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大学生的社交是学生生活基本内容之一。学生之间、老乡之间、亲朋之间、师生之间等纷繁复杂的社会交往构成了大学生人际关系的网络系统。这种交往是个人与个人、个人与群体,群体与群体之间信息和感情交流的桥梁,是促进人际关系稳定和谐的纽带,是个体作为社会成员对社会的一种心理需要。教育学将学生之间、师生之间最佳的交往结构形式看作是实现教育理想目标的主要  相似文献   

成就"教师职业幸福"是学校管理的重要目标,学校致力形成和谐融洽的人际关系,学校制度建设上注重"温度建设",注重引导、激发师生"个性成长",学校管理努力营造"和谐氛围".  相似文献   

通过体育教师工作和学习方式的优化,增强群体意识,注重群体协作,提高工作效率;通过教学方式的调整,和谐人际关系,促进学生身心健康,提高工作质量。  相似文献   

为了了解当前大学生寝室人际关系现状,本文采用问卷调查法,对安康学院经济与管理系在校生进行了随机调查。结果显示,总体来看,被调查学生的寝室人际关系较为和谐,但也有部分学生尚存在着困惑、障碍和矛盾。因此,要构建和谐的大学生寝室人际关系,就必须加强学生的教育引导,使其树立群体意识,掌握人际交往原则和方法;注重寝室文化建设,加强舍友间的沟通交流;提高学校管理部门的服务意识,有效促进大学生公寓管理与思想政治教育相结合。  相似文献   

刘镇传 《师道》2000,(1):45-46
班级学生群体心理气氛是指班级内个体与个体、个体与群体、群体与群体的交往中形成起来的比较稳定的人际关系及相互适应的心理环境。即师生之间、学生之间与学生小群体之间的关系,而学生之间的关系又受师生关系的指导和调节。班级气氛是和谐或敌意,  相似文献   

构建和谐的学习型寝室最终要以班上学生群体的和谐为基础,因此和谐的班集体内部人际关系的构建尤为重要。大学生群体内部和谐人际关系的建立,主要通过同学的交流和沟通、相互学习、团结互助、相互尊重、诚实守信,实现人际关系和谐。  相似文献   

建设和谐校同是构建社会主义和谐社会的一个重要方面。校园和谐主要是指校园内部各种要素处于一种相互依存、相互协调、相互促进的状态,主要表现为校园组织结构要素的和谐,教育环境的和谐、教师之间人际关系的和谐、学生之间关系和谐、师生之间关系的和谐,以及自我教育、家庭教育、社会教育和学校教育的和谐等等。构建和谐校园,必须坚持以人为本,注重教师之间、学生之间、师生之间关系的和谐发展,全面贯彻落实好科学发展观。  相似文献   

坚持以人为本,践行大爱精神,正确处理学校不同群体之间的关系,是构建和谐校园的关键.高校要正确处理党政领导、教师、学生以及领导与师生、管理人员与教师、教师与学生之间的关系,以校内人际关系的和谐促进校园和谐,以校园和谐推动社会和谐,为构建社会主义和谐社会作出积极贡献.  相似文献   

班级是学生成长的最基本的单位组织,学生健康成长需要师生的共同努力,这就使得班级群体要建立良好和谐的人际关系。班级良好的群体关系是一个班级和谐发展的前提,作为班级的管理者要根据行为组织学的理论和方法,结合学生的认知需求和心理规律,通过各种有效的途径和方法来构建班级中良好的群体关系,并以此来促进学生的个性发展和学校的教育进步。  相似文献   

目前,我国高等教育已经进入大众化阶段,构建和谐的师生关系、加强师生互动对于提高高校教学质量具有非常重要的作用。然而,纵观我国高校教育教学现状,发现在高校师生互动过程中存在着诸如"互动理念失真化"、"互动时间局限化"、"互动形式单一化"等问题,而这些问题归根结底是人或人与人之间关系的问题,是师生双方缺乏互动动力所致。在人际关系理论中,梅奥人际关系理论以其注重人的因素,研究人的个体行为和群体行为,强调满足人的社会需求等特色,在人际关系的诸多学派中独树一帜。因此,我们借鉴和运用梅奥人际关系理论探讨改善高校师生互动的相应措施,以提高高校师生互动水平,推进拔尖创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship between teachers’ empathy and perceptions of their school’s culture. Teachers’ ability to change their school’s culture might be limited by their inability to interpret and respond appropriately to student behaviour. As teachers’ empathic abilities increase, it seems likely that they would be better able to understand and respond appropriately to their students. Teachers’ perspective‐taking was positively associated with their positive perceptions of student–peer relations, school norms and educational opportunities. Teachers’ personal distress was negatively related to student–peer relations. Empathy was unrelated to student–teacher relations. It is postulated that it takes more than just empathy to be able to negotiate the complex relationship between student and teacher. With teacher training programmes currently focusing on teacher dispositions, such programmes need to focus more on training future teachers to recognise and exercise their cognitive and emotional empathic capacities.  相似文献   

Change across wider English society in the 1960s was characterised by a managed and relatively consensual social liberalism. There was a discernible cultural shift toward greater personal and sexual freedom. Within education in England, a revisionist approach sought to extend traditional education to a wider constituency, in particular incorporating the sometimes disaffected and unskilled working class. This context presented new challenges for 1960s teachers in their relationships with pupils. Through the 1950s and 1960s, English cinema portrayed England’s changing teacher–pupil relations. This article examines the nature of change in teacher–pupil relations, with particular regard to its impact upon teachers’ authority. English cinema’s representation is located within English societal change in the 1960s in relation to youth culture, education and attitudes to authority.

