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注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的执行功能缺陷理论已在学龄期儿童和青少年中被广泛证明,学龄前是执行功能发展的重要时期,学龄前儿童执行功能与ADHD症状的关系尚存争议。采用元分析的方法整合国内外近十年的文献,探讨学龄前儿童执行功能与ADHD症状的关系,并分析影响因素。通过文献检索,纳入符合要求的文献28篇,共70个有效数据,总样本量6238名。研究结果显示:学龄前儿童执行功能及其子成分均能够显著预测后期的ADHD症状;学龄前儿童执行功能与ADHD症状具有显著相关,进一步的调节效应显示,执行功能测量方式会显著影响执行功能与ADHD症状的关系;抑制控制、工作记忆均与注意缺陷和多动症状显著相关,其中工作记忆与注意缺陷相关度最高。  相似文献   

眼跳任务常用于研究额叶纹状体环路的机能,使用延迟眼跳任务可有效分离抑制空间工作记忆,深入探究注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童的执行功能损伤.48名儿童(ADHD-I型11人,ADHD-C型19人,对照组18人)完成2种实验任务:正向眼跳和延迟眼跳.结果发现:(1)ADHD儿童存在抑制功能损伤,延迟眼跳中对照组错误率的成绩优势非常显著,延迟时间的加长使ADHD组的错误率显著提高,但不影响对照组错误率.(2)ADHD儿童存在一定的空间工作记忆损伤,延迟眼跳中ADHD组有较差的精确性,且延迟时间越长组间差异越显著.(3)ADHD儿童有较长的反应时和较慢的眼跳速度.  相似文献   

目的:探讨注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童的抑制控制和转换功能.方法:采用图形选择测验、威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)、昼夜Stroop测验和字色Stroop测验,以23例ADHD儿童和22例普通对照儿童为研究对象,对其抑制控制能力、转换能力进行测试比较.结果:1.ADHD儿童完成图形选择测验转换任务时间较普通对照组儿童明显延长,犯错误数明显增多;2.ADHD儿童完成威斯康星卡片分类测验的错误应答数、持续性错误数明显比普通儿童多,差异极其显著;3.两组儿童完成昼夜Stroop测验时冲突任务平均时上有显著性差异,ADHD儿童的反应时多于普通儿童;4.ADHD儿童完成字色Stroop测验的干扰任务反应时较普通对照组儿童显著延长.结论:ADHD儿童的抑制控制能力和转换能力显著低于普通儿童.  相似文献   

在个体的认知活动中,工作记忆具有重要的核心地位,为认知活动提供工作的平台。本文以大学生为研究对象,研究不同强度运动对工作记忆的影响。采用实验的方法,在内蒙古师范大学的本科生中选取80名被试,随机分配到大、中、小三个强度运动组和安静组中,被试在运动后立刻进行工作记忆测试。实验结果显示:不同强度的运动对大学生工作记忆有不同的影响,小强度运动提高了被试工作记忆的表现,但并不显著;中等强度的运动能够显著改善被试工作记忆反应;大强度运动会显著降低被试在工作记忆任务上的反应时。  相似文献   

心智游移(mind-wandering,简称MW)是指个体将部分或全部注意转向了内部体验和感受,是一种注意分散状态。通过n-back任务以及go/no-go任务,考察工作记忆广度、工作记忆负载和目标出现概率等因素对MW的影响,借助Broadbent等人编制的认知失败问卷进行实验室情境下MW发生率与实际生活中的分心现象的相关性研究,结果发现:在高负载水平下,被试的MW报告率显著低于低负载水平,高广度组被试比低广度组被试报告更少的MW;目标呈现概率与工作记忆负载存在交互作用,二者共同影响MW报告率;在高负载水平下,目标呈现概率无论大小,MW报告率都较小,而在低负载水平下,目标呈现概率高时MW报告率更小;MW报告率与反应抑制正确率存在负相关,说明MW的发生对于任务反应存在消极影响;MW报告率与个体在CFQ问卷上的得分存在正相关。我们认为心智游移受工作记忆资源的影响,并且实验室情况下的MW与日常生活中的MW具有一定程度的相关。  相似文献   

