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详细介绍了墨西哥哈利斯科州特拉凯帕凯市住宅开发区雨水收集系统的一种家庭模式.为了设计出一个可以为家庭提供最大水量的雨水收集系统,对雨水收集量进行了估算.基于估算出的雨水收集量,对家庭总需水量进行了计算,以便探讨雨水的可能用途.雨水收集系统的主要组成部分如下:集水区;落水管(屋顶排水管),第一冲洗水箱;水箱;渗井;泵站,过滤系统;紫外(UV)处理设备.雨水收集系统被设计成中央供水系统的一部分.介绍了雨水收集系统的设计和建设过程及其造价.通过该方式,可提供一个技术参考,从而帮助市民来设计和建设他们的雨水系统.该模式既可促进此系统在墨西哥的发展,也可为国际社会提供宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

直觉模糊数是对传统模糊数的拓展,混合优先算子是对优先算子和加权算子的拓展.在直觉模糊的情形下,现实中针对实际活动中需要同时考虑准则之间具有不同优先级别和准则权重的多准则决策问题大量存在.本文基于直觉模糊优先算术平均(IFPWA)算子提出了直觉模糊混合优先算术平均(IFHPWA)算子;基于直觉模糊优先几何平均(IFPWG)算子提出了直觉模糊混合优先算术平均(IFHPWG)算子.这两种算子的特点不仅考虑到数据的重要性程度而且考虑到了准则的优先水平.在此基础上,提出了一种基于直觉模糊混合优先算子的多准则决策方法.该方法利用IFHPWA(IFHPWG)算子对数据信息进行加权集结,利用记分函数对方案进行排序并择优.最后,通过一个人才引进的实例分析,验证了所提决策方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

城市雨水能否与城市建设和居民生产生活用水产生良性对接,国内外已经进行很多研究,这些研究从可能性、可行性、规律性和潜力等方面给予分析.掌握我国城市雨水资源化的技术措施,了解其发展趋势能够对城市雨水资源的规划利用提供理论性和技术性帮助.该论文系统阐述和分析了国内外城市雨水资源化利用措施,并展望未来城市雨水资源化利用的发展趋势.  相似文献   

分析了茂名市的水资源现状,阐述了茂名市雨水利用的必要性.介绍了雨水资源化利用潜力的概念和城市可利用雨水资源量的计算方法.通过对茂名市一定区域范围内雨水收集量与用水量估算比较,论证了茂名市一雨水资源化利用潜力,为茂名市雨水利用决策及设计提供参考.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国城市污水再生利用的必要性,雨水排放的紧迫性,介绍了城市污水再生利用的方式和技术途径,雨水排水系统的改进设计和雨水收集利用的方法等.  相似文献   

为提高城市绿道的雨洪调节功能,在文献研究和案例分析基础上,首先对城市绿道与低影响开发、绿色雨水基础设施的关系进行了分析.然后,提出了基于雨洪调节功能的城市绿道分类系统,总结适用于不同类型绿道的雨洪控制利用技术措施.结合中国城市规划体系,提出了与城市排水系统相结合的绿道规划方法,以及绿道雨水系统和单项雨水设施的设计方法,探讨了绿道雨水系统在入流、竖向、溢流等方面与其他系统的衔接关系.最后,介绍了上述规划设计方法在嘉兴滨水绿道和道路绿道示范项目中的应用,结果表明雨洪控制利用系统对年径流总量和年均污染物总量(TSS)的削减率分别不低于30%和40%.  相似文献   

对校园雨水利用系统从社会效益和生态效益的角度以及高校自身的优势和特点进行了分析,并结合唐山地区雨水资源条件,阐述了大学校园雨水利用的可行性及其良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

层次分析法(AHP)减少了人为因素对决策问题的影响,增强了决策的客观性和科学性,已被广泛应用于多准则、多层系统的决策制定问题中.为客观、有效地评价学生的综合素质,本文采用AHP方法构建了一个层次分析模型,并给出了具体的实施方案.  相似文献   

为实现公园地表雨水资源的最大化利用,对现有公园的雨水处理系统提出"绿地"和"管道"两套系统的设计思路,例举雨水过滤、收集和净化系统的实际应用,提出结合公园造景进行景观化设计的主要途径。  相似文献   

截面数据的多指标综合评价问题已有不少研究,而对于时间序列/截面数据(又称为平行数据)的多指标系统进行综合评价目前研究较少,利用主分量分析法和理想点法给出平行数据系统综合评价的一种计算方法,并通过实例分析说明了此方法的合理性.  相似文献   

The relationship between sustainability and the Anthropocene takes on new meaning in a time of unprecedented human impact on Earth systems. This relationship is at times contested and not well researched but critical in considering how we will respond to environmental challenges of today and the future. Elaborating on the need for new perspectives and nuanced understandings of sustainability, the contributors to this volume draw on posthumanist and “new” feminist materialist methodologies and theoretical lenses to engage readers in ways, which often contrast with prevailing thinking and research. From the cosmopolitics of place in urban Berlin to the watery space of urban wetlands they share research and rich narratives, which illustrate how sustainability is theorized and enacted across a range of diverse educational contexts. Moving beyond the rhetoric of sustainability, the authors invite us to explore innovative ways to engage with new concepts and emerging tensions that are now influencing the fields of education and sustainability.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the educational value of an undergraduate course that integrates design and the liberal arts to teach about ecological systems, using study of the university campus as the means to connect theory and practice. It presents the curricular goals, objectives, results, and lessons learned from a qualitative case study of a cross-disciplinary course that required design and liberal arts students to develop innovative solutions to improve the sustainability of The New School’s food system. Student and faculty evaluations suggest that an integrated design and liberal arts course can be an effective and enjoyable method to learn about sustainability and urban systems; and it helps students learn different techniques for research, problem-solving, and communication.  相似文献   


