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黄燕 《海外英语》2013,(15):233-235
George Herbert is one of the great metaphysical and religious poets in the seventeenth-century history of British literature.Herbert becomes well-known for his devotional religious poems,his famous collection of devotional lyrics,The Temple in which Herbert expresses his piety towards God and manifests that the love of God is an everlasting subject for verse,has won enduring popularity among readers since its publication in 1633.The present paper will focus on Eucharist and human body showing in Herbert’s poetry,and attempts to explore the deeper implications existing behind Eucharist and human body with reference to some specific poems which are chosen from The Temple in detail.  相似文献   

The Spring Festival,also known as lunar new year,is the most important and best loved holiday for the people in China.It is the time of much joy and merriment for the family.There are certaim customs most of us follow during the Spring Festival.  相似文献   

Look at these two pictures. The dog and the wolf are looking at a falling leaf. Do the two pictures look the same? No! Them are twelve differences (不同) in the pictures. Can you find all of them?  相似文献   

It is well known that English poems are as rich and vivid as Chinese poems. In this short paper, we intend to give a brief analysis on the poem "Spring" by Thomas Nashe, and discuss how the English poet achieves his success in depicting a beautiful picture of spring in this short poem.  相似文献   

Nowadays,the students studying English always feel difficult.So the ways of studying English are the key points for students.The English films,English songs and pictures of artistic elements can help students study English well in English classes.  相似文献   

张豪若 《海外英语》2014,(18):209-213
In the history of detective stories, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple remain as two of the most prominent figures. Focusing on the two detectives’ images, personality traits, detective strategies as well as settings of the stories, this study examines the grounds that magnetize readers.The purpose of this research is to inquire into readers’ orientations to Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple, and to investigate the causes for their views. To fulfill that purpose, a questionnaire was designed and distributed. Sherlock Holmes and Miss Jane Marple prove themselves to be successful detectives. Both of them have distinct images and personality traits as well as plausible detective strategies. The settings, combining reality with imagination, also play a dispensable role. Besides, reasons given by students who disbelieve that they are real persons fail to convince.  相似文献   

On 24th September 2002, the NASA1 of America took some pictures of the ozone layer2 over Antarctica3. The pictures showed that the ozone hole found in the past had become smaller by about 40 per cent and divided into two smaller ones.  相似文献   

Look at these two funny pictures. The penguins are skating happily! Do the two pictures look the Same? No! There are ten differences (不同) in the pictures. Canyou find all of them?  相似文献   

Victorian age is the age full of fundamental changes in the society.At this turning of times,many poets spoke out their anxiety about this world,like Alfred Tennyson and Matthew Arnold,their poems express their anxiety and helpness about the new world and their sadness and loneliness about the loss of the old world.Certaintly there are also some poets like Thomas Hardy who were more ready to face the new world soberly and accepted the reality directly.Probably they alredy realized the coming of the new world could not be stopped anyway.These are the voices at the turning of the times.The aim of this essay is to find out such voices by doing a comparative study on the three poets and their poems  相似文献   

<秋浦泉声>通过非常个性化的凡人小事的描写,织成一幅幅情事动人、色彩绚丽、富有张力的锦绣图画,让读者感受了美的情感,美的人生,美的信念,美的生活.当下文学创作的现实态势,影响并消解着散文的"形散神不散"、"意境深邃"等审美传统和经验,使散文的审美品格发生了变化,它不在乎其叙事话语的大小,而在于有无思想的力量、人格的力量和整合的力量.  相似文献   

和其它《花间词》的作者一样,温庭筠所写的女性形象,几乎都从歌女身上演变出来。歌者在歌筵酒席上逐歌逐舞,唱着文人为她们所填的词。温庭筠写佳人,还是站在男性的立场,带着自己设想好的形象为佳人作词,美人虽美,感情却淡。用的是“形容女性的语言”,与读者保持一定的距离感。词的创作还关系到演唱者和作者以外的欣赏者,年来有关唐宋的社会研究有助我们进一步了解当时社会情况。  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,本栏目将陆续推出一系列优秀的英语习作,希望你们喜欢!  相似文献   

先秦的抒情作品严格说只有《诗经》和楚辞,研究汉代的抒情购,沟通两具时代血缘关系相近的抒情文学体裁,可以认识抒情主体的思想变化和对抒情体裁的继承与发展,汉代抒情赋体现出作者在新的封建政治统治下的心路历程,人格变化和主动向道家思想的追求,体现出伴随自我意识的觉醒对于女性形态美的欣赏和汉代士人的婚姻观念,在表现形式上,继承并发展了楚辞纪行,写景抒情的手法,使之更加自觉,细腻,和文人五言诗一样,汉人已有意识地追求创作主体和外在景物的沟通。  相似文献   

唐宋词人喜爱以春天为背景描写"落花",表现出一种浓厚的伤春情绪。其原因首先在于唐宋词具有应歌的功能,其次在于承袭自古已有的"春女善怀"的传统。选择象征春天离去的"落花"意象表现女性化的伤春情思.成为唐宋婉约词典型的审美特征。  相似文献   

文章对《龟峰词》及其作者陈经国、《书舟词》作者程侅非程垓与陈参政《木兰花慢·送陈石泉自北归》词作者赠主与本事作了考证,纠正了以往的错误。  相似文献   

春天是四季中的其中一季,时期在冬季和夏季之间。春季代表着重生,更新和再生。根据不同地区的气候、文化和风俗,对“春“的具体定义也不尽相同。在春分,白天接近12个个小时,并随着时间推移慢慢变得更长。  相似文献   

英美诗歌中韵律节奏的音乐性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诗歌是语言的艺术,是诗人运用语言的技巧和表现手法来吸引读者的艺术.诗人赋予诗歌文体以音乐性的韵律节奏,给读者以美的享受,引发共鸣,并使他们从中得以教益.本文试图通过分析英美诗歌的节奏性和韵律性及其所采用的方法,探讨诗歌创作的形式、格律的使用,对读者欣赏水平的提高有所启迪.  相似文献   

温庭筠和柳永均为婉约词派词人,在才气、身世等方面具有惊人的相似之处,但他们的词作却在许多方面有着鲜明的差异;通过比较他们词作的差异,可使读者从更多层面感受词的绚丽多彩。  相似文献   

苏轼有百余篇和陶诗传世,此外还有不少和陶词与和陶文。这些作品记载着两位"萧条异代"伟大诗人穿越时空的对话与交流。相近的创作缘由、类似的风格特征和相同的写作目的,使苏轼的三种和陶之作呈现一些共同的特征。但由于文体特征、作者创作态度等方面的不同,三种和陶之作各有特色:诗庄整、词素丽、文随性。  相似文献   

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