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I did not expect that my book would be translated into Japanese when I made up my mind in the fall of 1991 to write a book on Confucius, the greatest scholar in China's five-thousand year history. Nor did I expect to be invited to an academic symposium in Japan to address over 1,000 scholars and experts on the topic of how I wrote that book.  相似文献   

Li Shizhen, a noted doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and scholar of herbs in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), compiled Compendium of Materia Medica. The book is recognized as a classic guidance book for traditional Chinese doctors today. Five hundred years later, Feng Hongqian has compiled a similar four-volume book of herbs for veterinary medicine. Feng's achievement is compared favorably with Li's classic.Though famed in the small circle, Feng is neither a professor nor a professional researcher on the medicine. Now retired in his 70s, Feng  相似文献   

Editor-in-chief of Cultural Dialogue asked me to write something about my associations with Qian Zhongshu in his evening years. As it happens that I have just written a book on the same subject, here are some stories adapted from the book. I had heard of Qian Zhongshu long before I finally met him. In the mid 1950s when I studied at the Chinese Department of Beijing University,  相似文献   

Changing China: A Geographical Appraisalis a book by Chiao-min Hsieh, Max Lu andpublished in August 2003 by Westview Press.The 496-page paperback provides a latestaccount of China in maps and graphs. Withupdated information and fair academic appraisalof unprecedented social and economic changesof the vast country, the book is applauded in thewestern world. Ten American universities andcolleges have chosen it as the textbook.As a result of contributions from adistinguished team of geograp…  相似文献   

马安德(Andrew Ch.Mckillop),英国出版商,拥有剑桥大学教育学硕士学位。他涉足出版业的第一份工作是1976年到中国外文局外文出版社担任了一年多的外国专家,后辗转于柯林斯和哈伯柯克林斯、兰登书屋等大型出版公司,担任过编辑总监、发行总监,目前他是图书咨询网book2book发行总监。他一直心系中国的对外出版事业,给中国出版界的同仁提供了很多宝贵的建议。  相似文献   

熊蕾 《对外大传播》2008,(11):25-26
2008年5月,我和美国爱奥瓦大学新闻传播系教授朱迪·波罗鲍姆合作的一本书,在美国出版了,这就是关于中国新闻界变化的口述实录——《中国墨水:中国新闻界变脸》(China Ink:The Changing Face of Chinese Journalism)。我们采访了20位年龄在40岁以下的新闻记者,他们有的来自中央媒体,有的来自市场媒体。  相似文献   

Fans in China date back to four thousand years ago. Cui Bao of the Jin Dynasty(265-420AD) mentioned in Annotations of The Past and The Present, "Shun the Emperor made Five-Ming Fans." The scholar said in the same book that the Emperor Gaozong of the Yin Dynasty(14th-  相似文献   

Recently,Cai Xiaowan has been somewhat lionized in the media.A man from Rui'an,Zhejiang Province,he has brought up five doctors and a master out of his six children."Being a Father is My Job",a book he wrote,caused a stir among parents across the country.For over half a year,Cai and his wife  相似文献   

One afternoon in October 2002, the famed 82-year-old photographer Jian Qingfu was watching TV at his home in Now York. As he clipped channels, he saw a Chinese art program teaching the basics of traditional Chinese painting based on a popular Chinese art textbook of 200 years old. This program brought back his childhood years when he learned his painting skills from this book.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: this is an abbreviated version of a foreword to Charms of Ceramic Glaze, a book by Guo Yi. Zhang Huasheng is a celebrated painter and director of Zhejiang Arts Academy. The earliest human invention is probably pottery. The only color that lasts is probably pottery tints and porcelain glaze, even if the very ancient pottery and porcelain utensils made by our earliest ancestors have long since been broken to shards.  相似文献   

I like what I feel on a trip. Rich is a life full of journeys through the world. On a trip, I meet strangers and find myself touched by something in them. I find friendship, courage, solace, and hope in the people I have never met before. When David Youkey asked me to co-write a book about our travel, I hesitated, doubting that my pen was good enough. But David encouraged  相似文献   

A wetland spreading on the western fringe ofHangzhou, West Creek is typical of the waterscenery frequently seen in areas south of theYangtze River in the eastern part of China. Waterscenic spots in the creek area, only one step awayfrom modern noises of downtown Hangzhou,will serve as important tourist attractions in astrategic plan for the westward expansion of thecity's scenic area.The serene wetland beauty was firstmentioned in a book published in the SouthernSong Dynasty (1124-1276). I…  相似文献   

Adornments are what people wear for image decoration. Of the 56 nations in China, each of these ethnic people has its own unique jewels made of unique materials. Experts say that each ethnic group has adornments that reflect its particular history, rehgious thoughts and aesthetic pursuits. In a word, these adornments are a book of tribal history and cuhure. Experts observe that the adornments of Chinese ethnic peoples have five clisdnguished characteristics. Long history Archaeological discoveries point to the prehistoric times when our ancestors made  相似文献   

