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This paper provides an overview of a collection of works related to sport and Christianity from historical perspectives. After a brief general historiographical introduction, the material connected to the burgeoning field of sport and religion is summarized. In particular, it is noted that the works concentrate on diverse geographic locations and different time periods. The investigations are not limited to a narrow definition of Christianity, but encompass a wide range of denominations, related philosophies, and viewpoints. In terms of variety, it is noted that different methodological and theoretical approaches are adopted, and, given the existing state of play, it is clear that there is still much to be uncovered, documented, and written about when it comes to the enduring topic of sport and Christianity. The conclusion is that any research agenda which emerges from observations on historical perspectives concerning the relationship of sport with aspects of Christianity will continue to resonate and add value to wider understandings of sport, culture, and the human condition.  相似文献   


This narrative relayed life story experiences of a South African sports historian. Written in the first person, it related how academic, employment, schooling, sport, and political experiences laid a foundation for sport historical engagement with the world. Individual names and places, not commonly used in grand narratives, or those who function below the national were highlighted throughout the text. These were people and places that may be regarded as marginal or subalteran and largely ignored in present dominant narratives. Therefore, the reader gets a glimpse of the South African Senior Schools Sports Association, South African Amateur Athletics Board, Teachers’ League of South Africa, University of the Western Cape. Local areas such as Blouvlei and the village of Wellington are also visited. There was a deliberate attempt to avoid statistics because the black historical experience was largely ignored in official accounts. Throughout the narrative, a relational plot was utilized that sought significant relationships between the historian and others. The narrative thus does not follow a linear projection because these relationships affect the sportsperson at different times in his or life sometimes being unaware of their existence. Instead, places and spaces in Cape Town that impacted on the shaping of a sport historian were emphasized.  相似文献   

The article analyses relations between changing notions of sports and social stratification in sport activities. Current empirical research indicates an increased participation of formerly underrepresented groups, especially women and older people. However, the results of a study show that this is not the case in the traditional contest-orientated model of sports which is still structured by typical differences of age and gender. Furthermore, the traditional notion of sports as a contest is especially pronounced in the less active, lower social strata. A polarity between a rather open “sport for all” and a partly exclusive, traditional, contest-orientated model of sports becomes apparent. As a consequence, research on social stratification in sports should focus on qualitative differences in sports activity.  相似文献   

By adopting a developmental approach, this essay describes and analyses the key processes that led to the establishment and institutionalization of sports gambling in Israel. The socio-historic examination of these processes (1951–1971) suggests that sports gambling in Israel was primarily designed to satisfy a convergence of political interests among governmental decision-makers, leaders of sports institutions and powerful private entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

有个有趣而耐人寻味的现象,Sport,Game,Play,这类字眼时常出现在哲学家的笔下,“游戏”成为一种重要的思想范式,得到普遍应用。这不仅可以在上世纪尼采那里找到,本世纪的海德格尔则借助于“游戏”跃出了“理性为自然立法”的西方近代哲学传统,维特根斯坦从游戏概念开放性的特征中类推出语言活动秩序的超逻辑性,皮亚杰也正是从对儿童游戏规则的厘析中,解决了人类认识的发生,道德判断的形成等难题;伽达默尔著作的一个重要章节的题  相似文献   

从语言学和历史学的角度,按照英语史和英国史的基本脉络,根据英语历史文献,考证和论述sport的词源、本义、词义发展,考察sport词义发展的社会历史背景,为"什么是sport"提供一种历史解答.  相似文献   

客观事物的发展必然导致人们将对其内涵和外延进行再界定。这是理解事物的必然过程。关于英文“Sport”一词,长期以来国际国内对其含义都有不同的理解和认识,近年来争议更多。最近从美国克莱拉多大学柯克莱博士的《Sport in society》一书中读到他对Sport所作的界定比较明确。现摘译于下,以供讨论参考。  相似文献   


