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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree to which college algebra students’ value mathematical skills in their prospective careers. A survey was administered to N = 144 students in 6 college algebra classes at a mid-sized doctoral granting university. Students in half the classes completed a data analysis project, and half of the students planned to major in a business-related degree. Logistic regression suggested that students held mostly positive attitudes about the value of mathematics in their career, with business students expressing more positive attitudes than those reported by non-business students. Unexpectedly, those who completed the data analysis project expressed less positive attitudes on 6 of the 20 survey items.  相似文献   

The professional literature in mathematics education is replete with calls to use tasks that are ‘authentic’, ‘relevant’ and related to ‘real life’ and the ‘real world’. Such activities are frequently advocated for their potential to motivate and engage students, but evidence of their ability to do so is rarely presented. This paper examines evidence in relation to the effectiveness of context problems in achieving their intended purposes and thereby contributing to enhanced student participation, engagement and achievement in mathematics education. It is argued that context problems are not a panacea and that categorising problems as contextualised or de-contextualised is less helpful than the consideration of more salient aspects of tasks that impact on their effectiveness. Such aspects also relate to the purposes for and affordances and limitations of particular tasks in relation to the purposes they are intended to serve, along with attention to the contexts in which students learn mathematics. Examples of theoretical and empirical programs built on these considerations are reviewed in terms of their potential to enhance participation, engagement and achievement in school mathematics.  相似文献   

We report on a case study that took place in a southwestern culturally and linguistically diverse urban high school science classroom during a grade recovery summer session. The introduction of a technology-infused unit on epidemiology engaged students in a multi-contextual exploration of the spread of diseases. The analysis of the resultant classroom discourse centers on connections made and identities expressed by the students (as students, social beings, avatars, and scientists), with particular attention to how these students use language to bridge worlds (the participatory simulation world, the classroom world, the ‘real’ world (outside the classroom), and the laboratory (science) world). The results indicate that including a participatory technology tool supported students’ learning journey. Specifically, students built on a shared virtual experience in ways that helped them to draw and expand on prior experiences well beyond the classroom in the service of developing science understanding.  相似文献   

Taking the view that pictures are not a transparent but rather a deforming mirror of reality, shaping representations of the world bound up with the interests of the social institutions within which pictures are circulated and read, our aim is to explore what view of nature and of the human-nature relationship is built in Greek natural science school textbooks. The particular textbooks analysed have been recently introduced (in 2006 and 2007) into Greek education. The pictorial analysis suggests that a ??baroque?? view of nature and of the human-nature relationship predominantly emerges, according to which nature is constantly in motion, and therefore random and unpredictable natural change could be ??normal??. Natural environments are viewed in materialistic terms, being transformed by humans and serving as a resource. A comparison with our analysis of the older textbooks written in the early 1980s (Korfiatis et al. 2004) seems to indicate important conceptual differences between the two series of textbooks. The ??romantic?? and ??classic?? views of nature in the old textbooks could express the vigour, the optimism and the innocence characterising industrial societies (or in the process of industrialisation) about human interventions in the environment. Conversely, the ??baroque?? view found in the new textbooks probably marks the scepticism of post-industrial societies about natural phenomena.  相似文献   

正三维虚拟校园厦门大学嘉庚学院五位工科男生,花了一年半时间,拍了6000多张照片,用90多万个"面",将厦大嘉庚学院立体地"搬"到了网上,建成了精美的三维虚拟校园。在这个三维校园里,你可以选择不同的速度漫步其中,可以"走"到各栋建筑前欣赏嘉庚风格建筑,还可以选择"飞行模式",从高空俯瞰整个校园。如果想看看每栋建筑的实景,没问题,只要轻点建筑前的人物即可。除了建筑外,这个三维虚拟校园里同样有花有树,在富有浪漫气息的情人岛上,男生们还设置了一个小小的益智游戏,让游戏男主角和女主角间过层层关卡,顺利在情人岛相遇,擦出爱的火花。  相似文献   

有没有发现许多杂志或是报纸上经常会出现in这个单词?在当前最时髦、最流行的服饰或配饰旁边会醒目地出现一个in。一个很in的人也就是“很时尚的人”。现在in的使用  相似文献   

正百年"英译川"教材10月5日,四川大学华西医院近百年前的"英译川"教材点燃了网友的兴趣。这是华西医院创始人启尔德医生于1917年左右给该校学生编写的一年级新生教材。教材分各种情景进行教学,每个情景以一句完整的四川话句子为基础,下面配上对应的英语翻译,每个关键词旁还标有英语注释、英语中的同义词等。  相似文献   