"There were 11 people in my family. Eight died of plague deliberately spread by Japanese troops in the germ warfare. My fathered roared like a lion in extreme agony and died. My mother died in pain too, her fingers scratching the bed, all the nails out of place and bleeding. I don't want to recall the scene. Say no more," cried Wang Rongliang, a farmer in a small village called Chongshan Village, Yiwu City of Zhejiang Province. He wiped his eyes while telling me about the past. It was summer of 1991, when I was first meeting the germ war victims. The gettogether was shocking. I first came to know the germ incident in Chongshan Village through a book called Atrocities Committed  相似文献   

October 18th of 1990 saw China's first museum for Yue operaopen its door to aficionados.A three-story affair,the museum is setat the foot of a hill in Shengxian county where the third most influentialopera in China originated.Just like a huge history book,the museumfaithfully records the local opera's evolution over the last 150 years orso.All the items on display show how a local opera came into being,went through hardships and inspirational changes,and became a wonderfultheater phenomenon fascinating the whole nation.So far morethan 100,000 people from all over the world have visited the museumto see the genesis and glories of Yue opera.No one knows exactly how and when the original form of the Yueopera started.According to historians,the Yue opera was only“stage-  相似文献   

Born in 1924, Chen Yutang did not make his name in his youth. On the contrary, he blooms in his golden age. As an associate research fellow at Literature Institute of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Chen has devoted his life mainly to collecting and studying of names of historical personages in the contemporary period of China. So far all the books he has published bear references to names and his researches. One book is a large collection of names of influential people active in the social life during the 1911 revolution. Another is about bynames used by Chinese communists in the CCPC history. What makes Chen Yutang a national celebrity in the circles of history, education and literature is a dictionary he first published in 1993 named A Dictionary of Names and Aliases of People in Modern Times of China.  相似文献   

尚书 《生态文化》2012,(2):38-39
从西藏回京,我收到了《正成诗选》。连着看了两个昼夜,一字不漏地看完了,然后用心去品味,这可是一位县长正直的喟叹。读别人,其实也在读自己,读真、读善、读美的同时,也读作品背后的伪善,读美丽背后的丑恶,读微笑背后的狡诈。读人,最重要的是读懂怎样为人。读人,是为了要做一个真正的人。因此,品味别人的作品时,要谦和,要学会大度,由此才能读到一些有益于自己的东西,才能读出高尚,才能读出欢乐,才能读出幸福。《说着夏天,秋天来了》这首诗,  相似文献   

郭嘉 《文化交流》2016,(10):62-65
2016年9月5日,浙江作家海飞编剧的电视连续剧《麻雀》登陆荧屏.海飞是个温情的人,但坚持认为自己欣赏残酷,奇怪的是,二者在他身上好像并行不悖,一如他笔下民国时期繁华柔软的上海,鲜血与死亡却稀松平常.海飞是个横空出世的小说家,凭着对文字的天赋和执拗,瞬间改变了既定的潦草杂乱的生活,因此,我们也就不会奇怪他误打误撞进入编剧圈后,从《旗袍》开始,短短几年,《旗袍2》《大西南剿匪记》《从将军到士兵》《铁面歌女》《代号十三钗》《花红花火》《麻雀》,还有《太平公主秘史》《隋唐英雄》逐一呈现.他已然深陷谍战、迷恋传奇,就像喝一盅温润的绍兴黄酒,吱的几口下去,灯光柔美起来,眼神迷离惬意,微醺的悠然自得,正是时候.  相似文献   

“小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就是年.腊八粥,过几天,哩哩啦啦二十三.二十三,糖瓜儿粘;二十四,扫房日;二十五,炸豆腐;二十六,炖白肉;二十七,宰公鸡(一说宰年鸡);二十八,把面发;二十九,蒸馒头;三十儿晚上熬一宿;大年初一去拜年:您新禧,您多礼,一手的面不搀你,到家给你父母道个喜!”这就是老北京为了过年忙碌准备的民俗轮廓.以腊八为例,过去宫廷中也熬腊八粥,除赏赐给大臣外,还要回报一切曾施予恩惠的生命体,比如要给树抹一点,此外还要祭祖,主要目的是感念先人、神灵和他人之恩.而民间都是在炉子上抹腊八粥,表示感谢灶王爷.  相似文献   

林宣 《生态文化》2008,(3):I0001-I0001
5月12日,四川汶川大地震使卧龙自然保护区遭受重创,道路、电力、通讯全部中断,民房、大熊猫圈舍垮塌。面对突如其来的巨大灾害,卧龙人不顾个人安危,不怕牺牲,舍身救助外国游客,冒死抢救国宝大熊猫,谱写了一曲团结奋战的英雄凯歌。  相似文献   

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