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已有研究发现数学自我效能感与数学成绩之间有非常显著的相关关系,该研究通过对女生数学G性别刻板印象、数学自我效能感和数学成绩三者之间的关系进行分析发现,女生的数学自我效能感和数学G性别刻板印象之间存在着显著的负相关,数学效能感与数学成绩之间存在显著的正相关,数学G性别刻板印象和数学成绩之间没有直接的相关关系.  相似文献   

以3842名4年级小学生为对象,探究数学自我效能感对数学学业表现的影响,以及数学焦虑和学习兴趣在其中的中介作用。研究发现:数学自我效能感显著正向预测数学学业表现;在数学自我效能感对数学学业表现的预测中,数学焦虑和数学学习兴趣起着中介作用;数学自我效能感通过“数学焦虑—数学学习兴趣”这一链式中介对数学学业表现产生积极影响。在教学实践中,小学数学教师可尝试通过构建引导探究式课堂教学模式、形成幽默风趣的教学风格、为学生提供适度的情感支持等方式,增强学生的数学自我效能感,进而改进学生的数学学业表现。  相似文献   

文章通过对初三学生自我效能感与数学学业成绩之间的关系进行研究,得出了如下研究结果:1.初中生数学学习自我效能感在性别上差异不显著;2.初中生数学学习自我效能感与数学学业成绩之间显著正相关。  相似文献   

以班杜拉的自我效能感的理论为指导,通过问卷形式,对海口市第一中192名学生的数学学习效能感的现状进行研究,分析影响数学学习效能感的因素。研究发现:中学生的数学学习自我效能感与数学学业成就关系密切,成高度正相关;性别差异对数学学习自我效能感的影响无显著性差异;与父母的文化程度关系密切,家长受过高等教育的孩子的数学学习自我效能感明显高于家长没有受过高等教育的孩子。  相似文献   

培养小学生数学自我效能感的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究采用“自知、助学自验、自评”结合的培育方法,对小学五年级学生的数学自我效能感进行了为期三个月的培育实验。结果表明:运用该方法对于提高小学生数学自我效能感水平有显著效果,特别是对中、低自我效能感水平的小学生效果显著;数学自我效能感与数学学业成绩之间呈显著正相关,但数学自我效能感的显著提高并不一定导致学业成绩的显著提高。同时,学生的数学学业成绩也影响着数学自我效能感,二者是相互依存、相互作用的。  相似文献   

以湖北省27,769名初中生为调查对象,运用Mplus 8.3软件对学生的数学学习动机、数学失败归因、数学学习反思性及数学自我效能感之间的关系进行研究.结果表明:数学学习动机与数学学习反思性均对数学自我效能感有显著正向影响,数学失败归因对数学自我效能感有显著负向影响;数学学习动机对数学学习反思性有显著正向影响,数学失败归因对数学学习反思性有显著负向影响;数学学习动机对数学失败归因有显著负向影响;数学失败归因、数学学习反思性在数学学习动机与数学自我效能感的关系间有显著中介作用;数学失败归因、数学学习反思性在数学学习动机和数学自我效能感的关系间有显著的链式中介作用.为了调节学生的数学学习心理发展,学校和教师应合理创设数学问题,激发学生的学习动机;客观分析学情,鼓励学生积极归因;培养错题整理习惯,引导学生自主反思;正确建立阶段目标,提升学生自我效能感.  相似文献   

元认知开发是元数学意识的自然启蒙,是提升小学生数学自我效能感的有效策略。从元数学、元认知与自我效能感优化策略的内在关系出发,优化学生数学学习自我效能感的手段、途径和方法,可以有效地促进学生数学学习质量的提升和数学学习素养的优化。  相似文献   

本文通过对深圳市某中学学生的数学自我效能感和数学成绩进行统计分析,揭示了学生的数学自我效能感强度与数学成绩之间的关系,在培养学生的数学学习兴趣、引导学生进行正确归因、掌握数学学习方法、教师展示引导学生成功体验方面提出了相应的增强学生数学自我效能感的建议,引导学生形成稳定的数学自我效能感。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了小学数学教学中培养学生数感所具有的重要意义,在此基础上,提出了培养小学生数感的重要意义:有助于学生对数学的理解和解释现实问题;数感有助于学生提出问题和解决问题能力的提高;数感有助于学生理解或表述具体情境中的数量关系。最后,提出了培养小学生数感的几点策略:在课堂设计中,通过猜想培养数感;在课堂教学中通过学生操作实践数感;在指导学生交流汇报中通过迁移同化锻炼数感;在学生质疑中反思强化数感;在营造氛围中,通过师生评价加深数感。  相似文献   

