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语文感悟学习是一种真正发挥学生主动性的学习,它将学生看成是完整的人,是一种以人为本的学习方式.整体性、主体性、情感性、灵活性是它的特点.实施感悟学习应该从学生和教师两方面着手.  相似文献   

语文感悟学习本质上是以人为本,以思为中心,以积累为前提,以对话为手段的整体认知的一种学习方式。语文感悟学习是一种真正地发挥学生主动性的学习。它的最终目的是尊重人的独特性,建构人的完整性。  相似文献   

感悟式阅读教学是一种符合语学习规律的教学方式,它既重视了语课程丰富的人内涵对学生精神领域的影响,又注意发挥了学生作为学习主体的主动性,是加强主体教育,促进学生发展,转变传统课堂教学弊端的有力举措。  相似文献   

行动感悟教学是以培养学生综合职业能力为目标的一种教学理念。它以教为主导,学为主体,德为主线,会为核心,让学生在充满快乐、活力的环境中,全身心地参与到学习活动中,在行动中感悟道理,在感悟中收获知识、技能和素养。  相似文献   

感悟教学法的理论思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
感悟教学法是新课程大纲所倡导的重要的课堂教学方法之一,其独特之处在于关注个体在知识传承链接中的发展流程,引导学生学会生存,学会做人.感悟教学法有其自身的理论基础和基本框架,对感悟教学法的源头思考有助于课堂教学过程中对感悟教学法的实际运用,使教师能够重新审视自己,并以人文精神延展生命的张力,改变学生的学习方式,凸显学习主体的中心地位,让学习成为学生的一种内需,从而使课堂教学恢复青春活力.  相似文献   

“感悟”是一种复杂的心智和情感活动,也是一种心理素质和心理能力,培养学生具有感悟学习的能力是语文课堂阅读教学的重点之一。语文感悟式阅读是指在教师指导下,学生联系已有的知识和经验,调动情感和想象,体味、领悟课文内涵的一种学习方式。感悟式阅读教学可以从以下几个方面八手:积累体验、诵读涵泳、创设情境、联想想象、质疑讨论和点拔引导等。  相似文献   

建构理论下的化学感悟能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建构主义理论是在认知理论基础上发展起来的一种新型学习理论,是“教育心理学领域中正在发生的一场革命”。化学新课程改革的理念是以提高学生的科学素养为宗旨,本文试从建构主义这一视角来探讨化学学习中的感悟能力的培养,阐述建构理论的关键假设和启示与化学感悟素养的关系,并结合作者的教学实践提出了感悟能力培养的几种方法。  相似文献   

钱钟书先生说过:“学道学诗,非悟不进。”可见,读书感悟是学习语文的一条重要的传统经验。感悟是语文教学中最重要的实践活动,感悟能力是学生的一种基本素质,学生阶段是感悟能力形成和提高的关键时期。[第一段]  相似文献   

感悟是一种体验和理解,是在学习过程中除了能正确、合理地运用逻辑推理手段进行思考外,还能经常变换思考角度,伴以直觉猜想、灵感悟性等非逻辑成份,升华事物的本质,实现认识上的飞跃。感悟跟学习者的主动参与程度有关,跟教育者的诱导启发相联。新的《普通高中数学课程标准》指出数学学习中应该让学生“在思考、探索和交流的过程中获得对数学较为全面的体验和理解”。可是在传统的数学教学中感悟是没有一席之地的,教师注重的是:讲授、训练、作业、考试等一些有形的东西,对数学学习中如何培养学生的体验、感悟这些无形的东西往往是忽视的。在课程改革的今天,感悟对于数学学习的作用更非同一般。本文就数学学习中如何让学生有所感悟作一点肤浅的评析以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

培养学生感悟的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统的感悟披上了神秘主义的外衣,无迹可求。现行小学语文教学培养学生感悟的策略基本上是诵读、体验、涵泳、联想、想象而已。去掉感悟的神秘主义外衣,从现代认知心理学的角度来重新认识并把握它。悟,就是直觉。感悟,就是悟。感悟的关键是要有某事某物的“触发”。培养学生感悟,就要抓住“愤”、“悱”,寻求感悟机缘,“感悟”才会随时伴随学生左右。  相似文献   

Notes and News     
The pedagogical advisors play a central role in students’ experience of the training process. Nevertheless, the students’ perception of the role of the pedagogical advisor is absent. Consequently, our study focused on this missing link. Our study included 118 participants enrolled in an academic teacher training education program in one college in Israel. Open questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews were used to ascertain—for the first time in Israel—students’ views of the role of the pedagogical advisors. A uniform voice identified in participants’ responses clearly expressed a desire to be viewed as partners and have a more active role in the program in terms of their own learning process. At the same time, they also expected their pedagogical advisors to lend not only professional but also personal support and to help them cope with all aspects of the program.  相似文献   

The twofold purpose of this study is to identify engineering students’ perceptions of a problem-based learning environment and to analyse the influence of their personal situation, general interest in engineering and ability to succeed on their perception, after they were exposed to PBL for the first time. Based on an adjusted version of the problem-based learning environment inventory [Senocak, E. 2009. “Development of an Instrument for Assessing Undergraduate Science Students’ Perceptions: The Problem-based Learning Environment Inventory.” Journal of Science Education Technology 18 (6): 560–569], data regarding students’ perception were collected through a questionnaire survey and analysed by applying exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The analysis revealed a three-factorial PBL environment consisting of learning facilitator support, student responsibility and project quality, with strong influences of students’ personal situation on project quality, interest on the learning facilitator support and ability to succeed on students’ responsibility. Supporting students’ general interest in engineering seems to improve their perception of the learning facilitator support and ensuring students’ ability to succeed in a PBL environment seems to increase students’ awareness of their own responsibility.  相似文献   

