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一、明确作图的三个条件 作比较简单的旋转图时,应具备三个条件:1.原图形;2.旋转中心;3.旋转方向和旋转角度.  相似文献   

曹迎乐 《高中生》2008,(8):29-30
资本主义经济发展的前提和条件资本主义经济发展的必备要素可以归纳为"三个前提和四个条件"。1.三个前提:①社会稳定(战乱和政局动荡都会破坏经济发展);②资本主义生产关系的建立;③资本主义生  相似文献   

"三个文明"与社会和谐在本质上是一致的;"三个文明"建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的前提和基础;构建社会主义和谐社会为"三个文明"建设创造有利的社会条件.  相似文献   

一、条件性滑动摩擦力产生的条件有三点:(1)接触面不光滑;(2)相互接触的物体间有弹力存在;(3)物体间存在相对运动或相对运动趋势.这三个条件,缺一个则滑动摩擦力为零.但当滑动摩擦力为零时,不具备的条件则多种多样.  相似文献   

柒文英 《文教资料》2008,(11):200-201,188
国家在大学生的奖助学金的评选中,提出了:热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导:遵守宪法和法律,遵守学校规章制度;诚实守信、道德品质优良这三个方面的基本条件.这三个基本条件可以说从三个不同的方面奠定了大学生自我发展的基础.  相似文献   

利用均值不等式(ab)/(1/2)≤a+b/2(a>0,b>0)求最值,要特别注意"一正、二定、三相等"这三个条件,只有同时满足这三个条件,才能取得最大值或最小值.解题时,为了满足三个条件,必须将式子作巧妙的变形,下面总结变形的十种策略.  相似文献   

洪芹 《初中生辅导》2023,(Z4):125-129
<正>三角形全等的判定及性质是图形与几何领域的一个重要内容,在北师大版七年级下册第四章,同学们已经探究了三角形全等的判定条件,其中角的判定条件使用较为广泛,因此说明角相等的常用条件值得关注,如:角的和差关系,余角、补角性质,三角形内角和定理,平角条件等;还要归纳常用解题思想方法,其中“一线三直角”是常见的一种类型,其特点是一条直线上的三个顶点含有三个相等的直角.利用“一线三直角”的条件我们可以转化得到新的角相等,从而为证明三角形全等创造条件.  相似文献   

张老师(以下简称师),打扰您了,我们(陈健、刘勇、王林等同学,以下简称生)想问您一些问题.师 没关系,有哪些问题,同学们提吧!生 张老师,我们学习等比性质需要注意哪些问题?师 需要注意三个问题:一是等比性质成立的条件;二是灵活应用等比性质解题;三是学会用参数法解证数学问题.生 等比性质成立的条件是什么?师 等比性质成立的条件有两个:一是几个比的值相等;二是各个比的后项之和不能为零.第二个条件容易忽视,而使解题出现错误,希望同学们特别注意.  相似文献   

我们从三个方面入手为学生建立了外语学习课外辅助教学平台。1.课外英、日语资料库学习平台;2.外语多媒体网络课堂学习平台;3.英、日语课外活动辅助教学平台。这三个辅助平台的应用,为学生自主学习和个性学习创造了条件,提供了开放式的语言学习环境。多种形式的外语辅助教学,在提高学生学习外语的兴趣、主动性、创造性和实际运用语言能力方面发辉了重要的作用。  相似文献   

为了防止错判与误写复分解反应,本文对有关复分解反应的学习说三道四如下:"三"--即发生复分解反应时对生成物所要求的三个条件.一是有沉淀析出;二是有气体放出;三是有水等难电离的物质生成.这三个条件只要具备其中之一,其复分解反应就能发生并趋于完成.例:(1)Na2CO3+Ca(OH)2=  相似文献   

20多年来,我国医学国家重点学科的建设取得了一定的进展。医学国家重点学科在专业分布、院校分布、省际分布、地域分布等方面不均衡的现状正在逐步改善,但问题依然存在。我国医学重点学科发展不均衡,既有经济因素、政策因素,也有学科成长因素。改变这种不均衡,一是从政策上扶持,二是凝练重点学科,发挥特色优势,三是注重整合资源,建立优化体系,四是超前规划结构,均衡专业发展。  相似文献   

