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The desire to be close to nature and live in tune with it grew as industrialisation, urbanisation and the impact of technology became increasingly ubiquitous at the turn of the twentieth century. Throughout Europe, model schools were established in rural environments. These private reform schools could not solve the problems of public urban schools. Founded on the initiative of teachers and parents, the Schullandheim (rural school hostel) emerged as a new form bringing urban education and schooling close to nature after the First World War in Germany. Even if related pedagogic activities developed at that time in other countries there is no evidence for comparable institutions. Besides tracing the development of Schullandheime, the article shows how the school hostel idea was embedded in the contemporary educational discussion about the influence large cities had on youth and explores the educational and cultural differences within the school hostel movement through the use of visual material.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the educative role of the farm in the development of relationships between young people and the homeplace they grew up on. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with a cohort of 30 Irish university students (15 men and 15 women) brought up on Irish family farms who would not become full-time farmers. The farm acts as an educational tool through which broader cultural and familial norms of land ownership, succession and affiliations with the land are transmitted to the next generation. This is manifested through, for example, the creation of foundational stories about their forebearers’ influence on the physical appearance of the farm. The resulting place attachments are of profound depth and serve a key role in the succession process in helping to build a sense of duty and responsibilisation into the next generation’s relationship with the landholding.  相似文献   


This research analyses the impact of home practices, sociodemographic variables (family income and parents’ education) and attendance at a formal education programme prior to the development of early literacy skills of 240 children (four years old) from rural and urban disadvantaged families starting nursery school in Chile. The results show that the development of literacy skills was higher in urban children. In rural areas, family practices (words games) and family income had the most predictive weight on the performance of children and no differences were found between those who attended a prior educational programme and those who remained at home; while in urban areas, programme attendance had the highest impact, so that children who remained at home attained a lower developmental level, similar to those of rural areas. The implications of these findings for educational practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   


Based on the data collected in a one-year long fieldwork in Zhong, a county located in middle part of China, this article reconsiders the concept of “useless schooling,” which was proposed in recent studies on the perceptions of value of education among lower-class rural residents in China. It calls for a understanding of those changes in the macro social structure, which becomes increasingly stratified, and the emerging patterns of educational opportunity structure in the era of social transformation, and argues that this is the base for the understanding lower-class rural parents’ perceptions on the value of schooling. This article employs Bourdieu’s concept of “habitus” and conceptualizes the process of how lower-class rural residents form their value on school education as a process of structural factors being internalized into individual dispositions. Based on the data collected, this article proposes to use the concept of “hopeless schooling” to capture their perceptions on the value of school education. It emphasizes that the emerging education opportunity structure and differentiated chances of social mobility by different social groups have gradually been transformed into a stratified pattern of “expectations” for education and social mobility, and proposes the need to examine the ongoing solidification of social structure in this period of transformation.  相似文献   


The Internet has the potential to enable older adults to live a socially active and self-determined life. An important facet of active aging is participation in outdoor activity. Previous research has shown that older Internet users participated more frequently in outdoor activities. However, understanding of how Internet use can influence the behavior of going outdoors is still limited. To bridge this gap, the goal of this study was to examine whether informational Internet use specific to opportunities and offerings in the city facilitates participation in outdoor activity. Primary survey data from individuals aged 65+ living in a medium-sized city in Europe (N = 1,117) was analyzed. The results show that Internet as an information source predicted community activity for participants living in urban neighborhoods but not in a rural neighborhood. Further, informational Internet use predicted cultural activity for residents living in all three neighborhoods. The results thus emphasize the positive effect of informational Internet use on behavior through providing older adults with useful information about opportunities and offerings available in their neighborhood. Taken together, the findings provide a rationale for the development of digital neighborhood platforms and interventions targeted at older adults’ digital skills.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in eight secondary schools located in two watersheds in Gujarat and Rajasthan (semi-arid region of India) to assess students’ perceptions about groundwater scarcity issues and the impact of the scarcity on their educational opportunities. Survey responses to a detailed questionnaire by a cohort of students in both watersheds; school attendance records of year 8 class students (13–14 years old) and responses gathered via a socio-economic survey involving 500 families in the study area were used in the study. In both watersheds, >90% students identified groundwater scarcity as a major issue. Required to work at home or farm, about 65% students in Gujarat and 60% in Rajasthan missed school for up to 2 days/month; and a smaller proportion (~ 30%) missed schools for 4 or more days/month. School absenteeism was found to be linked with gender; female students missed schools more frequently than their male counterpart. The school attendance records in Rajasthan showed that the frequency of female students missing schools for 5 or more days/month was on an average 2–10 times greater than that for males. The gender difference in absenteeism in all schools was statistically significant (P?<?.018**). The study highlighted that groundwater scarcity in the study area, and consequent demand on their time for household work including fetching drinking water are contributing factors towards limiting their educational and economic opportunities. Groundwater scarcity can be one of the key factors that can limit inclusiveness and empowerment of women and need to be considered in policy-making.  相似文献   

