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现阶段影响我国体育人口增长的因素及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以体育人口与国民经济之间的内在联系作为贯穿全部研究内容的主线,综合剖析影响我国体育人口增长的各因素,揭示体育人口与国民经济之间的内在联系,并制定提高我国体育人口数量的发展对策。  相似文献   

本文以体育消费者剩余理论为研究核心,即从体育消费者消费一定数量的体育商品时的期望价格与该商品的实际市场价格之间产生的差额,来考察体育消费者与体育产业之间的价值与利益的相持、分割与平衡,揭示体育消费者剩余对生产者剩余及其体育产业整体效益提高的重要意义。  相似文献   

论社会主义市场经济与体育社会化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对社会主义市场经济特征的分析,指出社会主义市场经济的建立与发展,必然导致对人的现代化要求。体育作为实现人的现代化的重要手段,它主要是通过教育、余暇体育、体育大众传播媒介来达到实现人的现代化的目的。最后通过对社会主义市场经济与现代人,现代人与体育之间的运动关系的分析,揭示了社会主义市场经济与体育社会化之间的互动关系。本文对体育社会学有关社会主义市场经济条件下的体育社会化的理论,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

浅析体育教学与体育兴趣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就学校体育教学与学生心理特点,讨论体育兴趣与体育教学之间的关系,力求用可行性手段调动学生的积极主动性,培养学生对体育的兴趣,以利于提高教学质量和养成学生体育锻炼的习惯。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,从和谐社会与和谐社区的关系入手,深入分析社区体育与构建和谐社会之间的关系,为人们树立正确的体育价值观,认识社区体育对构建和谐社会中的作用,保持社区体育的健康发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杨玉功 《体育世界》2009,(12):25-26
在讨论了“人文体育观”指导下的体育与健康课程标准所存在的局限性的基础上.论述了体育课堂人文环境建构的可行性及要素构成,认为师生之间、生生之间的角色互动以及角色与氛围之间的互动是营造理想人文环境的关键。  相似文献   

对大学生体育锻炼参与情况和特质焦虑的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对560名大学生的体育锻炼参与情况、特质焦虑以及它们之间的关系进行了研究,研究结果显示,男女大学生之间每周体育锻炼的次数无显著性差异,体育专业学生每周参加体育锻炼的次数与非体育专业学生相比也没有显著性差异。但是,男女大学生每周锻炼的时间有显著性差异,男生比女生每周锻炼的时间多;体育专业学生与非体育专业学生的锻炼时间也有显著性差异,体育专业学生明显多于非体育专业学生。结果还表明,男女生之间以及体育专业学生与非体育专业学生之间的特质焦虑无显著性差异;参加体育锻炼的频数不同其特质焦虑无显著性差异。所调查的大学生的特质焦虑与留英学生相比有高度显著性差异,国内学生明显高于留英学生。  相似文献   

研究在理论层面上探讨了社会建设与体育运动之间的关系,认为社会建设的对象是介于国家与个人之间的中介领域。根据当代马克思主义社会理论的核心观点,需要建设一种能够对政治权力与市场机制做出回应的“市民社会”和“能动社会”,而这种社会则需要通过加强现代人的生活世界在公共领域中的沟通交往来实现。通过分析体育与社会之间的关系,研究认为:就我国体育协会的实体化而言,首先需要厘清的是它与相关的体育职能部门之间的职责分工问题,以此来明确区分两者之间的工作边界。在此基础上,通过相关的法规形式给予合法性基础,实现真正的“管办分离”,从而充分发挥体育社会团体在体育发展中的应有作用。  相似文献   

价格竞争是体育健身俱乐部之间进行市场竞争的主要形式,体育健身俱乐部的供给与健身者的需求,以及市场竞争,是体育健身俱乐部价格形成的主要影响因素,分析了不同档次体育健身俱乐部需求价格弹性,体育健身俱乐部均衡价格的形成与变动,以及垄断性体育健身俱乐部垄断价格形成的原因。  相似文献   

