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"公民身份"认同是超越民族、国家认同的一种更具价值的情感体验。由于受我国历史传统因素的影响,加上目前全球性问题突显,各国公民的身份认同问题正遭遇前所未有的危机。在我国朝向现代民主社会发展的进程中,应把培养现代公民作为一切教育的重要目标,同时把公民身份的认同从初级身份认同上升为政治性集体认同,加强公民权利意识的培养,成为我国公民教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

As distinguished from the formal, political science-oriented citizenship curriculum studied exclusively in secondary schools, civic education-learning develops throughout the young-mature citizen's life in Israel. The analysis of the role and learning of two primary civic myths--'Israel is a Jewish and a democratic state' and 'Israelis are Jews'--demonstrates how this learning takes place through 'formations' of hegemony such as the family, the media, civic militarism as well as through schools' statist and social curricula. Successes of civic education enable the civic myths to be vibrant, gestalt worlds of meaning for Jewish Israelis, and sites of resistance for ultra-orthodox Jewish as well as Palestinian citizens of Israel. On the other hand, as an ethnocracy, democracy in civic Israel is not a meaningful world of value but rather a means to manage political processes. Therefore, the Israel case study is insightful for understanding the limitations of civic and citizenship education that seeks to advance democratic-oriented values such as human rights, liberty, justice, tolerance, civility, coexistence, pluralism and an alternative concept of Israel as a civil society.  相似文献   

Citizenship (education) is de facto a political and spatial concept and should be considered in local, national, and global contexts. Adopting a spatial and cultural politics perspective and with the dynamic formation of Hong Kong's citizenship education as a case study, this article tries to illustrate the politics at three different levels. It shows how citizenship and identity are hotly contested, with the result that, while the official civic education programme is oriented towards “national education”, a pluralistic and vibrant civil society allows the hybridization and cross-fertilization of multiple discourses and practices to run parallel with the state project, either in a complementary or competitive way. Civic education launched by the democratic camp in civil society may be viewed as empowerment struggles for human rights and democracy vis-à-vis the domestication efforts made by the government and the pro-Beijing camp, as well as the tyranny of global capitalism.  相似文献   

民国的公民教育运动作为启蒙运动的重要组成部分,其演进过程反映了权威话语和民间话语共同压制知识分子话语的历史。公民教育必须坚持知识分子话语立场,明确其培养现代公民意识、建构现代公民社会的目标,并且注重公民行为习惯的训练。  相似文献   

党的“十七大”报告强调加强公民意识培育,而公民意识的形成有赖于系统的公民教育。在我国积极推行公民教育,使之成为全国社会性运动,始于20世纪20年代余日章领导的青年会开展的成人公民教育运动。这项公民教育运动对于提高国民公民意识和公民观念及催生现代民主产生了深刻的影响,因此,认识与分析余日章领导的成人公民教育运动,在我国加强公民意识教育的今天,无疑具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

于玲玲 《成人教育》2014,34(10):18-24
我国近代著名的教育家袁公为,对公民教育的理论与方法进行了探索与研究,形成了自己对公民教育的独到思考与认知:世界近代的公民教育是历史发展的产物;广义的公民教育概念;社会学、政治学和心理学为公民教育提供理论基础和知识借鉴;从学校到社会,从小学到中学,从课内到课外,从知识教学到行为训练的系统的公民教育实施方法。袁公为公民教育思想对现代思想政治教育仍具重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Citizenship is a complex and multidimensional concept. There has been a tendency to compare traditions of citizenship in the West with those in the East, captured by a stereotype that depicts the West as individualistic and the East as collectivist. The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of citizenship is exhibited by Chinese university students, including both their civic perception and their civic participation. Using a recently developed distinction between thin and thick citizenship, the findings from both quantitative and qualitative data analysed in this study reveal that Chinese university students tend towards thin citizenship, as they demonstrate positive civic attitudes yet lack strong evidence of participatory citizenship. The paper also discusses the impact of Confucian and other Chinese traditional value systems on typical views of citizenship held by Chinese students, and offers the suggestion that the citizenship education curriculum should incorporate experiential learning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article explores the civic republican conception of citizenship underlying the Labour government's programme of civil renewal and the introduction of education for democratic citizenship. It considers the importance of the cultivation of civic virtue through political participation for such developments and it reviews the research into how service learning linked to character education can lead to the civic virtue of duty or social responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which civic education is achieving its goals of teaching democracy and producing responsible democratic citizenship in Lesotho. This is done by analysing the conceptions of civic education, democracy, public participation, human rights, freedoms and responsibilities that appear in Lesotho’s documents that are used to teach people about democracy through formal, non-formal and informal education. I therefore argue that in the current Lesotho’s political history, these conceptions do not provide enough conditions for the cultivation of active democratic citizenship. Instead the materials dwell too much on teaching citizens about the systems and structures of government, preoccupied with inconsistent definitions and characteristics of democracy and with informing citizens of the importance of knowing how to vote and abide by the laws of the country; without showing how democracy should operate in a democratic country. The findings reveal that civic education for adults in Lesotho is offered informally, through the civil society organisations and politicians that are largely based in urban parts of Lesotho. This suggest that civic education should be tailored for the rural and urban citizens in a context of democratic transition in a country that still embraces strong traditional ties to communitarian living.  相似文献   

