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一、回族女童教育是宁夏基础教育的“老大难”宁夏基础教育的大头在农村,难点在回族聚居的南部山区,其中最为薄弱的环节是回族女童教育.解放以后.宁夏曾讲行过几次大规模的普及初等教育工作,但都未能达到预期的目的.这除去当时大环境局限和影响的因素外,相当一部分女童不入学也是一个重要原因.《中华人民共和国义务教育法》明文规定:“凡年满六周岁的儿童,不分性别、民族、种族,应当入学接受规定年限的义务教育.”为分区规划,分步实施义务教育做准备,1987年我们组织调查组对全区回族聚居的农村回族女童入学情况进行了抽样调查.调查结果表明,回族女童入学率为79.6%,比回族男童低8个百分点.据对不同地区的6乡18所小学1981年入学的1056名儿童跟踪调查.  相似文献   

为了考察广西壮族农村儿童家庭环境及其对儿童入学准备的影响,我们对广西某县4个乡镇的409名壮族农村儿童(平均年龄为77个月,标准差为3.63)和他们的父母进行了研究。研究工具根据美国研究院的儿童入学准备测验和父母问卷改编而成。结果表明,父母是否在家对儿童入学准备成绩有一定影响。根据父母受教育水平、家庭收入、父母对孩子的教育期望等分组的儿童在入学准备成绩上有显著差异。回归统计分析表明,家庭学习环境、母亲受教育水平和家庭收入是预测儿童入学准备成绩的重要指标。  相似文献   

本研究基于英国剑桥大学入学准备之《早期技能与支持指标评估简表》(BESSI),对黑龙江省H市A、B、C、D四所幼儿园的4个大班,共计101名4.5-5.5岁儿童进行入学准备水平评估。结果发现:城市地区大班4.5-5.5岁儿童入学准备具有片面性、不均衡性以及性别差异性,具体表现为:在语言和认知发展领域准备最为充分,不存在明显问题;在行为适应及日常生活技能方面,部分学前儿童入学准备不足;在家庭支持方面指导缺位或指导不当;入学准备水平在性别上存在显著差异,且男童入学准备水平低于女童。基于此,在学前儿童的入学准备工作中,不同利益相关者尽量关注儿童的性别差异;关注入学准备的重要性;构建科学化的认知准备内容;强调家庭支持在入学准备中的关键作用;提供综合化的入学准备专项服务,以提升学前儿童的入学准备水平。  相似文献   

本研究通过儿童入学准备综合测评工具对60名迟说话儿童及313名语言正常发展儿童进行测验,考察了迟说话儿童与语言正常发展儿童的入学准备水平是否存在差异,以及这些差异表现在哪些方面.结果表明,学前组和小学组的迟说话儿童入学准备水平总分(M学前472.04,M小学=474.54)均低于语言正常发展儿童(M学前=505.36,M小学=504.88),二者差异显著(F学前=18.57,p<0.001;F小学=8.86,p<0.01);在五个分测验上,学前组迟说话儿童五领域得分都显著低于正常儿童,小学组迟说话儿童除了在情绪与社珑会性和动作技能上与语言正常发展儿童差异不显著外,其它三个分测验上的得分仍显著低于正常儿童.这表明迟说话儿童的整体入学准备水平显著落后于语言正常发展儿童.  相似文献   

社会经济地位不利儿童的入学准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入学准备状态是指学龄前儿童为了能够从即将开始的正规学校教育中受益所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。国外关于社会经济地位不利儿童入学准备状态研究的新进展是:(1)低社会经济地位儿童的入学准备状况;(2)影响低社会经济地位儿童入学准备的背景因素;(3)改善低社会经济地位儿童入学准备状况的干预措施。  相似文献   