在我国城市产权改革和农村产权改革非平衡的发展过程中,耕地流失成了一个十分严峻的社会经济问题。从浙江省非农地化系数、农村居民非农业就业机会和农村居民收入之间的关系(2009)02统计分析和实证,我们发现:这种大规模的耕地流失并不能被完全归结为经济发展需求,与全国其他地方一样,城市和农村产权改革在土地所有权安排上的非平衡,给了浙江省各级政府和其他经济主体大量圈占耕地的制度可能。  相似文献   

城乡用地结构和布局直接或间接低影响土地利用的集约程度。笔者通过对托克托县建设用地历史、现状数量和结构进行了较为系统的分析。结果显示:城乡建设用地和独立工矿用地增加迅速、农村居民点用地变化不大;存在着供需矛盾突出、人均农村居民点用地比重偏大,建设用地利用效率偏低,集约利用水平低等问题。针对以上问题,笔者提出优化城乡用地结构和布局的对策措施。  相似文献   


The quality of rural teachers is a key factor affecting the quality of rural education. A better understanding of rural teachers is the basis for strengthening their development. It is possible to obtain a more holistic understanding of rural teachers’ work and life through their identity. Based on a wealth of case-based information, rural teacher identities are conceptualized as rootless transients, hometown educators, and rural knowledge workers. Rural teacher identity is influenced by a number of social, school-based, and individual factors. A holistic identity for rural teachers requires the integration and balance of traditional rural culture and urban culture.  相似文献   


Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow (1734-1805) - squire, educational reformer, writer of textbooks and agricultural innovator - tried in the true spirit of Enlightenment to impart the concept of reason to the people, especially countryfolk. In Rochow's view, the rural population's situation had to be improved materially as well as intellectually in order to alleviate the misery of wide sections of the population and thus to achieve an improvement of public welfare. His Enlightenment interest was primarily aimed at pedagogical reforms in order to teach children in the rural communities "how to think" and - influenced through a moral-philosophical thinking at that time - to lay the foundations for moral judgement in their minds. The article deals with the question of what influence Rochow's pedagogical thoughts and school reforms had on other school projects of the Enlightenment. Taking the development of the School of Industry (1788-1811) in Hamburg as an example, I shall take a closer look at the transfer to urban areas of the educational ideas that originally related to the rural space. The development of the School of Industry highlighted the fact that Rochow's pedagogical thoughts could not simply be transferred to the urban space, even though the problem of poverty and a new work ethic had initiated the reform projects in both areas. The different life worlds of city and countryside and, especially, the specific situation and living conditions of the urban underclasses had to be considered for the institutional, organisational and curricular formation of the school project in the city.  相似文献   


The study aims to explore attitudes of the United Arab Emirates University students towards the handicapped. A sample of 313 students, conventionally drawn, took the College Students' Attitude Scale towards the Handicapped. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in favour of females vs males, single vs married, residents vs non‐residents, families with handicapped children, previous contact with handicapped and urban vs rural groups. Several recommendations are suggested at the end of the study.  相似文献   

目的了解仙居居民对食管癌认知状况和获取相关知识的途径,为制定有效的健康教育措施提供依据。方法用自制问卷入户对台州仙居县城镇和乡村19~83岁的382名本地居民就食管癌认知状况进行调查,并对调查结果行统计学分析。结果 39.8%的居民认识到吸烟、食管慢性炎症、遗传这三者为食管癌发病的高危因素;城镇居民和乡村居民对食管癌的知晓率分别为50.8%和18.0%(P〈0.01);城镇居民和乡村居民知道食管癌高发原因的比例分别为36.5%和13.3%(P〈0.01);居民获取食管癌疾病相关知识的主要途径是电视及网络(40.84%)。结论仙居城镇和乡村居民对食管癌相关知识认知程度之间的差异有统计学意义,应重点做好低文化程度乡村居民的健康教育工作,以提高居民对食管癌的认知水平。  相似文献   