价值与模式:历史视野中的我国公民教育及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代贝  周光稷 《教育学报》2007,3(4):63-68
西方“公民社会”理论和公民教育的理论和实践成果对我们有重要的借鉴意义。但是,即使当前的公民教育研究看上去与“公民社会”理论的话语体系相对应,中国公民教育的建构也远非如此简单。中国公民教育的发展所依托的,不仅是中国当下正在建构的“公民社会”蓝图,还有百年以来中国纵横交织的现代化历史,以及东西方学术冲突融合的积淀,这些因素深远地影响了我国公民教育构建的价值和模式。只有明晰当前我国公民教育各种理念的历史来源及其合理性,公民教育的展开才能具备现实性和有效性。  相似文献   

Confucianism, long regarded as the key philosophy on personal character-building and interpersonal relations in Chinese society, used to be pivotal to citizenship education in Taiwan, but that has changed in the last 20 years. In the wake of democratization in the late 1980s, growing liberalism and pluralism in Taiwanese society prompted the authorities to widen the scope of the school curriculum to include a diversity of cultures and thus the influence of this ancient Chinese philosophy began to fade away. The new citizenship curriculum, introduced in 2010, is no longer structured around Confucian moral guidance, but has instead embraced pluralism. Confucianism, from the perspective of those Taiwanese citizenship curriculum designers who were interviewed, hinders the formation of civil society due to its overly strong emphasis on familial kinship and “sovereign-subject” paternalism. Engulfed by Confucian moral principles, the critical and reflective competence of the individual often fails to develop. The new citizenship programme therefore attempts to counter the emphasis on fostering “obedient citizens” under monolithic Confucian doctrines and envisions a resilient civil society open to pluralistic voices.  相似文献   

In post-conflict and fragile contexts, one central aim of education is to prepare citizens to rebuild society and manage conflict. In this paper, we discuss the ways that citizenship education, students’ civic attitudes, and student civic practices vary across two post-conflict contexts in Africa: Liberia and Rwanda. First, we consider the historical and current complexities of citizenship education in these countries drawing on a post-colonial framework and Osler and Starkey’s three dimensions of citizenship. Next, we discuss survey and interview data from secondary students based on separate multi-level case studies in the respective countries. We note differences and similarities in student conceptions of good citizenship, civic identity, classroom climate, and civic engagement across the two countries, as well as variation by school type and gender. Some notable findings included less active conceptions of citizenship and openness to discussing controversial issues in Rwanda than in Liberia, and less participation in out of school activities among young women than young men. These and other results highlight differing contextual values of development, security, freedom of speech, and civic action and the overall importance of citizenship education in a post-conflict context.  相似文献   

美国从建国之初就非常重视公民教育,至今已有200多年的历史,其实践探索值得研究.美国建国至内战时期学校公民教育的基本内容是注重公民美德的培养,灌输中产阶级的价值观;其主导途径是公民性的传递.这一时期的公民教育取得了巨大的成就,但理想与现实之间也存在着一定的差距.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the impact of 22 pre-service teachers’ participation in a change-oriented service-learning project on their conceptions of citizenship as civic actors and civic educators. The goal of this project was to push students toward adopting more critically conscious and activist conceptions of citizenship as aligned with the needs of a democratic society. Using Eyler and Giles’ (1999) typology of effective citizenship as an analytic framework, we describe how students’ participation in this project led to demonstrated growth along all five dimensions of effective citizenship. Yet, analysis revealed that, despite the project’s change-orientation, students’ conceptions of citizenship failed to move beyond personal responsibility to include enhanced social consciousness and the importance of collective action. Thus, we raise critical questions about what constitutes “effective citizenship” in a democratic society and the role of higher education in preparing teachers to embody and enact such a vision.  相似文献   

