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资产负债表日后调整事项的会计处理视同资产负债表所属期间发生的事项进行账务处理,对涉及损益的事项,通过“以前年度损益调整”科目核算;对涉及利润分配的事项,通过“利润分配一未分配利润”科目核算;对不涉及损益和利润分配的事项,调整相应科目,并调整会计报表中相关的事项。  相似文献   

在按权益法对长期股权投资进行核算时,需要在“长期股权投资”总账科目下设置较多的明细科目,这给会计核算增加了一些难度。本文首先分析了设置这些明细账户的原因;然后,按影响被投资单位所有者权益变化的因素,对这些明细科目进行了分类,并对各明细账户进行了解析;最后,详细介绍了每一明细账户的使用方法。  相似文献   

近几年来驾校培训行业火爆,驾校也越来越多,其财务核算方法,主要问题是收入确认的不规范.结合权责发生制的原则和收入确认的准则,“以当月开票金额确认当月的收入”和按“科目三合格”作为驾校核算收入实现的依据都是不正确的,建议按完工百分比法确认收入,并按单科合格作为当期核算收入实现的依据.  相似文献   

高校后勤企业设置往来账及往来款项科目,主要是正确反映及核算企业的债权债务,其目的是加强单位核算,使单位权益免受损失. 所谓的往来帐,就是单位的应收应付款项的统称,是企业在经济业务中与其他单位和本单位个人发生的待结算款项.往来账按其性质可分为两大类:应收款类,应付款类.包括:应收账款、应付账款、预付账款、其他应付款等.应收账款,是核算企业因提供劳务、开展有偿服务及销售产品等业务应收取的款项.应按债务单位或个人名称设置明细账.应付账款,核算企业因购买材料,物资或接受劳务供应而应付给供应单位的款项.  相似文献   

新的《高等学校财务制度》规定高等学校预算外资金必须实行财政专户管理。在新制度下如何核算好预算外资金,是摆在我们每个财会工作者面前的一个重要问题.本文本着用一个帐户的次级科目来反映预算外资金收入的完整性,以最节约的劳动进行会计核算、来满足会计报表和财务工作的需要原则.进行了以下探讨:实行全额缴入财政办法的高等学校,在“应缴财政专户款”下设二级科目核算;实行按比例缴入财政专户办法高等学校和实行接结余缴入财政办法的高等学校.在“教育事业收入──核准留用预算资金”下设三级科目核算。  相似文献   

材料的计价及会计处理李向东材料的计价是指企业进行日常材料收发核算时所采用的计价方法。《企业会计准则》规定,各种存货应当按取得时的实际成本核算。但存货的日常核算,既可以按实际成本计价,也可以按计划成本计价。作为主要存货的材料,其日常核算也应如此。会计处...  相似文献   

高等学校的事业支出是指高等学校开展教学、科研及其辅助活动发生的支出。事业支出涵盖了高等学校的绝大部分正常经费支出,是学校总支出中最重要的组成部分。对事业支出的管理是高等学校财务管理的重要任务。因此,高等学校的财务人员应加强对事业支出的核算与管理,为预算完成情况提供依据,为改善管理、提高学校的资金使用效率提供依据。一、事业支出的内容1.事业支出按用途进行分类。按支出用途进行分类,就是政府预算支出科目中“目”级科目的内容,包括:人员支出、公用支出、对个人和家庭的补助支出三大类。(1)人员支出。人员支出包括基本工…  相似文献   

用友8.X系统在原有会计科目基础上,对某些科目的结构进行了调整,那就是通过辅助核算来对明细科目进行核算管理,这样做不仅减少了很多重复的科目设置,还使会计科目之间建立起一种横向的联系。  相似文献   

随着新企业会计准则的实施,企业核算方式及内容发生了很大的变化.因此很多的会计业务处理所使用的会计科目都不尽规范,这些会使新准则的推行阻力重重.笔者通过对准则及应用指南的研究,把新旧科目所变化的名称,核算内容都列示在本文中,相信会给读者带来一些方便或帮助.  相似文献   

用友8.X系统在原有会计科目基础上,对某些科目的结构进行了调整,那就是通过辅助核算来对明细科目进行核算管理,这样做不仅减少了很多重复的科目设置,还使会计科目之间建立起一种横向的联系.  相似文献   

随着教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的颁布和我校国家示范性高职院校建设的加强,笔者认为:应该在在学生注册管理制度、学生思想品德的考核与鉴定制度、学生欠交学费催缴制度、对违纪学生处理制度和学生结业与肄业制度等五个方面进行必要的完善。  相似文献   

高职院校学生交费收入是关乎着学校各项工作顺利发展的重要保障。而目前高职院校学生交费中还存在着一些问题和不足,主要体现在收费方式、收费软件、信息沟通等管理环节。为了应对这些问题,更有效地做好学生交费工作,方便学生交费,在此对当前高职院校学生交费中出现的问题进行了分析,提出了改革学生交费工作的对策。应根据实际情况,探索搞好学生交费工作的措施和办法,使学生交费工作逐步走上系统化、规范化、科学化的轨道。  相似文献   

