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关于高校奖学金评定工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奖学金评定是高校学生管理的主要内容,也是高校学生思想政治教育的重要手段。奖学金的评定关系到学生的切身利益,也对学生各方面的引导起到非常关键的作用。通过对传统奖学金评定方式的研究,提出适合新形势下奖学金的评定方式,以期进一步完善现行奖学金评定制度。  相似文献   

当前大学生奖学金评定在具体实施过程中出现的某些评价指标难以量化,"马太效应"、奖学金比例分配不协调等问题,弱化了大学奖学金制度的基本功能.针对出现的这些问题,笔者提出相应改进奖学金评定办法的对策.  相似文献   

高校奖学金评定中的马太效应分析及其规避对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校奖学金评定过程中存在“马太效应”,在一定程度上削弱了奖学金的激励导向作用。马太效应产生的原因,主要来自教育的功利倾向、榜样教育、精英教育和评价不科学等方面,其规避对策是认识“马太效应”的负面影响、教育学生正确看待奖学金、合理设置奖学金和建立科学的奖学金评定机制。  相似文献   

高校辅导员处理学生奖学金评定工作的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李云 《华章》2009,(12)
学生的奖学金评定工作是每位高校辅导员老师每年都要面对的问题,对每位大学生来讲它不仅是奖金更是一种荣誉。通过对几年工作中奖学金评定问题的总结,得出了几点不错的经验供同行借鉴与探讨。同时也为高校辅导员处理学生奖学金评定过程中出现的问题提供了一些解决方法。  相似文献   

奖学金评定是高校学生管理的主要内容,也是高校学生思想政治教育的重要手段.奖学金的评定关系到学生的切身利益,也对学生各方面的引导起到非常关键的作用.通过对传统奖学金评定方式的研究,提出适合新形势下奖学金的评定方式,以期进一步完善现行奖学金评定制度.  相似文献   

完善高校奖学金评定工作刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校奖学金评定工作是高校学生工作的一个有力的鼓励、表彰措施。近些年来,在评定工作中遇到了不少的问题,我们对奖学金评定工作的完善与改进有一些全新思路。  相似文献   

高等学校奖学金评定工作是学生工作的一项重要内容,奖学金评定是否客观公正既关系到学生的切身利益,又能间接影响到到学校的学风校风。当前高等学校奖学金评定存在种类不丰富、方法不科学、程序不规范等问题,应该从源头上丰富奖学金种类,提高奖学金评定方法的可操作性,规范奖学金评定的程序。  相似文献   

高校奖学金评定工作是高校学生工作的一个有力的鼓励、表彰措施。近些年来,在评定工作中遇到了不少的问题,我们对奖学金评定工作的完善与改进有一些全新思路。  相似文献   

现在高校设立的奖学金越来越多,但是奖学金的评选还存在很多问题,例如透明度不高、学生参与面不够,奖学金评选不够公平、公正等.本文提出了一种奖学金评选制度--申请答辩制,可以从根本上解决以上问题,可为奖学金的评选提供参考.  相似文献   

高校奖学金评定是一种积极的教育管理行为,具有重要的激励和引导作用。针对当前我国高校奖学金评定的制度公布、申请、参与、审查和公示、救济等程序中存在的问题和不足,提出对高校奖学金评定程序进行完善的设想与建议,以期促进高校奖学金评定工作更加合法和规范,真正发挥高校奖学金的功能和作用,推进高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

对学术腐败的道德心理学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前 ,学术腐败有愈演愈烈的趋势 ,表现形式繁多 ,究其本质 ,乃以不正当行为谋取学术私利 (包括小集团的利益 )。从道德心理学上分析 ,浮躁心态、补偿心态、功利心态、侥幸心态、特权心态乃是学术腐败的心理之源。因此 ,大力加强学术道德与学术规范建设 ,是防治学术腐败的必由之路  相似文献   

国外大学出版社在大学中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外许多大学出版社在大学教育、科研和出版等方面占有重要地位。它们不仅通过在全世界的出版发行推广大学先进的教育、学术和科研理念,同时还发挥着服务教师、服务学术的重要作用。大学出版社作为大学的重要组成部分,与大学相互依存、互动发展,在思想、文化、教育和学术等方面发挥越来越大的作用。  相似文献   