体育史CAI的教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育史作为体育院系的基础理论课,与其他课程相比,体育史已经形成题材广泛、方法多样、体系完整的学科体系。“体育史的研究对象,是以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,考察体育物质形态、体育制度、体育风俗、体育思想的历史发展过程,以及四者之间和它们与社会环境之间的相互关系。”①根据这些对象的不同,其研究领域可以分为运动项目史、体育教育史、体育思想史、体育法制史、体育管理史、民族体育史、养生保健史等等。在传统的体育史备课过程中,教师曾耗费了大量的时间和精力去搜集整理大量的教学资料,即使这样,信息量也十分有…  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):200-214
The Sport Value Framework provides a new logic for value creation in sport based on the Service-dominant logic. The Sport Value Framework is a general theory with high level of abstraction, and there is no middle-range theory yet to link it to empirical data. The purpose of this research is to provide one middle-range theory connecting empirical findings to the Sport Value Framework. The authors used a case study approach of a geographical localised sport industry. Primary data collection in the Auckland sailing industry included 27 interviews and observations at events. Secondary data include 13 documents of organisational information and archival data. Data were analysed with NVivo. The results suggest that the Sport Value Framework explains value creation within a localised sport industry. The middle-range theory between the authors’ data and the Sport Value Framework is the Sport Cluster Concept. Eight of the ten foundational premises of the Sport Value Framework are relevant to the case. The results confirm the Sport Cluster Concept as a middle-range theory to explain value creation in localised sport industries through the lenses of the Service-dominant logic. This research helps sport management practitioners to better understand value creation in localised sport industries. It suggests that sport management and marketing scholars should focus more on networks of actors and related inclusive empirical research designs rather than focusing on isolated elements and single actors of sport industries.  相似文献   

体育生态的敏感因素与体育系统的良性循环   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
谢雪峰  曹秀玲 《体育科学》2005,25(12):84-86,91
就体育人才、体育信息、政策法规体系3方面探讨体育生态敏感因素与系统良性循环的关系。结论认为,体育人才是促进体育生态系统不断进化和跃升的主要因素,体育人口是决定系统能量流的主体;体育信息是维持和调节体育生态系统状态的重要因素,体育生态中信息不对称现象及其利用,可以决定体育竞赛的成败;体育政策法规是体育生态系统良性循环的行政和伦理道德保证,竞赛规程和比赛规则是其技术保证和生命保障,尤其比赛规则是描摹运动项目生命的基因谱,是运动项目本质特征的文本体现。  相似文献   

The paper addresses the question whether the cooperative relationship between organized sport and state actors has left an impact on the legislative organization of sport policy-making. The idea of whether the Sport Committee of the Bundestag can be categorized as a constituency committee staffed mainly with lobbyists from the sport associations and backbenchers is examined. Empirical results for the hypotheses are mixed. Committee assignments and career trajectories show some features supporting the idea that membership in the Sport Committee is mainly interesting for legislators with a strong sport background. However, committee members have strong party ties suggesting that the committee is also of relevance for the political parties and is under party control. The Sport Committee member’s ties with the sport bodies indicate patterns of co-optation between sport and legislature.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrate that Sport Education supports the development of an authentic experience of sport. Social media has the potential to further the development of an authentic sport experience since it is a key aspect of contemporary sport culture and can be a space for individuals to interact during the Sport Education. Yet the evidence-base on the use of social media within Sport Education is limited. The purpose of this study was to explore how social media supports the development of an authentic sport experience within Sport Education. The context of this study was within a female recreational community sport futsal club. Players engaged with Sport Education as a focus for their sessions for 13 weeks. The Sport Education season embedded the six key features. During the Sport Education season, players interacted with each other through Facebook. Data were generated from; (1) researcher/player field journal, (2) Facebook posts and (3) post-season player interviews. Data analysis involved inductive, constant comparison and member-checking methods. Results showed that players’ uses of Facebook supported the development of an authentic sport experience. Players’ uses of Facebook strengthened the development of three key Sport Education features; affiliation, festivity and season. Based on the limited amount of research on the impact of social media within Sport Education and community sport, future studies should continue to examine the effectiveness of social media as an interactional tool to enhance the development of an authentic sport experience.  相似文献   