现代社会、现代性与公民教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代社会的特征决定了它必然是一个公民社会,在其中,公民是独立、自由而又主动的社会参与者。但是,现代社会又必然产生现代性问题,因为现代性使人们远离公共领域而活在自我的空间内,使现代社会失去公民社会的真义。因此,现代性本身又是颠覆现代社会的,这就需要通过公民教育来保卫公共性、捍卫公共价值并引导人体认自身的公民身份,以弥合现代性问题给现代社会造成的断裂。中国公民教育存在的问题是:在集体主义与个人主义两方面的影响下产生权利与义务的分离。为了抵制这种分离给公民社会所带来的现代性断裂,亟需通过公民教育引导学生从社会层面来理解权利与义务,以培养拥有健全而统一的权利和义务观的现代公民。  相似文献   

建设中国特色的政治文明是我国构建和谐社会的必然要求和制度保证。公民意识作为一个关键的结构性要素,必将发挥重要的内在动力机制作用。实践证明,公民意识的短缺在一定程度上造成了我国现代化实现的思想障碍。实施公民教育,鼓励公民践行政治活动是培育公民意识的途径。  相似文献   

Two distinctive paradigms have been used in researching higher education phenomena in China’s process of social transformation. The first might be described as “critical realist,” and the second as “interpretivist.” The book Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education, has inclined toward the second paradigm and a central concept is that of “civil society.” However, the authors of this article argue that the concept of “commercial civil society” may better explain the characteristics of Chinese private higher education. Different from civil society that is based on voluntary action and contributions, commercial civil society is characterized by profit making behavior. This article focuses on analyzing the profit making features of Chinese private higher education, and thus aims to supplement the interpretivist analysis presented in the book. The authors believe that the concept of “commercial civil society” not only reflects certain features of the social environment in which Chinese private higher education operates, but may also be helpful for analyzing private higher education phenomena in other countries.  相似文献   

青少年公民意识是公民教育的重要内容。青少年公民意识的强弱从根本上关系到整个国民的素质,关系到我国社会主义公民社会的建立和实现。因此,要通过隐性教育方法、渗透教育方法和人性化教育的方法,把青少年公民意识教育与学校教育结合起来,与社会实践活动结合起来,与家庭日常生活结合起来。目前我国青少年公民意识教育无论是学校教育,还是家庭教育和社会教育等方面仍然存在许多问题。需要从构建民主、平等与和谐的家庭关系,切实改进学校公民意识教育的方法,加大社会实践活动的力度,进一步加强青少年公民意识教育与培养。  相似文献   

叶飞 《全球教育展望》2011,(8):65-69,59
缺乏公民的主体性参与,公民教育极容易产生"疏离"的状态,即公民知识与公民实践、公民个体与公民社会的分裂与脱离。这种"疏离"状态由于违背了公民教育的实践属性和主体参与性,因此并不利于公民品质的培养,反而将阻碍健全的公民品质的成长。基于此,有必要建构一种参与式的公民教育,通过引导受教育者参与到学校公共生活、社区公共生活以及更为广阔的社会公共生活领域之中,来促进他们的公民知识、公民理性、公民价值感和公民行动能力等方面的综合发展。公民教育从"疏离"走向"参与",可以更好地体现公民教育的实践本性,促进公民教育的实践回归。  相似文献   

Most countries of the world have experienced a revival in civic education in recent years. Issues of globalization, migration, national identity, citizenship, democracy, and civil society have forced them to devise, or reflect upon, some form of civic education for their schools. This is certainly the case for many countries in the Asian region. We have sought to identify appropriate pedagogy for teaching civics and citizenship in schools across the Asian region. From the literature it was possible to identify four categories of pedagogical strategies for civics and citizenship education which are applicable to the great variety of Asian schools. The categories are: 1) class-based, passive — cognitive pedagogies; 2) school-based, passive — cognitive pedagogies; 3) class-based, participative-active pedagogies; and 4) school-based, participative-active pedagogies. Some of these strategies appear more promising than others in Asian schools given that traditional, didactic teaching strategies dominate. What looks most promising include: whole school pedagogical strategies; critical thinking, particularly through group work; a variety of cooperative learning strategies including group problem-solving exercises; school-based activity learning; and the use of a technology such as CD ROMs as a resource. It is unlikely only one pedagogical strategy will prove to be singularly effective with civics. A more probable outcome will be that a combination of strategies will be most effective. Future research will provide suggestions as to the composition of that set of pedagogical strategies.  相似文献   

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