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【高考导航】语言表达简明、连贯、得体、准确、鲜明、生动是近几年来高考考查频率近乎100%的重点之一。其命题特点主要有以下几种:(1)试题类型以主观题为主,如2014年高考试题安徽卷第19题、四川卷第19题、全国大纲卷第19题等;而连贯题的命题形式则向着主观题、选择题等多种形式并举的方向发展,如全国课标卷Ⅰ、Ⅱ的第15、16题,辽宁卷第15题和安徽卷第20题等。(2)语言材料则选用那些贴近现实生活、贴近学生实际的鲜活材料,具有很强的针对性和实用性。如2014年高考试卷中的中国珠算、中学生暑期考察、土壤呼吸、读书交流会、重拾童年记忆等。(3)本考点常与句式、修辞手法、压缩语段、扩展语句和图文转换等考点互相渗透,一起考查,对学生语言操作能力的考查加强。如2014年高考试题安徽卷第19题、江西卷第20题等。  相似文献   

【解析】本题考查语言的连贯。整个语段是一个说明性语段,说明狗的特点以及人们如何利用狗的特点来帮助人类自身。首先确定③作为首句,可以作为说明上文“狗是忠义、勇敢而又聪明的动物”的例子,而⑤作首句与上文无法衔接,因此排除C和D两项。⑥“代替主人做一些危险的事”是承接③来说的,体现狗忠义、勇敢的特点。  相似文献   

崔桂静 《课外阅读》2010,(7):134-134
语文教材中所选课文,无不是文质兼美的好文章,要真正把握好课文内容并非易事,在教学实践中,我总结了“博闻、精读、深思、静悟、畅叙”五步读书法,以期对课文有更好的把握。下面就以《梦游天姥吟留别》为例谈谈五步读书法的具体实施。《梦游》是李白遭权贵排挤被玄宗逐出长安时创作的古风,诗歌中充满了对黑暗现实的不满,对神仙理想生活的向往,尤其是诗歌最后发出的“安能摧眉折腰事权贵”的呐喊,更是一吐长安三年的郁闷之气,振聋发聩。这样一首恢宏大气极具教育意义的诗篇如何让体验并不深刻的学生深入把握呢?  相似文献   

谭洁 《湖南教育》2009,(9):39-40
新课程改革提倡让学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的学习教学法.这些教学方法的共同之处就是将启发式的教学思想贯穿教学过程的各个阶段,既体现学生的主体地位,又体现教师的主导地位.具体到课堂,就是“读、说、思、练”.  相似文献   

孩子的话:我们幼儿园的旁边正在造高楼,每天有那么高的吊车、铲土机在很忙地工作,旁边还有树、小土丘、河、巧克力颜色的泥土。我真高兴能很快、很成功地把它画完。哈哈!  相似文献   

扬子石化芳烃厂在组织不同层次员工讨论如何开展比、学、赶、帮、超活动过程中,有人提出了比、学、赶、帮、超究竟是应该关注过程,还是更应关注结果这一问题。其实,这是一个事物的两个方面,二者看似对立,但实质是统一而相辅相成的。  相似文献   

要全面提高英语教学质量,变传统教育为素质教育,必须考虑教法的问题。授课时要以学生为主体,以教师为主导,以课堂为中心,以听、说、读、写、议、讲、练为主线。听、说、读、写、议、讲、练是提高学生英语学习能力的密不可分的重要七环节。  相似文献   

我早年经历了战火的洗礼,后来又在地球村808个城市演讲,亲眼目睹了广大人民的幸福、快乐、痛苦和灾难,我曾多次发出呼唤:但愿大千世界无灾难,但愿人类社会无征战,但愿生活环境无污染,但愿人的一生无病患。我的呼唤赢得广大群众的共鸣,但我经常为之忧虑,因为要想实现并不容易。我为讲《中国文学史》、《中国文化史》、《中国图  相似文献   

“7、6、5、4、3、2、1……”倒数铃声后,考试正式开始。好一阵绞尽脑汁,望望别人——都忙着呢!“1、2、3、4、5、6、7”,我所在的这排一共有7个座位。  相似文献   

陆佳 《教师》2014,(12):19-20
国学经典蕴藏的智慧精髓和传统美德,是中国文化的生命之源,涵盖了中华五千年的文化、历史、根基和灵魂。而《弟子规》中留下了许多脍炙人口的经典故事,如:孔融让梨、亲尝汤药、孝感动天,等等。这些故事穿越历史、代代相传,它们彰显着中华民族的传统美德,浓缩了许多做人做事的道理和智慧,同时还是弘扬中华优秀传统文化、揭示纷繁历史变迁的窗口。  相似文献   

获得运动技术牵涉着诸多因素,其中教练员与运动员之间的语言交流,兼优化互补内在自身过程是有效掌握技能的关键。  相似文献   

听、说、读、写这个顺序是人们学习第一语言的基本顺序。读、说、听、写则是人们学习第二语言的顺序。第二语言的学习是在母语的符号思维系统已经建立起来并相当牢固之后开始的;第二语言的学习是在一种自觉状态中进行的,是一种有意识的学习。母语在第二语言的学习过程中起着极其重要的作用。双语共存的教学本质上是一种比较型教学。  相似文献   