乔冉 《体育科研》2017,(5):39-44
文章以专家访谈法为主,以体育和戏剧的关联与博弈为切入点,探究体育活动的人类学和表演学价值。体育摒弃了语言,以身体为艺术的表现载体,向观众展示了人类天然肌体的魅力。体育是中国戏剧形成初期的重要元素,早期的戏剧也是中国体育生存发展的土壤,最初的武戏也许只是一场诗意的扮演类的体育游戏。体育和戏剧同样拥有着浪漫的情怀和游戏的精神。在今之体育场内,观众可以体会到古代雅典剧场的吸引力,观众观看着跌宕起伏的比赛,与他们支持的运动员休戚与共。体育是一出没有细致入微剧本的幕表戏,一出冲突剧烈且没有固定结局的开放式戏剧。  相似文献   

依据态度理论和安全态度理论,采用实地调查所获得的资料编制了《中学生运动安全态度调查表》。该调查表认为运动安全态度是运动安全意识的核心内容,中学生运动安全态度由运动安全认知、运动安全行为和运动安全情感3个因素构成。同时,经内部一致性信度、内容效度和结构效度检验表明,《中学生运动安全态度调查表》能满足后续实证研究的需要。  相似文献   

我国体育产业立法的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨洪云  张杰 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):12-14
体育产业在我国兴起的时间较晚,发展时间较短,体育产业立法在内容和形式方面存在不少缺陷,必须予以完善。在完善我国体育产业立法时应遵循适应社会与体育产业发展的原则、完整统一的原则和协调均衡的原则,并对体育中介服务业、竞赛表演业、健身娱乐业、咨询培训业方面的立法完善等予以阐述。  相似文献   


Over the last decade or so, young people have increasingly become a focus of UK sport policy. Fuelled in part by concerns such as the increasing levels of childhood inactivity and obesity, and the lack of international success in sport, a plethora of policy initiatives aimed at young people have been developed. In April 2000, the government published its sport strategy document, A Sporting Future for All, pulling together all the threads of recent policies, and in it, restating its commitment to youth sport, sport in education, excellence and sport in the community. One such policy initiative, the School Sport Co-ordinator programme, is the focus of this paper. The School Sport Co-ordinator programme, currently being introduced into schools in England, is an initiative that involves two government departments (sport and education) and a number of other agencies, reflecting the government's current agenda to ensure 'joined up policy' thinking. It aims to develop opportunities for youth sport through co-ordinated links between PE and sport in schools, both within and outside of the formal curriculum, with those in local community sports settings. The essence of the School Sport Co-ordinator programme is to free up nominated teachers in schools from teaching to allow them time for development activities, specifically to encourage schools and community sports providers to work in partnership. This paper draws on data from an ongoing research project examining the implementation of one School Sport Co-ordinator partnership, 'Northbridge'. Drawing on in-depth interviews, it explores the perceptions of the newly established School Sport Co-ordinators of their changing role. The paper highlights some of the initial tensions and challenges for them in their task of working across different educational and sporting contexts.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、专家访谈、历史分析等方法,对国际大众体育兴起的社会背景进行深入分析。在此基础上分析并阐述了国际奥委会为推进大众体育在全球的开展,在国际奥委会中设立了大众体育委员会专门机构,考察了世界大众体育大会及世界大众体育运动会的创立和发展,并对世界大众体育大会对国际大众体育的影响进行回顾。最后,以历届世界大众体育大会的主题为线索,探寻促进我国大众体育发展的科学路径。  相似文献   

全民健身体系构建工作应特别处理好的十个矛盾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析《全民健身计划纲要》实施十几年来的基本情况,认为这一工作取得了一定成功,积累了丰富经验,但距目标的实现还有一定差距。本着使矛盾状况适应环境、从坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发、充分发挥矛盾双方相互依存的作用的原则,分析我国建设全民健身体系中存在的十个矛盾:学校体育、社会体育同竞技体育的矛盾;上级政府体育管理同下级体育工作的矛盾;政府体育行政部门同社会性体育组织的矛盾;健身与健心的矛盾;增强体能、技能与提高精神道德水平的矛盾;提高体格、体能与提高适应能力的矛盾;体育健身市场性同体育健身公益性的矛盾;体育健身硬件与软件的矛盾;继承与创新的矛盾;学习外国与发扬民族特色的矛盾,以期为全民健身体系的构建提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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