金亮贤 《丽水学院学报》2004,26(1):19-22,68
学生伤害事故是学校办学过程中难以避免的一种客观现实,也是困扰学校工作、影响教育教学秩序的严重问题。学生伤害事故一重预防,二重处理。要从法律角度正确界定学生伤害事故.明确各方在发生学生伤害事故之后的法律责任,并及时、妥善处理损害赔偿问题?切实维护学校、教师和学生的合法权益。  相似文献   

The regular operation expenses for training the trainees should be paid for by the sponsoring unit. The training fee scale is as follows: for each student of nondegree courses 1,000 yuan a year for engineering, medicine, or art; 900 yuan for agriculture and forestry, science (including science in teacher-training institutions), or physical education; 700 yuan for liberal arts (including liberal arts offered by teacher-training institutions), finance and economy, or law and administration. For students of cadre and staff secondary specialized courses run by secondary specialized schools, the scale is: 650 yuan a year for every student in engineering, medicine, or art; 550 yuan for agriculture, forestry, or physical education; 450 yuan for teacher-training, finance and economy, law and administration, or other disciplines. Ninety percent of the training fees collected by the institutions should be dispensed as automatically increased appropriations. Ten percent should be deposited in the school endowment and be coordinated according to relevant regulations. Training fees collected by secondary specialized schools should be turned over to their financial divisions to be dispensed as automatically increased appropriations.  相似文献   

More than 40 years of research has found a positive relationship between increases in the proportion of non-resident students enrolling in an institution and increases in the tuition prices this institution charges to these same students. Notably, this line of research has consistently treated this non-resident student body as if they constitute a homogeneous group in terms of their socioeconomic well-being, when in reality these students come from states with differing levels of socioeconomic prosperity. Notably, given that tuition and fee charges to non-resident students are market-based, institutions charge what out-of-state students are willing to pay. Under this rationale, it follows that the wealthier the student body of an institution is, the more institutions will be able to charge them in terms of tuition and fees for their education. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it offers a method to measure the level of wealth of the non-resident student body enrolling at an institution considering the level of wealth of these students’ home states, therefore creating a measure of heterogeneity of the non-resident student body. The second purpose is to evaluate whether this measure of heterogeneity is associated with larger increases in the net tuition and fee prices charged to these students compared to the increases related to the homogeneous structure that ignores these students’ home-state wealth. This twofold purpose was addressed utilizing a dataset built from regional, state, and institutional information of 1743 public and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions across the contiguous United States. Since all the outcome variables were found to be spatially dependent, spatial econometrics techniques were employed for model estimation. Results corroborated that treating non-resident students as a homogeneous structure rendered downwardly biased estimates of institutions’ abilities and/or decisions to set higher or lower tuition and fee prices compared to the estimates obtained using the heterogeneous structure. Considering current general disinvestment of states in higher education, the analysis of factors driving non-resident tuition and fee price-setting has become especially relevant for public policy officials and decision-makers at both the institution- and state-levels. Accordingly, this study examines a critical issue in the finance of higher education—the setting of institutional tuition and fees for non-resident students.  相似文献   

This paper outlines three common organisational structures for the administration of full fee programs for overseas students, as well as one transitional structure.

The most effective of the structures appears to be one which is centralised and autonomous because it enables the institution to respond rapidly and effectively to student demands, government regulations and marketing requirements.  相似文献   

“校园一卡通”的普及和推广,给高校学生收费管理带来了改革与创新。基于金陵科技学院“校园一卡通”在学生收费管理中的实践,指出“校园一卡通”在学生收费管理过程中存在的主要问题,提出如何加快高校学生收费管理的改革以适应“校园一卡通”的发展。  相似文献   

高校学生校外实习伤害事故的法律救济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前高校学生校外实习伤害事故的法律救济主要是合同法和侵权责任法的救济,它存在明显的缺陷,应该引入社会保障法的救济,引入工伤保险机制,即可以参照《工伤保险条例》的有关待遇标准,由当地工伤保险经办机构发给受害实习学生一次性补偿。工伤保险经办机构不得向有关学校和实习单位收取保险费用。  相似文献   

关于江西民办高校发展的考察报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江西民办高校面向全国教育市场和技术人才需求市场,定位于高等职业技术教育,依靠公民个人投资和收费办学滚动发展,规模和影响已在全面名列前茅。民办高校在江西的迅速发展,即有社会大环境、大趋势的推动,也得益于江西自身的优势。它的成功有利于经济发展和社会进步,也创造了许多值得公办高校借鉴的办学模式管理经验。民办高校进一步发展面临着很多矛盾和问题,需要办学单位和政府部门予以高度重视,着力解决。  相似文献   

中美高校学生事务管理从发展过程、内容到特点存在很大差异,通过对两者的比较研究,提出了提高我国学生事务管理水平的几点建议:树立以学生为本的服务理念、在学生事务管理中加强学生的自主性和加强学生事务管理队伍建设。  相似文献   

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