汉至唐,春秋谷梁学经历了从私学——官学——私学——官学这一周期性演替过程,在这一过程中出现了西汉官学兴盛,东汉官学则不振,魏晋南北朝私学繁盛,至唐虽借重科举占有官学席位,但此时官学皆因学风的转捩而被抛出正常的学术轨道,千年之间形成两个波峰和三个低谷的学术曲线。西汉官学之盛与魏晋南北朝时期私学之盛有内在的区别,官学盛表现为政治地位的拔高,私学盛表现为民间学注疏学的高涨,这一切源于学术与政治之间的内在张力而形成的反向互动。因此,汉至唐代春秋谷梁学总的情形是官学与私学反向互动,形成了官学与私学之间的盛衰演替。  相似文献   

中美高校奖助学金运行模式有较大差异,美国奖助学金发放以"成绩和需要"为主要原则,而中国的奖助学金制度的运行模式呈现重在资助贫困而激励不足的特点,其存在的问题对于高等教育的培养质量和良好校风学风产生不良影响。借鉴美国高校奖助学金运行模式,对我国奖助学金制度进行重新设计,对于培养学生成人意识、促进学生全面发展有重要作用。同时,科学设计和透明公开的奖助学金制度也有助于引导更多的社会资本投入到高等教育领域。  相似文献   

The author takes Ernest Boyer's four‐part paradigm of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching as his starting point for the redefinition of curricula in the social sciences in an effort to make them more effective in the search for solutions to major human and societal problems. Drawing upon his knowledge of university social science and humanities programmes, he proposes and analyses ten paradoxes regarding the ideals and the realities of such programmes in order to explain what is wrong with academic practice today and to propose a holistic reform.  相似文献   

探究大学生对奖学金评定结果的归因倾向,有利于了解当代大学生的归因特征,有利于评估高校奖学金评选工作的规范性。以《大学生对奖学金评定结果归因倾向问卷》对河西学院1031名大学生进行了问卷调查,结果表明:大学生对奖学金评定结果显著地倾向于内归因;男生更倾向于将奖学金评定的结果归因为客观因素,女生更倾向于归因于自身因子;随着年级的升高,学生越来越倾向于外界因子、运气因子等客观因子;理科学生更加倾向于客观因子的归因。  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代以来,美国大学生资助政策发生了变化,州政府资助的主要方式从基于需要的助学金转移到基于优秀的奖学金,州奖学金项目获得极大关注。据此,美国很多州设立了本州的奖学金项目,这给学生的高等教育入学机会造成了极大的消极影响。同时,也给我国提供了一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

The article reviews the roles played by the Department of Education and the National Research Foundation in South Africa in defining the meaning of scholarship and in evaluating and funding it. The ideas that inform policy and practice include: the view that scholarship must serve the requirements of the national economy in becoming more globally competitive; attempts to manage and direct knowledge production; redressing apartheid’s legacies; and a positivist discourse. I argue in favour of diversity in the pursuit of knowledge and greater consistency with national historical development. The tensions between science and technology and the humanities, and between disciplinary-based and applied scholarship are also highlighted. They lie at the heart of the status of ‘other knowledges’ in relation to more ‘traditional’ scholarship. The political and practical implications of these analyses are raised for debate.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a national study of Chief Academic Officers of 4-year institutions on the impact of policy efforts to encourage multiple forms of scholarship in faculty roles and rewards. The extent of reform, kinds of reform and influence of initiating reform is examined in four areas: expectations for faculty evaluation, the faculty evaluation process, promotion and tenure outcomes, and institutional effectiveness. The findings are also examined by institutional type. Findings from this study show that campuses that initiated policy reforms to encourage multiple forms of scholarship were significantly more likely than their counterparts to report that teaching scholarship and engagement counted more for faculty evaluation, to report a broader set of criteria used to assess scholarship, and report a higher percentage of tenure and promotion cases that emphasized their work in these areas. In addition, CAOs at campuses that initiated reforms reported a greater congruence between faculty priorities and institutional mission, and greater improvement in attention to undergraduate learning over the last decade.  相似文献   

The specification of the content domain of faculty scholarship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the results of a study designed to specify the content domain of faculty scholarship. The study builds upon previous research and responds to recent challenges to expand and define in more creative ways the concept of professorial scholarship. Full-time faculty from a doctoral-granting institution were selected and requested to define faculty scholarship by naming and describing scholars. Fifty faculty (86%) completed study participation. An inventory of 249 attributes of faculty scholarship resulted, which incorporates all traditional faculty role components, as well as a large representation of attributes not previously specified. The results corroborate those of previous researchers by affirming the complexity of the faculty scholarship construct. Study results also challenge the construct representation (Messick, 1989) of previous methodologies, and, thus, their content and construct validities. The final attribute listing is provided for researchers and others interested in revisiting and broadening definition of faculty scholarship.  相似文献   

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