Several themes are identified. Teacher status appeared to contribute rather less to 1960s teachers’ authority and teachers’ personalities rather more. 1960s teacher–pupil relations were somewhat volatile. Relationships began to take place beyond the school gates. Films depicted greater diversity in teachers’ strategies to maintain their authority, with some teachers making concessions to pupils to preserve harmonious relations. A more prominent approach was teachers’ still more firm imposition of traditional discipline, attempting to hold back the tide of increased pupil hostility in classrooms, which more frequently featured the particular challenges posed by girls.

The analysis has relevance beyond England and beyond the 1960s. It explores the variety and fragility of teacher authority, highlights the pressure that maintaining discipline places upon individual teachers and recognises the appeal of classroom conservatism.  相似文献   

现行教师权成面临诸多挑战,但仍然有其存在的合理性。构建新的教师权威需要增强教师权力,提高个人素养,建立民主的师生关系。  相似文献   

高校班主任队伍建设必须注意的三种关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对高校班主任工作面临的三种关系进行了客观分析,阐明了目前高校班主任工作存在的问题及原因,并提出解决这些问题的方法和途径。  相似文献   

河南省高校女教师心理健康现状及对策研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本研究采用目前应用广泛的症状自评量表scl-90对河南省部分高等院校165名在职女教师进行研究,结果表明,河南省高校女教师心理健康问题检出率较高,具有轻度及其以上的心理问题的高校女教师占29.1%;scl-90的得分显高于全国常模,表现突出的是人际关系敏感、抑郁和焦虑;总体上高校女老师心理健康状况比男教师差,高校女教师的心理健康水平随年龄的增长不断提高,高学历和中级职称女教师的心理健康问题比较突出。  相似文献   

中学语文教师应该时刻关注和了解学生知识和经验的来源,不断更新和拓展自己的知识视野,改变教学方法并努力建立新的师生关系。中学语文教师必备的知识主要包括三方面:个人素养方面的知识、教学过程的条件性知识和实践方面的知识。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop instruments to assess the nature of student-teacher relations and classroom activities, and the personal adjustment of preservice science teachers in two concurrent programs and to see if the two groups differed significantly in the three areas measured by the Checklist for Assessment of Science Teachers (CAST). The CAST was completed by university supervisors, cooperating teachers, and classroom pupils in terms of 92 secondary student teachers at the completion of three student teaching quarters. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to detect differences between treatment groups. The major differences between the two groups of science student teachers were the types of classroom activities used and the nature of their student-teacher (teacher-pupil) relations.  相似文献   

学校教育情境中师生之间的人际冲突是一种不可避免的组织行为,是存在于教育活动中教师与学生之间的一种紧张状态。导致师生人际冲突的原因主要是由于师生间存在意识、文化、沟通和心理背景方面的差异。化解师生人际冲突的途径要从师生双方寻求,一方面教师应尊重学生个性意识,树立以学生为本的人性化教育理念;另一方面要全面解放教师,让教师成为自由快乐的教育者;同时,还应通过师生间良性的沟通,重新构建和谐的师生关系。  相似文献   

大学师生关系既受到社会关系制约,也受到教育规律的制约。随着社会的发展和时代的变化,高等教育实现了由精英教育到大众化教育的转变。良好的师生关系是大学生成才、促进教师个人魅力的辐射和渗透、构建和谐校园的重要因素之一。对和谐师生关系的研究有助于转变教育观念、提升学生人才化培养工作的水平、促进和谐校园建设。  相似文献   

Internationally, the autonomy of schools and teachers is under pressure. In Norway, recent policies emphasise output control through national testing, combined with holding schools and teachers accountable for students’ results. Whereas recent research documents that the autonomy of schools and teachers is weakening in Oslo, there is little research on the rural parts of Norway. Recent political intentions aim to improve the results by establishing a better learning environment and classroom management. These intentions are related to the regulative discourse, ‘the rules of social order’, which is crucial to control as it dominates the instructional discourse. Two different projects were implemented in a rural municipality. Analysing their positions on three levels (author, actor and identity) this study finds considerable autonomy from the state in the pedagogic recontextualising field. However, this autonomy may be fragile as the teachers seem to have surrendered personal values. If teachers are disciplined, then the state may effectively reduce the potential discursive gap by reducing the autonomy of key agents in education. Investigating teachers’ rationalisations is imperative if we are to understand the relations between interests, ideology and class, and thereby the potential for autonomy in the recontextualising field in a performativity culture.  相似文献   

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