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农村宅基地退出作为农村土地制度改革的突破口,科学设计宅基地退出模式并有效识别其运行机制,是激发乡村发展活力和优化城乡要素配置的重要支点。本文以山东省为例,利用系统理论设计4种宅基地退出模式,基于“诊断—设计—结果”框架编制宅基地退出行动编码手册,运用原型分析方法识别不同宅基地退出模式的行动逻辑与运行过程,进而明晰不同宅基地退出模式的适用条件。研究表明:①综合农村居住环境改善和农户多层次需求导向的资产置换、货币补偿、以地养老和土地入股4种模式具有明显的“内核—外缘”性系统特征,适应了不同地区的农村发展需求。②不同宅基地退出模式的本质是以多元化的激励机制指引农户有序退出,表现出政府主导的资产置换激励、政村合作的经济性补偿激励、政企合作的以地养老激励和村企合作的土地入股激励等多类原型,并形成了差别化的运行过程和特定的适用条件。受地域环境差异、政策驱动转型和主体需求层次升阶影响,宅基地退出模式将随之变动和多样,在推广使用过程中应因地因时进行适当调整、择优用之,以适应不同地区农村宅基地管理和乡村发展的需要。  相似文献   

徐升华  吴丹 《资源科学》2016,38(5):871-887
产业集群作为当前区域经济发展的重要推动力,在区域经济增长和区域资源可持续利用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。鄱阳湖生态经济区自2009年纳入国家发展战略规划以来,经历了一个快速发展的过程,但随着区域经济、资源和产业结构的进一步发展,资源高消耗、经济增长降速、区域产业结构不合理等问题逐渐凸显,本文在对鄱阳湖生态经济区100家进驻企业问卷调查的基础上,通过系统动力学的流率基本入树建模法分析产业、经济及资源的内在关系,构建“产业-经济-资源”反馈系统,并结合鄱阳湖生态经济区2012年的基础数据进行模拟仿真,分析区域资源水平、政府投资、科技转化能力、教育水平等因素对区域资源的可持续利用影响作用。结果显示,一方面,区域资源水平直接影响区域产业的集群度,进而影响区域经济的发展。提高区域教育投资占比,并不能直接提高区域经济水平总量,但可以提高区域经济水平的发展速度;另一方面,鄱阳湖生态经济区内原有的高消耗型产业仍占据着区域经济增长的主要部分,但是废品废料、研究与试验发展业、综合技术服务业、水利、环境和公共设施管理业、卫生、社会保障和社会福利业、文化、体育和娱乐业和公共管理和社会组织等行业对区域内的经济增长的影响作用越来越大。基于以上结果,对鄱阳湖生态经济区的产业结构、资金投入、教育投入,资源更新等方面提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

于智涵  方丹  杨谨 《资源科学》2021,43(6):1178-1192
低碳发展已成为新时期经济社会发展的主要导向,在山西省资源型经济转型的探索道路中,降低碳排放,不断提高可持续发展能力,是其实现转型和高质量发展的基础。本文基于2004—2017年山西省面板数据,运用合成控制法并建立中介效应模型,研究资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验区政策对碳排放的政策效果及作用机理。研究发现:①资源型经济转型能够有效地抑制山西省碳排放量的增加。在研究时段内,受到政策冲击后山西省的碳排放仅增长89.6%,与合成控制法模拟的山西省135.5%的碳排放增长相比,共减少碳排放78944.68万t。②在政策实施后的短期内,环境规制、产业结构升级均在5%的显著水平上有效抑制了碳排放,其中环境规制发挥中介效应,产业结构升级的作用表现为直接效应。③在短期内,金融发展、技术创新分别在10%和5%的水平上促进了碳排放,从中均发挥“遮掩效应”。由此说明,资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验区政策通过加强管制、产业转型等手段为山西省低碳发展作出了贡献,但是还需要进一步反思并完善有关金融发展、科技创新的制度体系。本文结果有助于为山西省及更多的资源型地区经济低碳高质量转型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王成  徐爽 《资源科学》2021,43(7):1375-1386
“三权分置”制度改革打破旧有宅基地制度壁垒,并与乡村振兴、新型城镇化战略互为起承,放活宅基地使用权有助于盘活乡村沉睡资产;在“三权分置”制度逻辑下实现宅基地使用权资本化是加速建立城乡统一建设用地市场、全面提升乡村聚落功能和实现乡村多元主体利益共享的重要手段。本文运用时间序列法梳理了宅基地改革阶段与产权细分过程,明晰宅基地属性外延,分析宅基地资源资产化与资产资本化的内在机制;从宅基地“三权分置”制度的缘起和内涵解析、制度的外部环境、制度的多元主体和制度的绩效4个维度,解构农村宅基地“三权分置”制度逻辑;梳理“三权分置”制度下宅基地使用权资本化的选择逻辑和现实困境,提出了宅基地使用权的资本化路径。宅基地使用权的资本化需要匹配不同地域乡村的不同发展阶段,才能真正提升农村社会经济效益与发展活力。  相似文献   