本实验对由不同维度(颜色和形状)的不同特征构成的客体进行探测,以正确率和反应时为指标,探索视觉工作记忆存储的基本单位是客体还是特征。实验1结果显示特征数显著影响了被试的记忆成绩。实验2结果显示客体数对被试的记忆成绩没有显著的影响。最终实验得出记忆由不同维度的特征组成的客体时,视觉工作记忆存储的基本单位是特征。  相似文献   

前瞻记忆是指对预定事件或未来要执行的行为的记忆。本研究使用经典的"双任务"范式,以探讨靶线索频率对注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童的基于事件前瞻记忆的影响。结果表明,在中频或低频条件下,ADHD组儿童的前瞻记忆成绩显著低于普通儿童,但在高频率条件下,ADHD儿童的前瞻记忆成绩与普通儿童无显著差异。这表明,不同靶刺激频率会对ADHD儿童的前瞻记忆造成影响,ADHD儿童的前瞻记忆缺损可能与其本身抑制优势反应缺陷有关。  相似文献   

小学数学学习困难儿童的工作记忆广度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对数学学习困难儿童的工作记忆广度进行研究,结果发现数学学习困难儿童在言语和视觉空间工作记忆广度上都显著低于正常儿童,但这种不足主要是一种发展的延迟。对有无伴随阅读困难的数学学习困难儿童进行比较,发现二者的言语和视觉空间工作记忆广度都没有表现出显著差异。  相似文献   

研究小学数学学习困难儿童的工作记忆广度后,很明显的发现,正常儿童在视觉空间和言语工作记忆广度上都高于数学学习困难的儿童,对数学学习困难儿童是否伴随阅读困难进行对比,发现并没有显著的差异存在于二者的视觉空间和言语工作记忆广度上。导致数学学习困难儿童的这种不足的是发展的延迟。  相似文献   

哪种多媒体呈现模式有助于儿童二语词汇学习,图片、单词还是图片和单词同时呈现?本文通过定量分析考察了这三种不同的呈现模式在汉语儿童英语词汇学习中的有效性。被试是135名七年级儿童,他们阅读了一篇用计算机屏幕呈现的英语短篇故事。被试被分为三个组,分别就故事中的12个关键词接受了言语注解、视觉注解,或者言语注解加视觉注解。结果表明:只接受了言语注解的儿童比同时接受了视觉和言语注解,或者只接受了视觉注解的儿童对单词翻译的回忆更好。此研究结果支持之前关于电子学习环境下的认知负荷的研究,表明儿童的学习过程受到有限的工作记忆的阻碍,并对为儿童设计的基于自我调节学习的多媒体方案提出质疑。  相似文献   

This study compared the working memory functioning of deaf children, children with ADHD and typically developing children. Working memory is involved in the storage and mental manipulation of information during classroom learning activities that are crucial for the acquisition of complex skills and knowledge. Thus, it is important to determine how these groups compare in this regard as this has implications for teaching them together in an inclusive classroom. Simple and complex visuo-spatial and verbal working memory were assessed in 24 children with ADHD and 20 control children with no diagnosed ADHD, to determine whether any differences existed between these groups. A second comparison occurred between the simple and complex visuo-spatial working memory of the latter two groups, as well as 24 deaf children, all matched on age, gender and home language. The control group scored significantly higher than the deaf children and the children with ADHD on all components of simple and complex working memory. The implications of this finding are that children with ADHD and deaf children may share similar working memory profiles, making it easier to accommodate both sets of children together in the inclusive classroom. Suggestions are given for how educators could assist these children by reducing the demands on working memory.  相似文献   