Although academic staff have a key role to play in innovation at higher education institutions (hEIs), current innovation adoption among academic staff is disappointing. Most curricula at hEIs are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission for teaching and learning with little exploration of technologies for innovative/inventive outputs. This article explores the essential issues of innovation/invention in higher education and provides criteria for empowering innovation. Starting from reflections and perspectives on innovation at South African hEIs and the theories on innovative problem solving, the article provides arguments on multiple issues of innovation/invention that culminate in crucial criteria for innovation. The real dilemma for innovation is caused by external and macro-level factors that require the analysis of existing business models. The management of HEIs have to take into account the underlying barriers, such as knowledge of patenting and academic valorisation, when they create policies that encourage academic staff to explore innovative endeavours.  相似文献   

创新能力的培养是研究生教育的核心,建设以科学研究为主要任务的研究生学术共同体,是培养研究生创新能力和提升科学研究水平的有效组织模式。研究生学术共同体建设不仅是学科交叉研究的需要,也是研究生团队意识培育的需要,其建设应该遵循目标一致性、知识互补性、稳定性与可持续发展性的原则,从团队结构、学术情境、服务体系和激励考核机制等方面来加以构建。  相似文献   

由于传统的社会观念和思维模式;注入式的教学方法;过分注重教师的权威,过多的规范约束;教材结构不合理,内容落后过时;不合理的考评制度以及教师缺乏创新意识和创造能力等因素阻碍了学生创新能力的培养.针对这些问题我们必须树立现代教育理念;运用启发式教学方法;创建和谐、民主、平等、宽松的教学氛围;更新教材内容;建立合理的考评制度;培养创新型教师等。  相似文献   

为了强化基础,注重实践,突出创新,培养高素质人才,构建了“基础实验—认识实习、金工实习—生产实习—专业综合实验—科技创新—课程设计—毕业实习—毕业论文”四年不间断实践教学培养体系,既强调纵向贯通,又注重横向联系.强调课内外结合、校内外结合、理论与实践结合、知识与能力结合等.突出“一条主线”(应用创新能力)、“两个体系”(理论、实最)、“三个层次”(基础、专业、综合)和“四种能力”(创新思维能力、创新实践能力、创新团队能力、创新可持续性能力),在提高本科生培养质量上发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

The future of educational change: system thinkers in action   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In addressing the future agenda of educational change, this paper advances the notion of sustainability as a key factor in developing a new kind of leadership. This new leadership, if enduring, large scale change is desired, needs to go beyond the successes of increasing student achievement and move toward leading organizations to sustainability. Currently, there is a lack of development of leaders toward system thinking. An argument is made for linking systems thinking with sustainability in order to transform an organization or a system. In order to accomplish this goal, it is necessary to change not only individuals but also systems. The way to change systems is to foster the development of practitioners who are “system thinkers in action.” Such leaders widen their sphere of engagement by interacting with other schools in a process we call lateral capacity building. When several leaders act this way they actually change the context in which they work. Eight elements of sustainability, which will enable leaders to become more effective at leading organizations toward sustainability, are presented. Within the explication of the eight elements, prior research is considered, difficulties are surfaced, and challenges are issued to change contextual conditions in order to effect large scale, sustainable educational change.Adapted from an address at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2004.  相似文献   

大学生创业支持系统是一项需要多方参与互动的系统模式。文章以SWOT为理论视角,运用系统的综合态势分析方法,剖析和梳理大学生创业内、外部的利弊因素,并加以重新匹配和组合,以建构针对性强、结构健全、特色鲜明、高效运作的大学生创业支持系统模式。  相似文献   

“工程制图”是高校工科学生的重要基础课程之一,对培养学生的工程意识和创新能力有重要的影响。本文分别阐述了该课程在美国的实验课程体系和本校实验课程体系的内容和特点,在对比中美实践体系差异的基础上,分析了我校工程制图实验体系的不足,结合创新人才培养的要求,构建了创新型实验体系,为实验教学的改革和创新人才的培养做了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to review the state of environmental education from the viewpoint of one involved in international and national strategies for its development. It relates environment and education to the whole system of human‐environment relationships and sees environmental education not as a separable package but as a movement for fundamental educational reform, in a rapidly changing world under increasing stress both from human‐induced change and from human nature itself. Environmental education has grown through the promotion of innovative educational approaches and the increasing attention given to human aspects of the system. Some of these, notably the idea of sustainability, need further development and careful use. Much work is needed to bring environmental and social systems together into a single conceptual structure, and to keep the development clear of misconceptions which are none of its making, to tackle the global issues that challenge survival and yet to remain realistic and practicable within the system in which it must work.  相似文献   

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