迂婕  李京梅 《资源科学》2021,43(9):1918-1931
引入湿地修复第三方、运用市场交易手段实现湿地修复和等效补偿是湿地生态管理模式的创新。湿地信用是湿地修复等价交换的媒介物,科学评估湿地信用并完成湿地功能的等效交易,是实施生态修复、保障湿地规模和生态系统服务功能不下降的技术依据。本文系统梳理了美国湿地修复补偿中基于面积规模和基于生态系统服务功能两类湿地信用评估模型与参数,阐释湿地市场化等效补偿交易规则与交易价格制定。研究发现:①两类湿地信用评估方法同时兼顾了生态服务的功能性和市场交易的灵活性,是湿地信用评估的有效手段;②湿地信用交易价格受建设成本、交易时效等影响,是在湿地修复市场供需关系中形成的均衡价格;③设定市场交易规则,制定规范的修复方式,是实现交易生态等效的重要保障。中国应逐步培育湿地修复第三方产业、探索湿地修复市场化补偿模式、开展湿地修复绩效评估,探索和完善如何保障与生态系统服务对等的湿地等效评估技术,为中国开展生态修复市场化改革及湿地修复绩效评价提供科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Humankind is facing its worst pandemic of the twenty-first century, due to infection of a novel coronavirus named as SARS-CoV2, started from Wuhan in China. Till now, 15 million people are infected, causing more than 600,000 deaths. The disease, commonly known as, COVID-19, was initially thought to be associated with ARDS only, but later on revealed to have many unexplained and atypical clinical features like coagulopathy and cytokinemia, leading to multi-organ involvements. The patients also suffer from ‘Silent Hypoxemia’, where there is no immediate respiratory signs and symptoms even though alarmingly low SpO2 level. We hypothesize that this covert hypoxemia may lead to molecular changes exacerbating coagulopathy and cytokine storm in COVID19 patients, which again, in turn, causes a vicious cycle of more hypoxemia/hypoxia and progression of the infection to more severe stages through HIF-1α dependent pathway. Although molecular mechanisms are yet to be substantiated by scientific evidence, hypoxemia remains an independent worsening factor in serious COVID 19 patients. Keeping all in mind, we propose that even in the early and asymptomatic cases, prophylactic oxygen therapy to be initiated to break the vicious cycle and to reduce the mortality in COVID 19 to save precious human lives.  相似文献   

Microfluidics approaches have gained popularity in the field of directed cell migration, enabling control of the extracellular environment and integration with live-cell microscopy; however, technical hurdles remain. Among the challenges are the stability and predictability of the environment, which are especially critical for the observation of fibroblasts and other slow-moving cells. Such experiments require several hours and are typically plagued by the introduction of bubbles and other disturbances that naturally arise in standard microfluidics protocols. Here, we report on the development of a passive pumping strategy, driven by the high capillary pressure and evaporative capacity of paper, and its application to study fibroblast chemotaxis. The paper pumps—flowvers (flow + clover)—are inexpensive, compact, and scalable, and they allow nearly bubble-free operation, with a predictable volumetric flow rate on the order of μl/min, for several hours. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we combined the flowver pumping strategy with a Y-junction microfluidic device to generate a chemoattractant gradient landscape that is both stable (6+ h) and predictable (by finite-element modeling calculations). Integrated with fluorescence microscopy, we were able to recapitulate previous, live-cell imaging studies of fibroblast chemotaxis to platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), with an order-of-magnitude gain in throughput. The increased throughput of single-cell analysis allowed us to more precisely define PDGF gradient conditions conducive for chemotaxis; we were also able to interpret how the orientation of signaling through the phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway affects the cells’ sensing of and response to conducive gradients.  相似文献   

马遵平  谢泽氡  艾晓玉 《资源科学》2021,43(8):1700-1710
历史名人故里是一种普遍存在的目的地产品形态,对地方发展文化旅游、带动相关产业发展具有重要的意义。但某个目的地是否确实是某位历史名人的故里,在很多地方仍存在争议。目前鲜有关于争议名人故里理论结合实证的研究,也缺乏名人故里旅游行为意向的研究。据此,本文基于名人代言营销理论的一致性假说构建理论模型,并获取四川江油“李白故里”的相关数据进行实证分析。结果表明:①名人与目的地的一致性正向影响旅游者的真实性感知和地方认同,后两者正向影响体验质量;②名人与目的地的一致性通过真实性感知和地方认同的中介作用,间接正向影响体验质量;③旅游者的体验质量正向影响旅游行为意向。本文进一步讨论了以上结论的理论意义、对争议名人故里的管理启示以及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