The motor control of 49 unmedicated boys clinically diagnosed with ADHD, case‐matched with 49 non‐ADHD boys, was assessed while playing Crash Bandicoot I, a SonyTM Playstation platform computer video game. In Crash Bandicoot participants control the movements of a small‐animated figure through a hazardous jungle environment. Operationally defined measures of motor control were designated by (1) the stage of the game completed (ie, the number of obstacles successfully passed) before losing the figure's ‘life’, (2) the level of complexity that the stage represented and (3) the time taken to get to that point during the video game play. These measures were assessed under contrasting conditions of low or high working memory and distracter loads. Four tasks were administered (totalling 12 trials), incorporating both with and without distracter conditions. For those trials with the distracter, a segment of the television show The Simpsons was simultaneously played on a television screen adjacent to the computer game monitor. A 5‐way MANOVA revealed that ADHD boys took less time to complete their trials under the direct condition (ie, no working memory load) on Crash Bandicoot, compared to their matched non‐ADHD peers. When the task required additional working memory, however, the ADHD boys took significantly longer. Cumulative frequency plots of game performance revealed that in terms of the number of obstacles completed, the control participants successfully navigated more obstacles on the low working memory load task than the ADHD participants, but that the performance of the two groups was less distinguishable on the high working memory load task. The findings have implications for assessment and management of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of sound-symbol association training on visual and phonological memory in children with a history of dyslexia. Pretests of phonological and visual memory, a sound-symbol training procedure, and phonological and visual memory posttests were administered to children with dyslexia, to children whose dyslexia had been compensated through remedial training, and to age- and reading level-matched comparison groups. Deficits in visual and phonological memory and memory for sound-symbol associations were demonstrated in the dyslexia group. For children with dyslexia and children whose dyslexia had been remediated, the sound-symbol training scores were significantly associated with word and pseudoword reading scores and were significantly lower than those of the comparison groups. Children with dyslexia and children whose dyslexia had been compensated showed significantly less facilitation of phonological memory following the training than did typical readers. Skilled readers showed some reduction in accuracy of visual memory following the training, which may be the result of interference of verbalization with a predominantly visual task. A parallel decrease was not observed in the children with dyslexia, possibly because these children did not use the verbal cues. Children with dyslexia and children whose dyslexia had been compensated seemed to have difficulty encoding the novel sounds in memory. As a result, they derived less phonological memory advantage and less visual memory interference from the training than did typical readers. Children in the compensated dyslexia group scored lower on sound-symbol training than their age peers. In other respects, the scores of these children were equivalent to those of the typically reading comparison groups. Children in the compensated dyslexia group exhibited higher phonological rehearsal, iconic memory, and associative memory scores than children in the dyslexia group. Implications for the remediation of dyslexia are discussed.  相似文献   

聋人及听力正常人工作记忆的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以工作记忆广度、提取速度作为因变量指标,探讨了聋人及听力正常人在工作记忆中的差异。研究结果表明:(1)聋人的言语工作记忆广度小于听力正常人,而其视空工作记忆广度又显著大于听力正常人;(2)任务难度对工作记忆广度有着显著的影响,但它对聋人及听力正常人在工作记忆中的差异影响不大。(3)聋人在任务中的提取速度慢于听力正常人。  相似文献   

