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王英 《新体育》2024,(2):16-18
正手击球技术是网球击球技术的基本击球方法之一,据统计运动员正手击球技术在比赛中所占比重超过70%,因其具有速度快、控制力强、力量大等特点,成为多数运动员用以得分取胜的主要手段,而力量和身体平衡性是正手击球技术当中两大基础素质。本次研究共选取某高校体育学院网球专项班20名男子,分为实验组与对照组,实验组网球正手击球深度、力度及精准度经过核心力量训练6周后与训练前相比有较为显着的提高,对照组接受传统力量训练6周后网球正手击球深度、力度及精准度改善情况低于实验组,表明核心力量训练比传统力量训练更能促进网球正手击球技术发展。  相似文献   

加大击球力量生物力学原理的初步探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 所谓击球力量是指人体通过球拍作用于球体的力。它是通过球飞行速度V=s/t表现出来的。所谓飞行速度,本文系指从击球点到落对方球台点之间这段时间内球飞行速度。乒乓球比赛中的双方运动员都希望自己击球力量大,球飞行速度快或旋转强。以达到压制对方或直接得分的目的。怎样增大击球力量呢?本文试图从生物力学原理进行初步分析与探讨。一、击球力量与球飞行速度的关系球的飞行速度主要是由击球力量决定的。  相似文献   

一、选题依据在现代乒乓球比赛中,提高击球力量越发显得重要了。因为击球力量是加大球的速度和增强球的旋转的基础。比赛中哪一方击球力量大,哪一方的球速就快,或是旋转强烈,容易取得主动权,并能给对方造成心理上的威胁。《现代乒乓球技术的研究》一书中指出:“增大击球力量无论是用于对付强烈上旋的弧圈球或转与不转的削球,都具有重大作用”。增强击球力量的重要性是众所周知的,不少文献也阐  相似文献   

十二、力量 (一)问:何谓击球力量? 答:在力学中,一物体对另一物 体的作用叫做力。用公式来表示:力 =质量×加速度(F=Ma)。 击球力量就是指球拍对球的作 用力。 在乒乓球运动中,由于球的重 量是固定不变的,所以击球力量的 大小主要是由击球瞬间的挥拍速度 决定的。挥拍的加速度越大,击球的 力量也越大。  相似文献   

乒乓球击球节奏分快、慢两种,改变节奏主要通过如下两种方式。第一,击球的时机。击球的时期分为上升前期、上升后期、高点期、下降前期、下降后期。击球时机越早,节奏越快;第二,击球的力量。力量越大,越主动发力,节奏就越快。当然,力量的变化,会影响旋转、落点和弧度。合理的击球动作,是把握好击球节奏的前提。我们知道,一个完整的击球动作分为四个部分:引拍、挥拍迎球、击球、还原,这四个动作的完成时间,就组成了一个击球动作的周期,这个周期,就决定了学生的击球节奏。合理的击球动作,要具有以下几个特征:还原快,具有充分的引拍过程,挥拍迎…  相似文献   

仪名蕾  毕研嵩 《精武》2013,(18):27-28,30
本文从挥拍击球的定义出发,对正手挥拍击球技术进行了分解,研究了挥拍击球技术的能量产生、传递、增强、转化的过程,找出了提高挥拍击球力量的方法。对提高正手击球的攻击性具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

我们总是感觉职业选手的击球好像没用很大的力量,球却又快又重地呼啸而出。即便是非常被动地击球,挥拍速度也风驰电掣。这是怎么回事呢?而我们打不出这样的击球,除了力量层面的差距,还犯了什么错误呢?  相似文献   

击球时充分利用下身的力量 阿加西的击球动作特点就是快而有力地挥拍以及较大的随挥动作。无论是对慢速球还是对快速球,阿加西的随挥动作都比较大。此外,他的击球瞬间的向内翻手腕对控制球也很有好处。 大的随挥动作可以有利于将击出的球压住。如果有意识地提高挥拍的速度,随挥动作自然也就比较大。此外,还要注意将下身力量作用到击球瞬间,在挥拍时利用身体的转动可以增加击球的力量。  相似文献   