以重庆和成都509名流动儿童和245名城市儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察两地流动儿童自尊发展特点及其与学校归属感的关系。结果表明:(1)非流动儿童自尊平均得分显著高于流动儿童;(2)流动儿童的自尊发展水平存在显著的性别差异显著,男生的自尊水平显著低于女生;(3)流动儿童的自尊与同伴关系和学校融入显著正相关,与学校环境和教师行为相关不显著。  相似文献   

本研究对广西农村壮族儿童的入学准备状况进行了一年的跟踪调查,即在5岁和6岁时分别对儿童的入学准备状况进行了考察.第一次500名(年龄M=65个月,SD=3.63),第二次409名(年龄M=77个月,SD=3.63)儿童参加了研究.研究工具在美国研究院设计的儿童入学准备测验的基础上改编而成.结果表明,尽管壮族农村儿童的入学准备得分在入小学前的一年中有了明显的进步,但壮族农村儿童的入学准备明显不足,尤其在早期读写、数学技能以及颜色认知方面与城乡汉族儿童的差距很大.壮族农村6岁儿童在入学准备得分上不存在性别差异,但是来自不同乡镇的儿童得分有显著差异.  相似文献   

采用《中国中学生心理健康量表》、《留守儿童安全感量表》和《生活事件量表》对2219名农村留守儿童进行调查,结果发现:(1)留守儿童的心理健康状况普遍堪忧,不同安全感水平下心理健康差异显著;(2)生活事件、安全感与心理健康呈显著相关;(3)安全感在生活事件影响心理健康的过程中发挥了显著的调节作用;(4)安全感在生活事件与心理健康之间发挥部分中介作用;(5)留守处境是影响心理健康的重要原因,安全感在留守处境与心理健康之间发挥了完全中介作用。  相似文献   

入学语言准备是预测后续学业成绩的有力指标之一,提高儿童的入学语言准备水平有助于缩小儿童发展的阶层差距和城乡差距,促进实现教育公平。对浙江、江西和四川三省108所幼儿园中的1 359名学前一年幼儿进行了入学语言准备状况测查并比较了城乡差异发现,城乡学前一年幼儿语言发展普遍存在不同步、不均衡现象。无论是城市还是县城、乡镇、农村的幼儿,在听—动转换、细微差异识别、汉字结构意识、前阅读技能等维度上的发展水平都优于其他维度,阅读理解和口语表达能力发展水平最差;城乡学前一年幼儿入学语言准备存在极其显著的差异,而且差异体现在入学语言准备的各个维度上。城市和县城幼儿入学语言准备水平显著高于乡镇和农村幼儿。应尽快普及学前一年教育,优先在乡镇和农村地区有质量地普及学前一年教育。  相似文献   

生态学模型是目前被普遍认同的研究儿童入学准备的理论模型。从生态学的视角进行审视,农村学前留守儿童的入学准备教育存在一定问题,分别表现在儿童自身准备状态、儿童家庭准备状态和幼儿园准备状态三个方面。农村学前留守儿童入学准备教育须尊重儿童的主体性需求,家庭要为儿童的入学准备提供内在支持,幼儿园要为儿童的入学准备提供充分保障,以此为基础共同构建农村学前留守儿童入学准备教育的有效支持系统。  相似文献   

Consistent evidence that the effect of preschool intervention on cognitive achievement fades with the passage of time has resulted in a search for mediators of preschool. This study investigated factors that play a role in mediating the effects of a government funded Child–Parent Center preschool program. The school adjustment of 266 low-income, mostly Black preschool children and of 125 comparison group children were matched on neighborhood characteristics and were traced from kindergarten through the third year of school (1986–1989). Data were collected from children, parents, and teachers on entering kindergarten cognitive readiness, teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, parental involvement at home and in school, grade retention, assignment to special education, school mobility and cognitive achievement in reading and mathematics. Results of a latent-factor structural model indicated that preschool influenced later achievement and retention indirectly rather than directly. Four major pathways through which preschool exerted its effect included (1) cognitive readiness, (2) cognitive readiness and teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, (3) teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, and (4) parent involvement and school mobility. Cognitive readiness, teacher ratings, and parent involvement also transmitted effects to grade retention. That preschool's influence on later outcomes is largely indirect indicates its dependency on intervening factors in exerting effects. These intervening factors appear to be critical in promoting school success of children at risk.  相似文献   

