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公共图书馆史研究有助于我们了解公共图书馆的过去,把握其现在和未来。从五个方面对美国公共图书馆史文献进行评述:美国图书馆学者重视对公共图书馆现状的调研,在十九世纪中期和后期出版了两份具有深远历史意义的调查报告;图书馆史学者注重结合当时的社会经济和文化背景,阐释美国公共图书馆运动的起源与发展动因;虽然公共图书馆通史和断代史的著作较为少见,然而学者关注专史特别是馆史和卡内基图书馆历史的编撰;公共图书馆人物传记领域成就突出,产生了大量具有理论价值与史料价值的研究成果;美国图书馆学者还注重公共图书馆服务研究,在公共图书馆的社区服务、青少年服务、成人服务以及战争服务等研究领域取得了丰硕成果,有力地促进了美国图书馆事业的发展。参考文献58。  相似文献   

丁丽娜 《图书馆》2011,(6):9-11
以纽约市布鲁克林图书馆为例,通过数据、案例及相关政策,介绍美国公共图书馆多样、具体和人性化的服务。在此基础上展示一幅以提供服务其顾客具有不同年龄、教育、经济和文化背景的宽度为焦点的大型城市公共图书馆的快照。进而阐明公共图书馆在美国人生活中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

课后服务是公共图书馆承担社会教育职能的重要方式,美国公共图书馆课后服务的实践彰显了公共价值理念。文章以美国10家代表性公共图书馆为研究对象,采用网络调研、内容分析和案例研究的方法,分析了美国图书馆行业基于公共价值的课后服务架构和典型模式,并归纳其实践逻辑和发展经验。研究发现,美国公共图书馆以公共价值为引领,课后服务呈现出多方联动、统筹设计、科学组织和精准施策的多维特征。这给我国带来了有益启示:树立课后服务推广意识,构建多元合作服务体系;以提高“综合素养”为导向,供给相宜的服务内容;拓宽课后服务形式,兼顾不同层次用户的需求;以专业化引领创新发展,加强课后服务队伍建设。  相似文献   

世界各国对儿童获取图书馆服务的权利都给予了充分的肯定,其中美国公共图书馆在这方面做得尤为突出。文章以美国公共图书馆开展儿童服务的理念、对象、内容与运行机制等为研究对象,期望为国内图书馆儿童服务提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

文章分析了美国公共图书馆的青少年服务实践现状,重点介绍了美国公共图书馆基于五大重点内容采取的服务举措,列举了美国费城自由图书馆的青少年服务案例,提出了美国公共图书馆青少年服务给我国公共图书馆带来的启示,对我国公共图书馆的青少年服务具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

服务是图书馆永恒的主题,但怎样服务才能使公众满意,是国内公共图书馆面对的难题。尤其是近些年来,公共图书馆普遍面临购书经费紧缺,新书购入量大幅下降,读者剧减,一些图书馆前些年读者人头攒动,门庭若市。国内公共图书馆碰到的情况,国外公共图书馆同样也碰到过,但公共图书馆还不至于被如此冷落。为什么?其中的奥秘我们可从下面美国公共图书馆的服务范围、内容、  相似文献   

美国调查机构皮尤研究中心于2013年1月22日公布数字时代美国公共图书馆服务的报告。该报告是美国皮尤研究中心互联网与美国生活项目就图书馆在人们生活中和社区活动中的作用进行调查的成果。根据该报告,解读美国公共图书馆服务的相关数据:使用人群特性,美国人使用图书馆的习惯,美国人在公共图书馆的活动内容,美国人使用图书馆发生变化的原因。在此基础上探析了美国公共图书馆服务现状:公共图书馆是社区的中心,公共图书馆的服务呈多样性,公共图书馆的重要服务及普通服务,公共图书馆的未来服务,不同肤色人群渴望得到的图书馆的服务。  相似文献   

我国移动图书馆服务现状调查   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以国家图书馆和31家省级公共图书馆为研究对象,采用网络调研、问卷调查、有效性测试等方法,对中国图书馆的移动服务现状进行调研,并与美国排名前25位的公共图书馆的移动服务进行对比分析。结果表明:中国公共图书馆移动服务普及率偏低,服务模式主要为WAP和APP;移动服务和移动资源 较为丰富,移动服务具有良好的个性和交互性,但存在移动服务体系不完整、移动服务缺乏创新性、知晓度较低、有效性整体不高等问题。中美公共图书馆的移动服务各有所长,中国图书馆提供了更为丰富的移动服务和移动资源,而美国图书馆移动服务更加人性化和精细化,与移动终端结合得更好,馆藏信息的展示效果较好。图6。表3。参考文献37。  相似文献   

延伸服务 资源共享——实现公共图书馆服务效益最大化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共图书馆是建立在公共财政基础上的提供公共服务的机构,面对公共图书馆服务效益低下的现状,图书馆的所有业务环节,都应该围绕着提升服务能力而展开。开展图书馆延伸服务、资源共享,是实现公共图书馆服务效益最大化的有效途径,提出图书馆延伸服务工作中应确立"责任"意识和"发展基金会"意识。  相似文献   

论文以苏州图书馆的实践为例,探讨公共图书馆如何立足公共图书馆服务体系建设,开展多元化的、与多方合作的阅读推广活动,从而构筑起城市阅读空间,为普遍均等的图书馆服务和全民阅读创造条件.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在研究美国城市公共图书馆移动终端服务模式。[方法/过程]选取138所美国城市公共图书馆作为统计样本,对其移动终端服务现状进行研究分析。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,美国城市图书馆应在其移动阅读媒介的阅读推荐和导读服务、图书馆移动终端资源的丰富、儿童读物的增加和分类、用户需求的充分调研分析以及不同图书馆用户群体需求的满足等方面进行改进,同时本研究也针对这些问题提出应对策略,并适用于我国图书馆的移动终端服务。  相似文献   

