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半个世纪以来,欧盟一体化发展取得了令人瞩目的成就,而其政治领域的一体化远远落后于经济领域,共同外交与安全政策作为欧盟政治一体化的关键性政策领域有着其重要的作用。从欧共体外交政策行动到欧洲政治合作,再到欧盟共同外交与安全政策正式确立,欧盟共同外交与安全政策的发展和法理基础呈现出现鲜明的渐进性特征。新功能主义和政府间主义对于欧洲一体化的发展提出了各自不同的分析框架和解释,而对于共同外交与安全政策而言,政府间主义更为贴切、合理。  相似文献   

欧洲联盟(以下简称欧盟),是当今国际社会中一种新型的一体化组织,是多极世界格局中一极重要的力量。与众多的国际组织相比,其合作程度最高、效用最大、发展最快。它的崛起与发展,对现代国际政治、国际经济和国际法的理论与实践产生日益重要的影响。 一、欧盟一体化的演进 欧盟的形成和发展一直受着欧洲和平主义和联邦主义思潮的影响。早在1849年,维克托·雨果就曾  相似文献   

随着全球环境问题日益成为国际关系中的热点问题,并逐步被纳入国际政治议程,环境问题也成为欧盟——当今一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织制定各种战略和政策的重要依据。欧盟的环境合作是欧盟一体化过程中逐步加强并不断强化的一个重要的领域,不仅推动欧洲一体化进程的发展,也是欧洲一体化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

随着全球环境问题日益成为国际关系中的热点问题,并逐步被纳入国际政治议程,环境问题也成为欧盟——当今一体化程度最高的区域性国际组织制定各种战略和政策的重要依据。欧盟的环境合作是欧盟一体化过程中逐步加强并不断强化的一个重要的领域,不仅推动欧洲一体化进程的发展,也是欧洲一体化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化进程中的主权让渡现象冲击了传统的主权观念。作为区域一体化的先行和典范,欧盟一体化进程中发生了国家主权大范围和深度的转移或让渡,改变了欧洲国家传统的国家主权神圣不可侵犯的观念。作者首先对主权观念进行了探讨,然后从经济管理权,欧盟的法律体系及欧盟法律与成员国国内法律的关系探讨了欧盟的主权让渡实践及其影响,最后指出,根据当今世界上国际关系的现实,必须维护国家主权原则。  相似文献   

欧盟制宪是欧洲一体化进程的必然产物。它在对传统制宪权理论继承的同时,也对其发起了挑战。继承表现对制宪权主体和本质的继承;挑战则表现在对制宪权前提、保证、来源和阶级性的挑战。欧盟制宪具有理论价值,同时对于欧盟一体化和其他国际组织制宪实践都有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

共同外交政策是欧洲一体化的应有之义,也是欧洲长久以来的梦想。共同外交与安全政策的启动是欧盟共同外交政策建设的里程碑。同时,欧洲的对外政策也带有"普世价值"、多边主义等强烈的欧洲价值观念色彩,这些价值观念也不可避免的在欧盟对华政策实践中体现出来。文章以欧盟对华政策为例,从价值观视角分析欧盟共同外交政策的建设,探讨价值观影响下欧盟共同外交政策的不足。  相似文献   

共同外交政策是欧洲一体化的应有之义,也是欧洲长久以来的梦想。共同外交与安全政策的启动是欧盟共同外交政策建设的里程碑。同时,欧洲的对外政策也带有"普世价值"、多边主义等强烈的欧洲价值观念色彩,这些价值观念也不可避免的在欧盟对华政策实践中体现出来。文章以欧盟对华政策为例,从价值观视角分析欧盟共同外交政策的建设,探讨价值观影响下欧盟共同外交政策的不足。  相似文献   

历史制度主义作为新制度主义的重要分支,在制度的定义、行为体偏好、制度的创设和演进等方面颇具特色,对欧盟政体及其一体化进程有独特假设和理解.特别是其路径依赖概念,对理解欧洲一体化有重要启发意义.本文从概述历史制度主义的一般特征出发,重点围绕历史制度主义关于制度的含义及路径依赖等核心概念,阐述历史制度主义关于欧洲一体化的经典解释,并就其对欧洲一体化的解释优势及局限性进行思考.  相似文献   

英国学派的国际社会理论作为冷战后出现的非主流理论在西方国际关系理论研究中具有鲜明的特色.其基本学术特征表现为以理性主义和传统主义为主流的多元主义思想方法,并以国际体系,国际社会与世界社会的三重视角进行论述.尽管在历史观,本体论等方面具有一定的局限性,但仍值得我们学习,研究和探索.  相似文献   

论欧盟政治体系的联邦制特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在欧洲一体化进程中,关于欧盟的体制之争从未停息,但认为欧盟同一般的国际组织没什么区别的观点已不大被人赞同,目前学术界比较一致的看法是:从欧盟本身所拥有的权力及其与成员国关系上来分析,欧盟不同于一般国际组织,而多少渗进了联邦制成分,或说是介于联邦与邦联之间的一种政治体系,本分析了欧盟政治体系的基本结构,在此基础上阐述了其联邦制特色,并对欧盟的政治体系的未来走势提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,英语已经成为国家与国家之间交流往来必不可少的语言工具.社会对英语人才的大量需求,使得我国高校也越来越重视英语教学,将英语课程作为高校学生必修课程,为社会输送大量的英语专业复合人才.文章主要对CBI英语教学理念概念、CBI理念在国内外高校英语教学现状及我国高校CBI教学理念在英语教学中的应用等内容进行了阐述.  相似文献   