Consistent evidence that the effect of preschool intervention on cognitive achievement fades with the passage of time has resulted in a search for mediators of preschool. This study investigated factors that play a role in mediating the effects of a government funded Child-Parent Center preschool program. The school adjustment of 266 low-income, mostly Black preschool children and of 125 comparison group children were matched on neighborhood characteristics and were traced from kindergarten through the third year of school (1986-1989). Data were collected from children, parents, and teachers on entering kindergarten cognitive readiness, teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, parental involvement at home and in school, grade retention, assignment to special education, school mobility and cognitive achievement in reading and mathematics. Results of a latent-factor structural model indicated that preschool influenced later achievement and retention indirectly rather than directly. Four major pathways through which preschool exerted its effect included (1) cognitive readiness, (2) cognitive readiness and teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, (3) teacher ratings of socioemotional maturity, and (4) parent involvement and school mobility. Cognitive readiness, teacher ratings, and parent involvement also transmitted effects to grade retention. That preschool's influence on later outcomes is largely indirect indicates its dependency on intervening factors in exerting effects. These intervening factors appear to be critical in promoting school success of children at risk.  相似文献   

Although preschool has been shown to improve children's school readiness in many developing countries, preschool attendance in poor rural areas of China is still low. The high cost of preschool is often regarded as a major barrier to attendance. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of a one-year voucher/CCT intervention on preschool attendance and school readiness. To do so, we conducted a randomized controlled trial among 150 young children in a poor, rural county in China. Our analysis shows that the intervention, consisting of a tuition waiver and a cash transfer conditional on attendance, raised attendance by 20 percentage points (or by 35%). However, the intervention did not have measurable impact on children's school readiness. We believe that poor quality of preschool education in rural China (in terms of both teaching and facilities) contributes to our findings.  相似文献   

Attachment is the emotional bond between children and their caregivers (parents or otherwise). Infants and young children usually have more than one selective attachment, and all of these attachment relationships, including those between children and teachers, have important effects on cognitive and social development. Secure attachment to a preschool teacher may help children to improve their preschool experience. Recent studies suggest that the adverse effect of inadequate preschool experiences can lead to skill deficiencies that mimic the effects of basic cognitive deficits. This study evaluates the relationships among attachment to preschool teachers, school readiness, and the risk for developing learning difficulties in preschoolers using three measures: the School Readiness 4-5 battery, the Precocious Identification of Learning Difficulties, and the Attachment Q Set. This study examined 152 preschoolers. The results showed that attachment to preschool teachers is related to linguistic development level, the psychomotor skills involved in school readiness, and learning difficulty risk.  相似文献   

Arts enrichment provides varied channels for acquiring school readiness skills and may offer important educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds and with diverse needs. Study 1 examined achievement within an arts enrichment preschool that served low-income children. Results indicated that students practiced school readiness skills through early learning, music, creative movement, and visual arts classes. Students who attended the preschool for 2 years demonstrated higher achievement than those who attended for 1 year, suggesting that maturation alone did not account for achievement gains. Across 2 years of program attendance and four time points of assessment, students improved in school readiness skills, and there were no significant effects of race/ethnicity or developmental level on achievement growth. Study 2 compared students attending the arts enrichment preschool to those attending a nearby alternative on a measure of receptive vocabulary that has been found to predict school success. At the end of 1 year of attendance, students in the arts program showed greater receptive vocabulary than those at the comparison preschool. Results suggest that arts enrichment may advance educational outcomes for children at risk.  相似文献   