The Nazis won the battle of Skarphedin after a long struggle with the anti‐Nazis, but did not succeed in gaining the support of the ordinary members of the club. They controlled the club activities from July 1941 till the end of the war, but very few competitions were arranged and very few members took part. The Nazisseemed to control the board, the athletics and the soccer group, but not theski group. The last mentioned group made their own report from the war and to some extent they took part in ‘illegal’ competitions that were not controlledby the Nazis. The reasons why Skarphedin was taken over by the Nazis should be seen in the light of Bø's geographical location in the heart of Telemark, the economic crisis of the smallholders, and the electoral pact between the Norwegian Nazi Party and Bygdefolkets Krisehjelp. In many ways Bø appears to have been a Nazi centre during most of the war years, even if the majority ofits inhabitants did not involve themselves actively on any of the fronts.  相似文献   


Few historical accounts of Australian sport policy have explicitly profiled the federal government’s involvement in disability sport. In this paper, we draw on the concept of ableism as a lens to address this lacuna. In doing so, we profile the history of the Commonwealth government involvement in disability sport and explore how the policy of ‘mainstreaming’ has emerged through partnerships led by the Australian Paralympic Committee with National Sporting Originations (NSOs) and government. We highlight that whilst these changes have arguably made mainstream NSOs more aware of their legal obligations and have led to positive changes in the provision of opportunities for people with a disability through the development of ‘Paralympic pathways’, there is some evidence of potential caveats of ‘mainstreaming’. Specifically, we point to an emerging body of evidence which suggests that despite these policy measures, people with disabilities still report being marginalized and excluded from ‘mainstream’ sporting programmes. Therefore, we question if less governmental leadership is the right path given the limitations of the present policy framework. Additionally, we highlight how performance-based funding mechanisms such as ‘Winning Edge’ are narrowing who is eligible for funding and thus curtailing finite resources for only the most ‘abled’ of the disabled.  相似文献   

In France today, sport is considered to be a fundamental element of the educational offer in the prison environment, especially because it represents in the eyes of the majority an activity that is capable of channelling violence and violent behaviours, although this exemplary effect of education cannot be taken for granted. It is based, in fact, on a commonly accepted opinion and on evidence that is rarely questioned and is even contradicted in recent studies. But can sport, as a more or less formalised pedagogical, institutional and/or sociopolitical project, continue to be ‘educational’ in particular social spaces, like prison, which in essence distorts the conditions of unconstrained free practice and cultural dissemination? Starting from a case study, focused on France, the aim of this paper is to question the relation of sport with the calming qualities and/or, on the contrary, those that produce force fields, not by isolating it and constructing an improvised model but rather by re-inserting it into the issue of pacifying social fields, that is by re-integrating sports practice in the very place which gives it a sense and literally one which incarnates a motor praxeology with constraints – not to say control.  相似文献   

Introduction Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS,formerly named as Korea Sport Science Institute:KSSI) was established on December 29th,1980 to perform research and provide support for better performance of the national athletes.KISS had clear objective of supporting scientifi c training of national athletes for successful hosting of 1986 Asian Games and 1988 Olympics,both were to be held in Seoul,Korea. The objective was successfully achieved with strong support from the government.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on the head fake in basketball showed that participant’s responses in a pass direction identification task were delayed for incongruent compared to congruent directions of the players gaze and pass (so-called head fake effect). In these studies on the head fake effect, static pictures were presented and responses on the pass direction were given with a simple key press. The present study examines whether an increase in the response complexity affects the head fake effect and whether it can also be transferred to the presentation of dynamic stimuli. In experiment 1, participants were presented with static pictures of a basketball player who passes a ball to the left or to the right. The player’s gaze direction was either oriented in the direction of the intended pass or in the opposite direction (i.?e., a head fake). The participants were asked to respond as quickly as possible to the pass direction and to ignore the gaze direction. Participants gave responses by pressing a key (simple response) or by executing a quasirealistic defense movement (complex response). Response complexity was blocked. In experiment 2, videos replaced the static stimuli. The responses were only given with the complex, full body movement. Results show that the head fake effect is independent of response complexity and that it can also be found when presenting dynamic stimuli.  相似文献   

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