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教学设计 一、Classroom Period (课时):1 二、Teaching Aims(教学目标) (一)Knowledge Aims(知识目标) 1.Review Unit 3. 2.Grasp thefollowing numbers: thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,one hundred,nine hundred andninety-nine.  相似文献   

Function(功能):Talking about feelings Teaching points(重点):1.Vocabulary:feel,sad,miss,bored,angry,nothing,secret,tell,surprise2.Sentences:(1)Are you feeling sad?No.(2)What’s the matter?Nothing.3.Describing feelings.Teaching aids(教具):CAI,computers,audi  相似文献   

ese 《考试》2004,(10)
Teaching47-48G633.3H130;42;HH130_42;崔国明00030004001146-47高考作文:再给一点空间如何?魏永雅湖北江陵县教育局教研室 4341000语文教学通讯The Communication of Chinese Teaching49-50G634.34H130;42;HH130_42;魏永雅00030004001148-49海南省中语会选举产生新一届理事会0语文教学通讯The Communication of Chinese Teaching50G633.3H130;42;HH130_42;00030004001149历年高考阅卷之“体悟”阿山浙江绍兴柯桥中学 3120300语文教学通讯The Communication of Chinese Teaching51-52G634.33H130;42;HH130_42;阿山000300040  相似文献   

一、教材分析A nalysis ofThis Lesson1.教学内容Teaching contents本节课主要内容为学生描述对物品的喜好和问路的日常用语。2.教学重点Teaching points(1)学习、运用单词“hats,postcards,T-shirts,stickers”与句型“Ilike these hats.”。(2)学习、运用单词“store,restaur  相似文献   

教学步骤(Teaching Steps) Step 1.Warmingup 1.Sing a song".We can sing and dance". T:Hello,boys and girls.Let's enjoy ourselves.I can sing.I can dance,too. Howa bout you?Ss:We  相似文献   

Teaching points(重点):1.Vocabulary:yesterday clean finish wash dirtySentences:Yesterday,I cleaned my room.I washedmy trousers.Then I helped my mum.2.Using the expressionsthe verbs of the past formto describe the past activities.Teaching aid(教具):CAI,recorder,cardsTeaching steps:1.Warming up:ChantingT:Today I show you a  相似文献   

图G的点PI指标指的是:取遍G中的每一条边,满足到这条边两个端点距离不相等的点的个数.为了得到五角链的点PI指标,把它的边分成三类并分别进行计算,可以得到五角链的点PI指标.利用PIv(G)=mn-∑S(e),给出二部图点PI指标的界:(n-1)n≤PIv(G)≤n.  相似文献   

Teaching content:Unit 1 cultural relicsreading Teaching goals:1)Train the students'reading ability 2 )Learn som ething aboutthe Amber Room 3 )Learn som e useful phrases Teaching Methods & Aids:1)Task-based learning 2 ) CAI (multi-media,com puter,tape recorder,blackboard)  相似文献   

设图G=G(V,E),令函数f:E→{-1,1},f的权w(f)=∑x∈Ef[x],对x∈E中任一元素,定义f[x]=∑y∈N[x]f(y),这里N[x]表示E中x及其关联边的集合.图G的边符号控制函数为f:E→{-1,1},满足对所有的x∈E有f[x]≥1,图G的边符号控制数γS(G)就是图G上边符号控制数的最小权,称其f为图G的γS-函数.本文得到了Petersen图类的边符号控制数.  相似文献   

(T-teacher, Ss-students, S-student, C-class) Teaching materials: Learning English Student Book 7, Lesson 17: Seasons Teaching aims: 1. Help Ss grasp the 4 - skill words: season,spring, summer, fall, winter.  相似文献   

Teaching Aims:(1)Make the Ss get interested in learning English.(2)Help the Ss recite and master the English vocabu-lary effectively.Teaching Difficulty and Important point:How to help the Ss master the vocabu  相似文献   

(T-teacher, Ss-students, S-student, C-class)   Teaching materials: Learning English Student Book 7, Lesson 17: Seasons   Teaching aims: 1. Help Ss grasp the 4 - skill words: season,spring, summer, fall, winter.……  相似文献   

令简单图G =(V ,E)是有p个顶点q条边的图 .假设G的顶点和边由 1 ,2 ,3,… ,p +q所标号 ,且f:V∪E {1 ,2 ,… ,p+q}是一个双射 .如果对所有的边xy ,f(x) +f(y)+f(xy)是常量 ,则称图G是边幻图 (edge magic) .文 [1 ]中猜测树是边幻图 .本文证明了三路树P(m ,n ,t)当m ,n ,t为偶数且相等时为边幻图 .  相似文献   

Junior English Book Ⅲ Class type(课型):Revision(复习)课Topic(课题):The Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时)Teaching objectives(教学目标):知识与技能:1.Help the students to grasp the grammar of the Present Perfect Tense(复习、掌握语法现在完成时)2.提高学生的听、说、读、写、译的技能。  相似文献   

Function(功能):Talking about comparisons.Teaching points(重点):1.The comparative degree of adjective.2.Vocabulary:old young than strong  相似文献   

设G=(V,E)是一个非空图,一个函数f:E→{-1,1},如果满足∑e’∈N[e]f(e’)≥1对于每一条边e∈E(G)均成立,则称f为图G的一个符号边控制函数。图G的符号边控制数记为r’s(G),定义为r’s(G)=min{∑e∈E(G)f(e)︱f}为G的一个符号边控制函数。全文对图的符号边控制函数进行了研究,得到了图的符号边控制数的若干新的下界。  相似文献   

Teaching A im s:1.Listen and say:W hat's in your schoolbag?Ihave…2.G rasp the num bers from zero to nine andstationery item s.3.K now plural form s.4.G uide thepupils to enjoy the happiness of success of usingEnglish and train them the ability of listening andspeaking.T eaching process:Step1.W arm ing up1.Sing a song.2.Show num bers.3.A ction.(D esign m eans:通过课前热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动了学生的学习兴趣,为本课教学创造了积极的氛围。)Step2.Presentation1.Lead inT:Look,Thisism y schoo…  相似文献   

设G=(V,E)是一个图,一个函数f:E→[0,1]如果对所有的边e∈E(G),都有∑e∈N(e’)f(e)≥1成立,则称f为图G的一个Fractional边全控制函数,简记为F边全控制函数,此处N(e’)表示G中与边e’相关联的边集。图G的F边全控制数定义为γ’tf(G)=min{∑e∈E(G)f(e)f是G的一个F边全控制函数}.本文得到了一般图的F边全控制数的若干界限,还确定了一些特殊图的F边全控制数。  相似文献   

一、L esson 10 1& 10 2教学建议1.Properties:Tape recorder,some pictures2 .Teaching Objectives:Students should master the dialogues,usefulexpressions and some words about the career.3.L anguage Focus:What is he/ she?=What's his job?What's herjob?Where does he study?Where does she work?Some words about the job and the places.4 .Teaching Procedures:(1) Warm up:Brain storm— How do you knowabout job?T:I work in a school and I teach you Englisheveryday,so I am a teacher,an English teacher.(…  相似文献   

<正>语言学家D.A.Wilkins在Linguistics in Language Teaching(1972)一书中论述了词汇教学在交际中的重要性:"Without vocabulary,nothing can be conveyed."[1]针对目前词汇教学效果不甚理想的情况,为了促进教师多渠道词汇教学,把枯燥的词汇教学与生活情境  相似文献   

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