在数学教学中,数感是指学生数学思维的敏感程度,包括数学与运算的综合理解力,培养和发展小学生数感是小学数学的重要目标,那么在数学教学中如何培养和发展小学生的数感,是广大数学教师很值得研讨的一个课题。  相似文献   

This was a correlational study conducted with a population of prekindergarten educators from a large, metropolitan school district. The purpose was to examine if there were relationships between and among early childhood teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, their beliefs about the importance of mathematics, and their mathematics instructional practices. Examining teachers’ efficacy and beliefs can inform educational practice and help to differentiate between more and less successful instructional practices when teaching mathematics in the early childhood classroom. Data were collected on teacher efficacy and teacher beliefs about the importance of mathematics with two self-report questionnaires. The hypothesis that the teachers higher in efficacy will rate the importance of mathematics higher on the teacher-belief scale than the teachers with lower efficacy was found to be true with this sample, but the correlation was weak. The level of efficacy of the early childhood teachers in this sample confirmed that in assessing their capabilities, they rate themselves high in instructional strategies, classroom management, and student engagement. The early childhood teachers did not rate their belief in mathematics as high as their efficacy. Observations of mathematics instructional practices were conducted with twenty teachers. It was hypothesized that the combination of high teacher efficacy and high teacher mathematics beliefs would show alignment with the presence of standards-based mathematics instructional practices. The results were not statistically significant. No correlation signals a need for more research to explore what other personal or external factors relate to mathematics instructional practices in the early childhood classroom. The research may inform pre kindergarten teachers and teacher educators about effective instructional strategies and knowledge needed to launch early childhood students on a developmentally appropriate pathway to mathematical literacy.  相似文献   

Although the early development of children's number sense is a strong predictor of their later mathematics achievements, it has been overlooked in primary schools in Malaysia. Mainly attributable to underdeveloped number sense of Malaysian primary and secondary school children, their inability to handle simple mathematics tasks, which require the understanding of basic mathematical concepts, numerical estimation, and mental computation, is a cause for worry. To enhance the perception of curriculum designers and mathematics teachers about why and how number sense ought to be developed, this article serves as a review of essential components, theoretical framework, and test of number sense.  相似文献   

Children show individual differences in their tendency to focus on the numerical aspects of their environment. These individual differences in ‘Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity’ (SFON) have been shown to predict both current numerical skills and later mathematics success. Here we investigated possible factors which may explain the positive relationship between SFON and symbolic number development. Children aged 4–5 years (N = 130) completed a battery of tasks designed to assess SFON and a range of mathematical skills. Results showed that SFON was positively associated with children's symbolic numerical processing skills and their performance on a standardised test of arithmetic. Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that the relationship between SFON and symbolic mathematics achievement can be explained, in part, by individual differences in children's nonsymbolic numerical processing skills and their ability to map between nonsymbolic and symbolic representations of number.  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy in a particular content area is seen as an important factor shaping teaching practice and student learning in the Western literature. However, inadequate efforts have been made to examine this assumption empirically. Drawing on the Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 mathematics teachers’ data at the eighth grade level, this study examines the relationship between teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and teachers’ mathematical instructional practices in five Asian countries/regions. Guided with Bandura’s social cognitive theory, this study finds that overall teachers in the five countries/regions reported much lower teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and lower levels of instructional practices than the international norms. The relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices varied within these countries/regions. Teacher efficacies in teaching mathematics are not always statistically and positively related to their instructional practices in engaging students. Together, these findings challenge the theoretical assumption about the positive relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices. Possible reasons of these findings and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   


From preschool to high school, number sense is included as an important outcome in mathematics syllabi. It is a term associated with the development of concepts and skills in mathematics and as such appears frequently in the teaching literature. However number sense is a term yet to be operationally defined. The present study used a modified Delphi procedure to determine the level of agreement amongst six early mathematics experts from Britain, Europe and the United States, with respect to a variety of components of early number sense. The results of this study are discussed in relation to a similar Australasian study and the emerging literature on early number sense assessment. This study revealed some components of number sense worthy of further investigation in relation to early mathematical achievement but also confirmed a lack of consensus on what exactly constitutes early number sense.  相似文献   