This study assesses information processing and memory functioning in 50 children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) with and without learning disabilities (LD). Mode of presentation (visual vs. auditory), type of memory processing (immediate, short-term, and long-term), and order of recall (ordered vs. unordered) were assessed using the Learning Efficiency Test-II (LET-II). Both groups demonstrated difficulty with auditory ordered recall and lost substantial information from immediate memory to short-term and long-term memory stores. The ADHD/LD group also demonstrated more difficulty with ordered recall than the ADHD only group. While there were no differences between the two groups in regard to immediate recall, the ADHD/LD group demonstrated more problems transferring information into short-term and long-term memory stores than the ADHD only group. Verbal interference effects significantly decreased retention for both visual and auditory processing. Results indicate that ADHD alone presents significant problems in information processing, but the comorbid effects of a learning disability further intensify the negative impact of ADHD. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Twenty‐nine grade‐matched 4th–8th‐grade males, 12 with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (age M= 12.2 years, SD= 1.48), and 17 without (age M= 11.5, SD= 1.59), completed two working memory tasks (digit span and the Simon game) and three long‐term episodic memory tasks (a personal event memory task, story memory task, and picture recognition task). In line with clinical observations, children with ADHD performed worse than peers on all working memory tasks, but performed as well as or better than peers on long‐term episodic tasks, demonstrating particularly detailed memory for personally experienced past events. Participants' parents also completed questionnaires about their children's memories in daily life. Parents rated children with ADHD lower than children without ADHD on working and semantic memory (e.g., remembering names, spelling, and math), but rated them as high or higher on memory for events. Implications for theory and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Using 4 years of mathematics achievement scores, groups of typically achieving children (n = 101) and low achieving children with mild (LA-mild fact retrieval; n = 97) and severe (LA-severe fact retrieval; n = 18) fact retrieval deficits and mathematically learning disabled children (MLD; n = 15) were identified. Multilevel models contrasted developing retrieval competence from second to fourth grade with developing competence in executing arithmetic procedures, in fluency of processing quantities represented by Arabic numerals and sets of objects, and in representing quantity on a number line. The retrieval deficits of LA-severe fact retrieval children were at least as debilitating as those of the children with MLD and showed less across-grade improvement. The deficits were characterized by the retrieval of counting string associates while attempting to remember addition facts, suggesting poor inhibition of irrelevant information during the retrieval process. This suggests a very specific form of working memory deficit, one that is not captured by many typically used working memory tasks. Moreover, these deficits were not related to procedural competence or performance on the other mathematical tasks, nor were they related to verbal or nonverbal intelligence, reading ability, or speed of processing, nor would they be identifiable with standard untimed mathematics achievement tests.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of distracters on the television viewing of diagnosed ADHD (n = 19) and normal (n = 20) boys who ranged in age from 6 to 12 years. Subjects were videotaped watching four 7-min segments of "3-2-1 Contact," once in the presence and once in the absence of highly appealing toys. The results indicated that, while in the presence of toys, ADHD boys spent one-half as much time as control boys attending to the television. However, when toys were absent, there were no significant differences in visual attention between ADHD and normal boys. The effect of the toy manipulation was most dramatic with younger children of both groups. Recall of didactic content by ADHD boys and normal subjects did not differ significantly, even when the attention of ADHD boys was reduced. These findings suggest that ADHD children, like their normal counterparts, are active and strategic viewers of television.  相似文献   

The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML; Sheslow & Adams, 1990) is a nationally standardized instrument designed to assess memory and learning skills in children and adolescents. This study assessed the relationship of WRAML scores to WISC-III and WJ-R results in three groups: (a) LD children with reading difficulties, (b) ADHD children, and (c) nonhandicapped referred children. Total sample size was 120. Discriminant function analysis demonstrated that the WRAML provided little distinguishing information for ADHD and LD children. Likewise, the usefulness of the Learning subtests is questionable. It is suggested that inclusion of working memory tasks that require reconfiguration of material, problem solving, and more complexity may be more beneficial in identifying processing weaknesses with suspected ADHD and LD youngsters. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, pigeons’ spatial working memory in an open-field setting was examined under conditions that differed in terms of working-memory load (number of sites visited prior to a retention test) at various delays between initial choices and the retention test. In Experiment 1, pigeons were tested under two conditions of memory load (three or five sites visited prior to the delay) and two delay intervals (15 and 60 min). Accuracy declined as a function of delay but was not affected significantly by memory load. In Experiment 2A, pigeons were tested under three conditions of memory load (two, four, or six sites visited prior to the delay). In separate phases, the delay was 2, 15, and 60 min. Accuracy was not affected by memory load in any of these phases. In Experiment 2B, three conditions of memory load (two, four, or six sites visited prior to the delay) were tested at two delays (2 and 60 min) within a test phase. Accuracy declined with increasing delay, but memory load again had no significant effects. These results are inconsistent with previous suggestions that pigeons’ retention of spatial information may decline as working-memory load is increased. In Experiment 3, cue-manipulation tests confirmed that pigeons’ choice behavior in the open-field task is controlled by memory for previously visitad room locations.  相似文献   

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