张立频 《图书情报工作》2020,64(15):221-230
[目的/意义] 应对重大突发公共卫生事件是北美图书馆应急服务的重要内容,对北美图书馆应急措施典型案例进行研究分析,可为图书馆未来应急服务机制建设提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 从不同历史时期的视角出发,遴选北美公共图书馆、高校图书馆、专业图书馆、图书馆协会应对1918年大流感、2003年SARS、2019年新冠肺炎三次流行性传染病的典型案例并进行归纳分析,评述北美图书馆应对重大突发公共卫生事件的应急服务特征。[结果/结论] 北美图书馆在历史上的重大突发公共卫生事件中提供了满足当时社会背景下需要的信息服务,承担了社区防疫的执行者、健康信息的传播者、弱势群体的保护者、科研"战疫"的坚强后盾等角色,在远程开馆、数字转型、跨界融合、全球防疫"一盘棋"等办馆理念、服务方式和应急机制上,为未来图书馆应急服务管理模式带来启示。  相似文献   

美国社区图书馆的特色化服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区图书馆是美国公共图书馆系统中分布广泛、数量庞大并发挥着巨大作用的一个群体。论文通过对美国两所社区图书馆的实地考察,简述了美国社区图书馆在特色化服务、尊重读者权益等方面值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In view of the differences between China and western developed countries in social system, social culture, economic development level, etc., this paper compares the different characteristics of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, and provides reference for the development of the special services of public libraries in China.[Method/process] Based on the investigation of the status of the special services of public libraries in China and abroad, this paper respectively identified the main types of special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries through cluster analysis and conducted comparative analysis to reveal the commonalities and differences.[Result/conclusion] Comparing the characteristics of the special services of Chinese and foreign public libraries, this paper finds that the academic content of the special service of Chinese public libraries need to be improved, and the training of library professionals needs to be strengthened, and further attention needs to be paid to the interaction between libraries and their users in service process, so as to improve the attraction and influence of the special services of the public library.  相似文献   

How public library policies, practices and services support the information needs of people experiencing homelessness was investigated using a qualitative-phenomenological design. Data were collected through semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with four homeless participants and seven librarians from four public library networks from a particular New Zealand region. The findings revealed that while none of the participating libraries had policies or services that were targeted at homelessness individuals, the libraries were perceived as providing services that largely met the information needs of their homeless patrons even if there were areas for improvement. It was noted that libraries could provide services that contribute to the strengthening of cultural identity and that policies and services should take relevant socio-cultural contexts into consideration. The findings inform public library policies and practices so that services could be developed and improved in order to enable equitable and effective use by homeless individuals, without unnecessarily segregating this user group.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对我国与西方发达国家在社会制度、社会文化、经济发展水平等方面存在的差异,对比国内外公共图书馆特色服务的不同特点,为我国公共图书馆特色服务的发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 在对国内外公共图书馆特色服务现状展开调查的基础上,通过聚类分析识别中外公共图书馆特色服务的主要类型并展开对比分析,揭示其中的共性和差异。[结果/结论] 对比中外公共图书馆特色服务的特点发现,我国公共图书馆特色服务内容的学术性有待提高,图书馆专业人才的培养还需要不断加强,应当进一步重视在服务过程中图书馆与用户之间的交互,以此来不断提升公共图书馆特色服务的吸引力和影响力。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆绩效评估理论研究始于20世纪60年代,涵盖了图书馆绩效评估的内涵与发展阶段、图书馆法中有关图书馆评估的条款、绩效评估的指标、绩效评估的手段、绩效评估的方法等方面。我国公共图书馆在开展绩效评估理论与实践研究时要根据公共图书馆的具体情况,同时可以借鉴美国等国家公共图书馆绩效评估的成功经验。  相似文献   


Historically, non-lawyer patrons in law libraries have been viewed with discomfort, and library services, even in libraries open to the public, have been geared toward members of the legal community. However, changes in both the needs of the public and in the demographics of library patrons are challenging the traditional allocation of services in public law libraries. This article discusses the reasons for the traditional allocation of services, the cultural and economic forces that are bringing the public to law libraries in greater numbers, and new modes of service that can better meet the needs of public patrons.  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study of public library services in Singapore for young people (defined as those people between thirteen to nineteen years of age) who are wheelchair bound. The research was carried out originally in 2000, but the study still informs policy makers in the Singapore system. Three main research questions are explored:
  • What are the information needs of wheelchair-bound young people?

  • What are their perceptions of libraries and library services?

  • What are the problems they face in using library facilities and services?

The study involves eleven wheelchair-bound people between the ages of twelve and twenty who were selected by means of a purposive sample.

Findings indicate that most participants enjoyed reading books but did not read newspapers. The computer was used primarily as a recreational tool, and the convenience of the Internet appealed to them. There were, however, problems in using computer equipment in the libraries. School libraries were generally inaccessible. There were also problems in using public library services and facilities as well as being in public places. Their use of public libraries was infrequent. They were unaware of the full range of library facilities and services.

The study concluded that there was a need and demand for library services by wheelchair-bound young people. Their information needs and reading habits were no different from those of any young person. Current library promotions were inadequate in stimulating or sustaining their awareness and interest. Transportation was the main obstacle in getting to libraries. The problems faced in using libraries were mainly related to architectural and physical access to library facilities and services.  相似文献   

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