李金 《网球天地》2008,(5):104-104
截击,可以说是在击球瞬间握紧球拍的打法。在来球速度很快的情况下,更需要提前调整身体朝向,做好准备姿势,在击球前就已将力量传递到球拍上。但在这样的状态下击球,却无法将球截得更远。要保证球的飞行距离,在击球的一瞬间握紧球拍至关重要。如果一开始就握紧球拍,就无法产生令球反弹的力量。更  相似文献   

通过对世界优秀网球选手击球时的观察和分析,并结合多年的教学实践,认为头和非持拍手臂在网球击球时起到了维持身体平衡、保持良好的体轴、增大击球力量的作用,从而提高了击球的稳健性和威胁性。  相似文献   

我国优秀散打运动员侧边腿下肢运动的速度特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用两台高速摄像机对我国 3名优秀散打运动员的 12次侧边腿动作进行同步拍摄 ,并用国产爱捷录像分析系统进行DLT三维解析 ,结果表明 :下肢髋、膝、踝、脚尖 4个关节点具有明显鞭打的特征 ;脚尖在打击时的三个速度分量中 ,只有在弹踢方向的速度分量接近最大值 ;脚尖、踝和膝等三关节点在打击过程中有一个先向外侧运动 ,然后向内侧弹踢的运动过程 ,关节的这种反向运动既增加了做功距离 ,同时也增加了肌肉的打击力量  相似文献   

通过对1994年全国网球沙龙赛(沈阳站)40名参赛选手发球技术及其效果的统计分析,认为要增强发球的攻击性,应该从增加击球力量、控制球的落点和加大球的旋转等几方面加强训练。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、测试法和数理统计法,对我国28名女子800 m运动员的专项素质进行综合分析。揭示了影响我国800 m运动员运动成绩提高的专项素质的主导因素为速度耐力、速度、下肢爆发力和一般耐力,典型指标为400 m跑、30 m行进间跑、立定三级跳和5000 m跑。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像分析法、观察法和比较分析等方法,从技术的角度、竞技要素的角度以及生物力学的角度,对网球单反抽球与反手削球进行比较分析,发现两者之间在引拍、挥拍、击球点、随挥、击球的力量、速度、旋转、弧线以及落点等有所差异。结合两项技术的特点,再针对不同的战术、场地、对手等因素,提出如何有效运用这两项技术。  相似文献   

Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that the duration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   

不同锻炼方式对中老年心脏功能影响的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用二次台阶实验方法,对参加12周不同项目锻炼方式的529名中老年人心功能能力进行测试。研究表明,传统体育和慢跑快走锻炼方式对提高中、老年男子和中年女子的心功能能力效果显著。同时球类项目锻炼方式,不仅对提高中年男子心功能能力有显著效果,同样也对提高老年人的心功能能力有非常显著的效果。有氧体操锻炼方式对中、老年女子心功能能力的提高均有显著效果。  相似文献   


Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that theduration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   

乒乓球击球速度快慢在整个击球过程中所表现出来的形式和要求是不同的,有其内在规律,要重点从击球形式方面去分析理解  相似文献   

This study examined the haemolytic effects of an interval-based running task in fore-foot and rear-foot striking runners. Nineteen male distance runners (10 fore-foot, 9 rear-foot) completed 8 × 3 min repeats at 90% vVO2peak on a motorised treadmill. Pre- and post-exercise venous blood samples were analysed for serum haptoglobin to quantify the haemolytic response to running. Vertical ground reaction forces were also captured via a force plate beneath the treadmill belt. Haptoglobin levels were significantly decreased following exercise (P = 0.001) in both groups (but not between groups), suggesting that the running task created a haemolytic stress. The ground reaction force data showed strong effect sizes for a greater peak force (= 1.20) and impulse (= 1.37) in fore-foot runners, and a greater rate of force development (= 2.74) in rear-foot runners. The lack of difference in haptoglobin response between groups may be explained by the trend for fore-foot runners to experience greater peak force and impulse during the stance phase of their running gait, potentially negating any impact of the greater rate of force development occurring from the rear-foot runners’ heel strike. Neither type of runner (fore-foot or rear-foot) appears more susceptible to technique-related foot-strike haemolysis.  相似文献   

分析乒乓球双打的特点,主要表现在交战双方队员的组成不同;技术特点(击球点、接球节奏、击球手法,步法移动等)不同;战术要求(发抢、接发球、击球落点,技战术组合,比赛心理等)不同和双打训练要点的不同。  相似文献   

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