文章选取安徽省1995-2012年间城乡居民消费支出数据,通过ELES模型(扩展线性支出系统模型)对安徽省城乡居民基本需求支出、边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性进行实证分析,结果发现:安徽省城乡居民消费结构存在显著差异,城镇居民消费水平和质量明显高于农村,城镇居民更倾向于享受型和发展型消费,而农村居民在满足温饱的条件下,更侧重于居住条件的改善。为进一步完善安徽省城乡居民消费结构,可以从增加农村居民的收入水平、缩小城乡收入差距,增大对农村的基础设施投入,建立健全社会保障体系,以及转变居民的消费观念入手,减少城镇与农村的二元消费结构现状。  相似文献   


This study attempts to investigate the relationship between the reported test results within educational psychologists’ (EP) assessments and the actual provision specified on the Statements of Special Educational Needs issued by a local educational authority within the UK under the terms of the 1993 Education Act. Data were drawn from the EPs operating in both rural and urban areas. A discriminant function analysis was applied to the data which indicated cognitive ability and writing speed assessments were correlated with the provision outcomes of the statementing procedures. The relative insignificance of educational attainments, especially reading scores, in affecting these decisions was an unexpected finding of the study. The results raise the significance of the discriminant function analyses’ ability to produce a probability score, given a particular case's test profile, of the most likely provision that will be allocated on the basis of how such profiles have been interpreted in the past. The feedback of such information to the Special Needs Departments would contribute to the quality ‐monitoring process by stimulating consistency in decision‐making as specifically referred to in the recent Code of Practice  相似文献   


This article explores the discourse practices of an Indigenous, community-based charter school and its efforts to create space for Indigenous both/and identities across rural–urban divides. The ethnographic portrait of Urban Native Middle School (UNMS) analyzes the discourse of making ‘a space for you’, which brings together rural and urban youth to braid binary constructs such as Indigenous and western knowledge, into a discourse of Indigenous persistence constraining contexts of schooling. We use the concept of ‘reterritorialization’ to discuss the significance of UNMS’s community effort to create a transformative space and place of educational opportunity with youth. The local efforts of this small community to reterritorialize schooling were ultimately weakened under the one-size-fits-all accountability metrics of No Child Left Behind policy. This ethnographic analysis ‘talks back’ to static definitions of identity, space and learning outcomes which fail to recognize the dynamic and diverse interests of Indigenous communities across rural – urban landscapes.  相似文献   


Australian higher educational history illustrates the tensions that exist between the city and the country over the provision of university education. While for many non-Australians the nation appears as the land of the outback the reality is that Australia is dominated by the city where the majority of the population live and where governments and their policy advisers are located. This article compares the attempts of two of Australia's historic rural cities to establish universities. These cities are Armidale, New South Wales and Bendigo, Victoria. Their attempts illustrate a persistent theme in Australia's educational history - namely conflict over equitable educational provision for Australia's rural residents. The proposal to establish a university at Armidale represented a major departure from the traditional Australian policy of universities in capital cities only as it was the first time that an Australian rural city was chosen as the site of a university. However, the establishment of Australia's first rural university was later used to thwart the establishment of additional country universities. In 1938 when it succeeded in establishing its university Armidale was a small inland city of 10,000 inhabitants economically reliant on agriculture. Armidale depended on the efforts of a former farmer and now influential member of state parliament, Drummond, who faced opposition from capital city based state governments, to establish a university. The Armidale campaign for a local university was driven by powerful rural discontent, which stressed the economic and social importance of Australia's primary industries and their associated country towns while simultaneously arguing that metropolitan cities dominated Australian life and politics. Armidale's university campaign was based on the typical Australian philosophy of a "fair go" for country people. Drummond relied on the support of the citizens of Armidale and their defensive loyalty to the country. Many of their beliefs irrationally extolled the virtues of the country, the wickedness of the city, and the conspiracy of governments against the country. Drummond fully realized that the majority of Australia's population lived in the capital cities and the commercial, financial and cultural affairs of the state originated there. However, he realized that this also led to an attitude that assumed that nothing good could come out of the country. Bendigo with a population of 46,000 made its attempts to secure a university in 1970. Located in country Victoria the city originally derived its wealth from gold mining but now depended on its role as an administrative and service center for an agricultural community. Bendigo leaders were influenced by state government policies of the time, which aimed to create towns and cities throughout the state where living conditions would be similar to those in the capital city. Just as at Armidale previously, Bendigo leaders realized that to secure decentralization of services in the state attractive educational facilities, including a university, were essential. Bendigo leaders used arguments reminiscent of those previously used in Armidale in their efforts to establish a local university. They spoke of the quality of life in smaller communities, the social advantages of decentralization, the necessity of equitable educational provision for all Australians, the lack of university facilities outside the Melbourne metropolitan area and the loss of country population to the city because of a lack of educational facilities in the country. However, their campaign also met with strong and almost hysterical resistance from the state's university leaders who noted that the concept of a country university was educationally undesirable. Very importantly the citizens of Bendigo confronted a much different educational system to that of their earlier Armidale counterparts. Of most importance the who now had full responsibility for funding of university education would not support the establishment of a university in Bendigo. Reasons for this reluctance included the lack of potential students in the Bendigo area and fear that the establishment of country universities would lead to a reduction in funding for city based universities because small campuses were seen as more expensive to establish and operate than large city ones. There were also fears that establishing a university in Bendigo would lead to the destruction of the Australian binary system of higher education. In any case it was argued that it was simply unfeasible to provide the same degree of access to university facilities for country students as was available to their city counterparts as it was not economically and educationally possible. It is likely that governments used the university at Armidale to argue against the establishment of a country-based university at Bendigo. They reasoned that the University of New England illustrated that country universities were small, second rate, had difficulties in attracting staff (who were diffident about going to country locations) and were especially expensive.  相似文献   