狄乾斌  陈小龙  侯智文 《资源科学》2022,44(6):1155-1167
城市群是中国区域经济与绿色发展的主要承载形式,其战略地位与日俱增,在实现碳中和、碳达峰目标下研究城市群减污降碳协同治理,是探索区域可持续发展的重要内容。基于减污降碳协同治理演化机理,借助2010—2019年三大城市群的面板数据,采用相关系数矩阵法、复合系统协同度模型测度城市群减污降碳协同治理协同度;结合基尼系数、变异系数、泰尔指数、引力模型等方法分析城市群减污降碳协同治理区域差异及空间联系强度;并对减污降碳协同治理关键路径进行识别。结果表明:①三大城市群减污降碳协同治理有序度呈显著增长趋势;而减污降碳协同治理协同度水平较低,系统处于不稳定、不协调的状态。②京津冀减污降碳协同治理度内部差异逐步减小,长三角内部差异基本保持稳定,珠三角内部差异波动较大。③京津冀和珠三角减污降碳协同治理协同度的网络密度和网络结构的复杂程度高于长三角,空间联系强度等级较高。为此,三大城市群减污降碳协同治理可以从政策、技术、能力建设等方面,通过做好顶层设计、转型升级、合作拓展等路径予以推进。  相似文献   

为探寻更有效的分类办法,实现创造性的类别化判断,应引入发明构思原则,基于发明构思实现创造性类别化判断。该类别化方法可以更好解释已有的分类框架,与创造性整体判断要求相吻合,能够有效提高实践中创造性审查的质效。  相似文献   

By using a sample of 793 inventors drawn from the PatVal-EU dataset, this paper explores three aspects of patent production at the individual inventor level: (1) the number of EPO patents that the inventors produce; (2) the average value of their inventions; (3) the production of the most valuable patents. By jointly estimating the three equations we find that the inventors’ level of education, employment in a large firm, and involvement in large-scale research projects positively correlate with quantity. Yet, apart from the size of the research project, none of these factors directly influence the expected value of the inventions. They do, however, have an indirect influence, as we find that the number of patents explains the probability of producing a technological hit (the maximum value). Also, there is no regression to the mean in the invention process at an individual level, as the number of inventions that an inventor produces is not correlated with the average value.  相似文献   

The need to economically identify rare subjects within large, poorly mapped search spaces is a frequently encountered problem for social scientists and managers. It is notoriously difficult, for example, to identify “the best new CEO for our company,” or the “best three lead users to participate in our product development project.” Mass screening of entire populations or samples becomes steadily more expensive as the number of acceptable solutions within the search space becomes rarer.The search strategy of “pyramiding” is a potential solution to this problem under many conditions. Pyramiding is a search process based upon the idea that people with a strong interest in a topic or field tend to know people more expert than themselves. In this paper we report upon four experiments empirically exploring the efficiency of pyramiding searches relative to mass screening. We find that pyramiding on average identified the most expert individual in a group on a specific topic with only 28.4% of the group interviewed - a great efficiency gain relative to mass screening. Further, pyramiding identified one of the top 3 experts in a population after interviewing only 15.9% of the group on average. We discuss conditions under which the pyramiding search method is likely to be efficient relative to screening.  相似文献   

‘Lower-tech’ sectors are still commonly regarded as unusual suspects in the modern process of innovation and economic change. In this paper we try to understand better how organisations specialising in traditional businesses have been transformed by a period of paradigm-shift such as the one that characterised the final decades of the twentieth century. We focus on a population of nearly 500 of the world's largest innovative companies to assess the extent to which companies belonging to ‘old-economy’ sectors have been developing cutting-edge knowledge about clusters of new technologies such as ICT, new materials and biotechnology. We find that ‘non-high-tech’ corporations transformed their patent portfolios in a non-trivial way. Companies in mature trades contributed significantly to the development of technologies that are at the core of the so-called Third Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

文章构建了基于科技资源投入、科技成果转化、科技社会贡献、科技创新环境四个维度的科技资源配置水平综合评价指标体系,运用因子分析法横向比较了全国31个省市科技资源配置水平,并运用熵值法纵向分析了广东省2012-2016年科技资源配置水平差异。研究结果表明,近年来广东省科技资源配置水平稳步提高,呈现出明显的上升趋势,但与北京、上海、江苏相比仍存在较大的差距。最后,针对研究结果,提出了提升广东省科技资源配置水平的对策思路。  相似文献   

The article presents an economic analysis of Libre software and of its sustainability as a new economic model for software. We underline the role of Libre software development communities and analyze incentives for both kernel and obscure developers. We emphasize the role of the so-called ‘public’ licenses to provide an appropriate institutional framework. We show that several features of Libre software also allow it to improve faster than proprietary software, and therefore to achieve strong market performance when competing against existing standards, even when proprietary software producers react. We illustrate our point using a simple local and global interaction model to study the technological competition between Linux and Windows on the server operating system (OS) market. We finally argue that if sufficient initial momentum could be created through public intervention Libre software could turn from a fad into an efficient economic institution to correct inefficiencies due to network externalities.  相似文献   

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