Drawing on various approaches to the study of mathematics learning, Gersten, Jordan, and Flojo (in this issue) explore the implications of this research for identifying children at risk for developing mathematical disabilities. One of the key topics Gersten et al. consider in their review is that of "number sense." I expand on their preliminary effort by examining in detail the diverse set of components purported to be encompassed by this construct. My analysis reveals some major differences between the ways in which number sense is defined in the mathematical cognition literature and its definition in the literature in mathematics education. I also present recent empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives bearing on the importance of measuring the speed of making magnitude comparisons. Finally, I discuss how differing conceptions of number sense inform the issue of whether and to what extent it may be teachable.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children's mathematics anxiety serves as an underlying pathway between parental involvement and children's mathematics achievement. Participants included 78 low-income, ethnic minority parents and their children residing in a large urban center in the northeastern United States. Parents completed a short survey tapping several domains of parental involvement, and children were assessed on mathematics anxiety, whole number arithmetic, word problems, and algebraic reasoning. Research Findings: The results indicated that parents influence children's mathematics achievement by reducing mathematics anxiety, particularly for more difficult kinds of mathematics. Specifically, the mediation analyses demonstrated that parental home support and expectations influenced children's performance on word problems and algebraic reasoning by reducing children's mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety did not mediate the relationship between home support and expectations and whole number arithmetic. Practice or Policy: Policies and programs targeting parental involvement in mathematics should focus on home-based practices that do not require technical mathematical skills. Parents should receive training, resources, and support on culturally appropriate ways to create home learning environments that foster high expectations for children's success in mathematics.  相似文献   

In recent years, proposals have been made to build mathematics teaching more closely on children's informal knowledge, i.e. on concepts and strategies formed in natural, everday settings. The article focuses on questions concerning this trend, more specifically on issues concerning how and in what sense children benefit from everyday common sense knowledge when they learn mathematics at school. Three empirical examples, collected within a field-based research project at the intermediate children, when using their everyday life experience, sometimes fail to make mathematical sense of a given task. Two factors which complicate the creation of links between common sense and mathematics are discussed: one that deals with the problem of using everyday life experience as a basis for abstracting mathematical ideas, and one which concerns the pupil's abilities to interpret an assigned task in a mathematically relevant way.  相似文献   

The link between mathematics anxiety and mathematical performance in young children remains inconclusive. The present study examined the longitudinal associations between mathematics anxiety and mathematical performance (calculation and story problem solving) in 246 Chinese children followed from second to third grade. Multiple regression analyses showed that mathematics anxiety made independent contributions to mathematical performance beyond non-verbal intelligence, working memory, number skills, general and test anxieties. However, mathematics anxiety does not affect all children and all kinds of mathematical performance equally. Mathematics anxiety has a more pronounced impact on mathematical problems that require more processing resources, as opposed to simple arithmetic problems and straightforward story problems and children who are higher in working memory are more vulnerable to its deleterious impacts.  相似文献   

Background: Number sense is a key topic in mathematics education, and the identification of children’s misconceptions about number is, therefore, important. Information about students’ serious misconceptions can be quite significant for teachers, allowing them to change their teaching plans to help children overcome these misconceptions. In science education, interest in children’s alternative conceptions has led to the development of three- and four-tier tests that not only assess children’s understandings and misconceptions, but also examine children’s confidence in their responses. However, there are few such tests related to mathematical content, especially in studies of number sense.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate children’s performance and misconceptions with respect to number sense via a four-tier diagnostic test (Answer Tier → Confidence rating for Answer Tier → Reason Tier → Confidence rating for Reason Tier).

Design and method: A total of 195 fifth graders (10–11 years old) from Taiwan participated in this study. The four-tier test was web-based and contained 40 items across five components of number sense.

Findings: The results show that (1) students’ mean confidence rating for the answer tier was significantly higher than for the reason tier; (2) an average of 68% of students tended to have equal confidence ratings in both answer and reason tiers; (3) students who chose correct answers or reasons had higher mean confidence ratings in most items (36 out of 40) than those who did not; and (4) 16 misconceptions were identified and most of them were at a strong level.

Conclusion: The four-tier test was able to identify several misconceptions in both the answer and reason tier and provide information about the confidence levels. By using such information, teachers may be better positioned to understand the nature of learners’ misconceptions about number sense and therefore support their pupils’ progress in mathematics.  相似文献   

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