness itself. Deaf children exposed to spoken language accompanied by signs tended to understand and produce more words than children exposed only to spoken language. We suggest that deaf children be evaluated based on their linguistic experience and cognitive and communicative potential.  相似文献   

语言障碍是自闭症儿童最显著的特征之一,而语言沟通和社会交往有着密切的关系,语言沟通存在障碍会影响其社会交往功能。自闭症儿童如果能够克服语言障碍,对其回归主流社会有很大的帮助。文章依据前人经验总结对自闭症儿童的语言障碍类型进行了划分,并根据划分的三种大方向类型提出了相应的训练方法,旨在对自闭症儿童言语语言问题提供帮助。  相似文献   

Many UK children with severe and persistent language impairment (SLI) attend local mainstream schools. Although this should provide an excellent language-learning environment, opportunities may be limited by difficulties in sustaining time-consuming, child-specific learning activities; restricted co-professional working, and the complex classroom environment.
Two language intervention studies in mainstream Scottish primary schools showed children with SLI receiving intervention from speech and language therapists (SLTs) or their assistants made more progress in expressive language than similar children receiving intervention from education staff. Potential reasons for this difference are sought in the amount of tailored language-learning activity undertaken; how actively school staff initiated contact with SLTs; and the language demands of the classroom. Tailored language learning appears to be a differentiating factor.
A language support model, reflecting views of teachers and SLTs about encouraging language development for children with SLI within the ecology of the mainstream primary classroom, is also outlined.  相似文献   

幼儿期是语言发展的最佳时机,语言区域活动的开展对促进幼儿语言能力的发展有着潜移默化的作用。通过利用和整合幼儿园有限空间资源,结合幼儿的兴趣、需求,延续传统语言区域和集体语言教学的精华,开发与应用幼儿园语言公共区域,可以充分调动幼儿参与语言学习的积极性、主动性,有效发展幼儿的语言能力。  相似文献   

Along with early detection, early intervention (EI) is critical for children identified with hearing loss. Evidence indicates that many children with sensorineural hearing loss experience improved language abilities if EI services were initiated at an "early" age. The present study's objectives were to determine the impact of a state EI program on language over time of children with permanent hearing loss and evaluate the association of EI enrollment by age 6 months with early language skill development. Young children in a state EI program were included in this longitudinal study. Results indicate that children enrolled prior to age 6 months were more likely to have age-appropriate language skills at baseline than children enrolled at or after 6 months, and maintained age-appropriate skills over time. Children enrolled at or after 6 months had lower baseline skills but made significant language progress, irrespective of hearing loss severity.  相似文献   

幼儿语言入学准备直接关系到幼儿的身心和谐发展。通过对目前关于幼儿语言入学准备研究的内容、策略、评估以及影响幼儿语言入学准备的因素四方面的研究文献的梳理和分析,对幼儿语言入学准备研究的未来进行展望:完善幼儿语言入学准备的内涵;拓展幼儿语言入学准备研究的理论视野;幼儿语言入学准备的研究方法应走向多元化;幼儿语言入学准备研究的测评工具应走向科学化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to evaluate the clinical utility of a verbal working memory measure, specifically, a nonword repetition task, with a sample of Spanish-English bilingual children and (2) to determine the extent to which individual differences in relative language skills and language use had an effect on the clinical differentiation of these children by the measures. A total of 144 Latino children (95 children with typical language development and 49 children with language impairment) were tested using nonword lists developed for each language. The results show that the clinical accuracy of nonword repetition tasks varies depending on the language(s) tested. Test performance appeared related to individual differences in language use and exposure. The findings do not support a monolingual approach to the assessment of bilingual children with nonword repetition tasks, even if children appear fluent speakers in the language of testing. Nonword repetition may assist in the screening of Latino children if used bilingually and in combination with other clinical measures.  相似文献   

儿童自闭症是广泛性发育障碍的一种亚型,以男性多见,起病于婴幼儿期。自闭症儿童属于特殊儿童,他们在某些方面与正常的儿童相比,处于一定的弱势,对自闭症儿童的关怀和重视,需要建立长效机制。尤其是,针对自闭症儿童的语言康复训练,更应该引起足够的重视和关注。本文以自闭症儿童语言康复训练的思考为题,围绕自闭症儿童的语言特点、康复训练的现状、存在的不足,以及相关的思考等内容展开论述,得出了相应的结论,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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