This article has to do with a particularly persistent and intriguing problem in the politics of higher education, namely, the fault lines between ideas and reality, between a concept of a university and its implementation. The case in point is the creation of a new university at Frankfurt (Oder)—the European University ‘Viadrina‘—in the state of Brandenburg, on the eastern edge of what used to be the (East) German Democratic Republic. The case study traces the politics of creating and designing the new institution under the special conditions of post‐unification Germany and focuses on the challenges of implementing the twin elements of its founding concept: a particularly intensive international orientation, especially in its relationship with neighbouring Poland, and an attempt to transcend the boundaries of discipline‐based scholarship in teaching and research. Substantial problems with the implementation of the concept notwithstanding, the Viadrina stands a reasonable chance of becoming one of the few exceptions to the rule that unification has produced little innovation in German higher education.  相似文献   

刘文秀 《教学与研究》2004,11(11):39-44
21世纪的中欧全面伙伴关系是具有重要世界性影响的特殊的双边关系,准确定位影响中国对欧外交战略的主要因素对制定正确的对欧战略与决策具有重要意义。本文主要从欧盟的国际法主体地位及其共同外交与安全政策的性质、欧盟对华政策文件的战略内涵和影响中欧关系的主要因素三方面分析了中国对欧外交战略所应具有的定位基础,并在此基础上阐述了中国对欧外交战略所应依循的总体框架。  相似文献   

This study investigates the information society discourse in the European Union in relation to the European Commission's eLearning programmes, based on selected academics' conceptualisation of the term. It reveals a mixed picture of the perceptions that academics have of the information society in their respective countries. The findings indicate a convergence of these perceptions with the indicators of a presumed information society in various quantitative studies. This study considers that an integrated European Information Society, promoted by the European Commission partly through its eLearning programmes, is a concept destined to remain a motivational instrument for driving ICT policies throughout Europe.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期--20世纪初国际非政府组织的形成与发展的原因主要有五个方面:欧洲社会中自由结社传统及民主自由政治思想、公民社会的兴起、工业革命的深入、主权国际体系的形成、欧洲各国之间的国际联系和各国国内非政府组织的发展.正是这五个方面的因素使国际非政府组织在19世纪中后期形成并迅速发展起来.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the problems concerning the language of instruction in higher education within Europe and relates them to the African context. The author argues that there is reason to be worried about the spread of the use of English as a language of instruction in higher education, to the detriment of the smaller European languages in particular. The article gives an insight into the Norwegian and Swedish debate on the issue of domain loss to English in higher education. Towards the end, the article examines the language situation within the European Union. Here politicians publicly stress the need to maintain all the languages of the EU as part of the community’s wealth, but the reality appears to be different, as the EU is marked by the ever greater predominance of just one language, English.  相似文献   

In discussions on the unification of Europe the concept of 'European identity' looms large. European politicians are particularly anxious that the young generation should develop a European identity. This article poses some epistemological and methodological problems of attitude research concerning Europe and national stereotypes. It presents various qualitative studies to demonstrate the complexity of the concept of national or European identity. The written material and group discussions of Dutch pupils demonstrate, among other things, that children are capable of reflecting on stereotyping mechanisms. The hypothesis is launched that interaction situationsimagined ones (written material) as well as real ones (group discussion)-mitigate negative stereotypes and set reflection in motion. On the basis of the results suggestions are made for educators and politicians in the field of 'European education'.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the recent evolutions of science and engineering doctoral and postdoctoral education in Europe. Indeed, Ph.Ds are crucial to the conduct of research and innovation in the national innovation systems, as they provide a large amount of input into creating the competitive advantage, notably through basic research. First, we show that Asia, and notably China, is producing more Ph.Ds than the United States and Europe. In many EU countries, the number of Ph.Ds has levelled off or even declined recently in many natural sciences and engineering fields. Second, we discuss the European situation in the international competition for talents. We study the European brain drain question, mainly at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. We find that there is an asymmetry in the flows of Ph.D students and postdoctorates between Europe and the United States, at the advantage of this latter country. These two points — production of Ph.Ds, international flows of doctorates and postdoctorates — lead us to be concerned about the future growth and innovation in Europe. In conclusion, we outline some European policy responses in the perspective of building the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area.  相似文献   

欧洲16世纪的宗教改革是欧洲文明史上一座具有重要意义的里程碑,对欧洲社会政治转型产生了深远的影响,其中,加尔文的宗教改革极具代表意义。加尔文宗教改革对世俗政治的建构,主要包括人的自由神圣性、政权的世俗性、经济生活自由和法律的至上性。这四个方面的建构,实现了世俗与神圣的相互统一,对欧洲社会政治世俗化转型起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

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