Two experiments indicated that two approaches to serial learning are too extreme—the classical view that it consists only of interitem associations and various recent views that it involves no interitem associations. The novel assumption introduced here was that phrasing cues, normally conceptualized as merely segregating long series into smaller units or chunks, may also enter into associations with items, thereby reducing interitem interference and facilitating serial learning. It was found that one item could become a signal for another item, an interitem association, or be overshadowed by a phrasing cue, such as a brightness and temporal cue, also signaling that item. The items were .045-g pellets. Rats traversed a runway for items arranged in ordered series, 14-7-3-1-0 pellets (Experiment 1) or 10-2-0-10 (Experiment 2). Complete tracking of, for example, the 10-2-0-10 series would consist of fastest running to 10 pellets and slowest running to 0 pellets. In both investigations, the interitem association overshadowed was that between 0 pellets and the subsequent rewarded item, 0 → 14 (Experiment 1) or 0 → 10 (Experiment 2). Either repetitions of the 14-7-3-1-0 subpattern (Experiment 1) or merely the terminal 10-pellet item (Experiment 2) were phrased, both methods producing identical results. Overshadowing the 0-pellet item produced superior serial learning, more rapid extinction, and, in Experiment 1, considerable elevation of responding when the brightness phrasing cue was introduced in extinction, an effect said to be conceptually identical to spontaneous recovery and one demonstrating directly that phrasing cues are in reality overshadowing cues. It was suggested that many effects attributed to forgetting may be due to unrecognized overshadowing of memory cues by phrasing cues, giving rise to exaggerated estimates of forgetting.  相似文献   

This article examines and critiques the leadership capacity of department leaders in a high school and attempts to gain a deeper understanding of how department leaders perceive their role as teacher leaders, making a distinction between what an individual department leader does in his or her position and teacher leadership as a form of continuous learning and innovation through collaboration. How do department leaders practice leadership to improve student learning? The author provides an investigation and analysis of the current level of leadership capacity exhibited by department leaders in a high school. A close look at the role and function of department leaders in this high school reveals an absence of the teacher leadership necessary to promote the broad-based leadership capacity that results in improved student achievement.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate,monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener)in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively,while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%~102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):103-106

En este artículo, se reflexiona sobre las críticas hechas por Emilio Sánchez al Lenguaje Integrado. Estas críticas sugieren la necesidad de abrir paréntesis educativos donde se enseñe al niño a automatizar los procesos de reconocimiento de palabras, aspecto que no tiene en cuenta este movimiento. Sin embargo, veremos cómo la enseñanza aislada de estas habilidades ignora, por una parte, que la lectura y la escritura suponen adquirir conocimientos que van más allá del reconocimient o de palabras, y por otra, que dicho reconocimient o no se da sólo por vía fonológica, sino que precisa de otras vías de acceso léxico que funcionen en paralelo para que el reconocimiento sea efectivo en los procesos de comprensión de textos. Veremos cómo las actividades que propone el L.I. son las ideales para desarrollar estas habilidades.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener) in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively, while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%-102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

城市精神不是一个空泛的东西,它体现了城市中的人所具有的精神风貌,具体地说,它至少包括平等、契约、宽容、创新与共生等诸方面观念,这些观念则要通过教育获得.  相似文献   

Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, verschiedene Indikatoren der sozialen Herkunft bei der Quantifizierung von sozialen Disparit?ten zu vergleichen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der in PISA eingesetzte Index für den Economic, Social and Cultural Status (ESCS). Dieser umfasst sozio?konomische und kulturelle Ressourcen des Elternhauses und deckt damit das theoretische Konstrukt umfassender ab als andere Indikatoren der sozialen Herkunft. Anhand der internationalen Schülerdaten aus PISA 2003 und aus der nationalen Erg?nzungsstudie (PISA-E) wurden Regressionsanalysen mit verschiedenen Herkunftsindikatoren gerechnet. Neben dem ESCS wurden als Pr?diktoren der sozio?konomische Status (HISEI), der h?chste Bildungsabschluss umgerechnet in Bildungsjahre (PARED) und ein Index für h?usliche Besitztümer (HOMEPOS) berücksichtigt. Es zeigt sich, dass der ESCS in allen Bildungssystemen deutlich mehr Varianz in der mathematischen Kompetenz aufkl?rt als die Einzelpr?diktoren HISEI, PARED oder HOMEPOS. Auch in einer anschlie?enden Analyse zu sozialen Disparit?ten der Bildungsbeteiligung lieferte der ESCS differenziertere Befunde als der HISEI. Insgesamt wird der ESCS als valider und theoretisch umfassender Index der sozialen Herkunft eingesch?tzt.  相似文献   

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