我国学科建设制度从“重点”转向“一流”标志着由政府选择性重点学科建设向高校竞争性一流学科建设的范式转变。学科建设制度的演变经历了激进式制度变革、渐进式制度变革和断裂性制度变革三个阶段。从历史制度主义视角看,学科建设制度的形成与变革受经济体制、高等教育管理体制以及学科建设价值取向的深层结构影响;由于传统的制度惯性和组织行为惯习,学科建设制度呈现出较为明显的路径依赖特征;学科建设制度变革的根本动力在于多元主体博弈、政策学习机制以及外部示范效应。实践中,我国学科建设制度改革的关键在于重塑多元主体关系,健全学科动态调整机制,完善学科评估制度,以推动形成一流学科建设治理新格局。  相似文献   

This study investigates Braxton and Hargens’ (1996, Variations among academic disciplines: Analytical frameworks and research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Vol. XI, pp. 1–45) assertion of the profound and extensive effects of academic discipline as it might pertain to administrative work. Academic deans in research and doctoral institutions nationwide were surveyed to investigate the relationship between academic discipline and cognitive complexity in their administrative behavior. A bivariate regression showed that being from an applied field was a significant predictor while the influence of consensus was not significant. Discipline effects waned when other predictors were added, suggesting that when other factors are considered, the extent to which one is exposed to their particular disciplinary paradigms becomes more important than mere affiliation with a discipline. Split sample analyses demonstrated variable influence structures. Findings indicate that the effects of discipline cannot be discounted in framing studies of administrators’ perceptions of their leadership context and the behavior which necessarily flows from those perceptions.  相似文献   

教育社会学学科论包括学科要素与学科历史两个基本论域,学科要素则主要由研究对象、学科性质及方法论三者构成。通览我国教育社会学近百年的学科论,可概括大要为如下四则:"一涉",即研究方法论上的"价值涉性";"二说",即研究对象上的"社会化过程说"与"相互关系说";"三论",即学科性质上的"规范学科论"、"事实学科论"及"事实与规范兼有论";"四段",即学科历史上的"初创"、"停滞"、"重建"及"转型"四个阶段。本文以史带论地检视了我国教育社会学学科论中的四个困扰性问题:研究对象上长期主导的"关系说"其实并不能标示教育社会学的学科独特性,学科性质上不得不坚持的"事实学科论"事实上难以成立,学科历史上惯常的"三段论"不免失之粗混,方法论上的"综合论"实乃说到容易做到难。  相似文献   

Though the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations aim to end all forms of violence against minors, child maltreatment remains a globally prevalent phenomenon. Despite the fact that parents in numerous countries apply violent discipline methods to control children’s behavior, little is known about the prevalence of maltreatment and violent discipline in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this study, we examined the prevalence of maltreatment and violent discipline from both the adolescents’ and parents’ perspectives. In addition, we explored risk factors that could be associated with violent discipline by parents. We administered questionnaires to a nationally representative sample of 700 Tanzanian secondary school students (52% girls, mean age: 14.92 years, SD = 1.02, range: 12–17) and 333 parents or primary guardians (53% females; mean age: of 43.47 years, SD = 9.02, range: 19–71). More than 90% of all students reported exposure to violent discipline by a parent within the past year. Concurrently, more than 80% of parents acknowledged using violent discipline techniques. Using a path model, we found that violent discipline by parents was associated with parental stress. Other risk factors contributed to a higher stress level but were not directly linked to maltreatment. Our findings indicate high levels of violent discipline in Tanzanian families. There is a pressing need to design and implement interventions that prevent children from experiencing violence at home. Reducing parents’ stress levels may be a starting point for intervention. Yet, due to the high levels of violent discipline, societal beliefs also need to be considered.  相似文献   