正许愿神器一直以来,"许愿墙"秉承着"妹子许愿郎圆愿"的传统,成为厦门大学女生节的主打活动。今年,信息科学学院大四学生赖文瀚集结了其他4名男生,开发出一款专属高校女生节的许愿墙手机软件,把"墙"搬进了手机,通过"摇一摇"或者关注"飘来飘去的心愿云"就可随时随地许愿、圆愿。这款小清新的"许愿神器"一上线就备受追捧,女生们激动之余便出现了"求帅哥让我看两眼"等稀奇古怪的愿望,还真让不少男生退避三舍。为此,嘉庚学院管理学院的男生反其道而行  相似文献   

正电子迎新系统在华南理工大学广州学院2013新生报到中,计算机工程学院大三学生周子正和王文威研发出的一键化操作,全电子注册的"迎新系统投入使用。新生只要在电脑或者手机客户端输入自己的名字,就能清楚知道自己的专业,班级,班主任甚至临时班干的基本信息。另外,电脑还会按照分数,生源地等来智能分班,分宿舍。  相似文献   

正小观园湖北经济学院竹二男生宿舍5楼公共阳台一角种满了各种花卉苗木,包括桃色粉色层层相间的"快乐丘比特"、蓝紫色的"转蓝"、桃色的"朱丽叶"等各种月季,还有一些叫不上名儿的花儿,被不少同学戏称为"花花公子小观园",而园丁则是大四学生徐浩。徐浩素来爱花,除了经常找卖花人取经,上大学后,从寝室盆栽到公共阳台,他已收集到八十多个品种  相似文献   

Literacy education through the LIFE Initiative and follow-up of CONFINTEA VI in the Maghreb ?C Illiteracy is seriously compromising the economic and social development of the Maghreb countries. In Morocco and Mauritania, for instance, national strategies and literacy programmes have been implemented. These efforts ought to be assessed so that lessons can be learned from them and the contribution of the national and international initiatives implemented in recent years can be evaluated. The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education provided an opportunity to launch a Maghreb-wide literacy cooperation process. Drawing on the experience of two high-priority countries (Morocco and Mauritania), the countries of the Maghreb created a mechanism for ongoing exchange within the framework of the Forum on Literacy for the Maghreb Region. The second meeting of this Forum, which was held in May 2010 in Nouakchott, was devoted to monitoring the implementation of the Belém Framework for Action and resulted in the creation of a joint cooperation programme in this domain.  相似文献   

<正>freestyle如果你还没听过freestyle,那你就太不stylish了。在综艺节目《中国有嘻哈》中,担任评委的吴亦凡的一句freestyle彻底火了。freestyle本是hiphop的专业术语,就是即兴说唱。但由于wuli凡凡过于free,逢人就问"你有freestyle吗?",使得很多观众说一期节目下来,一个选手都没记住,就记住了freestyle。  相似文献   

"女性的成功首先是源自于她们的那颗心,她们是美丽的、智慧的、有爱心的。爱会给你带来更多的智慧。"——高级订制设计师郭培在"2008影响中国女性论坛"上解读女性成功因素。  相似文献   

"如果你不是一个百万富翁,就不要嫁给一个千万富翁。"——好莱坞华人女制片罗燕接受记者采访时如是说。"成为《花花公子》的封面女郎是许多女人的梦想,但我更想被载入《时代》杂志,这才是我的风格。"——乌克兰美女总理尤利娅?季莫申科对自己成为《花花公子》封面女郎一事非常淡然。  相似文献   

"如果太在意外界评价,就没有了自己的生活。成为新加坡公民是我自己的一个选择,没有必要向公众解释原因。"——演员巩俐接受中国著名节目主持人杨澜访问时,首度回应去年入籍新加坡后引发的争议。  相似文献   

"我想给大家一句话,优秀的女人是没有好下场的,除非你找到一个好老公。"——中国著名主持人杨澜接受某娱乐资讯节目专访时,有感而发。  相似文献   

<正>熊本熊谜之消失,三周它干了什么?九州地区发生里氏7.3级的强震,熊本县受灾严重。恩!就是那个在过去陪伴我们许久,带来不少欢乐的熊本熊老家。熊本熊在此期间消失了三周!它不见踪迹的三周时间里,网络上充斥着"Kumamon还活着吗?"的关切询问,但无论是Twitter还是官网都不见它的回应。这段时间的行踪虽然一直是个谜,不过无论是作为艺人,还是政客,抑或是日本第一个吉  相似文献   

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