The current project examined school readiness outcomes of children participating in a preschool professional development initiative, Winning Beginnings Learning Circles, which focused on school readiness and teacher professional development. Children were assessed on knowledge and understanding of school readiness concepts in the fall and spring of each school year, and outcomes were reported back to preschool staff to be incorporated into teaching strategies. Preschool teachers and administrators attended monthly professional development seminars that consisted of workshops in child development and social-emotional health, parent engagement, and use of data as evidence-based best practices. Preschool assessment data from the first 2 years of the project showed significant increases in average scores from pre- to post-assessment on school readiness, self/social awareness, and quantity subtests. Kindergarten assessment data indicated that children who remained in the project for at least one full year outperformed comparable peers and the average for the school district they attended as kindergartners. The results highlight the potential of professional development programs and the importance of teacher quality in promoting positive outcomes for preschool children.  相似文献   

采用入学准备测评工具SRTB-CV,对170名大班儿童进行测试,结果表明,流动儿童在行为帮助、精细运动、感觉运动和大运动技能发展方面优于本地儿童,但在学习方式、认知发展、言语发展,以及情绪与社会性发展领域显著落后于本地儿童。因此,流动儿童家长、社区教育、幼儿园等必须多方面促进流动儿童入学准备;政府应实施针对流动儿童的补偿性学前教育,改善流动儿童早期教育的条件。  相似文献   


Investments in preschool programs for children from disadvantaged backgrounds have historically been supported by research showing that these programs help children build school readiness skills and narrow the income-achievement gap. However, results from recent studies of the links between preschool participation and increases in school readiness skills are more mixed. Significant variation in regular preschool attendance and the availability of high-quality early learning environments could help explain mixed findings on preschool effectiveness. Using data from a preschool expansion demonstration project, we explored associations between children's attendance rates, classroom quality, and neighborhood poverty and children's fall to spring gains in a set of important school readiness skills in executive functioning. Children (N = 197) lived in neighborhoods where 26% of households (range = 0 – 92%) lived below the poverty line and attended 48 classrooms in public and private settings. Attendance rates, including chronic absenteeism, were significantly associated with children's gains in executive functioning skills, but only when children attended high-quality classrooms. Results suggest that efforts to increase attendance rates may benefit children's executive functioning skills among children living in higher poverty neighborhoods the most when communities also invest in increasing preschool classroom quality.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between preschool children’s social-interpersonal skills and their transition to school in the beginning months of kindergarten. One hundred and thirty-three preschool children participated in this study. During the spring of the pre-kindergarten year, children’s social-interpersonal skills were assessed as well as rated by teachers. In the follow-up year, parents/guardians and teachers reported on children’s adjustment to kindergarten. The results of this study found no association between parents’/guardians’ and teachers’ reports of children’s adjustment and readiness in kindergarten. Children’s social-interpersonal skills were negatively associated with teachers’ reports of children’s kindergarten readiness difficulties. The findings of this study indicate that children’s early social skills, developed prior to entering kindergarten, are important for children’s readiness for school.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Policymakers preschool reforms that are to prepare young children for school success have sparked important conversations within the field of early childhood education over how these programs are to ready young children for school. This article presents findings from a case study that examined this issue of school readiness across a collection of pre-k programs. Doing so illustrates how preschool reforms can impact early childhood stakeholders' understanding of school readiness, what it is they do with their students in their programs, and why. Practice or Policy: These findings demonstrate how policymakers' pre-k reforms can tighten the link between preschool and elementary school in a way that prioritizes the goals of K-12 education systems. They also suggest that for those who want to expand the construct of school readiness they should do so in a way that addresses and recognizes the challenges pre-k stakeholders in local contexts face on a day-to-day basis. For policymakers, there appears to be an opportunity and willingness within the ECE community for preschool reform. They should take advantage of this willingness for change by considering policy solutions that value the complexity of the child and of the field of early education itself.  相似文献   

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