调查研究发现,中小学学生语言能力的性别差异日益明显,其成因与家庭教育、学校教育等教育者潜在的、传统的性别意识、性别期待和性别偏见有关,也与学生在传统性别偏见影响下形成的性别意识和心理暗示有关。为此,教育者应该具备科学、觉醒的性别意识,摒弃性别偏见,身体力行地进行正确的性别教育,鼓励学生学业上无性别差异的发展。  相似文献   

Peer assessment provides students with multiple benefits during their learning process. The aim of our study is to examine students’ perception of peer assessment. Questionnaires were administered before and after the peer-assessment process to 416 students studying 11 different subjects in four different fields taught at the University of Girona. Results suggest that students have a positive predisposition towards this methodology, both before and after its implementation. Students perceive it as a both motivating and recommended methodology that facilitates the acquisition of learning at different levels. As for its limitations, students highlight the responsibility that comes with it and a certain amount of distrust in fellow students’ abilities to peer-assess.  相似文献   

Students’ educational engagement is both an important predictor of study success and a key preventive factor for dropout. Vocational tracks in secondary education show high dropout rates. There is strong evidence that the solution to educational disengagement lies in student‐centred, powerful learning environments (PLEs). This study investigates characteristics of PLEs from the perspective of students in vocational secondary education. Students’ perspectives on a learning environment are crucial for their satisfaction and learning engagement. Therefore, we investigated whether the perceived learning environment meets the requirements of PLEs, and to what extent it meets students’ preferences. Additionally, it was investigated whether students who perceive their learning environment as more powerful, are also more engaged for school. Survey data of 532 students showed that student perceptions of their current learning environment were largely discrepant from the characteristics of PLEs. Students strongly asked for more challenging learning pathways, in combination with adaptive learning support. Students who perceived the characteristics of PLEs as being present, reported higher satisfaction and stronger engagement than students who perceived their education to be a less powerful environment. There is a need to redesign curricula in vocational education in such a way that these more intensely implement characteristics of PLEs.  相似文献   

赵希斌 《教育学报》2006,2(4):91-96
学生对教师评价行为的知觉包括“明确目标”、“收集信息”、“反馈改进”、“关注过程”、“激励期望”和“沟通理解”等六个维度。学生学习心理包括学习兴趣、深层学习动机、学习效能感和自我监控等4个方面。本研究采用问卷法,以小学4年级到初中3年级共746名学生为研究对象,探讨不同学习成绩学生对教师评价行为知觉与其学习心理的关系。结果表明:对于不同学习成绩的学生,对其学习心理有显著预测作用的教师评价行为知觉的侧面是不同的,其知觉与其学习心理关联的程度也是不一样的,对于学习成绩中等的学生来说他们对教师评价行为知觉与其学习心理的关联是最高的。  相似文献   

张晶薇  张莹 《海外英语》2014,(20):298-300
With the development of economic globalization,international communication and integration,English for Specific Purpose turned up and has enjoyed much popularity since recent years. In the contemporary society,ESP teaching becomes an increasing prominent teaching course. This paper will focus on the ESP teaching and learning,especially the students’ expectation of ESP course. At first,it will introduce the great importance and background of ESP teaching. Then,it will review the definition,categories and traits of ESP. In the end,it will mainly concern about students’ expectation and perception of ESP course.The main purpose of this paper is to bring up some constructive suggestions for ESP teaching and learning. It suggests that to achieve the goal of facilitating ESP teaching and learning effectively can be realized by understanding the characteristics of ESP teaching and learners’ learning style,choosing the suitable teaching materials,creating some specific fields of this study which is relevant practically,mapping out appropriate evaluation. As for students,they should set up clear goals for ESP learning,adopt such appropriate learning method as the self-construction way,and try the cooperative learning pattern. Besides,ESP teachers also play an important role in this process. They can achieve the success of ESP teaching through planning course design at advance including considering and understanding students’ expectation of ESP course,their characteristics,learning goals and appropriate teaching materials,which all contribute to positive ESP learning experience.  相似文献   

翻转课堂、混合课堂等新型教学模式的出现,让学生可以通过在线视频提前预习知识。但是,在这种非面对面的课堂,教师无法观察到学生观看视频的状态,不易识别预期的教学难点与学生在视频学习过程中实际感知到的难点是否一致。为解决这一问题,文章通过采集学生预习视频时的交互行为数据还原学生的视频观看轨迹,采用聚类分析法来诊断学生预习视频时感知到的实际难点;同时,通过对在线测试答题正确率进行分析得到的结论、半结构化访谈中学生对视频学习难易度的反馈分别与对学生视频观看轨迹进行聚类得出的结论进行对比,发现结果趋于一致,由此验证了文章提出的难度感知诊断方法的可行性与有效性。难度感知诊断方法依靠客观行为数据更加精准地掌握学生的学习难点,为提高课堂教学效率提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

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