基础学科与应用学科的协调发展虽然不是大学学科建设的唯一内容,但两者之间的关系是提高大学学科水平的重要因素之一。文章通过对世界一流大学的具体分析,总结出它们在基础学科与应用学科协调方面的共同成功因素,以期为我国大学基础学科与应用学科协调发展提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We attempted to identify factors that can be applied in primary and secondary prevention programs and expand the understanding of why those who were not abused may engage in abusive behavior. The purpose of this research was to explore how young adults' attributions of whether they deserved their childhood discipline, as well as their abuse history, relate to physical child abuse potential and their discipline plans for their future children. METHOD: A sample of 140 non-parent college students were asked to report on their discipline history, perceptions of that discipline, child abuse potential, and expected discipline practices. An age range of 18-20 was targeted for multiple reasons, including the suitability of these young adults for primary and secondary prevention programs. RESULTS: Analyses revealed that both physical child abuse potential and future discipline practices were independently predicted by respondents' belief that they deserved their discipline in conjunction with the harshness of their childhood discipline. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that the attributions of self-blame held by young adults about their discipline experiences are significant for increasing physical abuse potential regardless of whether the individual reports a history of abuse.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite persistent discouragement from professionals, U.S. parents, especially Black parents, highly endorse physical discipline, which also is a risk factor for physical maltreatment. Few studies have examined physical discipline heterogeneity or maltreatment, and predictive demographic and contextual factors within the same population.ObjectiveThis exploratory study aimed to identify subgroups of Black parents’ use of early childhood physical discipline. It also examined whether demographic and contextual factors’ relations with physical discipline were similar or different from those with physical maltreatment.Participants and setting310 Black parents from three geographically-distinct high-risk U.S. communities participated in home-based interview and survey data collection.MethodsWe conducted latent class analyses to identify sub-groups among Black parents characterized by physical discipline frequency and type. Bolck, Croon, and Hagenaars method and binary logistic regression were conducted to examine relations between demographic and contextual factors (child gender, family income, marital status, parental education, family stress and perceived neighborhood safety), discipline and maltreatment.ResultsThree physical discipline classes, which differed in frequency and type, were identified among Black parents. Only income was significantly related to both discipline (x2 = 18.97, p < .001) and maltreatment (OR = 1.03, p < .01). Child gender (x2 = 6.66, p < .01), never-married status (x2 = 13.94, p < .001), parental education (x2 = 10.32, p < .001), and neighborhood safety (x2 = 7.57, p < .01) also significantly related to discipline. Family stress was significantly related to physical maltreatment (OR = 1.42, p < .001).ConclusionsDiffering demographic and contextual factor relations with physical discipline and maltreatment within a Black population should be considered when identifying parents at-risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: According to sociological and ecological models of abuse, typically nonabusive parents could behave abusively towards their children under certain circumstances. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that place parents at risk of abusing their children by predicting parents' use of discipline practices and attitudes that may bias parents towards abusive behaviors, which we refer to as abuse-proneness. METHOD: A telephone interview was administered by the Gallup Organization to a nationally representative sample of 1,000 parents. Using a set of theoretically relevant risk factors, multiple regression was used to predict variations in parental attitudes (i.e., attitudes towards physical discipline and attitudes that devalue children) and parental discipline practices (i.e., physical discipline, nonphysical discipline, and verbal abuse). RESULTS: The findings confirmed the importance of examining elements of parental attitudes, history, personality characteristics, as well as religion and ideology in predicting abuse proneness. Child age also was an important predictor in all analyses except predicting parental attitudes that devalue children. The findings suggest also, however, that it may be unduly simplified to regard parents as somewhere on a continuum of nonpunitive to punitive disciplinarians. Social isolation was not a significant predictor in any of the analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Although many important theoretical predictors of abuse proneness were confirmed, many questions arise regarding the diversity of discipline practices that parents use, and the relevance of child's age and social isolation in predicting abuse proneness. Implications for practitioners and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

对学科和学科建设的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对学科的内涵及其要素进行了归纳和梳理;并在此基础上提出,遵循学科自身发展的规律,促进学科理论的发展与创新,加强学科组织系统的建设与管理,研究和探索学科规训制度与方法,是当前高校学科建设的主要任务和目标。  相似文献   

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