The role of political factors, specifically of public opinion, in the relatively low penetration of charter schools into rural America remains unclear. We use 8 years of national survey data to demonstrate that rural residents express less support for charter schools than residents of other locales do. We attribute this gap to differences in familiarity with charter schools across these locales rather than to differences in satisfaction with local schools or to differences in demographics, party affiliation, or political ideology. However, using a survey experiment and an oversample of districts with charter schools, we show that increased exposure to these schools or information about them does not boost support in rural communities. Lastly, we demonstrate a similar urban-rural gap in support for private school choice policies such as vouchers and tax credits for private school scholarships.  相似文献   


Little is known about the influence of isolation on the vocational choice processes of rural students except that such people often make very traditional career decisions. In remote areas of Australia vocational choice has to be considered at a comparatively early stage of a student's education because of the lack of full, locally available secondary education facilities. Students, in some cases accompanied by their families, migrate to urban centres to complete years 11 and 12 in order to matriculate. In the Western Australian community in which this study was located, the influence of family and school on the vocational decisions of 24 rural students was investigated. Family influence was found to be much stronger than that of the school, a matter that has implications for schools that are remote from vocational opportunities.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effect of Ethnoscience instruction and moderating effects of school location and parental educational status on students' attitude to science. It employed pretest-posttest, non-equivalent control group quasiexperimental design. Participants were 352 Junior Secondary School 1 (aged 9–12 years) students from two schools, each in urban and rural areas of Ìbàdàn, southwestern Nigeria. Instruments used are: Teachers Instructional Guide on Ethnoscience instruction, Teachers Instructional Guide on Modified Lecture Method and Attitude Toward Science Scale (r?=?0.86). Three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance. Significant main effect of treatment on attitude to science (F(1, 347)?=?296, p?<?0.05) was recorded, with Ethnoscience instruction group performing better than the Modified Lecture Method group. Effect size of treatment was strong (η2 p?=?0.46). Also recorded were significant main effects of school location (F(1, 347)?=?10.2, p?<?.05) and parental educational status (F(1, 347?=?3.37), p <?0.05) on students' attitude to science with weak effect sizes (η2 p?=?0.029 and η2 p?=?0.019 respectively). Learners in rural schools performed better than those in urban schools and those from lowly educated parents had better performance than highly educated parents. Ethnoscience instruction promoted learners' attitude to science. Therefore, its use in educational instruction, especially among traditional science learners, should be explored.  相似文献   


National population trends demonstrate a shift in the U.S. ethnic population, similar to changes in the ethnic landscape of U.S. public schools. However, the teaching landscape has not adjusted to align with student demographics. Research highlights the academic and social/emotional benefit for students of color who experience having a teacher of color during their education. Therefore, it is valuable to consider frameworks for increasing the number of teachers of color in the educational landscape. Although there are initiatives for supporting these efforts in urban communities, rural communities often are not seen as having much need in this area. The authors of this article present literature and findings on the impact and needs for diversifying teacher education, and then outline a self-study of the Oregon Teacher Pathway (OTP) as a framework that takes into consideration promising practices for recruiting and supporting preservice teachers of color in rural eastern Oregon and other rural and urban communities.  相似文献   

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